The Best All-rounder

Chapter 9296: Julu Line of Defense

The battle situation here in Xia Xia can be said to be very good. Similarly, the battle situation of other brothers is the same, because their enemies were attacked before they could react.

Especially after they laid the first barrier, the barrier behind them became easier, because those who escaped really spread their fear.

that's it.

All the people here in the entire Julu defense line believed that it was Xia Xia who cooperated with the fairy beast clan, and Xia Xia brought the fairy beast clan to call.

Julu defense line there.

"Sir, it's not good, Xia Xia cooperated with the fairy beasts, and now a large number of fairy beasts have killed together with Xia Xia's people." A subordinate reported.

"What? Immortal beast family? How many?"

At this time, the boss of the Julu Defense Line is also very shocked. The boss of the Julu Defense Line is the son of a high-level Hawks, so he can sit on the boss here. The Hawks high-level deliberately arranged his son Here, in his opinion, by arranging his son here, on the one hand, he can accumulate military exploits, and on the other hand, he can also make his son a leader.

this kind of place.

is the northeast direction.

There is only the Immortal Beast Clan in front, and the Immortal Beast Clan is now in conflict with the three forces, and there is simply no time and mind to deal with them, so he believes that this is the safest place. It is even safer than staying in Heyun Xiancheng.

And this kind of place is very random. His son can do whatever he wants here, and no one can control his son at all.

"I will summon all the troops to fall behind the Julu line of defense, and I must not let any one pass through the Julu line of defense." The hawkish boy hurriedly said.

"Master, morale is very low now, and there are a large number of fairy beasts. Those of us are very afraid of fairy beasts. After all, this is the base camp of the fairy beast family, and the fairy beasts that rushed over must be very powerful." The subordinate said.

That's right.

They stayed here, and they never thought that they would fight against the fairy beast clan.

Although Xia Xia was famous, they never cared about Xia Xia. What they really cared about were fairy beasts.


How could they not be afraid of the killing of the immortal beast family.

"Call me the bull," said the hawk boy.



Niu Da ran in: "See Young Master."

"Niu Da, I ordered you to rectify the armament for me now. Anyone who dares to escape will be killed without mercy, no matter who it is, they will be killed. We have 10 million people in total, and there are 500 people who are guarding the Julu defense line. Ten thousand people, I want you to send these people to stop Xia Xia and those immortal beasts for me, and I will go to ask for help in person." The hawkish son said.

"Yes, son!!"

Go for help?

Obviously he was running away.

Niu Da is very clear about this, but Niu Da dare not say anything, the most important thing is that the son does not die, because once the son dies, then a very terrible event may happen.

He was specially sent by the top hawks to assist the young master. The seniors of the hawks were very kind to his son. Although he knew that there would be no danger here, he still sent experts like Niu Da to assist him.


If there is a problem, he naturally wants to top it.

And if the son is not here, he can fight more unscrupulously.

After the hawks had arranged everything, he immediately rushed towards the defense line behind with thousands of subordinates.

Said to ask for help.

The morale of the original team was very low. After everyone heard that their boss had run away, the morale of each team was even lower.

And when the men in the front barrier ran over, it also lowered the morale of the team.

In the summer, the people on their side became more and more brave, and the more they fought, the more people joined them later. It was originally a team of 180,000 people. After seven days of fighting, it has become a team of 300,000 people. Team up.

"Sir, now our 18 teams have taken down 38 lines of defense. The enemy's strength is not strong, but the distance between each line of defense is a little far, so it takes a lot of time." Qizheng Xianjun said. .

"Well, it's okay, time is a very good thing, although the Julu defense line must have been defended now, but also, the fear is spreading, the day we go, their fear is a little more aggravated, in the end, he Fear will become the kind of thing that directly scare them." Xia Xia also understands that it takes time to travel, they have so many people here, and there are no space vehicles, so it is very difficult to move forward quickly. , but as long as they knock down the Julu line of defense, they will not lack anything. Although the people here are not very strong, many of them are young sons who were sent over. These people are very rich, and such a big one There must be a lot of space vehicles in the defense line.

As long as there are a large number of space vehicles, their rush speed can be increased, and there is no need to waste time on the road.

In the summer, they went all the way to the Julu defense line.


In the Celestial City of Heyun.

"City Lord, what about the northeast direction?" a subordinate asked.

"Don't worry, there are three lines of defense in the northeast, with a total of 100 million people, especially the last line of defense, the overall strength will be much stronger, and it takes time for them to travel, so even if they call in the summer, don't care, they will definitely be able to stop the summer. Yes, after they stop Xia, our other two fronts will be able to make a big breakthrough, and there will be absolutely no problem when we turn back to clean up Xia." Although City Lord He Yun really wanted to kill Xia now.

But he thinks.

Splitting up now is not a good thing.


He intends to hold the Northeast rather than attack.

His main battlefield is the northern coalition army, which is the hawk team. As long as the hawk team defeats the northern coalition army, then he can let the hawks withdraw to deal with the enemies on the other two sides.

"Yes, then I will give the order to keep the northeast direction." The subordinate said.

"Well, in addition, notify the hawks and let them use the shortest moment to defeat my opponents. I don't care what method they use, I will give them seven days. If they can't make a clear breakthrough after seven days, then I will replace them. They, let the tiger send." City Lord He Yun said.


Northern Allied Forces here.

Now Mobei is also very depressed.

They have been fighting for so long, without a single line of defense down. A few days ago, he let his subordinates charge, and millions of people died, and they hardly played any role. In the end, everyone died.

"It's not good, Lord Mobei, it's not good, escape, they all escaped."

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