The Best Director

Chapter 125 It's You!

Chapter 125 is you!

Accompanied by Jessica, Wang Yang went back to Chinatown in San Francisco for a few days, went to Malibu for vacation and went fishing. After a week of rest, he ended his holiday and officially returned to work. (Reading novels) He currently has three film and television production projects, "Sweetheart" and "Prison Break" as the producer, and "District 9" as the director and editor. He decided to finish the preliminary work on "Sweetheart" first.

Because he had already written all the scripts of "Sweetheart" before he went to jail on March 21. This is a sunny, youthful and passionate hip-hop movie, which naturally requires a sunny attitude to make; The Ninth District was so depressing that it made people crazy, so he had to finish these sunny things before devoting himself to the work of "The Ninth District", including writing the script, forming the crew, and so on.

As for "Prison Break", the "Family TV Entertainment" department of Flame Films has already established a project for it, and hired producers to prepare for the production. There may be more than a dozen producers for a TV series; 6, including "High School Musical", "When Happiness Comes Knocking", "Juno" and other films are like this. Each producer performs his own duties and completes different tasks; otherwise, one person cannot do everything. Whether you have the energy to do it is one thing, but whether you have the time is the big problem.

The producer Wang Yang acted as in "Sweetheart" is not the most important one, but he is doing the most important work, not soliciting investment, because he is the investor; but setting up the crew of the film, but not all , His task is to first determine the director candidate, and then work with the director to determine the leading role. His preliminary work is over.

As for the important positions of photographer, art director, and set designer; as well as the financial management of the crew, equipment and venues, etc., he will not ask, those are handled by the director and other producers.

Who will be the director of "Sweetheart"? He needs to know hip-hop, to be cool, to conform to the youthful and sunny director style, to have enough storytelling skills, and to be passionate... After Wang Yang thought about many candidates, he finally settled on the name of Anne-Fletcher , 35-year-old Anne Fletcher is the choreographer of the trilogy "Titanic", "Pretty Girl Cheerleading" and "High School Musical".

And she is the director of the future street dance film "Dancing Out of My Life". Undoubtedly, her choreography level is very high. Compared with himself, Anne is more capable of integrating various elements of street dance, ballet, opera dance, etc. Together; cool, sunny, youthful and other styles, she has not picked up the director's microphone once, and the style has not yet been formed, so it can be negotiated slowly; the ability to tell stories seems to be slightly insufficient, which is exactly what "Dancing Out of My Life" is about. One shortcoming is that the plot is relatively flat and thin.

Although it is said that dance films focus on dancing, if there is no fascinating plot series, wonderful dances will become meaningless piles. But the plot problem of "Dancing Out of My Life" is firstly the script, and the second is the sequence of shots in post-editing; he wants to have him, a producer who knows all the song and dance movies and youth movies in the next ten years,

Anne can be helped to avoid this problem as much as possible.

Furthermore, "Dancing Out of My Life" itself has already been very successful, and "Sweetheart", which has a script that combines the essence of youth movies in the next ten years, as the first hip-hop movie in the new century, has a great chance of success.

Another point is that as the producer, he will put forward his own opinions throughout the creation of the film. If you know that the director is bothered by others, he doesn't want to quarrel or even fight with anyone, such as Sarah Sugarman; then the first One-time director Anne Fletcher, a soft and friendly Taurus woman, was the perfect fit, but she needed to be willing to take the mic.

In the back garden, where the air was filled with the faint fragrance of flowers, Wang Yang sat on a wooden chair and threw out the tennis ball in his hand. Danny ran away with his big tongue out, and smiled at the phone: "Hello, Annie"

This Anne-Darren or Anne-Hathaway is Anne-Fletcher, and her hearty voice came from the phone: "Hey, why did Magic Yang call me?" She laughed haha He said again: "Every time you call me it's 'a job', let me guess, this time it's the choreographer of "Sweetheart"? Tell me YES, I don't even have a job, ha"

Wang Yang took the tennis ball from Danny's mouth, threw it out again, and said with a smile: "I'm disappointed, no. But it is indeed a 'job', and it has something to do with "Sweetheart", not a choreographer, I think You are invited to direct "Honey."

