The Best All-rounder

Chapter 9342: Hellfire

"Yuchi, Yiqu, Gaoyuan, Jing Yiming."

These people were brought out by Xia Xia, but those battles were obviously not something they could participate in, so Xia Xia prepared dozens of hiding places for them in advance, and gave them enough cultivation resources.

Let them hide and practice, and never come out.

This level of battle is not something they can participate in anymore.

They had a fight with Xia Xia, and Xia Xian just wanted to keep them alive.

"You have done a lot of things. You are worthy of any brother. In a place like the fairyland, you have helped them so much. If they still can't survive, it is their own problem." Zhan Jian glanced at Summer said.

He has been following Xia Xia for a long time. He saw with his own eyes how Xia Xia treated his brothers around him. It was really a fight for his life.

If anyone is sorry for Xia Xia in the future, he will definitely be the first to turn his face.

He absolutely.

Summer is worthy of anyone.

"What happened to your eyes? I'm afraid it will be a tough battle next." Although Xia Xia had consumed a lot of Hei Tong's strength before, but Hei Tong had been in the Heyun Immortal Vessel for so long, and the strength they had accumulated was Xia Xian. unbelievable.

And he always feels.

There must be many people who are eyeing the dragon veins.

After all, things like dragon veins are not simple.

"It has been temporarily controlled. It is very powerful and consumes more." Zhan Si said.

He is also controlling his eyes recently.

These eyes gave him a very strange feeling, like a pair of soul eyes, as if there was no soul, and it was a little erratic. He thought that this might be because he had not yet figured out the true effect of these eyes.

"Well, the **** red lotus is also completely controlled, right? This thing is a top-level immortal weapon. It is very powerful. If you use it well, the destructive power and lethality of this thing can help us kill the masters of the half-step Immortal Emperor." Xia Tian He is also very confident in his ability to cut sickles.

As long as the sickle has enough time to charge up, his attack will be very terrifying.

His weakness in the past was poor armor-piercing ability and insufficient lethality of weapons. Although his scythe was not bad, it could only be regarded as a low-level immortal weapon.

Now suddenly get a weapon like Hell Red Lotus.

His overall attack power has skyrocketed.

Last time, he relied on the Hell Red Lotus to add a surprise attack to directly injure a master like Mr. He Yun, the city lord.

That is a half-step Immortal Emperor level expert.

And also a very tough opponent.

"Well, the power is great, it's more handy than my previous weapons, and the fit is also very high, completely follow my command." Zhan Xia likes Hell Red Lotus very much.

"This is the weapon that was sent to me. Before he died, he only told me that this thing is related to the power of hell, and he didn't tell me what other functions this thing has, but now that it is integrated with you, it may be able to inspire The real power of this thing, Liantou is a person I respect very much, and I also respect his weapons." Xia Xia said firmly.

Liantou was to kill Ye Shenbut, and it was precisely because of that battle that the victory of Xia's team was established.

In the end the coalition will surely be defeated.

Of course.

In order to balance the power of the two sides, after Xia Xia died, Hei Tong would definitely help to consume the Tiger faction and the Hawk faction again.


In that battle, he even saved everyone and him.

"Do you feel a little hot!!" Xia Tian said.

Scythe also directly uses his own perception ability.

At this moment, he also completely let go of his perception.

"Nothing." Zhan Sick is very confident in his perception ability.

He didn't find anything, which proved that there was absolutely no enemy approaching, otherwise he would have been able to find it immediately.

Nothing was found at this point, so it should be fine.

"No!!" Xia Xian squatted down on his body and put his hand on the ground.

ground at this time.

Some are slightly hot.

"Everyone pay attention, there are oddities, be alert." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

At this time, the bosses all looked at the summer.

They didn't feel any enemies, and the spies around didn't find anything.

"Underground, the enemy came from underground, prepare!!" Xia Xia shouted again.

When they heard Xia Xia's words, everyone reacted.

That's right.

They can't sense what's under the ground.

When they heard this, the bosses all began to give orders.


The temperature at this time is also rising.

This time.

Everyone felt it.

Instead of catching fire, all the surrounding plants started to wither.

This proves that the elevated temperature is not just the flame.


The ground began to move.

It was as if he wanted the Dharma to be shaken.

In front of them, it has begun to turn fiery red.


The ground cracked, and endless magma appeared in front of everyone. Among the magma, one after another flaming stone man climbed out, and these flaming stone men rushed directly.

"No, it's hellfire, fire attribute attacks are useless!!" Wanli Jiao shouted loudly.


The red dragon snorted very unhappily: "It's not that it's useless, but the fire attribute ability of the same level is useless."

He is fire attribute.

Now that Wan Lijiao said that the fire attribute was useless, he was naturally very upset.

He didn't think his abilities were useless.

At the same time the ground in all directions was cracked, and countless hellfires crawled out from below. These hellfires now look very ferocious, each of them is at least ten feet tall, and looks extremely terrifying. ! !

They have no thoughts, they only know how to rush and kill.

"What a terrifying thing, and it doesn't look like this number is easy to mess with." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Our immortal beast clan is even more difficult to mess with!!" Hong Long waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Go on and let Mr. Xia take a good look at our abilities!!"


All the immortal beasts around started to kill them all around.

Now the fairy beasts here are not simple.

Almost all of them are immortal beasts above the seventh or eighth rank of true immortals.

One by one is huge! ! !

ps: In the final chapter, who do you most want to see appear? You can read it on QQ or leave a message in this chapter at the beginning, or privately chat with me on QQ WeChat. I will try to make them appear, but try to talk about the characters that appear in the He Yun Xianmai.

When I saw QQ, the group and private chats had exploded. It was the first time I saw tens of thousands of private chat messages. I really couldn’t come back. Let’s reply to everyone here.

The people who have responded the most so far: Greedy Wolf and Sister.

I try to make them appear.

I will try my best for the others, but the four little holy beasts can't come, they want to guard the spiritual world, and the spiritual world is also very important behind, his mother and wives can't appear, let's talk about other things.

thanks for your support.

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