The Best All-rounder

Chapter 845: robbery

At first, everyone heard that voice was very nice, and it seemed that they had heard it somewhere.

When they raised their heads, they couldn't shut their mouths in surprise. They never dreamed that they would be able to see big stars here.

And a superstar.

At this time, the woman at the door can be said to be a household name, and even people in the world know her.

Because she presided over the donation ceremony of the Xia Group.

At that moment, she surpassed all the artists and stars, and her popularity spread all over the world.

She is Yang Ziqi


"I'm here" Xia Xia waved to Yang Ziqi.

Lan Lan and the people at the other table all looked at Xia Xia with disbelief. It turns out that the star friend he just mentioned was Yang Ziqi.

Now, Mr. Wang felt that his face was burning hot, and Sasha felt that she could not wait to find a hole to burrow in.

"Sit here, I heard that you had a hard time doing commercials, so I just asked you to come out to eat hot pot." Xia Xia said very aggressively.

"It's not like you to be so considerate," Yang Ziqi said.

"I didn't invite you" Xia Tian felt that Yang Ziqi had seen through him.

"Is this just like you?" Yang Ziqi nodded.

Li Ying finally understood why he acted so exaggeratedly in the summer just now. He has been belittling himself, saying that he can't compare to Mr. Wang and that he doesn't know any big stars, and Mr. Wang and Sasha are also bragging about how many characters they know. .

As a result, they blew it for a long time, and they didn't see a single star.

But Xia Xia casually called in an internationally famous star, Yang Ziqi.

The Yang Ziqi who presided over the super donation of the Xia Group.

"Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Wang. According to himself, he is very old and knows a lot of celebrities. I thought about introducing you. He said that he would give you a few advertisements casually. You're up." Xia Xia said exaggeratedly.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Wang, the advertisements I receive now are all small, only about tens of millions. Mr. Wang, you are so powerful, can you introduce me to some bigger ones?" Yang Ziqi also pretended to be very excited.

Her acting ability is on par with Xia's.

All the people around took out their mobile phones to take pictures, but they found that the camera functions of their mobile phones were not working well.

The owner of the hotel was also alarmed, and hurriedly asked the security guard to stop the aisle and not allow others to come in to disturb him. He understood that the big star was coming, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If these people scare the big star away, it would be a tragedy. .

"You're joking, you're joking," Mr. Wang said embarrassedly, with a smile on his face.

"No, I'm serious." Yang Ziqi said seriously.

"That's right, Mr. Wang, you have such a wide network of contacts. I specially called her over to meet you, as well as Sister Sasha over there. It is said that big stars have to say hello when they see her, and the photographer on the opposite side, He has taken photos of many female stars, oh no, they are photos." Xia Xia introduced them one by one.

When the three of them heard that Xia Xia introduced them, they were all heartbroken.

Today's B is considered too big.

"Hello Mr. Wang, hello Sister Sasha, hello Mr. Photographer, please don't take pictures of me, I'm afraid," Yang Ziqi said pitifully.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, or you can let Lanlan live. If you block her, her dream will be gone. Do you think so?" Xia Xian asked Mr. Wang.

"Yes, yes." President Wang kept nodding.

"Then Mr. Wang, if you have no other orders, we will have dinner." Xia Xia looked at Mr. Wang and said.

"You eat, you eat" President Wang said with a flattering smile.

"Okay Le Ziqi, you let go and eat, don't be polite to me." Xia Xia said very boldly.

"It's like you asked me." Yang Ziqi looked up at Li Ying, "Thank you, sister."

"You're welcome." Li Ying felt a little embarrassed when Yang Ziqi said that. She didn't expect that a big star like Yang Ziqi would call her sister when she saw her, which also made her feel flattered.


Lan Lan on the side was completely stunned.

Just now, she still looked down on Xia Xia, because Xia Xian didn't have the masculinity of a man, but now she understands that all the things just now were faked by Xia Xia, and now the faces of the three people on the opposite side are completely lost.

Seeing that they were going to eat in the summer, Mr. Wang and the three hurriedly paid the money, and then fled in despair. They ordered those things, but in the end they didn't eat anything.

The people around wanted to come over and ask for autographs, but they were all stopped by the boss.

The boss went to battle in person, and now it is closed, and new customers are not allowed to enter.

"When you talk about you, I'll just have a meal, don't talk, and I'll leave after eating." Yang Ziqi glanced at everyone and said, if this was said from someone else's mouth, I'm afraid everyone would accept it.

But from Yang Ziqi's mouth, Li Ying and Lan Lan were black lines on their faces.

It is a great honor for a big star to come to eat with them, but how can it be described as a meal.

After the meal, Li Ying and Lan Lan didn't say anything, and the big star Yang Ziqi kept her head down to eat without saying anything. After the meal, Yang Ziqi's bodyguard and driver came to pick her up directly.

"Huhu" Li Ying let out a long breath.

"What's the matter?" Xia Xia asked It's too stressful to eat with big stars. "Li Ying said.

"What pressure is there, she is just an ordinary person." Xia Xia said.

"How did you know her? She is the most famous big star now. Even those big Hollywood stars can't compare to her. She is world-class." Lan Lan looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

"I met her on the plane," Xia Xia said.

"Oh, the two of you must have a good relationship. You see, she deliberately helped you to get angry with those three people." Lan Lan nodded.

"It's okay, I saved her," Xia Xia said.

"It must be a hero's way of saving beauty, so is she going to promise her with her body?" Lan Lan became more and more gossip.

"You've also seen that a man like me, wherever he goes, seems like a light in the dark, so charming." Xia Xia said affectionately.

Lan Lan and Li Ying had black lines on their faces.

"Stop, I'm a robber."

Just when they were walking in the summer, a man suddenly came out from behind the tree. He was holding a dagger in his hand and wearing stockings on his head, looking around in a panic.

"You are also a robber, can you not be so nervous and relax." Xia Xia said in a panic when he saw the robber.

"Don't talk nonsense, hand over the money quickly, or I will kill you."

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