"Oh what?" Anne Fletcher seemed to have just reacted, and blurted out in surprise: "You asked me to direct "Sweetheart"?" The dancer, at the beginning, worked as a backup dancer and performer, and then gradually became famous. By chance, she became a choreographer for a movie. In addition to choreography, she also sometimes performed tricks; she has always wanted to be a director. , I also thought about making an independent film, but I never thought that an opportunity would come suddenly.

"Yes Anne, I hope you can become the director of "Honey"" Wang Yang said in a very serious voice. He knew the story of Anne-Fletcher. "It's a completely different story, but their same pursuit of dance will make Anne have enough enthusiasm for directing. He said: "I don't know if you are interested? Let me tell you a general story first..."

Next, while playing a ball game with Danny, Wang Yang introduced the content of "Sweetheart" to Anne-Fletcher and some information about the shooting style.

Annie listened carefully, and after he finished speaking, she smiled and said, "The story is very interesting, but should I read the script first? Haha... Miracle Yang, in fact, I really want to be a director. This job I'm so excited, I like it, I like this new job" She said excitedly: "This time I can also design storyboards"

Wang Yang smiled, and made a serious explanation in advance: "But you know, I will be the producer of "Sweetheart", so I may tell you what to do, the camera here is not right, and there needs to be changed..." Anne Fletcher over there gave a nonchalant heck and said, "It's okay, at least I can tell the actors what to do, can't I? Seriously, I don't mind this, if it's for the good of the movie."

"Not a lot. I'm mainly concerned with style. You're better at dancing than me." Wang Yang stood up with a smile, walked over to Danny who couldn't return the ball, and said, "Annie, our The goal is to create a movie that sparks hip-hop trends. Now we have confirmed two leading actors, Jessica will play Sweetheart, and Michael Pitt will play the decadent male Brooke in the team..."

After confirming that Anne-Fletcher was the director, Wang Yang quickly started the selection and audition of the leading actors. He and Anne-Fletcher will be the interviewers, but he will take the lead.

There are six leading actors in "Sweetheart", that is, members of the team, six young people with their own characteristics, and together they will interpret this story about dreams and friendship. Of course, the roles of the six people are different, some are masters and some are supporting roles, but they can all be featured on posters, and now what does "starring in a movie starring Miracle Yang" mean? Equal success, a rising star in Hollywood.

So although "Sweetheart" is not directed by Wang Yang, he is only the screenwriter and producer, there are still countless well-known actors of the right age competing for the starring role of "Sweetheart", and it is enough to have that magical director of the same age as the name.

In addition to Sweetheart and Decadent Brooke who have already confirmed the actors, there is also the funny and wretched ballerina Edison as the initial candidate for the role. Wang Yang contacted his "loved one" Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Joseph was born on February 17, 1981. In Natalie's words, he is "also an Aquarius boy". He has participated in many TV commercials, TV dramas, and TV movies since he was a child. He is a very famous child star. Now he Studied at Columbia University in New York.

On the phone, Joseph expressed his pleasure at the invitation to play the role, and also told Wang Yang his love for "Juno", claiming to be Wang Yang's "die-hard fan"; but if he wants to take the role of "Edison", He was going to stop his studies for a long time, and he still had to learn ballet, so Joseph said that he had to think carefully before replying.

As for the other three characters, including a pair of brother and sister who are proficient in hip-hop and go their own way, Hogan and Pandora, they are the kind of cool guys who make young people scream loudly; there is also a character who is a bit wimpy and weird , Karen, a girl who represents the stage opera style, these three roles all have to undergo a small-scale audition, that is, to choose among the predetermined actors.

When designing the role of Karen, Wang Yang felt that Anne Darren was very suitable for the role. Even when he looked at the "Karen" in the script, he saw Anne in front of him. But he wasn't sure if Anne's acting skills could handle it, so Annie participated in Karen's competition on the audition days for the roles of Karen and Pandora.

In Santa Monica, in the audition room of Flame Films, Wang Yang and Anne Fletcher were sitting in the interviewer's chairs, and Anne Darren, with light blonde hair, was standing in front of the interview table, holding a Pass him a resume and a portfolio of photos. Wang Yang took it and put it aside, patted it, and said with a smile: "I've seen it three times, so there's no need to read it. But Annie, why do you have to come first?"

