The Best All-rounder

Chapter 8997: words of the oiran

Just when the news that Xia Xian was near Yunxianzong just spread, another heavy news came out.

The oiran declared to the public that if anyone could bring summer back within a year, she would marry whomever.

The time is limited to one year.

The oiran wants to marry?

That is absolutely unimaginable.

It can be said!

The oiran is the symbol of the whole Qingzhou.

If Hua Kui wants to marry, it will definitely be the biggest news in the whole Qingzhou. No matter who you marry, it will make countless men jealous and jealous.

"Hope, I can help him a little bit." Hua Kui looked into the distance.

"Miss, Madam is here."


A lady came in from outside: "Why do this, you should know how much damage it will bring to our reputation."

"I don't regret the cloud once I meet it, and the Caiyun will be ruined for the rest of my life." The oiran looked at the lady: "Mother, I don't want to be the oiran anymore."

The lady's body froze there.

A long time has passed.

The lady walked outside, and when she reached the door, she looked back at the oiran: "A man has nothing good, I will send someone to kill him for you."


"I can agree that you are not an oiran, but I will never allow others to hurt you." After the lady finished speaking, she walked out.

Summer at this time does not know.

The water outside is getting muddy.

Originally, he had spread out about his affairs in Caiyun, and coupled with the appeal of Hua Kui, all of the people in Qingzhou started to go crazy.

At the beginning, I wanted to target the people who came to Xia Xia, but some of them were loose cultivators and scattered forces outside.

And the oiran attracts more people, it is those young talents.

True top talent.

There are countless people rushing over from the outside, and their speed is very fast, one by one, they all want to take the head of the summer.

Of course.

Others want to capture summer alive.

Whether they want to give Xia Xian to Yunxian Sect or to Hua Kui, it is their purpose to find Xia Xia.

Summer at this time.

He has successfully attracted Bone Burial and Sanhuo together.

It didn't take long for the two to sense each other's existence. After they sensed the other's lag, the two of them were also very fast, and they both wanted to catch up with the other one step faster. Last time, they failed to kill. It was summer, and it was also run away by summer.

On the one hand, they are very unwilling, and on the other hand, they also feel very faceless.

"Summer, don't run away, just let me kill it honestly." Bone Burial said.


Summer really stopped his footsteps.

When Xia Xia stopped, Bone Burial was also stunned, but he immediately launched a frantic attack on Xia Xia, and he wanted to kill Xia Xia as soon as possible.


Summer's body was knocked flying again.

But it was San Huo rushing away with hot air.

and was not hit by the burial.

"It's you again." When Bone Burial saw San Huo, he was also very angry, and now he really wanted to swallow San Huo alive.

"Bone burial, he is mine." Sanhuo said.

"Can you two respect me, you are going to kill me, but you two argue endlessly every time, I'm not trying to stir up differences, I am the most trustworthy person in the summer, but I like watching the fun very much, if you two If anyone can kill the other person, then I will definitely not fight with another person within three light days, I can swear that, in the same way, if you go back with a living me, your suzerain will definitely be very happy." Xia Xia Although the mouth said not to sow discord.

But what he said was very violent.

Actually let the two of them fight.

The two are not fools: "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I said it, I can swear, I will swear what you ask me to swear by, but the premise is that I must watch a good show, otherwise, I will keep running, and your time is not There are many, if this goes on, other people will be able to find them soon." Xia Xia smiled at the two of them.

The two still didn't make a move.

They just feel that summer is sowing discord.

Although Xia Xia said he could swear, the two still hadn't made up their minds.

"You two, you are arguing every time, every time you are fighting infighting, the idea I gave you two is very good, and I am impatient, I will give you a choice, if you are now Attack me, it means you don't agree with my request, I will start running, but if the two of you attack each other, then I will treat you as agreeing to my request, and I will start swearing, ten seconds ." After the summer finished, the countdown began.

The countdown is fast.


When Xia Xia said one, San Huo attacked him instantly.

That's right.

He still didn't believe in Xia Xia. Although Xia Xia said that he could swear, he still felt that Xia Xia was doing something wrong. As for what Xia Xia was doing, he couldn't say for a while, but he just felt that Xia Xian was doing something wrong, so he immediately put the His strongest attack hit Xia Tian.

"You dare!" Bone Burial also slashed his bone knife to Sanhuo immediately.

However, San Huo was also prepared this time, and directly avoided the attack of the burial.

Seeing this, Bone Burial also attacked Sanhuo like crazy.

Seeing that San Huo's attack was about to destroy Xia Xia, he was desperate for the burial. He always believed that he found Xia Xia first, and that Xia Xia should belong to him, and no one could. rob him.


San Huo also gritted his teeth and refused to withdraw his attack. He believed that even if he traded his injury for Xia Xia's life, it would be worth it.

As long as you get rid of summer.

The burial will definitely not dare to mess up again.

At that time, he will be able to become one of the second envoys of Yunxian.

"Go to hell!" San Huo has seen hope, and his attack has already completely swallowed the summer.

Heavenly right!

When his attack was about to devour Xia Xia, Tianquan's rebound directly rebounded all of Sanhuo's attacks, but the target of his rebound was the burial Bang!

Xia Xia also pretended to be hit and fell directly to the ground.


Bone Burial's attack hit San Huo's body. Similarly, San Huo's rebounded attack also smashed Bone Burial's body.

San Huo has long been ready to fight the bone burial. In his opinion, as long as he succeeds, he doesn't need to care about anything.

Burial never thought that he would be attacked.


The two of them were hit hard by the other at the same time.

puff! puff!

Two mouthfuls of blood spurted out of their mouths, but both of them looked at Xia Xia's position for the first time.


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