The Best All-rounder

Chapter 848: unsightly


A crisp slap sounded in everyone's ears, and Xing Jun was rushing towards Xianxia, ​​and Xing Jun froze in place. He looked at Xiaxia with an incredible face, and he felt that his face was very painful.

It was Xing Jun who was beaten just now, but Xia Xia was the one who beat him.

"You dare to hit me"

Xing Jun looked at Xia Xia with an incredible look on his face. He didn't expect that this poor boy would dare to beat him.


A crisp applause.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Xia Xia's slap directly slapped Xing Jun around in a circle.

The other two were also fooled by this situation.

Xing Jun was actually beaten, and he was beaten by the poor boy they looked down on the most. This is too exaggerated. The boy who was insulted by them just now actually beat Xing Jun.

"Stinky boy, you are so impatient that you dare to beat Xing Jun." In addition, he stood up directly and looked at Xia Xia menacingly.

Xia Tian looked up at the two people.

The two people were so frightened by Xia Xian's look that they took two steps back. They seemed to have seen a beast just now, with the same eyes as the beast. The two of them seemed to be stared at by a beast.

The people around eating were all scared away.

The service staff also hid far away.

"What I hate most is that someone treats women in such a despicable way." Xia Xia went directly to Xing Jun.


Xia Xia directly kicked Xing Jun out.

Xing Jun's body slammed directly onto the table.

Then Xia Xia walked towards the other two, and his eyes turned to the manager of the scenic company. When the manager saw Xia Xia walking towards him, he was slightly taken aback, "What are you doing?"

The manager of the Resorts Company has long hair. He is obviously a man, but he insists on having long hair that reaches to the shoulders.

"I'll cut your hair for you" Xia Tian came to the manager of the famous resort company.

"I don't need it." The manager of the Resorts Company looked at Xia Xia in a panic.



A scream came out of his mouth.

At the same time, a handful of hair appeared in Xia's hands.

"A big man, it's too ugly to have this kind of hair, I'll help you pull it out." Xia Xia pulled it hard


Another bunch of hair was pulled off by him.


Another scream came from the man's mouth, and the man wanted to resist.


A crisp slap came into everyone's ears, and Xia Xia's slap directly blinded the manager of the resort company.



Xia Xia directly tore off a lot of hair.

Every time he pulls his hair, he can pull off a lot of hair, and his technique is very good. Although he can pull off a lot of hair every time, the manager of the Resorts Company has not left any injuries on his head.

Five minutes passed quickly.

The manager of the Resorts Company had snot and tears all over his face.

He didn't know why, he was in so much pain, but why couldn't he faint.

"Haha, brat, you're dead." At this moment, the third person said with a big laugh, because eight big shirtless men had already appeared at the entrance of the coffee shop, all of them holding a knife in their hands.


Just when he was smiling and excited, his body was directly kicked out, and Xia Xia kicked his belly.

"Hey, it's alright." The man stood up and found that he didn't feel any pain on his body, and suddenly his face was full of disdain.

"Really?" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

At this moment, the man suddenly felt his legs soften, and then a stream of heat flowed out from the crotch. Seeing such a scene, all the people around gave up a great deal of unprecedented.

I think everyone has seen it.

He urinated.

He actually wet his pants.


Even the Xing Jun on the ground didn't care about the pain in his body, so he hurriedly moved to the side, but his body was in too much pain, so he didn't move far at all, and at this moment, the man's leg softened and he went straight to the side. Sitting back, Xing Jun happened to be behind him. Before Xing Jun could react, he smelled something.

Xing Jun felt his face wet.

That person just sat on Brother Xing's face abruptly.

The people around were all dumbfounded. They saw that man peeing his pants just now, but he actually sat on Xing Jun's face like that.

It's not over yet.


Everyone heard a familiar voice, which normally only appears in the bathroom.

But this voice appeared in a cafe.


that person pulled

He is now sitting on Xing Jun's face, this pull.

boom boom boom

A fart sound entered everyone's ears.


Someone had already vomited, and at the same time, all the other people ran out of the cafe, because the cafe is full of stench now, and even the chefs at the back ran out.

The three of them also ran out naturally in the summer.

"Huhu" Lan Lan and Li Ying were all gasping for breath.

"It's disgusting, you city people really know how to play." Xia Xia looked at the three people inside with a look of disgust.

At this time, of the three people in the room, one was lying on the ground with a face full of snot and water, and the other two, one sitting on the other's face, were flying.

Even the eight big men all ran out.

They couldn't even see the scene in the house.

About a minute later, the man climbed down from Xing Jun's He crawled to the door little by little, "Hack him to death for me, I want him to die."

The man felt that his face was lost today.

Now he just wants to kill.

He wanted to kill the other party in order to relieve his hatred. He looked back at Xing Jun, and he became even more angry. This was a shame for his whole life, because Xing Jun had already fainted by him.

"Kill, kill him for me."

The man shouted angrily.

The eight big men saw the man crawling towards them, and one of them took a few steps back with disgust.

Seeing the actions of the eight big men, the man became even more angry, with resentment on his face, "Whatever you give back, give it to me. If anyone dares to dislike Lao Tzu again, Lao Tzu will kill him."

When those few people heard the man's words, they all stopped their steps. The identity of the man lying on the ground at this time was not ordinary. His father was the boss of his gang.

They didn't dare to retreat this time, they all looked at Xia Xia fiercely.

They knew that if they didn't get on, they would be miserable, so they rushed directly to the summer.

Seeing that these eight people were all rushing towards Xia Xia with a knife, Lan Lan's face turned pale with fright.

Seeing that eight big knives were cut in front of Xia Tian.

Lan Lan has begun to regret that she brought summer over.

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