Chapter 156 "Sweetheart" released

"Whoa, whoa--" The movie theater was full of cheers. Listening to the fast-paced music and watching the dynamic and enthusiastic dance of Sweetheart and others on the big screen, these young audiences were not disappointed. Yes, when the cast and crew list floated on the screen, there was a burst of joyful applause in the theater, and many audience members who were hip-hop lovers swayed their bodies and shouted excitedly: "This is what he loves to dance!" piece"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!" In one of the auditoriums, the blonde girl Claire opened her mouth with both hands, shouting non-stop, shouting: "It's great, it's really cool." Good sisters I know next to me, young people of the same age I don’t know In this atmosphere, he also laughed and shouted to his heart's content. (, the fastest text to update wonderful novels!) It took a long time for the screening hall to gradually become quiet, but it was still full of buzzing jokes from the audience leaving.

Claire walked outside with the brown-haired girls Janet and Alison. Reminiscing about "Sweetheart" just now, Claire couldn't help admiring to the sisters: "Remember what I said? With Magic Young as the screenwriter and producer, is it possible that it won't look good? See, we didn't waste those 8 yuan" Jenny Te also smiled and nodded, full of interest: "Wow, I want to learn hip-hop, why didn't I know hip-hop is so cool before?"

"It's okay to learn this." Claire shrugged rather self-deprecatingly, and Janet immediately shrugged and smiled. Alison, who flinched last year, put her arms around their shoulders and said with a smile, "I'm with you."

They are the initiators of "Operation Juno", a mass pregnancy event that shocked the United States. Last year, girls such as Claire and Janet gave birth to babies. Both of them have already found good adoptive parents for their children. During this pregnancy, just like Juno, they have experienced many things, both happy and bitter; they also thought a lot, became mature, and only then did they really understand what "Juno" wanted to say, that is a self The process of knowing.

The three walked out of the screening hall while chatting with each other, and came to the ticket office of the small cinema. There are many posters of upcoming new movies on the poster wall, such as "Ice Age" holding a pine cone and a staring squirrel, "Spiderman" "Spider-Man climbing the outer wall of high-rise buildings, Natalie Portman in "Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones", and a red label that says "Aliens are not allowed to watch"...

"I'm wondering why this is? Why do we think it looks good?" Claire asked suspiciously as she walked; Janet said with a casual look that I don't know, "We are not film critics, but we just look good. She smiled and waved her arms, and said, "I love the smell in it. It's not stuffy at all, it's funny and handsome. They dance very well; there's also a little touch. In the end, they moved forward for the same dream." When I was there, I really wanted to be one of them.”

Alison nodded, and agreed: "Well, I think the length of the film is too short. It seems that I just sat down, and then soon, it's over?" Janet was also very unsatisfied, and said: "I don't know Will there be a sequel? When I get home, I will go to IMDb and give "Sweetheart" a 9.


"I found that it is indeed like this, which makes people very comfortable..." Claire frowned slightly, thinking about analyzing "Sweetheart", she was very happy from the beginning to the end, Sweetheart's optimism and smile infected everyone, there was no messy plot, There is no preaching... There seems to be nothing particularly touching, but the details in it are full of new ideas, which are completely different from the old hip-hop movies before.

The characters are also very funny and interesting, as if watching a comedy, people naturally saw the end, and then, like Alison, realized: "Ah, it's over?" It's obviously a very simple story, why? Maybe that's its charm?

Claire smiled incomprehensibly, and said contemptuously: "Those youth movies should all come to see Fan Yang, what did they shoot?" Janet said disdainfully: "They did it, but they still messed up. , I thought it would be enough to put a few beautiful vases in and make some love, haha ​​what do those film companies think of us? Childish as long as the filming is good, the friendship is also very good."

