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Chapter 9009: The fear of Yunxianzong


They finally started to fear. In the past, when the Law Light Crossbow was with them, they could be confident and not afraid of anything, but now, although they also have the Law Light Crossbow, the number of their Law Light Crossbow is not as much as that of Xia Xia.

And the people on their side are too crowded.

After being attacked by one round, there is no chance to escape at all.

The casualties were heavy, more than one million people, and all of a sudden, there were only 100,000 people left.

This is all the elites of Yunxian Sect.

But now.

Almost all died.

This scene.

Those loose cultivators can see clearly.

These people saw with their own eyes that the team of millions of Yunxian Sect was killed in seconds.

Now they understand.

turn out to be.

Yunxianzong's team is not invincible, they will die in large numbers, even if a team of millions of people gathers together, they will die.

Xia Xia also took the opportunity to shout at this time: "If you kill me, the Yunxian Sect will not reward you, because you have killed too many people from the Yunxianzong, but if you destroy the Yunxianzong, then all the Yunxianzong will be killed. Everything is yours, how to choose is up to you."

He also shouted with a loud accent.

These loose cultivators on the scene are not fools.

They all wanted summer's life for that reward.


Now that they have also killed so many people from the Yunxian Sect, after they kill Xia Xia, will the Yunxian Sect still honor their promise?

The main thing is.

Yunxianzong also said to protect your power for thousands of years.

The current Yunxian Sect can't even protect himself, how can he protect your power?

"Don't think about the rewards of Yunxianzong, they will take care of us if they don't kill us."

"That's right, the Cloud Immortal Sect in the past was high above, we couldn't afford to provoke it, and we simply didn't dare to contend with the existence. But now, there are only more than 100,000 people left in their Yunxian Sect with millions of people. What else is there to be afraid of?"

"Cloud Immortal Sect killed a lot of my family before, and today I can finally take revenge."

The emotions of these people at the scene were instantly aroused.

That's right!

These people have been oppressed by the Yunxian Sect for too long.

Now is the chance to resist.

They also do not want to miss this opportunity.

And it will be like summer said.

If they wipe out Yunxianzong, then all the wealth of Yunxianzong will be theirs.


a time.

Everyone went forward.

Summer is also taking the lead in rushing forward.


The people of Yunxianzong began to retreat.

that's it.

They keep chasing.

The opponent kept running.

After five light days.

There were only less than fifty thousand people left in Yunxianzong's team.

But the Eight True Immortals have arrived.

As soon as the eight true immortals appeared on the stage, the eight-path law attack came out, and a large number of deaths appeared. At the same time, they all shouted with loud accents: "We are the eight true immortals of the Yunxian Sect, dare to compete with us. Yes, there is no doubt that they will die, if a true immortal is born, they are all dogs."


The Eight Great Immortals also possess a very terrifying aura.

The eight of them stood there like a huge barrier, causing the morale of the advancing team to drop instantly.

"Each of Yunxian's envoys can be killed, what are the eight true immortals? Tens of millions of people, hundreds of millions of people, launch long-range attacks and kill them." Xia Xia also shouted with a loud accent.


In summer, everyone reacted.

The two envoys of Yunxian can be killed, so what are these eight true immortals?

They also launched their own attacks in an instant.

They want to explode their attack.

Countless attacks were launched from behind Xia Xia and around. These attacks were strong or weak, and there were all kinds of attacks. Maybe when one or two of them came, even if they hit the body, they didn't feel anything. After all, there was still a distance. So far, the damage is long enough.

But when tens of millions, hundreds of millions of attacks came, it completely covered everything.

Seeing so many attacks, how could they not be afraid.

"Retreat!" The eight true immortals ran first.

The men behind them were all dumbfounded.

When the Eight True Immortals came out, they were still very strong and imposing, and thought it was time for them to turn over. Now, the Eight True Immortals actually ran away, as if they forgot that they were behind them. People are the same.


They all followed.

But obviously the best time has been missed.

When countless attacks smashed down, they collided with each other, and the huge explosive force shattered all the surrounding areas.

In the end, the few remaining members of Yunxian Sect were all killed.

at last.

Only the eight true immortals of the Yunxian Sect, those chief disciples and some elite disciples had escaped.

"Did you see it? You people have the power to change the world." Xia Xia shouted loudly, and then he ran straight forward.

Very fast.

The people behind also ran forward.

"If you run like this, you will go to the place where Yunxianzong is located, Wangchuan Peak. Although there are many people here, but after reaching Wangchuan Peak, you will stop. These people are rushing to the formation of Yunxianzong. The law is also certain to die." The Immortal Envoy reminded.

Yunxian Sect has a large formation.

Anyone rushed over.

It's all the same.

It doesn't matter if you are tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

will die.

"In front is Wangchuan Peak, where the mountain gate of Yunxian Sect is located, but there is a large formation at the mountain gate, please don't rush in, give me some time, I will find a way to get rid of the formation, everyone will kill Yunxianzong again, to How much you can grab is up to you." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

At the same time, he thought about the light crossbow of the previous law.

But the cloud envoy also told him.

It's useless.

There is no problem with the law light crossbow attacking people.

Attacking such a formation is useless.

This is troublesome.

Although most of the people of the Yunxian Sect have been killed by them, there are at least hundreds of thousands of backup personnel in the Yunxian sect, and most of the suzerain and the senior leaders of the Yunxian sect are still alive.

They are all in big trouble.

In Yunxian Sect.

The sect master was resting He had already sent out all the things in the box of Yunxian Sect.

So he thought.

You just have to wait for the good news.

"Sect Master!!" A guard of Yunxian Sect rushed in.

"What's wrong? Did you win?" asked the Sect Master of Yunxian Sect.

"The eight true immortals are back," said the guard of Yunxianzong.

"Okay, please come quickly." The Sect Master of the Cloud Immortal Sect sat up with a smile on his face. After so long, he could finally hear some good news.


Eight True Immortals walked in.

The sect master also stood up directly: "The eight true immortals have worked hard."


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