The Best All-rounder

Chapter 8676: statue reproduction

Xia Xia glanced at Brother Ma, and then continued to fight.

He can't stop.

Duguao and Wuming on the side have already fought to their peak.


Xia Xia punched his father.

Xia Xialong also kicked Xia Xia out at the same time.

"It's weird, I obviously cut off the lifeline of the two of you, why is the vitality of the two of you still flowing." Yin Nie looked at the fit person in front of him puzzled.

"Because, from the very beginning, we were not two, but three." Wuming smiled slightly, and then they rushed up again.

three people.

When hearing this.

Summer's body trembled.

But he also gritted his teeth and rushed up again.

"Why is this happening? Is it really going to come this far?" Brother Ma shouted loudly.

His closest people are now fighting here.

Do not!

The little brother yelled.

"Can you stop!!!"

No one responded to him, everyone was fighting.


Brother Xiao Ma knelt on the ground, his two tears fell on the snowflakes, and his body began to be gradually frozen.

He is not the first person to be frozen here.

As long as summer wins.

All frozen people can be defused.

But Brother Ma's tears were not frozen.

When his tears fell on the snowflakes, two statues gradually formed.

Two familiar statues.

Xia Xia and Xia Xia Long are the most familiar statues. When these two statues appeared, the faces of the statues completely changed into Xia Xia and Xia Xia Long.


Xia Xia and Xia Xialong both looked towards this place.

With a wave of Xia Xia's right hand, he threw Brother Xiao Ma's ice sculpture to the side of the sky array. There is a safe area, and the battle will not spread there.

"Sure enough, it's still fate!!" Xia Xialong shook his head mockingly. This is the last thing they want to face, but now, no matter how they don't want to face it, they must face it.

"No matter what it is, I don't care, and I don't believe in destiny. There is nothing that can dominate my destiny." Xia Xia quickly killed his father.

Swish! Swish!

One after another appeared outside.

The God King of the Northern Kingdom and the others were worried about Xia Xia's safety, so they all ran in, but when they saw that the people fighting were Xia Xia and Xia Long, they were all stunned.

The Dragon God's corpse is there, and his people have all dissipated.

They did not see the power of heaven, nor the world, nor the leader of the army of skeletons, nor the leader of the ghost beasts, nor the people who control the flying monsters.

Only the two frozen corpses.

It's Brother Ma and Tian Zhen.


What they saw was the most cruel. Although Xia Xia won those people, the last person Xia Xia faced was his father. This kind of thing is difficult for anyone to accept.

So are they.

They all understand what kind of person summer is.

The decision for him to make at such a time must be very painful.

"It's so strong." Wan Bing saw Yin Nie who was fighting over there. Although he could see half of Duguao's face, he didn't understand what was going on and why this place became like this.

call out!

Yin Nie's attack once again penetrated Wuming's body.

However, the nameless bodies are recovering rapidly, and their vitality is not only not lost, but is constantly growing.

"It's interesting, I finally understand what you mean when you say three people, but no matter how many of you, as long as I smash your dantian and smash your soul, then you all have no chance of surviving." Yin Nie Mian Said expressionlessly.

call out! call out!

Wuming and Duguao's attacks also pierced through the sky.

The two of them attacked Yin Nie at the same time from different angles.

Yin Nie did not dodge, but pointed the sword in his hand directly on their dantian.


The huge power bombarded directly on their dantian.


Two rays of blood appeared on Yin Nie's body.

Yin Nie's shoulders were pierced.


A big mouthful of blood spurted out of Wuming's mouths.

Yin Nie's sword pointed a little, and the endless wind and snow covered them, and then their bodies began to be quickly frozen.

In the end, he still couldn't make it.

Naturally, the summer has also seen the situation here.


Yin Nie's body turned and rushed directly in the direction of Xia Xia.


At this moment, the huge North Country smashed in front of him: "We haven't agreed to move the summer."


Several of them old guys also rushed up.

boom! boom! boom!

All of them were originally severely injured, and could not be compared with Yin Nie at all. Yin Nie's sword tip clicked several times, and they flew out directly, when their bodies fell on the ground.

The body begins to freeze.

that's it.

The few hundred-star sinners who came over were finally completely frozen.

Yin Nie walked in the direction of Xia Xia again.

Boo! Boo! Boo!

At the same time, ten figures fell in front of him, blocking Yin Nie.

"Summer, we bet everything on you, you know the rules of our world, you can't let us lose." No. 1 founder shouted.

Xia Xia didn't look back, he was fighting a crazy battle with his father.

Yin Nie glanced at the ten people in front of him: "Ten soaring periods, not bad, but unfortunately you consume too much, and you can't stop me at all."

boom! boom! boom!

In this way, Yin Nie's attacks were constantly on them. When their ten weapons collided with the white sword, their weapons shattered one by one.


The blood was continuously sprinkled on top of the blood.

"I said you can't stop me." Yin Nie shouted loudly.

"And us!!" Tianhouye shouted loudly. Behind him, there were thousands of experts who had survived the calamity. At this time, these people all rushed up together.


Yin Nie's body took a few steps back.

There are too many people, even him, it is impossible to directly / directly / kill so many people at once, but when he retreats, his feet are on the Tianhan sword and the magic sword.


The magic sword and Tianhan sword melted, and with the flip of his body, they appeared directly in front of him.


The magic sword and Tianhan sword flew out directly, and he also held the white sword in his hand and rushed out quickly.



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