The Best All-rounder

Chapter 9280: out of control


Mobei actually said that he was going to kill him. He understood that if it weren't for the fact that there were a large number of private soldiers under his command, Mobei would never have given him this chance.

He will definitely be beheaded.

Unloading and killing donkeys.

It's really chilling.

"Okay, let me go down and prepare. Now is the time of war. I don't want any accidents to happen. We have no way out. This time, we will change the fate of all the nine thieves of Heyun." Mobei said in a cold voice.

No one at the scene spoke.


Here are all the words of the nine thieves of He Yun, and now Mobei's words will definitely inspire the nine thieves of He Yun, because the nine thieves of He Yun have no way out.

But now, there are still many forces here.

And most of the troops come from these forces.


Everything Mobei does is centered on the Nine Thieves He Yun, and he believes that the meaning of the battle is to let the Nine Thieves He Yun change their way of life and hold their own destiny in their own hands.

But they ignored that most of the people here are not the Nine Thieves of He Yun.

They are not afraid of losing the battle.

But what they fear most is not knowing what to fight for.

The northern battlefield can be said to be very powerful.

The fighting here is widespread.

In a battle of this scale, it doesn't mean that if you want to not participate in the war, you can not participate in the war. Anyone who does not participate in the war will be killed directly.

It is impossible for anyone to survive this kind of battle.

Northwest battlefield.

"Lord Huitian, we have built another barrier," said a general.

"Okay, send the order and tell all the brothers that we are approaching He Yuncheng. As long as we conquer Heyuncheng, we will win. From now on, our world will be dominated by ourselves, and we can better protect our own. Family, I will always stand in front of everyone and will not take a step back, because behind me is our family." Huitian said loudly.

The battle on their side is very good.

They have 500 million people here.

In the place where the Tiger faction intercepted, there were only about 300 million people, and in terms of numbers, they had an absolute advantage.

And most of their team are those who don't want to be exploited and enslaved by He Yun Xiancheng, and some of them are people whose own forces were killed by He Yun Xiancheng.

They attacked with vengeance and survival.

So their morale is even higher.

"My lord, I just received news that the King of the North has changed its name and has become Mobei. It seems that Xia Xia and Mo Bei have different opinions, so Xia Xia and the others left to stand on their own." The subordinate reported.

"It's very simple. In the past, Mobei used Xia Xia's reputation to recruit people outside, but after Xia Xia passed, they definitely wanted Xia Xia to be the boss without real power. In that position, it is normal for the two sides to break up unhappily, and Mobei and their core cohesion are not enough. Although the He Yun Nine Thieves are not simple, it is precisely because they are the team of the He Yun Nine Thieves, so they do everything in the same way. The nine thieves of He Yun are the main ones. How can such a team not fail? You should send someone to the border zone to prepare a passage. I suspect that after the hawks win, the northern coalition troops will flee everywhere, and the hawks will be ruthless. Spicy, they will definitely block the way for those people to escape from our side, and drive everyone to the direction of the Immortal Beast Mountains, that is, they will kill everyone in the northern coalition army." Huitian shook his head.

"There were also rumors that summer, that he would officially challenge City Lord He Yun in a one-on-one duel in Sanhe Valley."

"This summer is a smart person." A smile appeared on Huitian's face.

"He can't be the opponent of City Lord He Yun. I heard that City Lord He Yun's strength is not weaker than that of Chu Tianji."

"The battle situation is so chaotic now, how many people are staring at He Yuncheng? Does he dare to leave the city? Without the protection of the army, he is out of the city now, and he was killed before he reached the Sanhe Valley. Therefore, in the summer, use three The name of the river valley is just to shock and intimidate everyone who is interested in Xia and wants to let those who live to join him." Huitian had already guessed Xia's thoughts.

"But now, apart from the three-legged forces, the other scattered cultivators add up to less than one million people, right?"

"Don't underestimate these loose cultivators, most of the loose cultivators who didn't join the battle are either really not strong enough, or they are the top masters, and have never wanted to submit to anyone, but in this situation, they can't do it if they don't submit. , Because the entire He Yun Xianmai has no safe place, as long as it is not his own people, all of them will be killed without mercy. In this way of fighting, even people of the ninth rank of Xianjun will be accidentally killed, and Xia Xia's reputation Originally, it was very big. This time City Lord He Yun did not dare to fight, and he would increase his reputation again. If one day, we fail, and the coalition forces in the north fail, all those who failed will go to the summer side. That's what he's going to do." Huitian is a veteran, and he's also a wily guy.

He saw through Summer's mind at a glance.

He already knew what to do in the summer.

"We have to be careful with such people!!"

"No, although we have not cooperated with the northern coalition army, in fact, we are restraining each other. Mobei is not a man of great talent and strategy. Sooner or later, he will bring the northern coalition army to the road of destruction. The Tiger faction can't be contained, but the location of Sanhe Valley in summer is very good. They are located in the northeast, and behind the site of the Immortal Beast Clan. That is to say, if He Yuncheng wants to attack him, he must attack him directly. Our three-way forces have formed a triangle again, and Xia Xia can also help us hold back the Tiger faction, as long as we can win Heyun City, the Tiger faction will naturally fall apart." Huitian never thought how big Mobei would be. act.

He never thought that Mobei would be able to reach Heyun He wanted to fight with these brothers by himself.

"Then we..."

"Help Xia to spread the news, and at the same time prepare for the second publicity. He said that the city owner of He Yun did not dare to fight, and Xia was ready to gather new rebels to attack He Yun City from the northeast." Huitian said directly.


In Heyun City.

City Lord He Yun looked at the news in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face: "It's not easy, in my plan, you were the only accident, I knew earlier, when I brought you here, Should have killed you directly."

Take control.

City Lord He Yun is a person who controls everything.

Available in summer.

out of his control.

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