The Best All-rounder

Chapter 148: dating

Tian Yao Wan Lin.

When they heard this, the people below were all stunned. None of them thought that the seemingly dissimilar thing on their heads at this time was the Tian Yao Wan Lin.

Legendary existence.

There is no one in Tianmai who does not know this name.

For the people of Tianmai.

That's the textbook stuff.

true legend.

at this time.

Just hearing his name makes the people below shudder, let alone fight.

This is also the reason why Tian Yao Wan Lin is so confident.

At this time, the celestial demon Wan Lin was standing in the sky, looking down at everything in the Genting Asgard.

"Are you summer?" Tian Yao Wan Lin looked at Xia Xia and asked.

His voice was full of emptiness, and no one knew how his voice came out. At this time, standing there was a kind of law, an extremely powerful law.

Summer's body slowly rises.

He wanted to rise to the same height as the Heavenly Demon Wan Lin.


at this time.

An invisible pressure appeared.

Everyone on the scene could sense it, even those standing on the ground sensed it. They all understood at this time that as long as they rose a little, they would feel stronger pressure.

How much pressure will you feel in the summer standing in the air at this time?

Not to mention rising.

"He wants to crush me with his aura." Xia Tian didn't talk nonsense.

The aura of the emperor appeared instantly.

Although the previous emperor's aura had no effect, it was impossible for others to rely on their aura to crush the summer, let alone the current emperor's aura.

Although the aura of the emperor has not yet digested the aura brought out from the twilight of the gods, the aura of the emperor now is terrifying enough.

The king's air!

at this time.

In the summer, a substantial breath appeared.

After this breath appeared.

All the pressure around him disappeared.

Not only the pressure on Xia Xia, but also the pressure on everyone in the Genting Asgard was blocked.

one person.

It blocked all the pressure released by Tian Yao Wan Lin.

that's it.

Xia Xia rose to the front of the heavenly demon Wan Lin.

Standing face to face in front of the Heavenly Demon Wan Lin.

"Not bad!!" Tian Yao Wan Lin said with admiration.

Although it was only the simplest fight, a competition of momentum, it was clear that Xia Xia had already fought for the people of Genting Asgard.

At the same time, he is also telling everyone in Genting Asgard that if there is summer, it will be fine.

Otherwise, if the aura of the Heavenly Demon Wan Lin just suppressed all the people in the Genting Asgard directly, then the morale of the Genting Asgard would not even be left at 50%, and they would even face the Heavenly Demon in the future. Wan Lin's courage was gone, let alone fighting the celestial demon Wan Lin.

But now it's different.

Now the summer has completely offset the imposing manner of the Heavenly Demon Wan Lin.

And standing in front of Tian Yao Wan Lin.

This represents.

He and Tian Yao Wan Lin are of the same level.

The momentum did not lose.

"You want to give me a slap in the face, but unfortunately, I chose the wrong person." Xia Xia said.

He also responded in an equally domineering way. Although the other party was the celestial demon Wan Lin, Xia Xia had to let the other party understand that he was not easy to mess with in the summer. Even if the opponent was the celestial demon Wan Lin, he still had the power to fight.

He is the master of Genting Asgard.

It is the backbone of human beings today.

No matter when he is facing any enemy, he must not admit to cowardice. Even if he is already afraid in his heart, he must remain calm. This is the psychological quality that a boss must have. If a boss is cowardly, then he will How to ask the following subordinates.

"Really?" Tian Yao Wan Lin looked at Xia Xia: "You called me here."

"That's right, I called you here. I only have one purpose for calling you here, that is, I hope that humans and monsters can coexist in Tianmai." Xia Xia said.

This is also the reason why he called Tian Yao Wan Lin here.

At this moment, the people below all looked up at Xia Xia and Tian Yao Wan Lin.

They were all waiting for the answer from the Heavenly Demon Wan Lin.

Tian Yao Wan Lin's answer is related to their future.

"Impossible!!" Tian Yao Wan Lin replied.

The very simple answer also showed his determination.

"Why? Humans have the advantages of humans, and the monsters have the advantages of monsters. If we coexist, then we humans can refine alchemy, and the monsters can assist and give us materials. Isn't this good for everyone?" asked.

he thinks.

cooperate with each other.

It's the long way.

And Genting Asgard is an example.

"I told you that you wouldn't understand. This was originally the home of the demon clan. It was your humans who invaded and sealed me, took away our home, and sealed me for so many years. Tell me, how can I tolerate you? Humans?" Tian Yao Wan Lin said.

That's right.

Summer has a reason for summer.

Wan Lin also has Wan Lin's reasoning.

If it were a human, I am afraid it would do the same.

It was true that humans invaded the Three Rivers and Six Meridians before, and divided the family into nine and sealed them in the Three Rivers and Sixth Meridians.

"Okay, I understand." Summer nodded.

Now that he has understood the thoughts of the celestial demon Wan Lin, there is no need for him to persuade him to say anything It's good to understand, if you humans can leave the Tianmai quickly, I will not embarrass you, but I I don't have much time for you. " said Tian Yao Wan Lin.

"You should be very clear that most of the people in the Tianmai do not have the strength to leave the Three Rivers and Six Meridians, and their bodies can't bear that kind of power. If you let them go, you are sending them to death." Xia Xia said.

"I can't control that much." Tian Yao Wan Lin said.

"In this case, in order to prevent life from being ruined, you can fight with me. If you win, no one in Tianmai can stop you. If you lose, human beings must coexist with the demon clan." Xia Xia issued a challenge.

This is summer.

Even if the other party is a legendary existence.

He also dared to issue his own challenge.

This made the brothers below warm hearts one by one.

It also makes everyone see the responsibility of summer.

"You challenge me, do you think that you will be the second Huiyue?" Tian Yao Wan Lin said with great disdain.

"No, I never said that I would be the second Huiyue, I am just Xia, I am the one and only Xia." Xia never thought that he would become someone, he would only become himself.

"Okay, I accept your challenge, although I don't think you can beat me, but you have to remember, even if you beat me, I'm willing to give up, the other five guys won't agree, they're done After your own mountain range, you will come over, so if you beat me, I will give you time, not peace." Tian Yao Wan Lin said directly.


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "That's enough."

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