The Best All-rounder

Chapter 294: day star

Baichuan didn't need to say any threatening words, but any words he casually said were enough to give people an invisible pressure.

Summer understands.

If he can't find Tianlong within half a month, then with Baichuan's character, he will definitely kill him.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't be nervous, we are also in a hurry. As far as I know, Tianlong must be in the belt of the wolf star group. Since he is here, I believe that you must have a way to find him, right?" Thirteen Wei Wei smile.

Although he was also easing the atmosphere, he did not say that it was a matter of not killing Xia Xia.

But it is also urging summer.

"If you can't find your father in half a month, then Baichuan will definitely do something to you. His personality is too direct." Hongfeng reminded.


Xia Tian glanced at Thirteen: "Are there any traces of him?"

"Although I didn't catch up with him, I brought back the breath of the places he passed by and the things he touched." Thirteen handed over a storage device.

He also came prepared.

He took down almost everything that Tianlong touched.

Xia Tian glanced at it, and he understood that these things were all things that his father's afterimage had touched, and it was impossible to leave any breath or traces, and what was left must be fake.

But since his father brought these two here.

That proves that his father must have some trump card.


His father wanted to solve these two people in the wolf star belt.

"If that's the case, then I'll give them a ride." Xia Xia looked at Thirteen: "Okay, give me half a day, and don't let anyone disturb me for half a day."

He pretended to start working on these things.


He is immersed in his own laws of the stars.

He wanted to rely on his own laws of the stars to find the traces that his father left on purpose, and then let these two people find those traces deliberately, although he didn't know what his father wanted to do.

But following the traces left by his father, he must be helping his father.

After half a day.

Get up in summer.


"Brother Tian, ​​have you gained anything?" Thirteen asked.

Obviously he also wanted to find Tianlong earlier.

"Yes, I caught his traces, I will show you the way, and you will take me to fly." Xia Xia said.


Thirteen took the summer to stop after crossing more than thirty stars.

Xia Xia also stopped and checked around: "Are you sure Tianlong is a person?"

"What did you find?" Thirteen asked.

He didn't answer Xia's question, obviously there were things he didn't want Xia to know.

"There are traces of Tianlong here, but here are not the traces of one person, but two people, and it is certain that the two of them are definitely together, that is to say, there must be a person beside Tianlong." Xia Xia already knew this at this time. Who is the person.

That is his master.

Yin Nie!

Thirteen also shines at this time.

Xia Xia can say that there is another person beside Tianlong, which proves that everything Xia Xia said must be true.

"Can you catch up?" Thirteen asked.

"Yes, didn't you give me fifteen days? It's only been three days, and there are still twelve days. It should be no problem to catch up with them." Xia Xia said lightly.

Ha ha!

Thirteen smiled.

didn't explain anything.

He could hear the dissatisfaction in Xia Tian's words.

Summer is here to help this time.

But Baichuan directly threatened his life. Anyone who did this kind of thing would definitely be very upset.

Summer is also a normal person, and it is normal to have dissatisfaction in this situation.

Summer is also on point.

That Baichuan is not easy to mess with, if he says too much, that Baichuan will definitely kill him now.

Of course.

In summer, this is also a normal thing.

In a place like Shenzhou, if you want to make friends with people like Baichuan and Shisan, you will naturally have to pay some price. Even if others cooperate with these two people, there will definitely be such a choice.

And the other party will definitely think it is normal.

If he helped these two get Tianlong this time, their relationship would definitely be different in the future, and even Baichuan would treat Xia Xia differently.


I'm afraid I won't have that chance.

If he could, he would help his father get these two men.

Although their strength is very strong, since father dares to plot against them, he should have some means.

All he has to do is push the fire.

"Is there anything special in the middle of the star zone?" Xia Xia asked.

"There are actually a lot of masters hidden in the star zone, and some are hunted and killed, because the place is large, the area is wide, and the power is mixed, so it is also a good place to avoid the enemy. The more famous star is called Bai Tian. , the gravity and gravity there are terrible, and there are a lot of dangers on it, many explorers died on the daytime star, that star will shine, so there is no night." Thirteen ~ said.

"Is that star in front of our left?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, it's right in front of us!!" Thirteen said.

"Come on, in order to save time, take me there, so that you won't be able to find it there." Xia Xia said.

"It's very dangerous over there." Thirteen reminded.

"Where is it not dangerous? When you meet a master like you, you can cut a star at random It's dangerous anywhere. It's better to be safe by your side." Xia Xia said with emotion.

He was right.

It can be said.

If you encounter a master like Baichuan nearby, you may be killed without knowing anything.

His sword at that time caused many people to die inexplicably.

"Okay, when we get there, if we chase, you will be waiting there. If you need to find and hurry, you will be by my side." Thirteen is also a very good person.

That's why he has so many friends outside.

day star.

Five days later.

They came here.

The gravity and gravitational force of the day star is very large, more than ten times that of other surrounding planets. Here, the speed will be greatly affected, but it will not be affected by other surrounding stars.

So relatively speaking.

relatively stable.

However, because of the strong light, the temperature is a bit high, and the line of sight is not particularly good.

"There are many unknown dangers here, you must be careful." Thirteen reminded.

"Give me half a day and I'll find him." Xia Xia said.

"it is good!!"


Xia Xia was also sitting there, pretending to investigate those breaths again. In fact, he was using the Law of the Stars to find traces. The Law of the Stars is really like a divine help here.

After half a day.

Xia Tian got up: "I found it!"

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Bai Chuan and Shisan both brightened up.

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