The Best All-rounder

Chapter 180: huge treasure trove

"What's going on?" Emperor Anshuixian looked at the two in confusion.

"Stinky boy, are you a devil?" Xiao Yue looked at the power of the gods in her hands and the power of the gods in Xia Xia's hands in surprise.

If a drop of rain is used to describe the power of the gods in his palm, then the power of the gods in Xia's hand is a lake.

This is the gap.

"Why is there such a big gap, don't we all come out normally?" Xia Xia also looked embarrassed.

"The gap? This is more than a gap. Let me tell you, our power of the gods is not at the same level. If such a huge power of the gods can be integrated, even if the great demon king is resurrected, you can easily Defeat." Xiao Yue said with emotion.

That's right.


Summer is full of treasures.

He himself is a huge treasure trove. If Xia Xia developed any kind of ability to the extreme, it would be unimaginable.

The law of the sun, moon and stars.

Any one who cultivates to the extreme is unimaginable.

The King of the Realm.

Even more mysterious.

King's air.

Golden Feather Inheritance.

and many more.

Each of them is an incomparable ability to defy the sky.

But summer did not practice to the extreme.

Of course.

It's not that summer refuses to work hard, it's time.

When others cultivate an ability to the extreme, it is because they have cultivated it for at least tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years.

Summer doesn't have that time.

"Sister Yue, can you tell me what the power of the gods is for? I use it when I'm fighting. Although it is effective, it's not particularly obvious." Xia Xia said.

"My power of the gods is different from yours, but the biggest feature of my use of the power of the gods is camouflage. I can use whatever power I want to use, and I can beat my power out and bless it with the power of the gods. The power to go out is the power I want to use. For example, the opponent is the law of fire, and I am not the law of water, but if I want to attack the law of water, I just need to add the power of the gods to it, and I You can also pretend to be someone else to kill someone, do something bad, and others don’t know that I did it. How to use it and summer will definitely be very different.

After all they are completely different in quality.

So his experience can't be completely used in summer, but it can have a good guide for summer.

"Thank you, Sister Yue." Xia Xia said.

"Your kid's future is limitless." Xiaoyue praised.

"Thank you Sister Yue for your praise." Xia Tian smiled.

"Your kid may be more promising than your father in the future, but don't use your strengths on women." Xiaoyue cast a glance at Xia Xia.

"Thank you Sister Yue for the point." Xia Xia nodded.

"Which shall we go to next?" Emperor Anshuixian asked.

"Sister Yue, tell me!!" Xia Xia looked at Xiao Yue.

"Then Qingchuan!!" Xiaoyue said.

"Okay!!" Emperor Anshuixian placed the teleportation position above Qingchuan.

The light flashed.

The four disappeared in place.

When they reappeared, they appeared on another glacier.

"It's still a glacier. I thought Qingchuan was different from Wuji River, but now it looks like it's both a glacier." Xia Xia said with emotion, he thought he might have any new insights.

"The name of Sanchuan has existed since ancient times, but it was not given by us. As for the meaning of the name, we don't know." Emperor Anshui said.

"Old rule, find a snow monster and let the snow monster lead the way." Xia Xia said directly.

Find the snow monster.

Not difficult.

As long as the summer spreads out his power, those snow monsters sense it, and they will come out.

The Dark Water Immortal Emperor also learned, and he also began to quickly search for snow monsters.


They encountered a snow sculpture again.

Immortal Emperor Anshui also learned the method before Xia Xia, first beat the snow sculpture half to death, and then made it surrender.

"Xiao Shui, you have become so violent after not seeing each other for so many years." Xiao Yue looked at Immortal Emperor Anshui puzzled.

"Tame him, Sister Yue, you don't know, as long as you beat them, they will know to give in." Immortal Emperor Anshui saw Xia Xia do this before.

"Get out of the way!" Xiaoyue walked in front of the snow sculpture, and then a mass of power was injected into the snow sculpture.

The snow sculpture also rubbed against her palm.


The black line on the face of the Dark Narcissus Emperor.

"They are all snow-type monsters. As long as you use some water-type, snow-type, and ice-type abilities, you can easily make them surrender. Do you still need to fight?" Xiaoyue said very dissatisfied.

The Dark Narcissus Emperor glanced at Summer.

"That's right, Mr. Darkwater, you are too violent, it's not good for you to be like this." Xia Xia followed.


"What am I, I said you were not convinced, Sister Yue said you were not convinced?" Xia Xia walked directly behind Xiaoyue.

"Yes, I said you, are you not convinced?" Xiaoyue asked.

"I'm convinced, of course I'm convinced. Sister Yue said to me, I'm definitely convinced." Immortal Emperor Anshui cast a stern glance at Xia Xia.

Then Xiaoyue walked up to the snow sculpture and said a few words to the snow sculpture: "Let's Can it be found?" Emperor Anshui asked.

"It is impossible for it to find the location of Sanchuanzhishui, but it can take us to find a nearby king. As long as we find a nearby king, then we can find a way to let it take us to find a stronger king, step by step. You can find the water of three rivers." Xiaoyue explained.

"Did you find it like this before?" Xia Xia asked.

"Of course, you are picking up the ready-made ones. If I don't have me, you want to find the water of the Three Rivers in Wuji River. It is impossible without a thousand years, or even hundreds of thousands of years." Xiaoyue said very proudly.


Summer nodded.

His eyes are constantly observing the situation around him.

"It seems to be different from Wuji River here."

Hongfeng reminded.

"What did you find?" Xia Tian asked.

"The snow here is not as thick as the Wuji River, and there is some cyan under the snow, but it is beyond the maximum scope of your eyes, and you can't see through it if it is too far away." Hongfeng reminded.


Summer nodded slightly.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered that since the teleportation array we use is two-way, then you are not curious, why is the teleportation array on Sanchuan's side chosen in such a place? Is it a random choice, or is there anything special the meaning of."


When he heard this, Emperor Anshuixian's eyes lit up: "Why didn't I think of this."

Xiaoyue also observed around: "So, it's really weird."

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