The Best Director

Chapter 167 It Puts Hollywood to Shame

Chapter 167 It Puts Hollywood to Shame

"Wow, bang bang——" The applause in the screening hall of Shenandoah Theater was thunderous. Everyone in the auditorium stood up and kept applauding vigorously. There were also some shouts of admiration, but more people chose to give A round of applause from District 9 and its cast and crew as they've just finished watching a heart-pounding classic.

The 6-minute credits have all rolled over, and there are no easter eggs on the big screen, but darkness has returned. While everyone was applauding, their hearts were full of discomfort. How to define Wiggs and the bald Colonel Dickie?

Are they good or bad? Both of them are family-loving men who have never done anything to harm human beings; Wiggs seems to have a conscience in dealing with aliens, but he has done all kinds of bad things. He is just bound by the law; Qi is unscrupulous and a complete scumbag. The transformed Viggs is still selfish, blaming the aliens for his bad situation, using and deceiving them.

In the end, Viggs finally regained his humanity, changed his position and killed all human beings, helping Fussen and his son to go home. Because of the loss of many subordinates and his hatred and discrimination against aliens, the bald colonel Dicky wanted to shoot Wiggs directly, but was torn to pieces by the worms, and the half-human, half-worm Wiggs was beside him.

But the ending is that the "bad guy" Dicky won the praise and respect of the society. He and other MNU soldiers became heroes, and the housewives were blessed; The deformed lies, and the crime of killing many innocent human beings, he became the object of social condemnation and spurn, and his family was ashamed of him; he thought that the whole world abandoned him, but in fact he never contacted his wife.

All of this made the audience on the whole earth go crazy after watching this movie. They completely felt the martial arts. The Throne of Gods and Gods Seeking Demons and Proud World Nine Heavens The Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal Clan Martial Qiankun General Night Kills Gods and Seals Throne Seeking Demons Proud World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal Clan God Generals Night Kills Gods and Gods Seals Throne Seeks Demons and Overlords the World Jiuchongtian's strongest abandoned young Da Zhou royal family saw the desolation and despair of Wiggs, but struggled not to give up the feeling of pursuing freedom.

No matter how bad the theatrical version of a Hollywood blockbuster is, the protagonist can always have a relatively good result in the end. At least Wiggs can be innocent, but not here, there is only cruelty. There are a lot of "spoiled" audiences who are angry about the depression in their hearts, angry about the unfair treatment of Viggs, angry about human beings, and the damn magical Yang, does he want to get a lot of rotten tomatoes?

"I'm going to Rotten Tomatoes to rate him, that's too bad" words like this echoed in every theater where "District 9" was shown, but soon, many people who said that sighed again: "Forget it , Let him go for once, for the sake of the former Miracle Yang."

The thunderous applause of Shenandoah Theater continued for a long time,

It seems that only by patting the palms so painfully can everyone get rid of the depression in their hearts.

"Maybe you need this." In the front row seat, Wang Yang took out a tissue from a pack of tissues with a smile and handed it to Jessica with wet eyes. She shook her head with a smile and said, "No, I need one." Hug." Wang Yang smiled and said "Of course", and amidst the applause, he stretched out his arms and hugged her sideways. He closed his eyes and tightly hugged her soft and warm body.

These applause make people excited and peaceful, more than a year of hard work finally broke through the cocoon

Wang Yang stood up and kissed her on the forehead, and walked onto the stage with Downey, Walley Pfister, Gordon Sheen and other crew members with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, thank you all." Everyone stood in a row on the stage. Wang Yang stood in the middle with a microphone, looked at the more than 1,000 guests and audience in front of him, and when they gradually calmed down, he said with a smile: "Very I'm glad to see that everyone likes "The Ninth District". There are nearly 200 people in our entire crew, plus the special effects team that created the shrimp and insects for us. More than 800 people are waiting for the moment when it will be released tonight. Fortunately, Yes, we got applause."

