The Best All-rounder

Chapter 869: weird bug

Those who were digging for treasure suddenly heard a loud shout from outside.

"Who?" the North Korean expert shouted loudly.

"Get out of everyone inside, I'm a master of Maoshan." Another shout came from outside.

"Damn, it's from Maoshan. We haven't bothered them yet, yet they dare to come." The North Korean expert said angrily, "Let's go and have a look."

The North Korean expert walked outside directly with twenty North Korean experts.

When they came out, they saw that Xia Xia was alone.

"Why are you alone?" The North Korean expert glanced at Xia Xia suspiciously, "Let all your companions come out, no need to hide."

"Do you need anyone else to deal with you? I'm enough alone." Xia Xia said coldly.

"Courtesy of death, abolish him for me." The North Korean expert waved to the people around him.

The few people closest to the summer rushed directly to the summer.

"In the early stage of Xuan level, it's not bad." Xia Xia smiled slightly, he raised his right hand and slammed it down.

bang bang bang

That man was directly punched by him, and all of them fell to the ground.

"What?" The North Korean expert was taken aback.

"You can't run away today. Our Maoshan people have already started to hunt you down, and none of you can run away." Xia Xia pointed at the North Korean experts and said.

The North Korean expert gently pushed the person beside him, then looked at Xia Xia, "Hmph, Maoshan faction, I want to see what you are really good at."

The North Korean master moved as soon as he said it, his right hand clenched his fist and hit Xia Xia directly.

"Later Xuan level" Xia Xia didn't expect that such a small team was actually full of Xuan level masters, and there was actually a late stage Xuan level existence. "You can't win too fast, otherwise it will be a fake."

Xia Xia knew that once he hit him quickly, he would have guessed that he let them go on purpose.

So Xia Xia played with the North Korean expert slowly. Although he kept suppressing the North Korean expert, he just pretended that he couldn't take it down, and the North Korean expert didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

At this moment, the archaeological team and the people from the Witch Gu Sect were all taken away by his people.

"Want to run away" Xia Xia deliberately pretended to catch up.

Kim's eye-covering method


A cloud of green smoke rose up, but Xia did not chase after it.

"Damn it, what kind of **** Jin's eye-covering method is this? It's clearly the ninjutsu of the island country plus chili water." Xia Tian slowly opened his eyes.

He didn't plan to chase after all.

Seeing those people escaped, Xia Xia walked directly into the cave, "They said that there are treasures here, so I'll dig it out."


A golden light flashed in Xia Tian's right hand.

five minutes.

It took only five minutes for Xia Xia to be tight, and a big hole was opened in the front.

He stopped what he was doing, because he had already seen what the sign of life the North Korean said was, a worm, a worm embedded in a stone wall, and this worm actually survived in the stone wall.

"What exactly is this?" Xia Xia looked at the bug carefully. Although it was said to be a bug, it definitely didn't look like a bug, but it was about the same length as a bug.

Xia Xia opened her eyes and wanted to study it carefully. It turned out that this little guy was more like a legendary dragon than a bug, but this dragon was probably too small.

Only less than a third of the length of a finger.

"Forget it, let's put this little guy away first." Xia Xian found a small glass container, and then carefully put the insects into the container. When Xia Xian picked up the insects, the wall shook.

bang bang

The wall shook again. Just now Xia Xia thought it was an illusion, but this time he understood that it was not an illusion, it was the wall that was really shaking.

"Not good" Xia Tian's expression changed, and then he ran outside.



The cave began to collapse, and then the surrounding stone walls also began to collapse.

body instant

Xia Xia used a teleportation technique to escape the area directly, and then he ran back directly along the trail. The area where he was just collapsed completely, and all the gravel after the collapse fell into the Tianchi.


A huge roar came from under the Tianchi.

"not good."

Xia Xia's face changed when he heard this roar, because the roar was too loud. Although the Coccyx Beast had roared before, the coccyx's roar was nothing compared to this roar.

Even the nearby waters began to boil.

oh oh oh oh oh

One after another roars came out from the Tianchi. These roars seemed to be pulled out by the roar just now. Then a huge vortex appeared on the water. The moment the vortex appeared.

The ground of the entire Changbai Mountain swayed.

At this time, those who traveled on Changbai Mountain heard these roars.

"The water monster is the Tianchi water monster. The sound must be made by the Tianchi water monster. It turns out that there really is a Tianchi water monster in Changbai Mountain."

"Hurry up and take out the camera. Maybe the Tianchi Water Monster will appear at some point. I must take pictures of the Tianchi Water Monster."

"That's great, I didn't expect that I would also have the opportunity to see the Tianchi water monster. After I go back, I can have a good chat with everyone. UU reading"

The people who traveled on Changbai Mountain were very excited. They all heard the roar. They believed that such a loud roar must not be man-made, because the roar was enough to spread throughout the entire Changbai Mountain.

At this time, the faces of the witch and Gu sect disciples in the Changbai Mountain area changed drastically.

"Someone disturbed the deep pool water monster."

In Maoshan, all the disciples of Maoshan were boiling, and the whole Maoshan moved. For a time, all the masters of Maoshan were standing by the Tianchi Lake, and even the Guardian Yang came.

"Deep Pool Water Monster, someone actually disturbed the Deep Pool Water Monster." Protector Yang looked at the water, although the place where the Deep Pool Water Monster was dispatched was not theirs, but the pool in front of them was also rippling.

"Lord Protector, it's at the branch," said a master at the sect master level.

"The person who sent the message to the branch, leave the branch immediately, be quick." Protector Yang said hurriedly.

"Yes." The sect master went down to make arrangements.

"Deep Pond Monster, it hasn't appeared in fifty years, who actually angered the Deep Pond Monster?" Yang Hufa looked into the distance and said.

At this time, Xia Xian had already fled there. When he returned to the previous position, he found that a water monster dragged the body of the tailbone beast directly into the water. Xia Xia did not catch up, because several water monsters were eating the tailbone beast together at this time. half of the body.

"What on earth happened"

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