The Best All-rounder

Chapter 9012: Array is destroyed

"I discovered with Yun Envoy before that the border of Qingzhou is gradually shrinking, and the endless galaxy is like a huge ocean. The edge of the ocean will gradually be swallowed up by the sea, and the same is true of the endless galaxy. This meteor Smashing in, in my opinion, is a sign. Similarly, they originally controlled the Ascension Pool to make the people who ascended from below be honest and obedient. At the same time, it is best to dig up the secrets of the people who ascended from below. Come out, because the people who have ascended will have a lot of achievements in the future. If they are allowed to grow up in Qingzhou like this, they will become a threat to these big forces sooner or later, but there will always be times when they can’t control them, such as you!!”

The immortal envoy said three points: first, the endless galaxy is expanding; second, since the first meteor hits in, there may be a second one in the future; third, it is these people who flew up.

They always think they can completely control these people.

But there are always people who they can't control.

Summer is the first.

But definitely not the only one.

Nor will it be the last.

Domination here is unlikely to last long.

"I don't think you need to care about the first two points. Although the endless galaxy is expanding, there must be a natural defense on the border of Qingzhou. I also saw this at the time, because I was also caught by your Yunxian Sect to do coolies; secondly, that A meteor is very special. There will never be a second one falling down, let alone an endless number of meteors falling down. Otherwise, the real powerful people are attacking Qingzhou, but who are those powerful people who like Qingzhou? Small places; the last point, I think, everyone who ascends has their own unique side, especially those who ascend from the spiritual world, they have experienced a lot, no matter where they go. , can't be wrong, I believe that there are more masters from other worlds as well. It's just that you, the big forces, have been raising people who have risen up in captivity before, polishing the fighting spirit of most people, and assimilating them into ordinary people. Some people are unwilling to be assimilated." Xia Xia definitely does not believe that he is the only one who will resist these big forces.

He believed in those who ascended.

Everyone is not an ordinary person.

Everyone is unwilling to be cooped up in a small place like Qingzhou.

When I first came to Qingzhou.

In summer, Qingzhou is regarded as a fairyland.

But he found out after more contact.

This is not the real fairyland, but just a back garden that some masters keep in captivity.

If the real fairyland is like this, it will really disappoint the summer.

boom! boom! boom!

Just when Xia Xia was stunned, he suddenly discovered that the formation had exploded.

The formation on the surface of Yunxianzong is frantically exploding.



Summer is less than a hundred miles away from the position of the formation, which is within the lethality of the formation.

He disappeared in a hurry.

When he teleported thousands of miles away, he found that his body was also numb from the shock.

"What's going on?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Impossible, how could this happen?" The Immortal Envoy also changed a lot.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"The formation is self-destructing," said the envoy.

"Self-destruction? Can the formation still self-destruct?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't know, this is the first time I heard that these formations can self-destruct. You must know that these formations are all sent by the formation, and they are the only forces that communicate with the outside world, not only our cloud. Xianzong, all the forces in the entire Qingzhou, are the formations arranged by the formations, every time they set up the formations, they have to dispatch tens of thousands of people, or even hundreds of thousands of people to calculate, which can be said to be incomparable." Xianshi Completely confused at this point.

"Does the Sect Master of Yunxian Sect have a way to let the formation self-destruct?" Xia Xia asked again.

"No, I watched him grow up. If there is such a thing, he will definitely be very cautious. Even if he doesn't tell me, he will be seen by me, but there is absolutely no such thing, and I don't believe it. If someone encounters something, the formation will self-destruct, I believe that someone must be playing a trick in it, and it is a very, very powerful formation mage." The fairy explained.

Xia Xian nodded: "So, the disciples in the Yunxian Sect are also unhappy with seeing the Yunxianzong, maybe they are people who have risen up, but no matter who it is, this is good news, Yunxianzong. This last barrier was actually destroyed like this."