While talking, they walked out of the small cinema. Under the night, many young people lined up in a loose line, waiting to enter the cinema. At this time, Alison laughed and said, "Michael Pitt is really good at acting. If his hands weren't injured, how far he could jump?" Everyone was swearing at them, and a white girl yelled, "Now we know why Michael stopped dancing, thanks, bitch"

"Oh yeah" Claire raised her middle finger without fear, and cursed loudly in Juno's words: "k-u-Very-h" Janet and Alison turned their backs to them in cooperation, and slapped their butts arrogantly. The three of them laughed a few times, then continued to walk towards the parking lot, and said with a smile, "Cool, really cool."

"I'm looking forward to "The Ninth District" even more now. It's directed by Miraculous Yang himself." Claire's eyes flashed with excitement, and said: "100 million cost, God knows how it will be made?" Alison took over the conversation and said : "But now everyone guesses that "District 9" will be very serious, bloody and violent, something unbearable." Janet snorted amusedly, and asked: "Then do you want to watch it?" Li Sen nodded and said, "Of course, I've been waiting for a year. How much box office do you think it will have?"

In Boston, Natalie, who was dressed as an ordinary student, walked out of the movie theater, yawned, and muttered in her heart: "I really don't suit to watch this kind of youth idol movie. I actually watched her jumping around to watch that annoying movie all night." Bastard, when will T-21-TEAM be filmed?"

"Great", "Jessica, Jessica--", "Scarlett--", "Michael Michael" The young people sitting in the back row laughed and shouted, expressing their love for the movie Love, whistles and applause are also constantly ringing, driven by this youthful enthusiasm, the auditorium, which was full of seats, suddenly boiled up: "Wow--", "Yang, I love you forever--"

Wang Yang, who was wearing a black suit, looked back and saw that the fans who participated in the premiere had all stood up, vaguely seeing their happy smiling faces and dancing. He smiled incomparably satisfied, he was also relieved, and said with a smile: "Jessie, we didn't screw up." Jessica, who was wearing a red evening dress, also turned her head to look, her eyes were full of happiness, and said with a smile: " Looks pretty good."

Wang Yang closed his eyes and felt the martial arts. The holy king made the holy king. The king will kill the gods at night. The royal family of the great zhou dynasty kills the gods and seals the throne in the night, seeks the magic, proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man of the nine heavens , Guys, let's dance. Under the impulse brought by the movie, let's sway your youth and show your beauty to the fullest. Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Coat Thank you I love you too"

Jessica also stood up with a smile; Anne Fletcher next to her was smiling all over her face, her eyes staring at the big screen without blinking for a long time; Anne Darren over there quietly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, she I'm glad I didn't jump off the stairs at that time; Scarlett, Michael Pitt, James Franco, Joseph... Everyone in the crew of "Sweetheart" laughed happily, applauded themselves, and enjoyed the joy of the harvest.

"Thank you, director..." The crew congratulated and hugged each other. When Wang Yang gently hugged Anne-Darren, her eyes were full of gratitude, and she said: "Without you, without me, thank you." Wang Yang couldn't help covering his head Looking at her cute freckles, she said, "Annie, you are exaggerating a bit, and you scared me, haha." After patting her arm, he walked towards Michael Pete and said with a smile, "Hey , michael, really well done"

After some celebrations, the main creators went to the small stage to express their thanks, and the fans and fans suddenly fell silent, while the invited film critics were thinking about how to evaluate the film.

Anne-Fletcher held the microphone, looked at the nearly thousand audience, and said with a hearty smile: "Thank you for your support. We are all very happy that "Sweetheart" can be loved by everyone." Wang Yang, Jessica and others laughed and applauded, and the fans and audience also cheered and applauded. Anne-Fletcher continued to laugh and said: "We put in a lot of hard work. During the dance practice, Jesse really fell. Falling down a lot, Joseph danced ballet until his feet were swollen..."

There were bursts of laughter and applause in the projection hall, and Wang Yang quietly said to Jessica beside him, "I just like it when you fall." Jessica rolled her eyes and smiled, "I knew it a long time ago." At this moment Anne-Fletcher added: "When I first became the director, I was excited but scared. I couldn't sleep for a week. This meant a lot to me."

