The Best All-rounder

Chapter 208: Dominatrix

After those people stood up, they sat back again.

"What do you mean? Are ten immortal crystals less than one day?" Qu Xi said dissatisfied.

"Ten immortal crystals are quite a lot, but who dares to earn your dominatrix's immortal crystals? We have a life to earn, or a life to spend?" said a person next to him very unhappy.


Qu Xi's body moved and grabbed the opponent's neck directly: "I hate when people call me a dominatrix!!!"

"Tucheng rules, don't kill!!" the man said hurriedly.


Qu Xi also directly threw the man out.

The man's body slammed hard against the wall.

"Xianjing is tied every day, and I will give it to me in the future. During the battle, if you are desperately injured, I will give it ten times, and if you do meritorious service, I will give it twenty times." Qu Xi said again.

The people there hesitated for a while, but in the end they didn't get up.

Qu Xi glanced at the people around him: "A bunch of useless people, are they still men?"


After Qu Xi left, Xia Tian glanced at the man next to him: "Who is she?"

"Who else could it be? Tucheng Sheyasha, in recent years, there have been a lot of people here." The man said.

Xia Tian also sat down against the stone wall.

"Oh? What did she do?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"No one knows what she's been doing in recent years, but she often recruits people everywhere, and gives a lot of fairy crystals," the man explained.

"Then why don't everyone agree?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Because none of the people who followed her came back alive." The man who had just been thrown out walked back and said.

"None?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, in the past few years, there have been no ten thousand or eight thousand people who have gone with her, and there is no one who has come back alive, but every time she can come back, she just started to lie to everyone, saying that those who earned fairy crystals, I went out to travel, but later everyone found that the situation was wrong, because no matter how much money I made, I would come back and say hello to my brothers, but I didn't." The man rubbed his neck: "What a ruthless man. Bitch, with such a beautiful face, he is indeed a hot guy."

I saw it in summer too.

The man's neck was scorched, and although there was no fear of his life, he was obviously injured and needed to rest for some time.

"By the way, is it your first time to Tucheng?"

"Yes, I came here to find someone. I am a brother. I came to Tucheng and said to earn some immortal stones, but I never went back. I was worried about his safety, so I came to see." Xia Xia made up a reason.

"Then you didn't send him a messenger?"

"I sent it, but the communication talisman flew out and didn't respond." Xia Xia said.

"Then you don't need to look for it, it should be dead, the communication talisman is gone after flying out, it is one of the signs of death, although it is not completely accurate, but if the person you are looking for is in Tucheng, it is impossible to fly away. Now outside of Tucheng, there is only a team of Celestial Clan people, no other teams, but even if they follow the team of Celestial Clan people, the communication talisman will not be broken, so..."


Xia Xia sighed: "People die for money and birds die for food. I didn't expect that my brother would end up like this in the end."

"It's normal. Tens of thousands of people come from outside Tucheng every year. Few of them left alive in the end. Most of them died here."

"Is it so dangerous here?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Of course it's dangerous. In front of us is Bianchuan. It used to be an endless glacier. Recently, the glacier has melted and it has become cold, which is even more dangerous. In the past, everyone used to hunt for treasures in the past, but now, no one dares to go to the treasure hunt. So no one has been out of the city recently, and everyone wants to see if there has been a big change here, and whether it will be beneficial. If this has always been like this, and there is no benefit, then we all have to leave. Now, there is no need for Tucheng to exist anymore.”

Everyone come to Tucheng.

This is because it was close to the glacier.

There are treasures in the glacier, everyone comes to find treasures.

Although there are fewer and fewer treasures in the later period.

But it can still feed some people.

"In that case, it's not the right time for me to come," Xia Xia said.

"Brother, I'm not talking about you. Your body suffers when you fight. It's not worth it to come to such a dangerous place. Although you earn a lot here, the mortality rate is also very high."

"I'll wait a few days to see the situation and leave," Xia Xia said.

"Alright, maybe, the people from the Celestial Clan will be able to take a fancy to us when they come. At that time, we will have a chance to make a fortune."

"I heard that following the Celestial Clan people, the mortality rate is very high." Xia Xia said.

"This kid doesn't understand. If he mixes with people from the Celestial Clan, he will leave a name here in Tucheng. Even if he dies, he will be compensated. When the time comes, the family can come and collect the money. The core subordinate of the celestial being is really developed. Even if he dies, the compensation he will get is a large amount. I heard that when the Celestial Clan people came back some time ago, they took in a core subordinate, although that core subordinate died. , but he is worthy of compensation of 10,000 immortal crystals, and he has already notified his family to come over, no one dares to touch the rewards of the Celestial Clan."

At this time, the people here are very envious.

"Everyone is dead, what's the use of immortal crystals?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"These people we came here are all worthless people. After they die, they can be considered to have made contributions to the family. It is an honor to die. Although people die, they are respected by their family members, which is better than stealing their lives. ." said one of them.

at this time.

Xia Tian thought of the people in the Star Palace.

Their thinking at the time was also very incomprehensible.

They can obviously be the top existences in the Six Meridians, but they have always wanted to return to the family.

Even if it is to be the lowest level person.

That's probably what these people here are thinking now.

Summer does not endorse this idea.

He thinks that is better to die than to live.


There are endless possibilities.

And you're dead, how can you be respected by others?

"Hey, Miss Yu is recruiting, why don't you go take a look?" Someone suddenly ran over and said.

"Miss Rain!!"

When they heard this, everyone got up and ran inside.

"Who is this Miss Yu?" Xia Xia asked.

"Miss Yu is the most popular person here. She never treats those who go with her badly, and following her is much safer and more secure, never missing anyone's fairy crystals, and those who come back alive, There will be rewards." The man said.

"Interesting, at this time, so many people want to recruit people, it seems that there is a good show to watch."

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