The Best All-rounder

Chapter 228: City initiative


These people move very fast, and their shots are also very decisive.

All are killer moves.

They didn't intend to capture the night elf alive.


These people directly surrounded the night elves.


The strength of these people is strong, and the power of each person is also very high.

The night elves, who were originally very powerful in lethality, began to gradually become passive when facing these masters, especially the head of the Yuan family, who was extremely powerful.

"The power of these people is about 70,000. The power of the Yuan family is 90,000, and the power of the night elf is a little more than 80,000, but he has special abilities, so he can barely handle it, but He can't hold it for long." Hongfeng analyzed.

Although there is no halo, it is impossible for him to see the exact numbers of these people.

But just when these people shot, their laws changed, and they were all caught by Hongfeng.

After the ability analysis.

Summarized data.

With so many people, to deal with a night elf, and it is still an attack after blocking the space, the strength of the night elf is greatly reduced.

"Kill him!!" The Yuan Family Patriarch shouted.

The people around them also completely knocked out their attacks.



The night elves are about to be beheaded here.


at this time.

A hood appeared, and this hood directly enveloped the body of the night elf.

Blocks all nearby attacks.

at the same time.

A figure fell in front of the night elf.

"City Lord!!" The Yuan Family Patriarch raised his hand in a hurry.

The people around them all stopped.

"I want to live." Yuying Wang said lightly.

"City Lord, he is a very dangerous character and must be killed. At the same time, he also gave other night elves a warning, telling them that our Yuying City is not a place where their night elves can run wild." The Yuan family patriarch still wanted to kill people. .

He was worried that his son's affairs would be exposed, and it would be difficult to explain at that time.

"I am free." Yuying King's body moved and disappeared directly in place.

"Patriarch!" The others looked at the Yuan family's patriarch.

"You go back first." The Yuan family's patriarch also flew to the City Lord's Mansion.

He wants to see what the city lord wants to do, he must not let this night elf talk nonsense.

The people around were watching it very hot.


They actually saw so many masters fighting.

To know.

The head of the Yuan family is also a famous expert.

Usually want to see such a master shot, it is simply as hard as the sky.

There are also night elves, many people have only heard of it, and it is the first time they have seen night elves in action.

In the end, even the city lord made his move.

This is a very rare scene.

"This city lord is not simple. Although he can't analyze his immortal power with his hand just now, his immortal power will definitely not be lower than Quxi." Hongfeng analyzed.

"This place is indeed a good place." Xia Xia's eyes looked into the distance: "It's a pity that night elf, I was thinking, should I help him."

"As long as we continue to commit crimes, they will understand that the night elves and Yaksha are not the same person." Hongfeng said.

"This can clear his suspicions, but the night elf attacking Young Master Qi will definitely be convicted, and over the years, he should have killed a lot of people, the city lord can't let him go." Xia Xia shook his head. .

Even if they do it today.

The night elves won't be saved either.

"Will it be saved?" Hongfeng asked.

"Save!!" Xia Xia's body moved, turned into a guard of the City Lord's Mansion, and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

have to say.

The most insane ability in summer.

Just pretend everything.

He can disguise as anyone.

He glanced at the other party, and he could become the other party and forge everything about the other party.

Including breath and law.

As long as the opponent's immortal power does not exceed his, he can forge it.

Of course.

Do not meet acquaintances, otherwise the details and conversations will be exposed.

After all, it is impossible to copy other people's memories in summer.

City Lord's Mansion! !

The Yuan family's patriarch and city lord are all here.

The night elves have been sealed in their dantian, and their bodies are limp there.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Yuying King asked.

"Win the king or lose the bandit, if I'm caught, I'll be ready to die. Just kill me." The night elves have long been ready for death.

"City Lord, don't talk nonsense with him, just kill him." The Yuan Family Patriarch said.

"Would you like to be the city lord?" Yuying Wang looked at the Yuan family's patriarch and asked.

"Don't dare, don't dare!!" The head of the Yuan family was also honest.

"Is she okay?" Yuying King asked.

The night elf did not reply, he would not answer any of the Rain Eagle King's words.

"Let's go, I will arrange for someone to take you out of the city, but you can't go back to Rain Eagle City in the future. Tell her that there will be no more assassinations of the night elves in Rain Eagle City in the future," said the Rain Eagle King.

"City Lord..."

The head of the Yuan family looked at the Rain Eagle King.

The Rain Eagle King did not answer his words, but directly put his hand on the night elf.


The sealed dantian was untied, and then he threw a robe to the night elf: "Don't answer me anything, don't ask me anything, let's go!!"

soon! !

Two guards came in outside.

The two guards also walked to the side of the night elves.

Although the night elf at this time did not understand what was going on, he also followed what the city lord said.

"City Lord, you..." The Yuan family's patriarch is now completely at a loss to understand what Yuying King means.

"Don't worry about your son. I have already suppressed it. You don't need to kill people. The Yasha and the night elves you are looking for are not a group of people, go back!!" Yuying King said.


" City Lord." The Yuan Family Patriarch bowed slightly, then turned to leave.


Xia Xia was one of the two guards at this time. He witnessed all this with his own eyes. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he still accompanied the night elf out of the city.

When it was just dawn.

"City Lord, it's not good."

"What's wrong?" Yuying Wang asked in confusion.

His subordinates are usually not so flustered, but now this subordinate is so flustered, it proves that something must have happened.

"The one who sent that person out with me yesterday was not the Shadow Guard. The real Shadow Guard was just found lying in a dry well in the backyard and was thrown in after being sealed." The Shadow Guard hurriedly said.

"I see." King Rain Eagle looked up at the sky: "It's getting more and more interesting."

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