The audience suddenly burst into applause again. This time, many audience members cheered and shouted, and whistles were also circling; Downey and others on the stage also laughed and applauded. Wang Yang continued to laugh and said: "This movie has gone through a lot. We've been through a lot. We've worked hard, hard, hard just to make everyone miserable. I know a lot of people call me 'that damn kid'"

There was a chuckle in the theater, and Jessica smiled, proud and happy for him; Zachary, Michael Pitt, Annie, and others all smiled, thinking: "Yes, Jan , You did it." Michelle Rodriguez shrugged emotionally, and vaguely heard what he said a few days ago, ""The Ninth District"? I think it will be very depressing and uncomfortable, to what extent? Well, it is A lot, a lot." She knew now.

"I'm sorry if I made everyone feel uncomfortable. But Viggs is here." Wang Yang smiled again, and handed the microphone to Downey next to him.

Downey waved his hand and said to everyone in the audience: "Hello, Earthlings." He smiled, and then said seriously: "The performance of "District 9" is very interesting and very important, and it is a very important event for Wiggs. Metamorphosis; but it was a rebirth for me. I re-examined myself, everything. I made a lot of mistakes, like a kid running amok, but not anymore."

His old face was full of determination, and he smiled confidently: "It will never happen again. This is the transformation of my Robert Downey Jr., and I am very grateful to Yang for giving me this opportunity to transform." He turned to look at Wang Yang, Sincerely said: "Thank you." Wang Yang stretched out his palm happily, and Downey shook his hand and touched his chest knowingly. The Shenandoah Theater was immediately filled with high-decibel applause and cheers.

Then the main creators of the crew all laughed and said a few words. After bursts of applause, the microphone returned to Wang Yang's hand, and he said with a smile: "Once again, I apologize to everyone, but I have to say that I am very happy to see that, because Everyone has that feeling of martial arts, the holy king of the universe, the holy king, the king who kills the gods and seals the throne at night, seeks the magic, the world, and the ninth heaven. Wudong Qiankun will kill the gods and seal the throne in the night, seek the devil, proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man, the royal family of Zhou, the god-making general, kill the gods in the night, seek the throne of the gods, and seek the magic, proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man, the royal family of Zhou, we are successful. , tonight should be more enjoyable, so I invite everyone to watch the trailer of a movie, "The Hangover"; haha, ladies and gentlemen, this is the global broadcast"

Amid the crazy shouts of the audience, Wang Yang, Downey and others laughed and walked off the stage. The promotion of "The Hangover" is officially launched

The easter egg is actually the first trailer of "The Hangover"? The movie fans are naturally very excited, the eyes of the media reporters are brightened, and the movie critics are very interested. After watching "The Ninth District", no one is so idiotic as to doubt Fantastic Yang's directing ability. He really can only surprise people. years old, but he is such an unreasonable monster.

However, it is precisely because "The Ninth District" is so good that people are quite worried. Has the sunny and humorous Miracle Yang evolved into a dark director? How funny can the so-called crazy "The Hangover" be? That "crazy" doesn't refer to murder and bloodletting, right?

Charlize Theron opened her eyes slightly, clutching her evening handbag with both hands; Michelle Rodriguez changed her sitting posture; the faces of Zach, Bradley, Ed, and Matthew Fox There was also a flash of nervousness on the screen, they knew that the script and the set were definitely funny enough, perhaps more fun than any R-rated comedy; but after making it into an audio-visual picture, what is the effect?

On the big screen, the static logo of the flame movie was displayed, followed by the threesome on the beach. Bradley said to the phone in a low voice: "We can't find Doug." The bride over there was stunned Startled, he asked, "What do you mean?" Bradley breathed out, looked up at the clear sky, and said, "I mean this wedding may not be possible."

"Wow!" A Mercedes-Benz open-top sports car drove by on the road, and the hangover foursome sitting in the car, Zach slammed on the door, and shouted to the little girl in the opposite car with a smile : "Vegas, Vegas..." The little girl looked at him coldly, and suddenly raised a finger at him.