Before the summer, I was still worried about how to destroy the last barrier of Yunxianzong.

But now.

This barrier of Yunxianzong has been destroyed.


Yunxianzong also has no trump cards.

"Good opportunity." Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense.

He took out all the big magnifications he bought before: "I am Xia, everyone listen, now the formation of Yunxianzong has been destroyed, everyone can rush directly into Yunxianzong, all these years , All the wealth, treasures and minerals accumulated by the Yunxian Sect belong to you."

The voice traveled far, far.

When the nearby loose cultivators who wanted to give up before heard this, they all came to their senses.

Summer did not deceive them.

And they all heard the explosion from Yunxianzong just now.


The Yunxian Sect has endless wealth.

It is unimaginable how much wealth the Yunxian Sect has accumulated over the years.

Moreover, the Yunxian Sect has always been one of the forces that monopolized all the materials for alchemy and alchemy.

That is to say.

They are going to make a fortune this time.

"Desire and greed can drive these loose immortals in Qingzhou into madness. This time, no matter how powerful the Sect Master of Yunxian Sect is, how terrifying the eight true immortals are, and how high Xuanyin's father is, save them all. There is no Yunxianzong anymore." Xia Xia looked at those who rushed to the Yunxianzong, and he also sighed endlessly.

He didn't lie to these loose cultivators.

The Yunxian Sect did indeed possess endless wealth.

As long as they enter, they can rob a lot of wealth.

"Yeah, the Yunxian Sect is over this time, and even the Sect Master never imagined that because of you alone, the entire Yunxian Sect will be destroyed." The immortal envoy said with emotion.

That's right!

Although Yunxianzong was not destroyed by summer.

But it is because of summer that Yunxianzong will die.

"I'm just a fuse. The real reason to destroy the Yunxian Sect is that they have been too overbearing for so many years. If the people here were not exploited and suppressed endlessly, the loose cultivators here would not be so big. Hatred, even if the person who destroyed Yunxianzong's formation has the ability, he has no chance, and he dare not do it. It is precisely because of what I have done in Yunxianzong these years, so I ignited this fuse. Maybe the people of Yunxian Sect don't care too much about one or two people who offend, but sometimes, the key is just one or two people." Xia Xian is very clear.

That is: a hundred responses!

As long as he dares to stand out and set an example, there will be countless people who have wanted to do it before but have not dared to do it.

And this time Yunxianzong died countless people, and the defense inside became much weaker.

This gave the person who destroyed the formation a chance.

Let that person successfully destroy the formation of Yunxianzong.

Mountain guard.

"From now on, your wanted will not count, because the Yunxian Sect has been destroyed, and others will not be rewarded for chasing you, and your reputation will be unique in Qingzhou, and no one will dare to. I'll hunt you down again." The envoy explained.

Xia Xia also summoned Yuchi and Yiqu.

"Sir, this is..."

"His name is Long Yue, and he's a tracker." After Xia Xia glanced at the two of them, a surprised expression appeared on his face: "The two of you have actually improved again."

"Sir, you are fighting, and we are not idle. By the way, sir, the oiran has helped a lot this time." Yi Qu said.

"Oiran?" Xia Xia was stunned.


Yiqu told the story of the Hua Kui again.

"Really." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"If there were no there would be a lot fewer people here. Because of the oiran, more people would come here, and the news would spread faster," Yiqu said.

"Someone sneaked out of it." Hongfeng suddenly interrupted Xia Xia's conversation with them.

Hear what Hongfeng said.

Xia Xia Zhihai also directly locked the other party.

after awhile.

A figure appeared in front of them.

The figure just wanted to bypass Xia Xia, but it seemed that there were too many people nearby, so he could only bite the bullet and run here.

When the man ran to the summer, he also stopped his steps: "Summer!!!"

"It's you!!" Xia Tian was still stunned, then glanced at the other party's body: "You destroyed the formation?"


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