The Best All-rounder

Chapter 881: full moon night

Legendary treasure.

? ? ?

Combat Strength: ? ? ?

"Damn it, why are all the question marks." Xia Xia continued to look down.

'It is said that the treasure is a treasure discovered by the first-generation patriarch of Maoshan and the first-generation patriarch of the Wugu Sect. It is said that that treasure is quite remarkable. Now the treasure of the Wugu Sect is the Nine-turn Universe Cauldron, and the treasure of Maoshan is the Wuji Cangqiong Stick. , If the attack power of these two treasures is 10,000, then the attack power of the legendary treasure is 1 million. ’

"Fuck, I didn't write anything, didn't write what it looked like, and didn't write anything, so I gave a metaphor directly." Xia Xia felt very speechless, doesn't this make people more curious.

But Xia Tian was too lazy to pay attention to that legendary treasure.

His trip to Changbai Mountain this time can be said to be quite rewarding. Before entering the treasure of the Witch Gu Sect, he created his own dragon-capturing hand, and he also knew that the small cauldron was the legendary nine-turn universe cauldron.

Although he has only mastered one ability in the Rank Nine Universe Cauldron, this ability is enough to give him the ability to save his life.

There are millions of medicinal pills stored in Xiao Zong's body. If he burns these millions of medicinal pills at the same time, and then uses his left hand to explode a finger, it will be a terrifying power.

And he also drank so much blood of the tailbone beast, and also ate the meat of the tailbone beast.

This strengthened his physique again.

According to what he saw in these classics, the treasures of the Witch Gu Sect are very rich, because the Witch Gu Sect unearthed great treasures a few years ago, and they did not consume materials due to research, and they have not consumed them over the years. .

Therefore, the treasure of the Witch Gu Sect is very rich, at least several times more than the resources in the Maoshan faction.

Moreover, the books and various instruments in the Witch Gu Sect are also part of the treasure.

Although the old ancestor of the Witch Gu Sect clearly stated that he wanted to fight Mao Shan to the death, he knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the old ancestor of Mao Shan without the rank nine cauldron, so he deliberately hid most of the treasures. , expecting the descendants of the Witch Gu Sect to make a comeback.

It is not the first time in history that the Wugu Sect and Maoshan have been destroyed, but they can make a comeback every time because each generation of ancestors will leave treasures to future generations.

This time Maoshan is ready.

They want to make the Witch Gu Sect completely disappear from this world.

Grab all the treasures of the Witch Gu Sect, and then Mao Shan's overall strength will be improved again, and he will even have the strength to dominate the world.

It was getting dark gradually.

It's time to leave, and in the summer after packing up, we headed outside.

When he walked outside, the people in Maoshan were gathering, and many people began to pack up their instruments and equipment. This battle is very important to them. Their future supplies and salary will also be higher.

"You kid, why did you come out? Have you cleaned it for me?" A familiar figure appeared beside Xia Xia. This person was Log, the man who asked Xia Xia to help him clean the hall of the Divine Canon.

"Uh, it's cleaned up." Xia Tian returned the key to Log.

"Aren't you going to fight?" Yuanmu glanced at Xia Xia and asked, but he immediately replied: "That's right, only masters are worthy to fight, and a kid like you must be not strong enough to be qualified to fight."

"That, senior brother, I also play." Xia Xia said embarrassedly.

"You also play? Then why don't you wear equipment?" Yuanmu asked inexplicably, and then he answered by himself: "I see, you must have no equipment, your medicine pills and supplies have been robbed by others. Gone, so you're not equipped."

"Uh!" Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"You kid, forget it, for the sake of your being my younger brother, I'll give you a life-saving charm." Yuanmu carefully took out a life-saving charm from his arms.

When Xia Xia saw the life-saving talisman, there were black lines all over his face. He had seen this so-called life-saving talisman. There were many of the Maoshan disciples he killed, and he had also seen those people use it, and the effect was very small.

"Hey, Log, your kid is here." At this moment, a group of six people walked towards them.

When these people appeared, Log's face changed.

"What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? You're sleeping with my little girl, why are you asking me what I'm doing? I'll give you a chance to hand over the pills and equipment on your body, and I'll let you go." The leader stood up and said, he was also dressed in one suit. Equipment, you can tell at a glance that he is one of the people who played this time.

"Don't come here, I warn you, I am also one of the people who will play this time. If something happens to me, you will not be able to run away." Yuanmu looked at the few people vigilantly.

"The number of people who will fight this time is not fixed. Who cares if there are more or less? After we kill you, we only need to say that you were killed by the previous North Koreans, then there is no problem." That person said coldly.

Summer standing behind the log: "I have a fate with I will save you once."


Xia Xia directly stunned the log. He was saving the log. In the eyes of Maoshan disciples, this battle was very face-saving, and it was possible to get treasures, but in Xia Xia's eyes, what they went out was a near-death experience.

The supplies of the Maoshan faction are getting less and less, and the fewer people who come back alive from this battle, the better it will be for the Maoshan faction.

Moreover, this time, the treasures of the Witch Gu Sect are surging, and the masters are constantly on the rise. Not to mention the ordinary disciples of the Maoshan faction, even their sect masters can't guarantee that they will be able to come back alive.

So it's safest to stay here.

"Who are you?" The people opposite looked at Xia Xia with frowns.


"Kill your people." After Xia Xia's voice fell, the bodies of the six fell to the ground.

After killing people, he walked directly outside. He is now the deputy commander-in-chief of the scene. Naturally, he has to go out earlier, but he knows that this seat is not so easy to sit.

But he didn't care either.

The reason why he sneaked in is to cooperate with Han Zifeng and the others. If he encounters any danger, he can help.

Moreover, Mao Shan must have been fully prepared this time.

Maybe following them will make it easier to enter the Witch Gu Sect's treasure, and then his chances will be even greater.

After leaving there in the summer.

A figure appeared in Xia Xia's position just now: "I knew you must have something wrong, and I will report this matter to the sect master."

When summer comes to the meeting point.

"Huh! The situation is not right." Xia Xia found that everyone around him was looking at him.

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