There was a burst of laughter from the audience. On the screen, the four stood on the rooftop and clinked glasses. Bradley said with a smile: "We must drink up this glass of wine in one go, and no one can miss a little bit." When they took a sip After finishing the wine, the vaguely visible picture flickers and changes rapidly...

The "hahahaha" minute trailer brought bursts of funny and anticipating laughter to the Shenandoah Theater. There were tigers, babies, Ed got married overnight, the funny fat Zach, the glamorous Charlize , the arrogant Michelle... Seeing those crazy and unreasonable scenes on the screen, the smiling movie fans and fans were relieved. The magical Yang who brought everyone joy has not disappeared.

The "Hangover" stars, including the Zack Four, Charlize Theron and Michelle Michelle, also laughed happily. There is no doubt that this movie will be very hilarious. This year's Christmas will not be without joy. Michelle clapped her hands and said with a smile in her heart: "It's amazing, he has a magic power that makes people cry and laugh."

In a very comfortable viewing position near the front row, Wang's father and Wang's mother smiled at each other. They were worried about their son's psychological problems just now and planned to do "special psychological counseling", but now it seems that there is no need for that. The two looked towards the son in front, and saw that he was also looking at him at this time, and he gave a thumbs up of his right hand with a smile; Father Wang nodded and pointed at him, and also gave a thumbs up with a smile.

However, the "Hangover" trailer, an easter egg, can only be seen by audiences at the Shenandoah Theater; while most audiences in other theaters in North America walked out of the screening hall with the sadness and sadness at the end of the film. Walked out of the cinema.

Under the night, the three of Claire walked out of the gate of the small movie theater. The young people in line were still waiting to enter, playing cards and chatting with handheld devices. The scene was very lively. Claire walked past them, sniffling with sobs, her heart ached when she thought of Viggs' ending, and she muttered with red eyes: "Damn it, since I gave birth, I It became very sentimental…”

Janet nodded sympathetically, with a sad face, and said, "Now I'm often motherly too. I've checked, what's the problem with hormonal secretions." Claire cried again, and asked loudly: " How could Magic Young do this? Wiggs is too pitiful, he deserves justice, I want to beat Magic Young."

Only then did the young people around realize that it was the three of them, and they immediately stopped and shouted: "Please, don't spoilers", "Please have a sense of public morality." The black and white girl jumped her feet in anger, frantically She hugged her head and said, "Oh my God, now I know that Wiggs will be pitiful, and I also know that he will be treated unfairly. Miracle Yang said that the best-looking one is completely ignorant, hell"

Claire looked at her and was about to say "Wiggers has become an alien", when she suddenly remembered the joking expression of the bald-headed Colonel Dicky, she couldn't help but stop, forget it, let them experience it for themselves

The three of them looked at each other silently, did not continue to talk about the content of the movie, and discussed while walking: "I will score on ImdB and Rotten Tomatoes when I get home. How would you rate it?", "Of course it is a perfect score. ", "Although I am very depressed, but full marks"

In a movie theater in Chicago, the little girl Alice and her father Hans walked out of the screening room and returned to the theater box office. The attendance rate of the screening room of "Signs" just now was less than 50%, and the movie turned out to be so-so. I yawned several times, and even the children couldn't be scared. They always wanted to create an eerie and tense atmosphere, but there was no surprise at all. The boring and clichéd plot made people 100% guessable.

Regardless of her young age, she has seen too many movies. Alice shook her head with a sigh, and now all her hopes are placed on Miracle Yang

At this time, a large group of people came out of the passage one after another. They should be the audience of "The Ninth District", all of them were silent, talking about something. Alice called to two young couples passing by, and asked curiously: "Hey guys, how is Fan Yang's new work? Is it good? Just say whether it's good or not, and don't reveal the plot."

