The Best All-rounder

Chapter 151: Destroy the Heaven

Ha ha ha ha!

The Hall Master of the Hall of People laughed excitedly.

"In less than five days, we have gathered 150 subordinates with the power of immortals breaking 10,000 points."

He is really very successful now.

At this point he thought.

As long as you have the strength, you can have everything.

Although the people in the Hall of Humanity have already fought almost, but for him, as long as he has the strength, he can quickly gather his team. Although the Genting Asgard in the summer looks strong now, in fact, it is because of the performance of the summer. The one who came out was very powerful and famous, so those people just depended on him, as long as they could kill Xia Xia.

Then all the masters in the world will come to worship them directly.

By that time.

He is the true master of Tianmai.

since they came back.

Although the sect master of Tianzong also obtained the inheritance.

But the Sect Master of Tianzong is much more honest than before.

In his opinion, the inheritance that the Sect Master of Tianzong should obtain is not as good as his.

So I didn't dare to collide with him head-on.

And the Sect Master of Tianzong cherishes his own feathers too much, so the Sect Master of Tianzong definitely doesn't want to fight him.

Then his battle with Xia Xia was much simpler.

"As expected of the Hall Master of the Hall of People, you can gather more than 150 masters with the power of immortals breaking 10,000 points so quickly, and there are countless masters of other levels below. If this goes on, we can completely and them. Let's fight." The Shangfu Palace Master praised, although his own strength is not bad, but now he puts all the credit on the body of the Palace Master of the People's Palace.

Of course.

He said so.

The Palace Master of Xia Mansion must be very unhappy.

He is a person who is not willing to submit to others. Although it is now a cooperation, all the limelight has made the palace master go out alone.

This made him very uncomfortable.

The Shangfu Palace Master naturally saw the mind of the Xia Palace Palace Master, but he still did not care about it. He just hoped that the relationship between the two people was not good, so that if they really reached the peak in the future, these two people can check each other. , then he can deal with it and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"No, we are still not good enough. Although the people from Genting Immortal Palace are not Xia's subordinates, if there is a real fight, many of them will still do it. Our current strength is not enough." The Palace Master said.

"Then we can only take action against the underground door now," said the Shangfu Palace Master.

"Before the underground gate was also hostile to Yunding Asgard, but I don't know why, they actually confessed and went to make peace with Yunding Asgard." The Palace Master said very unhappy.

"If it weren't for the underground gate, our business mansion and several other mansions wouldn't be against Genting Asgard. In the end, he went to have peace talks. I don't think there is any need for such a force to talk. Besides, I've been there once before, and they didn't Didn't see me." said the Shangfu Palace Master.

"What else are you talking about, haven't they completely moved out yet? Take a shot at them directly. The underground gate is very rich. If you take them down, our resources will be innumerable." , and then his eyes turned to Palace Master Xia: "You also have to put in some effort, our cooperation, don't eat or work."


At this time, Palace Master Xia was even more unhappy, but he also understood that he couldn't afford to offend the Palace Master of the Human Palace, and the current Palace Master of the Palace of Humanity was so powerful that he could not compete at all.

So he can only endure.

The door to the ground.

The master of the Hall of People attacked the capital of the underground gate with all the masters.

Before the people in the underground gate could react to what was going on, they suffered a frenzied slaughter.

This time.

The Hall Master of the People's Hall brought tens of thousands of people, but it was more than a hundred of them who shot, and the others were responsible for robbing them.

This is the base camp of Dimen, where it is said that everyone is very rich.


He simply let his subordinates start the grab directly.

And the more than 100 of them also directly killed.

It didn't mean to stop at all.

Wherever they go, it doesn't matter who you are, even if you are a child or a defenseless woman.

They also kill.

for a while.

The screams came one after another.

The guards of the underground gate didn't even respond and were killed.

The masters of the underground gate also rushed out, but they were killed without blocking it for a round.


The three founders of Dimen also came out with the core masters of Dimen.

"What are you doing?" one of the founders shouted.

"What else can I do, of course, I came to level your door." The Hall Master of the People's Hall said very casually.

Right now he.

I feel that I am the pinnacle of power in this world. As long as I make a move, no matter what kind of opponent, I will be killed by myself. Recently, they have robbed a lot of forces. Those who are willing to follow them are fine, those who are not. Those who were willing to follow them were all killed directly by them.

Not a single one remains alive.

"Have our Dimen offended you?" asked one of the founders of Dimen.

"I asked the Shangfu Palace Master to come to recruit you, but you actually turned him away. This is just slapping me in the face. Since you don't give me I will kill you all right away. ." The Lord of the People's Palace is now a domineering and domineering person.

Open your mouth.

To destroy people.

"You are crazy, even if the sect master is alive, he would not dare to do this to our sect. Back then, our sect was ranked second." One of the founders of the sect said.

hear him.

The face of the Hall Master of the People's Palace also turned cold.

What he hates most is when others mention the sect master in front of him, as if to tell him that he is not as good as the sect master.

He believes that he has brought people to the top, which is something that the sect master never did in those days.


He is even better than the sect master.

"Kill them all." The face of the Hall Master of the Human Palace turned completely and so on. "The founders of Dimen are all cunning and cunning. At this time, when they saw the large number of masters of the Human Palace, they naturally refused to fight recklessly: "We cooperate! ! "

"Okay, since we have cooperated, then take me to your treasure house to see and experience," said the Hall Master of Rendian.


The three founders of Dimen looked at each other.

"What? Still not willing?" The eyes of the Hall Master of the People's Palace glared.

"Yes, yes."

"Okay, since we are willing, let's go and see. From now on, you are the people of the Destroying Heaven Alliance." After the Palace Master finished speaking, he followed the three of them and walked towards the treasure house.

The treasury of the door.

That is unimaginable wealth.

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