"There is always the first one." Annie smiled slightly, feeling a little nervous in her heart, as if she had returned to the audition for "Ghost Story" three years ago. Because she was invited to participate this time, the young director also said that she is "very suitable" for the role of Karen, and this is a big supporting role, with many lines and shots, and she is the kind of main actor who can be on the poster

It has been 5 years since she came to Los Angeles. She has been full of confidence, depressed and hopeless, almost committed suicide, and continued to work hard... In the past 5 years, her biggest movie role has only a dozen lines of dialogue, and her dream seems to be on the way. Farther and farther away from her, it would be great if I could get Karen...

"OK, let's start the audition." Wang Yang was about to ask an acting question, but seeing Annie take a deep breath, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Annie, are you nervous?"

Annie smiled and waved her hands, but her heart beat faster and faster, so she nodded apologetically and said, "I'm sorry Jan, Ms. Fletcher, I'm a little nervous, but I'm fine." She took a few deep breaths Once, he smiled and said, "It's all right."

"Oh, Annie, just call her Annie." Wang Yang shrugged and looked at Anne-Fletcher next to him. The two blond-haired Annies immediately smiled. Anne-Fletcher looked at the girl with the same name in front, He comforted me with a smile: "Girl Anne, relax, you won't be as nervous as I am, it's my first time as a director, and it's my first time auditioning for people; and you have experienced many battles, as long as you use your understanding of the role to the fullest." Just come out."

Seeing Annie's relaxed appearance, Wang Yang couldn't help sighing secretly, women still comfort people. He smiled and said, "Annie, you know what kind of character Karen is, she's a bit cowardly, but She is a girl who has the courage to pursue herself..." After explaining a few words, he said with a specially written topic: "Then let's start the performance, hey, Karen, are you interested in joining my team?"

"Your team?" Annie frowned slightly, with a strange look of excitement and vigilance on her face, and said in a tentative tone: "What team? Really?" She seemed to want to protect herself with her hands, and asked again: "You Are you talking about the teams participating in the competition?"

Wang Yang had a calm expression on his face, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and ticked off Anne's acting skills had already improved several times compared to three years ago. In addition, the role of Karen is allowed to have a stage play style, This allowed her to let go of her hands and feet to act, and the effect was very good. In all likelihood, he wouldn't say "I'm sorry" to Annie for the fourth time.

Then Annie performed a few more titles. After she relaxed completely, she performed better and better. She was a real girl who slightly brought opera into life. Wang Yang and Anne Fletcher couldn't help but nod.

"Well, that's all." Wang Yang smiled happily, glanced at Fletcher, and then looked at Annie, who had recovered from the nervousness in the field. She clenched her fists tightly and blinked her eyes non-stop. Moving, he smiled warmly: "Annie, it's you"

"Oh, God!" Annie's face flushed with excitement, but her fists were still clenched, her eyes were blinking wildly, and she seemed to have forgotten how to react... She got Karen? She got a main role in a movie. Looking at Wang Yang and Fletcher who were smiling in front of them, Annie covered her mouth with her hands, and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

I can't cry, I should laugh now... Annie pressed her nose, and finally couldn't help it, tears welled up from her eyes, and the furious voice faintly sounded in her ears: "Go, go, you will Those who died in Hollywood are all the corpses of people like you" and that night, the wind on the roof was very strong, whirrrrr... She is not dead, she can tell mom and dad, I did it, you can put the print Proud of having her own daughter's movie poster on the wall of her room

"Thank you." Annie wiped her tears, laughed and cried intermittently: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Annie, thank you Annie..."

Anne-Fletcher had a sympathetic smile, and Wang Yang also had a happy smile on his face. He gave a thumbs up to Annie who was crying with joy, and shouted with a smile: "Annie, well done." Annie smiled with clean teeth and nose. Those ordinary freckles on the face suddenly look so beautiful.

After confirming Karen's candidate in the morning, the two of them started auditioning for the cool girl Pandora in the afternoon. After interviewing four girls, a blond girl walked in. She was around M, with a youthful and pretty face. There is a coolness. Wang Yang immediately noticed that this girl's temperament is very suitable. Of course, anyone who can come to the audition is suitable. She should be... Scarlett Johansson?

"Hello, Fantastic Jan, Anne." The blond girl introduced herself with a smile on her face, "I'm Scarlett Johansson, and here's my profile or something." She handed over the file in her hand up.

"Well, Scarlett, I know you. I've seen your "The Horse Whisperer" and it's great." Wang Yang smiled, took over her file, and first gave the photo collection to Anne Fur Letcher, and he looked at Scarlett's resume.