How to evaluate? The two Caucasian couples thought about it, and if they only said whether it looks good or not, they either shrugged or nodded: "It's very good-looking, and the 9.9 yuan was not wasted.", "It can be said to be great.", " Very classic.", "I think tomorrow's entertainment headlines will be popular again." The boy with golden curly hair looked at Hans again, and said with a smile: "Sir, but I don't suggest you take her to watch, be careful not to frighten her. "

Alice looked very funny, rolled her eyes and said, "Don't treat me like I'm 6 years old, okay?" The damn R-rated restrictions are really troublesome

"Scary?" Hans frowned worriedly. He knew that a few years ago, a girl was paralyzed on the spot by the magic Yang. All right.

"It's not just scary." The curly boy shrugged again, thinking about the "Ninth District" just now, his heart tightened, and he shook his head and said: "Well, depression, despair, excitement... I don't know, it makes people crazy. "His long-term girlfriend agreed: "This movie is not the Miracle Yang of the past, or the original him. It is not suitable for children to watch."

Another black boy with a crew cut spread his hands and said, "Let's put it this way, I definitely want to buy a copy when it comes out on DVD, but it will take me a long time to watch it again." The curly boy laughed: "Actually If you just watch it as a popcorn movie, there won’t be so many things, and I think it will be very good.” The four walked out of the theater talking and laughing.

"You must see that it's not a big deal." Alice's voice was firm; Hans knew his daughter's temper, so he had no choice but to nod, and secretly said: "If you frighten my daughter, Miracle Yang...wait for me to scold you."

Although "District 9" "scared" many people and made them feel depressed and uncomfortable all night, and those scenes were deeply rooted in their hearts, no one on the Internet scolded them. It's just an insult. Evelyn, who was deeply affected by it, returned home, logged into ImdB and gave "The Ninth District" an o; Claire, Janet...Alice also gave an o without hesitation.

When the night in Los Angeles is over and the day is coming, it is time to come to District 9, which is also in full release on the other side of the earth.

The first batch of movie fans who have watched this movie have already handed in their own evaluation answers on ImdB and other places. At present, 48 users participated in the rating, and the score on the main page is as high as 7.56 users, and the score is as high as 8.9. It even entered the top ten in film history in one fell swoop. Many movie fans who heard the news hurriedly came to vote. When the number of users rose to more than 50,000, the score dropped to 8.8, but it was still tied with "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" and other films. .

Of course, ImdB’s ranking list is not the truth. In this kind of voting, the power of fans will always have the upper hand, especially cult movies and director personality cult movies. Fans only need a little reason to score full marks, just like "Fight Club" Also 8.8 points; "Memento" and "Forrest Gump" are both 8.6 points.

And "The Ninth District" is a movie that makes cu1t fans scream with excitement. Fans of bloody violence love the high-cost effects in it, just like user John's comment: "Here is a cost of 100 million, and there is a B-grade The madness and magic of the film is simply crazy, the bloody effect is extremely real, the camera technique is unique, and the two parts where Wiggs kills soldiers and Dicky is torn apart make me want to vomit so much.”

There are also Viggs' deformation effects, eerie secret laboratories, and a series of inhumane and cruel shots, all of which are objects of admiration for fans of bloody violence.

As for the other main "self-contained" cult movie fans and sci-fi movie fans, movie nights have also become their carnival nights. User Carlo Barfs commented: "If anyone says that the story of "Ninth District" If the system setting is not new, then he is either crazy, or it comes from a hundred years later. The whole movie is full of exciting new settings, whether it is the alien social system in large aspects, IQ habits; or small aspects Guns, mechs and other shapes are so unique and full of sincerity, it’s unbelievable”

As for the social structure of the shrimp and insects, why don't they fight back, why Christopher Fussen has a high IQ, which type of gun is more powerful... and a lot of questions and details are all studied and fascinated by them. Many people are excited about this question, what kind of changes will the earth face in three years?

"This is a masterpiece" cu1t film fans shouted this slogan one after another, the bloody violence that is disgusting, the pseudo-documentary technique that dares to fight against the academic party, the novel alien setting and the transformation story... ...If you take into account the intriguing depth behind the film, the British "Observer" Philip McLean's answer is: "This is the greatest science fiction film after "Blade Runner."