She turned to look at Wang Yang, smiled and said: "At the beginning of the set, I was in a hurry and lost my temper; but Yang tolerated me and taught me a lot, how to design shots and guide actors... Don't think he is only 22 years old, I am in front of him They all regard him as an older brother." The audience suddenly burst into laughter, Wang Yang, who was teased, shrugged with a smile, and Fletcher said seriously: "I want to say to him here, thank you, you are A very good producer'”

Amid thunderous applause, Wang Yang took the microphone and immediately smiled: "Thank you Annie, you are not so young." There was another burst of laughter on and off the stage, and he continued to laugh: "But beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Coat M. Thank you, thank you, if you want to learn hip-hop or other dances, if you want to do what you want, take action, this is what we are most happy to see Of course, you can contact Anne's training company, I am a shareholder, and I announce that the first 100 applicants will have a 40% discount."

"I sign up", "Wow, I'm coming" the young movie fans laughed and shouted, and everyone on the stage couldn't help laughing. Scarlett approached Jessica's ear and asked with a smile: "He always Is it that humorous?" Jessica smiled sweetly and said, "Always so handsome."

"It's a pity that this is fake, maybe I should really start such a company?" Wang Yang smiled, stopped joking, looked at the audience, and said: "But one thing is true, guys, let's In two days it will be the 21st birthday of sweetheart Jessica, who falls all day, and it is a big day for me. So may I ask everyone to wish her well?" He turned to look at the smiling Jessica shouted: "Happy Birthday, Jessica" Fans, fans and crew members kept shouting, laughing and clapping, shouting: "Happy Birthday"

"Thank you, thank you..." Jessica took the microphone and wanted to say something, but she was too happy to speak. She could only hear the rapid beating of her heart, as if she had returned to the 18-year-old three years ago. Birthday. How was it done then? Without saying anything, she opened her arms and hugged Wang Yang tightly, and buried her head in his chest, her face full of intoxicating sweetness.

With the large-scale release of "Sweetheart", the number of IMDb ratings has increased suddenly, and more than 6,000 users have given an average score of 7.0; as film critics from media and newspapers have released film reviews, the ratings of Rotten Tomatoes have also been freshly released. 70% of the more than 150 film reviews were positive. This score can be said to be a very high evaluation in youth musicals, and it may decline in the future, but there is no doubt that the public and the media generally agree that "Sweetheart" is a masterpiece worth watching.

"Although the story is not a surprise, with very simple content and simple character relationships, it is full of new ideas." The latest "New York Times" gave its own evaluation, writing: "Interesting and distinctive characters; The comic-like setting of the dance city; there is also a perfect combination of street dance, ballet, ballroom dance, and even opera, professional and amazing dance scenes... These are not in the previous hip-hop films, and they are also Amazing place."

The "Los Angeles Times" seems to have found the reason for the success of "Sweetheart", commenting: "Magic Young, who has a first-class ability to grasp the story, plus the chief choreographer Anne Fletcher, without any stand-in shots, means that this film is almost A perfect song and dance about youth and dreams. It is naturally reminiscent of "High School Musical", but compared to the simple dances in it, the professional dances in "Honey" are very addictive."

In addition to praising the content of the movie itself, this film review also praised the performance of the leading actors: "The sweetheart played by Jessica Alba is cute enough, and she also showed the roughness of her other side; Brooke played by Michael Pitt is decadent enough, it turns out He is best suited for this temperament; Scarlett Johansson is glamorous enough, Anne Darren is weird enough, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is funny enough, James Franco is handsome enough...every character is like Tailor-made, very amazing."

"This is a cool summer dessert, as comforting as ice cream." The well-known film review magazine "Hollywood Reporter" also did not hesitate to praise, film critic Sandra Taylor wrote: "Wang Yang teamed up with Anne- Fletcher, once again made a new interpretation of musicals, hit and told us all the points of this genre. My only hope now is that future follow-up movies will not have too much shadow of "Honey". "

Of course, it’s not without criticism. After all, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is only 70%, and 30% of the 45 film reviews are negative. A few handsome men and beauties, plus a childish story, equals a movie that is popular among teenagers." "Boston Globe": "The story line is exactly the same as the audience expected, and it makes people sleepy." "Philadelphia Daily Daily News: "What else is there besides messy dancing?"

