The Best All-rounder

Chapter 212: come to you


Yu Shi frowned.

"What's the meaning?"

"Normally speaking, the destructive power of this kind of power is very terrifying. In your situation, you can't last for so many days. Someone saved your life," said Sacred Heart Master.

"Someone protect me? He was the only one who followed me along the way. Could it be him?" Yu Shi thought of summer.

"Then I don't know, but I just investigated this person, he is just an ordinary earth law, he should not have that ability." Sacred Heart Mage said.

"Is there anyone else?" Yu Shi frowned.

"Then I don't know." Sacred Heart Mage said.

Summer came to the center of Tucheng.

Put the remaining fifty thousand immortal crystals there.

Then wait.

the following few days.

More than 800 people came back one after another.

Final confirmation.

More than a hundred people died.

In the summer, according to Yu Shi's order, the fairy crystals were distributed.

Although dead.

But they are still very grateful to Yu Shi.

Because Yu Shi did not lose them.

And gave them a lot of fairy crystals.

This is why Yushi's reputation has always been so good.

"Finally finished." Xia Xia smiled slightly. He just came to Shenzhou and earned 50,000 Immortal Crystals. From here, it can be seen that Immortal Crystals are the main currency here.

Immortal stones are too common in places like Shenzhou. Although they are helpful for cultivation, they cannot be used as currency.


Fairy crystals are currency.

"Qu Yiyi makes such a big noise, Qu Xi will definitely be able to hear it, then Qu Yiyi will be in trouble." Hongfeng said.

"That's her business. If she can't handle Quxi, it's her own way." Xia Xia didn't want to ask Qu Yiyi's life.

The matter between Qu Yiyi and Qu Xi is their own business.

However, Xia Xia will continue to investigate Quxi. He has now figured out that Tucheng is not a force at all, but just a foothold.

Qu Xi could not live here either.

"Qu Xi is a very cautious person. Although everyone here knows her, they don't know her very well. I think she is a big trouble," Hongfeng reminded.


That is the person who once caused cholera to three rivers and six veins.

And she now knows how to get in and out of the six meridians.

Such people are very dangerous.

If you don't get rid of her for one day, the six veins will not be safe for one day.


After ten years, Quxi can open **** again.

She will also take another shot at Summer.


In summer, Quxi must be settled within ten years.

"She is still in the city, we will continue to stay for a while." Xia Xia intends to stand by and wait here. Since Quxi is looking for someone, Quxi must have moved recently, and he can also have immediate news here.

that's it.

In the summer, I found a place in Tucheng and sat down.

"Brother, I heard that you made a lot of money." The people who chatted with Xia Xia before sat down.

"Fortunately, I made some money." Xia Xia nodded.

"I heard that you brought Miss Yu back in person, and in the end you are the only one left, so Miss Yu will definitely not treat you badly," the person said.

"It's okay, the brothers who went with me are dead." Those who signed up together before Xia Xia were all killed.

Although there were more than 800 people who came back this time, almost all of them came back with injuries, and a few people died on the road.

These people who came back, and some of them are still not healed from their injuries.

Summer understands.

Those people have the ultimate power.

This is very serious.

The ultimate power is enough to kill them. Although they are only injured for a while, the situation in their bodies will become more and more serious until they die.

This is the terrifying aspect of ultimate power.

It is also the reason why people of the Six Meridians want to cultivate.

When I didn't have the ultimate power in the summer, I was very careful with those people.

"After a while, a large number of people will die." Hongfeng said.

"No, that Sacred Heart Master will save people. I recently discovered that some people with minor injuries are treated by themselves, and some seriously injured people go to Sacred Heart Master for treatment, and Sacred Heart Master does not accept them. Fees, but if you donate materials, he wants them, and he gets those materials for alchemy to save people." Xia Xia observed the residence of the Sacred Heart Mage.

It was found that the man was poor.

At the same time, it must have saved a lot of people.

There are frequent people there.

"I didn't expect that when I first came to Shenzhou, I saw such a kind-hearted person." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"Yes, such a person is rare. He is a very good person, and he also has some skills." Xia Xia nodded.

"By the way, have you heard about it? Recently, Quxi has raised the price to thirty immortal crystals a day in order to recruit people."

"It's so high." Xia Xia was stunned.

"But no one is willing to sign up. After all, the person who went out with her didn't come back alive," the person said.

Although 30 Immortal Crystals a day is definitely a big deal.

People here don't want to die casually.

Moreover, she only pays a small deposit in Tucheng every time, and she does not have much credibility in itself.

"I'm not going, it's hard to earn money to die." Xia Xia said.

"I'm not going either. I made a fortune following Miss Yu this time, enough to go home recently." The man nodded.


An old man appeared in front of Xia Xia.

"Mr. Tian, ​​we have met."

"Well, do you know what's wrong with the old gentleman?"

"Our lady is looking for you."

"What's the matter?" Summer asked.

"Our lady wants you to **** her home."

"Oh?" Xia Xia raised his brows: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Because you rescued our young lady, the young lady thinks that you are a talented person, and you are trustworthy, so it is natural for someone to find someone like you. Don't worry, Xianjing will not be without you," the old man said.

"I'm thinking about it!!" Summer said Well, I'll come over tomorrow. "The old man is gone.

"I'm not mistaken, that's Miss Yu's housekeeper, brother, you are developed, but don't forget your brothers." A few people next to him ran over and said.

"What's the matter? This Miss Yu is also a dangerous person. Last time, all a thousand people were almost killed. Escorting her is too dangerous." Xia Xia actually didn't want to leave, because he still wanted to monitor Qu Xi.

But if you don't go, there must be a reason.

to normal people.

This is something that cannot be denied.

If there is no reason, this will arouse suspicion.


Qu Xi walked over from the front.

"A few of you, whether to do business or not, one hundred immortal crystals a day, pay in advance!!"

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