Fans of cu1t are crazy, fans of Miracle Yang are even more crazy, and they are so numerous and powerful. It has been 4 years since "Ghost Story" and 2 years since "High School Musical". The young people back then were still young People; and the children at the beginning are now adults, they have more right to speak, and they also have greater consumption power.

In terms of singers, Evelyn likes Britney Spears; Claire likes Justin Timberlake; and Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey... everyone has different idols; among sports stars, Hollywood actors and actresses, They are also full of different opinions; but in terms of film directors, young people also have many favorite characters, but they are used as idols, and not many people pay attention to them every day.

Miracle Yang, who grew up with them, is one of the members with the largest market share and the only director who is the same age as the post-young people, giving girls the opportunity to be obsessed. Let's talk about a young, handsome, bright and humorous, incredible high-quality idol, the youngest billionaire Fan Yang; and a half-white man with no figure and no fashion? Which one to choose?

Fans shouted excitedly all over the Internet, as if they were having a victory party together: "The return of the magical king, why you can be so cool", "The youngest Oscar-winning director is about to be born", "It's just him The fifth film of his age"...

The score of 8.8 has the enthusiasm of cult fans and fans, but there is no doubt that all fans and film critics agree with the fact that "The Ninth District" is a classic worth remembering.

\u0026 The score on the website is as high as 94; while Rotten Tomatoes has included 85 film reviews, fresh ones, and 5 rotten ones, the freshness of public film critics has reached 97%, and the freshness of well-known film critics is also 95%; the audience likes 9%, The average score (out of 5); however, the reason for the low rating is that it is uncomfortable to watch.

"This movie makes me so sad, I have never been so angry, and my heart can't calm down now." The user Alexis who gave one star was also full of anger, and he wrote Said: "But I hope Wang Yang can shoot a tenth district or something, to clear away those annoying feelings stuck in my heart, then I will change my score back."

"I'm going crazy watching it, oh my god I want to see this kind of movie" Karina sarcastically angrily, directly hit a zero star, she wrote: "I am very disappointed in Fantastic Young, now a lot People keep saying how awesome it is, amazing, great, true, unique, shocking...but so what I don't watch the movie to feel bad, he hurts me"

But if you look at it at a glance, as Karina said, almost all the users of blockbuster movies are orange-red five stars. Z commented: "Unforgettable sadness." Alison commented: "It made me Unbelievable. I left the movie theater in tears and stayed up all night and all day. If you haven't seen the movie, maybe you don't know what it means to be sad."

"This movie has redefined my understanding of sci-fi movies." Ryan, a veteran user who also rated five stars, is also a member of "District 9" as a masterpiece: "We haven't had a really great sci-fi movie yet. , until District 9 came along. To be honest, I think it will completely fall in love with "non-sci-fi" fans. Story, visual effects, camera techniques, settings, actors, soundtrack... everything about this movie is almost Perfect."

In addition to the praises from movie fans and fans, professional media and fresh film reviews are not stingy with their praises. The "Chicago Sun" even published a dazzling headline: "It Shame Hollywood"

""The Ninth District" is like a complex human nature. It is a very complicated movie. First, it can be a full-fledged commercial blockbuster, a complete summer feast." "Chicago Sun Times" Famous Film Critic The author Richard Rolpe was the first to comment, this time he was even more excited than the old man Roger Albert, and wrote: "When you sit down in the chair, you find yourself reluctant to leave until the end of the movie. .”

"The whole movie is full of suspense and surprises. Once you enter the main story, you will be tense and exciting all the way. You can't guess what will happen in the next second. You forget to guess, because you are fully involved in the movie. This is due to the seamless special effects inside. , and the actual shooting of the slums in Soweto, as well as the genius interpretation of Robert Downey Jr., the real and ordinary faces of all the actors; and the amazing shots and editing. Except that there are no beauties, it is a % qualified commercial sci-fi blockbuster, and it didn't waste a penny of the $100 million."