Regardless of positive or negative film reviews, praise or criticism, the North American box office list came out on April 26, and "Sweetheart" sat firmly in the weekly champion position with the 5 million of the second "Scorpion King"; 27 On Saturday, "Sweetheart" received another 11.05 million box office and continued to lead the weak week on the eve of the summer vacation. The same newly released sci-fi horror film "Interstellar" received 7.5 million in two days; Angelina Jolie's "It's Not So Good" only 6.8 million.

On Sunday, the 28th, movie theater screenings are still going on, and Jessica's 21st birthday has officially arrived. Wang Yang missed her important 20th birthday last year, which became a great regret; this year, the 21-year-old with a liquor license will naturally have to make up for it. However, during the period before and after the release of "Sweetheart", Jessica has attended too many promotional activities, as well as the dinner parties of the crew, etc., and there are enough excitement, this birthday party does not want to make a big fuss.

What she means is that it is enough to call family and close friends and spend a happy and quiet time at home. Wang Yang's original intention was to make her happy, so he didn't have any opinion on it.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." In the spacious and bright dining room, birthday party decorations such as colorful balloons are arranged, some delicious food is placed on the dining table, and a huge birthday cake with 21 sticks inserted on the cake Candle. And people standing around the table with smiling faces sang birthday song to Jessica standing in front of the cake.

Neither Mark nor Cathy attended the party at night. Apart from Joshua, there were several good sisters such as Irene, Roland, and Scarlett; and Zachary, Michael Pitt, Tom Welling and his wife. Everyone laughed and sang the last line: "Happy Birthday to Jessica"

"Thank you." Jessica glanced at Wang Yang with a smile, closed her eyes with her hands together, and silently made a wish: "Merciful Lord, I hope that all happiness and happiness can continue. Yang's movie is well received, And me...I want to marry Yang and become his wife." After reading, she opened her eyes with a smile, and quickly blew out 21 candles.

Everyone immediately applauded and cheered. Jessica picked up the cake knife and cut the cake. Wang Yang blew a whistle, stepped back, and said with a smile, "Wait a while and my present will be on stage. Danny, follow me Come—" But Danny, wagging his tail, was salivating at the cake on the table. He clapped his hands loudly, but it still ignored him. He gritted his teeth immediately, and had no choice but to pick up a piece of cake to lure it to go together to keep it secret. utility room.

"What does he want to do?" Irene asked with a curious smile, everyone also looked very interested, Joshua guessed: "Do you want Danny to go with you? Send another pet dog?" Jessica assigned them Holding the cake, she said with a smile, "I don't know, but there is no dog barking in the house." She looked at Tom Welling and his wife, and couldn't help thinking, "Could it be a ring?" Her heart beat heavily. Jump.

After a long time, I finished eating a piece of cake while everyone was laughing and talking, and when I was about to feel that Wang Yang had disappeared and wanted to look for him, I only heard the sound of "dangdangdangdangdang", and saw a wreath around his neck, a mouth Danny came back with a bamboo basket in his mouth, writhing his buttocks, followed by a smiling Wang Yang.

"Wow" Joshua exclaimed first, and said, "Oh my god, Danny is so good?" Irene and the others laughed and applauded, and Zachary praised: "This way of appearing is very cool." "

Jessica felt her heart beating very fast. She touched Danny's head and took down the basket. Inside was a bouquet of lilies, an envelope written "To Jessica", and a A bottle of red wine, and a glittering crystal pendant necklace. Looking at the flower basket, she was very happy and sweet, but also a little bit inexplicably lost without the ring.

"Sweetheart, these are your birthday presents." Wang Yang smiled and rewarded Danny with a pet biscuit. He didn't know what gift to give, so he just brought one of them. Beautiful jewelry that girls like, flowers, and Sincerely. And that bottle of red wine... He reached out and picked it up, and said with a smile, "Welcome to get the liquor license, we can get hungover guys, this bottle of wine is Lafite from 1982."

