The Best All-rounder

Chapter 9303: mighty night god

this battle.

Those who really dare to fight and are not afraid of death will appear.

Those who are cowardly when they see the war will definitely have nothing to say in the future. Xia Xia is using facts to talk to those troublemakers.


They themselves will be convinced.


Being a leader here in the summer is really not a good job, because being a leader has no benefits. Instead, when you fight, you need to rush forward. When your subordinates commit crimes, you have to come out and take it.



Those who had thought about being a leader before have all given up.

But Xia Xia did not treat the bosses of those forces badly.

They were given the length of a hundred, a thousand and a thousand.

Moreover, as long as the battle is over, they can re-establish their own forces at will, and Xia Xia will never be king.

This is the promise of summer to everyone.

The battle was over before even a day had passed.

"Sir, it's all done." Qizheng Xianjun came over.

"How's the battle going?" Xia Tian asked.

"Probably killed two or three million people, and all the remaining 30 million people ran away." Qizheng Xianjun said.

"That's right, so many people can be killed in one day, that's all because the opponent is cowardly, otherwise how could there be such a good record." Xia Xia was still very satisfied with this record.

In his opinion, this record is really enough.

After all, everyone is a practitioner.

Although the strength of each person varies greatly, the number of people is also crucial.

"A lot of people are really working hard this time." Qizheng Xianjun said.

"In terms of merit and reward, those who can fight will raise their positions, and those who cannot fight will give up their positions. This will not change." Xia Xia said.

"it is good!"

"Tell the brothers that there will be tough battles to come. It's a real tough battle. The hawks won't just let it go. They will definitely come again. At that time, they will be the real army." Xia Xia understood that although he let go Those more than 30 million people, let the more than 30 million people spread fear, but in the same way, if these more than 30 million people join the enemy team again, even if they are only placed at the back of the team, it will be impossible. imagination.

Although they are afraid of summer and the destruction of the immortal city, they can still follow the war. As long as the people in front do not collapse, they will not collapse casually.


Next comes the real tough fight.

"My lord, then the mortality rate of our generals is probably very high." Qizheng Xianjun said.

"Yes, the death rate will be very high, so each general has two deputy officers around him, the first one is dead, the deputy is on top, the deputy is dead, and the second deputy is on the ground. If all of them die, the next level will be on top. , In short, I hope that every brother can survive." Xia Xia said.

In the summer, they also quickly reorganized their armaments and strengthened their defenses.

The third light day.

The enemy is coming.

Ye Shen came with an army of 60 million hawks, and at the same time, more than 30 million people who had fled before all returned.

"Sir, bring it all here."

Ye Shen looked at the generals in front of him: "You are the leaders of the more than 30 million people, right?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Chop off their heads, hang them on the flag, and let the more than 30 million people take a good look at me. If anyone dares to run away, kill me directly." Ye Shen said coldly.


"No, you can't do that, my father is a high-ranking hawk."

"My father has done a lot for the hawks."

"My grandfather would not approve of you doing this."

After those people shouted their last words, their heads fell to the ground one by one.

No handicap.

The people here don't care who the backers behind them are, they will only listen to the words of the night god, and as long as the night **** gives an order, they will do it at all costs.

"Let those more than 30 million people line up." Ye Shen said.



A neat line outside appeared there.

Ye Shen looked at these people in front of him: "Come here, kill me the million people standing at the back of the line."


Ye Shen's subordinates didn't talk nonsense, and instantly killed those people.

Those people didn't even have a chance to resist, they were already killed.

at this time.

The team suddenly became chaotic.


It's still noisy down there.

"I'll kill anyone who quarrels again." Yegami shouted in dozens of loud accents.

When the people below heard Ye Shen's words, they all fell silent. They really didn't dare to provoke people like Ye Shen.

"You all listen to me, I don't care who your backstage is, I don't care who your relatives are, prepare me for battle now, and attack the defense line of Xianxiancheng for me later, who dares to take a step back, behind you The person who beheaded you is the person who killed you, I can guarantee that no matter who it is, there is no chance to retreat, but if any of you can kill those commanders under Xia Xia for me, I will reward you." Ye Shen shouted loudly. .

at this time.

More than 30 million people here understand what Ye Shen is going to do.

This is for them to charge, and it is a lifeless charge.

They don't want to die.

They are afraid of summer, afraid of destroying Xiancheng.

Can be the same.


They are also more afraid of the night god.

"Prepare for battle!!" Yegami shouted loudly.

"Sir, everything is ready. Our people are surrounded by more than 30 million people. If anyone retreats, we will kill them directly," said one of the men.

"Okay, drive them away, every ten minutes, kill a group of people hiding at the back of the team." Ye Shen said.



The team of hundreds of millions of people rushed up like this.

"It's troublesome." Qizheng Xianjun looked at Xia Xia.

" Here comes an incredible character, he killed those useless generals and a million people, shocked everyone, and I saw their troops, their team It's driving these 30 million people away, whoever retreats will die, this is forcing these people to die with us." Xia Xia had already completely understood what the other party was doing.


The enemy is really too ruthless now.

"My lord, I heard that the leader of the team is the Night God who is known as the Death Fighter." Qiu Ji Sanren ran up.

"night God!!"

"I know this person, this person is very powerful, he is a half-step Immortal Emperor level expert, he has fought countless times in his life, and his shots are very ruthless. Heaven's secret." Night God explained.

Hearing this, Xia Tian frowned.

If so, it will be troublesome.

"I'll go meet him!" Xia Xia got up and walked directly outside.

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