A rare adventure thriller that is addictive. —The Daily Telegraph; A technologically advanced and entertaining sci-fi film. ——British "Guardian" newspaper; a lot of fun, the most innovative and coolest science fiction film on the big screen in these years. —The Hollywood Reporter…

Richard Rolpe's film review also wrote: "But "The Ninth District" shamed Hollywood because it taught some people a good lesson. If there are still people who say that business and art cannot coexist, who If visual shock and spiritual shock cannot be combined, let him watch this movie and shut him up. This movie tells too many feelings that cannot be expressed in words Sealed Throne Begging the Devil, Proud of the World, Nine Heavens, the Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal General, Killing God at Night Abandoned young Zhou royal family God-making general night kills gods and gods seal throne seeks demons proud of the world Nine heavens strongest abandoned young Zhou royal family, young people at that age once again shocked the whole world. But I know Hollywood will continue like this, so " District 9 puts it to shame."

It's a great movie, one of the best sci-fi movies of the summer. ——Ben Mankiewicz, "In the Movies"; on a good summer day, there is usually an incredible movie popping up, it is good, it is thought-provoking. It was that good summer, and District 9 was that movie. --Betsy Shaggy, Los Angeles Times; haunting, hauntingly terrifying fable. --Joe Nakumail, New York Daily News...  

"It's a frighteningly deep artistic film; it's also a hearty commercial blockbuster. Is there any reason not to love it? It's just that the only bad thing about this movie is that you may have nightmares after watching it. ” – Richard Rolpe.

Amidst the wild praises, the weekend from August to 4th came to an end. In this week's North American weekend box office rankings, the No. District Ninth, the number of domestic theaters swept over 100 million U.S. dollars. This figure also tied the record (days) for the fastest box office of 100 million U.S. dollars set by "Spider-Man".

Although the audience who haven’t seen it heard that it is very depressing and heavy, but on the other hand they said that it is exciting and beautiful, and it has 9 points on ImdB, 97% freshness on Rotten Tomatoes, and it has won the reputation of both the public and film critics... If these elements of Miracle Yang's movie add up, it is simply impossible to watch. What kind of "magic work" is "The Ninth District"? Taking advantage of the summer, it is naturally the best choice to go into the cinema and see it first.

Ranked second this weekend is the same sci-fi thriller "Signs of the Sky", which was screened in 64 theaters. Its opening day box office was 5.68 million, and after three days it was 6.45 million. Why did it slip so badly? The well-known Rotten Tomatoes film critics have 56% freshness and rottenness; the audience's % likes, "dull, clichéd, bumbling, lame..." and other keywords, word-of-mouth and film reviews are all reasons.

And it happened to meet the "novel, unique and great" "Ninth District", these shortcomings were suddenly magnified and exposed to the air; "The screening room.

The third place is that 6 theaters received the fourth place comedy "Master of Disguise", which was released in the same week and was released in 565 theaters, but it is only the fifth newly released comedy film "Outstanding Beauty" with a box office of only 460,000... ...the audience seemed to be willing to seek out the pain, putting the comedy aside for the time being.


"What? I turned into a beetle?" On the barren land, Natalie looked around with wide-eyed eyes, her right hand completely turned into a shrimp bug, and her stomach and thighs were actually peeling off. There was a scream, and he roared angrily: "How could this happen? I didn't bully the alien Wang Yang, Wang Yang - where the hell are you, get out quickly..."

She was startled suddenly, and saw that Wang Yang, who came out of nowhere in front of him, had tentacles on his head and his left hand was also deformed. She said in surprise, "You have also become a beetle." Wang Yang's face was full of nervousness. Stuffing the Duxian horned spear into her arms, she said angrily, "Why are you arguing, hurry up, hurry up, we're going to kill you!"

"Kill? Kill who?" Natalie raised her gun in doubt, Wang Yang glanced at her strangely, then rushed forward, shouting: "Kill all the clones, follow up-" —”

On the spacious bed, Natalie, who was sleeping soundly, turned over, lying on the quilt and groaning, moved her hands slightly, and suddenly roared: "Ahh..." After that, the bedroom became very quiet. for a while.

"Your gun is more handsome, give it to me..."

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