Everyone who knew or didn't understand red wine gave a wow, but Joshua was not interested. He pointed to the bamboo basket and asked, "What's the matter with that letter?" Jessica picked up the letter with a smile, and Wanting to take it apart, he said, "Can I watch it now?" Wang Yang put down the red wine, and stopped him, "No, I'll keep it for myself to watch, haha." He smiled, looked into her clear eyes, and said : "That's a love letter."

"Love letter?" Jessica was startled, and then she showed a happy smile, grabbed the envelope tightly, and said, "I like it, this is the most special gift I have received." Irene, Roland and other girls laughed enviously. : "Romance is really sentimental"

Both Zachary and Tom Welling frowned unpredictably; Wang Yang spread his hands and said with a smile: "I just suddenly remembered that 'I haven't written a love letter to this girl yet', which is a bit clichéd, but It's very interesting. Hey Eileen, Jamie." He turned to look at the two girls, smiled inwardly, and said, "Let Zachary and Tom write one too, I think they've done a good job. "

"That would be boring." Irene rolled a glance at Zachary next to her, and Jamie shrugged and smiled. Both Zachary and Tom gave the boring perpetrator a sneaky look, and sure enough, it dragged them down.

Jessica looked at the love letter over and over again, her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably again, what was written in it? She suddenly remembered the farewell love letter she wrote, and felt a little angry again. That damn guy who stole the letter is not bad now, and her anger was immediately replaced by endless sweetness and happiness.

Amidst the laughter, everyone spent the birthday party happily. After seeing off the guests, it was not too early. There was a burst of laughter in the bedroom. Jessica was lying on Wang Yang's arm, with a faint blush on her cheeks after drinking, and said some interesting things with a smile: "It's my 16th birthday, you know what I wished for!" Is it? The wish is to make some changes in my life, right?"

"Did it come true?" Wang Yang sniffed her hair leisurely, and Jessica grinned, "Well, we met again after the big change, didn't we? Then everything was different." Wang Yang couldn't help but sigh With a voice, she said: "Then this wish came true quite late, and you will be 17 years old by then." Jessica said softly, "Yang, the past few years have been the happiest I've ever lived. Since meeting you again, I seem to have found the meaning of life.”

"Oh thank you, it's so disgusting. Is this your love letter back to me?" Wang Yang frowned and smiled, "It seems that my letter is not so serious, right?" Jessica thumped his chest and smiled. Said: "It's true. I hate this. I don't like to say these sweet words. It's not cool at all; but I want you to know how much I love you."

Seeing her eyes full of tenderness and fire, Wang Yang couldn't help but move his heart. He put his index finger next to her lips, and hissed: "Don't talk, you don't need to talk now." She kissed his index finger and closed it slightly. Leaning closer to Jiang Ye with squinting eyes, the two kissed gently.

The North American weekly box office champion from April 26 to May 2 fell on the head of "Sweetheart" without any suspense. Life". Also released in the first week, "Interstellar Enemy" and "It's Not as Good as People's Counting" finally only accepted the sixth place.

For this first week's results, Flame Movie is already very satisfied. It received nearly 30 million in the weak week, and it will soon enter the official summer vacation. Teenagers will inevitably flock to the cinema. Although there are many new blockbusters released, deep The well-received "Honey" also has its own unique appeal. According to the forecast of the company's analysts, the North American box office of "Sweetheart" should be more than 80 million, plus the overseas box office of more than 60 million. Naturally, it will not be a problem to recover the cost and make money.

However, it is impossible to continue to win the weekly box office championship, because on May 3, Sony's "Spider-Man" with a production cost of 139 million will be released, and it will land in 3,615 movie theaters in the first week. This fierce superhero blockbuster is not summer. Day ice cream "Honey" can fight. "Ice Age", the main force of the flame movie in the early summer vacation, this CG animation that is not expected by people, will be released on the 10th soon.

The intense summer vacation schedule has officially kicked off.

[Niuwen No Ad Novel Dedication]

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