The Best All-rounder

Chapter 8798: Fan Wangxing


Fan Yingqiu rushed over.

"Eagle Chou!" Tenth Uncle shouted loudly.

Fan Yingqiu heard Tenth Uncle's voice and hurriedly knelt down.

"Yingqiu, things have gotten bigger." Eighth Uncle threw the loss report to Fan Yingqiu.

Fan Yingqiu also hurried to check, when he saw the specific loss, he was also stunned, and then he hurriedly said: "How can this happen, I have already asked Yun Xiao to personally take people there, it is impossible for such a thing to happen. "

"Yingqiu, you should understand that under normal circumstances, Yunxiao is directly under the command of the ninth uncle, but you let Yunxiao take so many of his own subordinates, which in itself is a ban. If you get things done, we can Open one eye and close one eye, but now so many people have died because of you, have you figured out how to explain it to your uncles and brothers?" Eighth Uncle asked.

these dead people.

Many were of the same generation as Fan Yingqiu, and some were younger than Fan Yingqiu.

It can be said.

They are the core children of the Fan family.

But now.

So much dead.

And even the Fan Family Item Refining Workshop was attacked.

This caused not only the problem of loss, but also the problem of reputation. In Yunyun City, no one dared to touch the Fan family. .


"Eagle Chou." Tenth Uncle shouted loudly.

Fan Yingqiu trembled.

"Go out and help." Tenth Uncle said.

Fan Yingqiu didn't say a word and ran out.

He was usually very afraid of Uncle Ten, but now that he heard Uncle Ten asked him to go out to help, he also understood that Uncle Ten gave him a chance to commit crimes, so he must not miss this opportunity.

"Ninth Uncle, the people from the City Lord's Mansion are here," the housekeeper said.

"Please!" Uncle Jiu said.

The City Lord's Mansion was there to place Ninth Uncle in the first moment of the accident, not to arrest people directly. Under normal circumstances, they want to arrest people directly. Anyone who makes troubles from the Fan family will be arrested, and Fan Ying hated them. I will catch him, but now, the City Lord's Mansion came first to say hello, which is enough to prove how high the status of the Fan Family's Ninth Uncle is in the eyes of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Ninth Uncle, Eighth Uncle, Tenth Uncle." The people from the City Lord's Mansion said respectfully.

"Thank you for your hard work, butler, go get some storage equipment." Ninth Uncle said.

The housekeeper also came up quickly and took out a piece of storage equipment.

"Ninth Uncle, you are..."

"Give me one night, I promise, after dawn, nothing will happen, no matter how much the loss is, I will arrange it, no one will go to the City Lord's Mansion to complain, you first take your subordinates to relax. "Ninth Uncle said.

The housekeeper was also the one who handed the storage equipment to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Okay, Ninth Uncle, I have always believed in you, but after dawn, I don't want anything to happen, otherwise my position won't be preserved, and I'm afraid they won't let me go." said the man.

"Don't worry!" Jiu Shu said these simple words.

But Ninth Uncle's words have always been very important.

The person from the City Lord's Mansion also walked out.


"A little ant has turned the sky upside down, and dared to collide with our Fan family. Did we keep a low profile for too long? Don't they remember how our Fan family brothers got a foothold in Yuncheng? " Tenth Uncle's hand slapped heavily on the table next to him, and his face was full of anger at this time.

"Sometimes, small people can also do bad things. This time it was originally an eagle and hatred. If it hadn't been for his initial troubles, there would not have been so many things happening next, and there would be prosperity. If the original prosperity was good, If you handle it, things won't be a big deal." Eighth Uncle said.

"What's the use of saying this now?" Tenth Uncle asked.

"It's useless, it's useless, it's easy to fight the country, but it's difficult to defend the country."

After watching the eighth uncle go out, the ninth uncle shook his head: "Old ten, you are too much."

"Ninth brother, can't you hear the sarcasm in his words? Yingqiu and Wangxing are our people. Isn't he saying these things at this time?" Tenth Uncle said angrily.

"He's your starling after all." Ninth Uncle said.

"Hmph, I only have the ninth brother alive, no mynah." Tenth uncle also walked out after finishing speaking.

The ninth uncle looked at the tenth uncle's back and didn't say anything. Now he is the only one left here, and he released a few messengers.


Summer gasped for breath.

"Are you alright?" Hong Feng asked.

"The consumption is a bit large, and I have been hit a few times on my body. There are quite a few experts in the Fan Family Crafting Workshop, and I almost couldn't get out." Xia Xia said helplessly.

"You really made things worse this time. I have already felt a lot of violent aura rushing around. They must be searching for you." Hongfeng said.

"My upgrade pill hasn't been digested, so I can't stop, and now it's not just the Fan family who are looking for me, but also the forces and people from the Baifeng number that the Fan family knows. They definitely want to find me. Then notify the Fan family." Xia Xia also understands that the total number of people looking for him in the entire Yunyun City is definitely no less than tens of thousands, and these people are quickly investigating him.

"Run, you have to keep running. Fortunately, your sea of ​​consciousness is wider than others, so you can find them first." Hongfeng believes that the sea of ​​consciousness in Xia Xia is really the most useful thing.

His sea of ​​consciousness and his eyes have saved him many times.

Every time he relied on his sea of ​​consciousness and eyes to avoid the opponent's pursuit, and then changed paths.

"Those who still want to sneak attack on them, but it seems that all the sons they left alone have been recalled. Now there are more and more people tracking you. Although they are hardly gathered together, the relationship between each of them is very high. The distance is not very far, once you go to assassinate one of the others will all rush over at the fastest speed, and once the assassination fails, you will be entangled. Not only is your position exposed, but it is also difficult for you to escape." Hongfeng reminded.


Summer nodded.

That's right.

The best time to do it has been missed now. If he does it now, he will probably have a big problem.

"There is a person in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and the speed is very fast." Hongfeng reminded suddenly.


Xia Xia frowned, and then locked the person's position: "This person's sea of ​​consciousness is very familiar."

He pondered for a moment: "Fan Wangxing!!"

Xia Xia had already determined at this time that the person who was running fast was none other than Fan Wangxing.


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