The Best All-rounder

Chapter 978: 1 wave not level

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But the area has become larger.

Of course, in summer, I dare not directly use internal force to release it.

If the consonance finger of the left hand hits these people with the second weight, it will definitely be death, instant kill, there will be no hesitation, this is just a game, not a real desperate fight.

That's why he deliberately magnified the second-level multiple of Lingxi's first finger.

At this time, everyone present was stunned.

"External strength, an earth-level expert? How old is he, he is actually an earth-level expert!" Bing Xin's father's face was full of incredible, Xia Xia's power had already exceeded his understanding, and at first he thought that Xia Xia might be possible He was a bit more talented than his son Glacier, but he never imagined that Xia Xia was a prefecture-level expert.

Now he is really more and more satisfied with the son-in-law Xia.

Young and promising, strong and generous.

Bing Xin's uncle opened his mouth so wide that he could no longer speak. He even regretted it a little now. He knew that what he did just now must have left a very bad impression on Xia Xia.

It would be a bit late to make friends with summer now.

Originally, he and Xia Xia came together and could have a good relationship, but now these opportunities are gone.

He's already made a bad impression over the summer.

He felt that he was simply a brainless person, and he had been belittling Xia Xia on the way here, and he even planned to frame Xia Xia just now.

Bingyu has always been the kind of person who wants the best in everything. As long as she likes it, she will get it no matter what means she uses, and what she wants must be the best, better than others.

If no one wants it, she doesn't want it, and if everyone wants it, she must get it.

Now Xia Xia has become the prince charming of all the women here, so she must grab Xia Xia, although Xia Xia is her sister's man, but she doesn't care about it.

As long as she likes it, no matter who it is, he will grab it.

"I can't see it wrong, the internal force is released, it is actually the internal force, the stunt of the earth-level master."

"How old is he? Twenty years old? It's incredible to be such a young master at the prefecture level. I have never seen someone with such a powerful talent."

"It's amazing, it's amazing, who is he? He came with Bing Yuwei, could it be his?"

The people around said incredulously that Bing Yuwei was Bing Xin's father. At this time, those people looked at Bing Xin and them again, and Bing Yuwei raised his chest proudly.

The man in front of him who showed his mighty power was his son-in-law, and he was worthy of his pride.

"It's the second level of Lingxi's finger." The old man in commoner said.

"Well, Xia Xialong's stunt to become famous, he really has a good son." Old Master Bing nodded and said.

"I always think that his future achievements will be higher than Xia Long." Huaxia's No. 2 said.

He watched Xia grow up, and he nurtured it with his own hands. In his eyes, Xia is already his person, and he is very optimistic about Xia.


The huge finger phantoms directly lifted all those people out.


Those people have all fallen to the ground.

"Hey, it's really troublesome." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, a figure shot out from the seat.

He is one of the five elders of the Bing family. His speed is very fast, and he came to Xia Tian in a blink of an eye: "Little guy, let me try your skills."


He is the third child of the Bing family.

A thick layer of ice crystals appeared on the right fist of the three elders of the Bing family, smashing directly towards Xia Xia.

A sharp finger!

Xia Tian pointed out with his left hand.


The powerful explosive force formed an airflow, and everyone around could feel the airflow. The heads of those women were blown up by the airflow and hit, and the two collided in the first round.



This time the collision was a tie.

Xia Xia actually fought to a tie with the third child of the Bing family, which made everyone present even more incredible. Everyone knows the strength of the third child of the Bing family, and is one of the pillars of the Bing family.

But Xia Xia actually played a tie with his first fight.


Summer's body instantly disappeared in place.



When he reappeared, he had already come behind the third Bing family, and his **** pointed out instantly, but at that moment, ice crystals appeared at the position he was about to attack.

The **** of summer point to the ice crystals.

The third Bing family did not receive any damage.

"External release of internal force can form different styles. Our Bing family's internal force release is ice, and I can freely convert ice into attack or defense." The third Bing family said lightly, as if he was educating the younger generation. Summer is indeed his junior.

So he has this qualification for education.

It's just that before he could finish his words, Xia Xia disappeared and then kicked the third Bing family's chest.


Once again blocked by ice crystals.

"I have seen through all your attacks, so I only need to spend a small amount of internal force to form the internal force that you attack such a large area, and you can easily resist your attack." The third Bing family said.

The people around now are completely stunned.

In the summer battle with the third child of the Bing family, he could still take the initiative to attack. Although the third child of the Bing family was not injured, it fully demonstrated how powerful he was.

"It's amazing, to be able to fight the third master for so long, and still take the initiative to attack."

"This guy is simply a pervert, a monster, and not a human at all. With such strength at a young age, how can we live here?"

"That's right, it's too perverted, we look really envious and hateful."

Don't mention the envy of those around him. Now the happiest person is Bing Xin's father. His mouth can't even smile. His mood now is simply happier than winning a lottery ticket.

The person who is envied and hated by everyone is his son-in-law.

He is now two words, happy, cool!

boom! boom!

After attacking twice in the summer, he retreated. If he continued to fight like this, his consumption was too high, but the opponent did not have too much consumption. He knew that he had to let the opponent suffer a little bit, and this match would be over. .

Dragon catcher.

Xia Xia's left hand instantly took a strange posture, five fingers turned into three, this posture is a bit like dragon claws.

"Huh? New move! Interesting!" The third Bing family smiled.

This time Xia Xia burned 10,000 first-level medicinal pills directly, and that pure power instantly flowed into his left hand.


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