The Best All-rounder

Chapter 939: repay

The most important thing is that Brother Hu has a lot of power here. If he is not obedient, then Sister Shui and the others will have a hard time in the future.

Now this tiger brother has made it clear that he wants to let him be a younger brother in the past.

Although he was very reluctant, the price he offered was something that Xia Xia couldn't refuse. Sister Shui helped him save his life. This was considered to be a repayment of Shui Shui's kindness. As for the matter of following Brother Hu in the future, he thought about it. , I'll talk about it later, for the time being it can only be like this.

"Okay, I promise!" Summer nodded.

Hearing Xia Xia's promise, Brother Hu had a happy face: "Okay, happy."

"Brother Shui!" Shui Sheng's eyes were full of tears.

"Shuimei, take good care of Auntie." Xia Xia looked at Shui Sheng and said, Shui Sheng and Shui Sao have always had a hard time, and fishing here can't be a year-round fishing, every time fishing is so hard.

If it goes on like this, Shui's and Shui Sheng's life will only get more and more bitter, because there are fewer and fewer fish in the nearby waters, and Shui's health is getting worse and worse.

"Brother Shui!" Sister Shui looked at Xia Xia apologetically, her situation was also very difficult, and she would never dare to refuse Brother Hu's request.

"Okay, Sister Shui, just mention me when you are doing business. If someone dares to bully you, I will definitely not let them go, so you can live in peace. Brother Shui, I will take me away, and follow me It's better than being in your damp log cabin." Brother Hu comforted.

Brother Hu is a good man at buying people's hearts. He knows that no matter how much money he gives Xia Xia, Xia Xia may not be grateful to him, but if he takes good care of Shui Shui and Shui Sheng.

That's different.

In the summer, he will feel that he owes Brother Hu a big favor.

Soon after getting off the boat, the fish was sold, and it really sold for a good price. The person who bought the fish was a big boss. He thought that such a big fish would bring him fortune, so he directly called someone to transport the fish. gone.

Summer went with Brother Tiger.

Sister-in-law Shui and Shui Sheng lived in the building. The furniture in the house was all new, and it was bought by Brother Hu. Seeing these things, Sister-in-law Shui also understood. Brother Hu's meaning was obvious, that they would never want them again. to contact summer.

These things are sealed fees.

Shui Sheng had never lived in such a nice big house before, so when he entered the house, he deliberately washed his feet before walking in barefoot.

Sister-in-law Shui looked at everything in the house, and tears flowed from her eyes. After so many years, she finally had a good life. She was also a college student when she was young, and later married Shui Sheng's father.

Her parents did not agree with the marriage at that time, and finally cut off their relationship with her.

Originally, she had a pretty good life, and Shui Sheng's father was very kind to her.

But the good times didn't last long. Shui Sheng's father died when he was out fishing, and he didn't even bring the body back. Since then, her life has plummeted, and there is no man in the family who will be bullied.

And life was really hard in the beginning. She couldn't sell all the things in the family, got a small boat, and learned to go out to sea to fish, so that she could barely make a living.

For more than ten years, she has grown Shui Sheng by herself.

Now they can finally live a good life.

She thanked Xia Xia and thanked God for sending Xia Xia to her door.

In fact, this also has something to do with her kindness. If she didn't save Xia Xia at that time, then she is still worrying about the protection fee. She saved Xia Xia's life as kindness, and now Xia Xia has also repaid her life-saving grace .

After Xia Xia left with Brother Hu, Brother Hu took him to the hospital first and re-bandaged his body. During the dressing, Brother Hu saw Xia Xia's wound and was very surprised. He had already inquired about Xia Xia's amnesia. He guessed that Xia Xia must have been an amazing person before he lost his memory, or a killer special forces or something.

Because of the gunshot wound in the summer.

So Brother Hu wants the help of Xia Xia even more. He is now developing his own power. Although he is not a member of the Hei society, how can it be possible to achieve great things if there is no support these days!

People who are good are bullied by others, and horses who are good are ridden by others.

Afterwards, Brother Hu bought a few new clothes for Xia, and invited Xia to have a big meal every day.

It's just that Xia Xia is not allowed to work, and he also finds women for Xia Xia, but Xia Xia doesn't want them. He doesn't know why, and he is particularly disgusted with these women.

"Brother, this is the best restaurant in the neighborhood. I heard that you have suffered a head injury. Eating some seafood can make up for your brain." Brother Hu has always been very polite to Xia Xia, and even his younger brothers are jealous.

Why did you come here to be a younger brother this summer? He clearly came to be an uncle.

"Thank you!" It was a little embarrassing to be entertained by Brother Hu in the past two days.


At this moment, the door of the room was kicked open, and a group of more than ten people walked in: "Huzi, I finally caught you."

"San Lengzi, what are you doing?" Brother Hu stood up and shouted.

"Why? The grievances between us are San Lengzi looked at Brother Hu coldly and said, he and the younger brother behind him both took out a knife, and at this time they surrounded At the door, Brother Hu and the others couldn't rush out at all.

"San Lengzi, are you trying to make a killing?" Brother Hu asked, looking at San Lengzi.

"That's right, I'm going to kill you today." San Lengzi said directly.

"San Lengzi, if you start a war here, maybe how many people will die. Wen Dou or martial arts, you choose." Brother Hu said directly.

The concept of wendou and martial arts is inherited from the last world in the 1980s. Back then, they came up with such a method of wendou and martial arts. Now, in a society ruled by law, people who really fight in groups are already very much. Less, generally is the fighting and martial arts.

Wen Dou means that you slash me, I slash you, not face or head, whoever admits first will lose, and martial arts is two people slashing against each other, and the one who stands in the end wins.

"Wen Dou!" San Lengzi didn't want to really kill a few people, otherwise no one would be able to escape.

Xia Xia never spoke, but he also understood that Brother Hu had already given him so many benefits and favors, and now he has to start paying back his favors.

"I'm coming!" Summer said directly.

"Brother Shui, are you okay?" Brother Hu frowned. He had never used Summer once, and he didn't know if Summer would work.

"En!" Summer nodded.

"Okay, Wendou means you cut me with a knife, and I cut you with a knife. You can't stab you, you can't chop your head off." Brother Hu explained.

"Okay!" Summer said directly.

"Huzi, if your people lose, get out of here for me, and take out 200,000 yuan to make peace!" San Lengzi said directly.

"Okay, if you lose, get out, I don't want your money." Brother Hu looked at San Lengzi viciously.

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