Scarlett Johansson was born on November 22, 1984, and she has not yet passed her 17th birthday. She has started her acting career since she was a child, starting with a stage play. In 1994, she made her debut on the big screen in "rth". In 1996, he showed his acting talent in "Manny and Luo"; in 1997, he filmed "The Horse Whisperer", because Natalie Portman was going to star in the Broadway play "Annie's Diary", and gave up acting. So Scarlett, who is equally talented, got the role of the heroine's daughter "Grace McClain", and her performance was once again widely praised.

In the past two years, she has starred in several independent films such as "American Paradise", and at this time she is probably seeking to enter mainstream Hollywood films. And the only information in his mind shows that Scarlett is by no means the kind of dead child star who cannot be transformed, at least she is in "Iron Man 2", super sexy; but this guy is not only sexy, her acting talent can Not inferior to Natalie, the two had a big scene in "Another Boleyn Girl" in 2008.

But those are things in the future that don't exist. Whether she is suitable for "Pandora" now has to go through an audition to know. Wang Yang closed his resume and said with a smile, "OK, let's start." Scarlett nodded and said, "Okay."

Next, Wang Yang and Anne-Fletcher both presented questions and surveys. Whether Scarlett pretended to be cool or performed clips, she was eye-catching. Looking at the wonderful Scarlett, Wang Yang thought of Annie, and sighed, "It's a beautiful butterfly after all." He glanced at the satisfied Anne-Fletcher, nodded to Scarlett and said, "Dude, You are the one"

Scarlett was stunned for a moment, and then she said with joy on her face, "It's just me?" Wang Yang nodded again, and said, "Yes." Scarlett clenched her fists excitedly, wanting to rush immediately. Go out and share this good news with my mom who is waiting outside, although this is not her first movie; although "Pandora" is only the second female number, she has also acted as a leading actress in several movies, but now it is Fantastic Young's movie Magic Yang said happily: "Thank you for this opportunity, I will work hard."

"Well, welcome to "Sweetheart"" Wang Yang stood up and shook hands with her, then pointed to her long hair, and said with a smile: "By the way, Scarlett, you perm your hair into waves, and then It will be much more beautiful if it is loose." Scarlett, who was shaking hands with Anne-Fletcher, was stunned, and Wang Yang shrugged: "It's just a personal opinion, don't bother with me; but I think your look in "Sweetheart" It will be like that."

"Okay, OK." Scarlett nodded happily, with some doubts in her heart. Does her wave look good?

When the signing intentions of Anne Darren and Scarlett Johansson were officially confirmed, Flame Movie announced the news on the official website, whether it was the unfamiliar Anne Darren or the well-known Scarlett Johansson. Li, the popularity suddenly soared, and many movie fans said, "The girls released by Miracle Yang are just like his movies. When has anyone been disappointed?"

Less than two days later, Flame Films announced another actor joining "Sweetheart", James Franco, born in 1978, will play Scarlett Johansson's brother "Hogan". In less than two days, the crew of "Sweetheart" announced that the last leading actor would officially join, and he was Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

So far, the starring lineup of "Sweetheart" has been released, including Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, Anne Darren; Michael Pitt, James Franco, and Joseph. As for other supporting roles, Jessica’s younger brother Joshua Alba has been confirmed to play, but this is not what everyone cares about. To the excitement of many movie fans, it is said that Justin Timberlake will also play a role. Britney Spears is also likely to make a cameo

"Magic Yang is very confident about the producer of "Sweetheart". He said, 'We have a lot of very good actors joining, and their acting skills will collide, which will be very interesting. There is another suspicion of 'pleasing his girlfriend', will Magic Yang's 20 million investment be successful? Let's wait and see." —— "Daily Entertainment".

After finishing the selection of the director and starring role, Wang Yang discussed with Anne-Fletcher many times, discussing the lens style, color style, scene style of the city of dance, etc. of the whole movie. His preliminary work Also basically over. The next job for "Sweetheart" is Anne Fletcher to write the script, the protagonists will shape and understand the characters, and at the same time they will start to take dance lessons such as hip-hop.

When Annie's shot script is finished, Wang Yang will revise it with her; the protagonists will enter the shooting stage after they have learned how to dance, and then he will check the specific shooting with the crew for a few days; Participate in the most important clips.

But now, all the work of "Sweetheart" is being carried out in an orderly manner, and without him having anything to do, he can get out and devote himself to the work of "District Ninth".

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