Chapter 171 "it21te"

The bright sunlight shines into the study through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Wang Yang sits in front of a small green blackjack table, looking intently at the piles of chips in front of him, rubbing his chin and thinking about the camera. There are also several decks of poker cards on the small gambling table. Each betting position has two bright cards, and the dealer position has two bright and dark cards; a string of chips of different values; an open laptop, paper and pen.

"I'll play with you." Wang Yang laughed jokingly, looking at the opposite banker's position, as if there was a person standing there, with the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he pushed out a large pile of black chips on the table with both hands. Immediately he frowned, feeling that it was still not cool enough, he picked up a pencil and drew a few notes on the 4-paper notebook. A variety of shots and lines.

Wang Yang moved the stack of chips back, thought for a while, then picked up a round black chip and flicked it. Looking at his fingertips, he suddenly imagined the scene of the chip spinning on his finger, and then He flicked high and then caught it, pushed the pile of chips out with his right hand at the same time, and smiled with the corner of his mouth up: "Let's make a deal." After finishing speaking, he put the chip on the gaming table with his left hand and snapped. .

"That's right, Natalie is really cool." Wang Yang murmured excitedly, sketched a few sequences such as "the chip is spinning at the fingertips" with a pencil on the paper, and wrote: "Put your left hand down." When betting, slow motion." He couldn't help laughing as he thought about it, and said to himself: "Slow motion is really a cool twin brother."

Cool, exciting, and exciting are the styles of "it-21-te". These three are combined with each other. Cool characters and cool pictures will make people excited, and when they are excited, they will invest in it. For the actions of the casino You will feel nervous, and the genius team's clever coping and retreat will feel exciting and cool; all this is like a chain, one link after another, but it starts with cool and ends with cool. Whether the film is successful or not depends on the "l" word.

So where should the coolest side of card counting come out? above the gaming table. The story belongs to the story, just talk about the card counting plot in the story, you must not leave the gambling table, this cannot be avoided, why should you avoid it? Its charm is here, its cool is here. The shots on the gambling table should be developed in an appropriate amount to match the plot, so that the audience can understand intuitively, it can't be boring, it can't be clumsy, it can only be cool.

But blackjack is different from the confrontational cards of stud. The opponent on the table is just the dealer who assigns the cards, and the dealer has no gambling skills, so his existence is not to provide tension and excitement, he is just a poor guy, Bring out the coolness and high IQ of the genius team members.

Card counting is not gambling, but a calm numbers game, and when Jeff Ma and Big Sister are the two big players who are calm and arrogant on the outside, they are completely crazy gamblers. In fact, they are working like Intel chips inside, turning others It's the coolest thing on the table when you're playing around.


"Wang Yang turned over the dealer's card on the table, said something in a low voice, and immediately changed his playful expression, and let out bursts of weird laughter: "Wow ha ha ha ha——" He stopped Shaking his head, this ruined the cool guy and cool girl and turned him into a lunatic. Let the actor do the specifics.

After a trip to Las Vegas at the beginning of this year, he had the idea of ​​shooting "it-21-te" and "The Hangover", the story of talented MIT students taking Las Vegas, It also made him more interested. After more than half a year of busy thinking, and many contacts with the author of "The Capture of Las Vegas", Ben Mozrich, he already has an idea.

In addition, Ben Mozrich readily agreed to sell the screen adaptation rights of the novel to Flame Films very early, but both parties kept it secret for the time being.

This time is a bit different from the five films he directed before, because the help given by the previous films in the future is to let him know that when he wants to shoot such a story, he has a lot of successful experience; but this time "it-21-te", this one The story of Jeff Ma, the boring, lame, boring, procrastinated, and angry "Blackjack" in the future, all told him the experience of failure.

How to avoid these failures, how to achieve success? This time, there is no ready-made good stuff. Everything he wanted in the movie, the big story and the small details, are more and more.

The story of "it-21-te" will be carried out by two main lines, which is the so-called cat and mouse game, but who is the cat and who is the mouse? The famous female detective hired by the casino, Beverly-Griffin (Beverly-n) is a cat, Jeff-Ma and others are mice, and the game she plays is cat and mouse; but Jeff-Ma and others are also cats, and Beverly-n It was a mouse, and the game they played was cat and mouse.

One main line is the Black Jack team, starting from the perspective and experience of Jeff Ma, he was just an ordinary student at the bar, fighting with others, and Natalie discovered his incredible calculation ability and card counting talent; then Natalie Li invited him to join the Blackjack group to learn card counting skills, as well as the trick of pretending to be a code word in a casino.

After learning well, Jeff Ma followed Natalie and they came to Las Vegas for the first time, and played the role of a big player for the first time. With the addition of his humanoid computer, the group became more and more Great, and they keep getting cooler.

At this time, Beverly Griffin, the female detective of the other main line, began to approach the target slowly based on the clues, and the crisis came. But in this cat-and-mouse game, Jeff Ma and others can always save the day and play Beverly in their hands. Not only were they not caught, but they swept the entire Las Vegas during the summer vacation. Be every casino owner's nightmare.

Just when Beverly Griffin was fired from the casino, disheartened but unwilling to give up, she accidentally discovered a key clue, and was completely stunned by surprise. Provincial polytechnic students? After she came to MIT to investigate, she took photos of many suspicious people in MIT, including Jeff Ma and others (in disguise).

She persuaded the casino to re-employ herself. In another action by Jeff Ma and others, she cooperated with the surveillance cameras to lock them, expelled them from the casino, and officially listed them as persona non grata.

Just when the casino owners thought they had won and the game was over, when they hosted a celebratory dinner for Beverly Griffin and a team of detectives, talking and laughing; Walking into the casino, the two big players teamed up for the final madness, swept away Las Vegas in just one night, and the casino bosses will never forget it, and then left gracefully.

The bosses and detectives who stopped abruptly during the celebration were very stunned, how could it be possible? They were not recognized? When Beverly Griffin and the others rushed back to the casino to take a look, they saw their true colors.

After this one, the casino re-stored all the images of Jeff Ma and others, and every doorman, waiter, and croupier must recognize the appearance and makeup of those guys, and carry out all-round artificial Surveillance, they are the blackest people on the Las Vegas blacklist.

But the casinos waiting for it-21-te did not wait for it-21-te. Jeff Ma and the others knew that card counting is never the right way. If they stay in the casino for a long time, card counting will become gambling and erode their entire brains. So this can only be a moment of youthful arrogance, and life has to go on. They happily completed their studies at MIT. The movie also ends here.

"We've never gambled, we're just doing math problems." Wang Yang muttered with a smile, picked up the spades and the q of spades on the gaming table, and smiled in an expected tone: "Black Jack" he Shaking his head: "I need some music." Then he stood up and went to the vinyl record player next to the desk. He took out several vinyl records from the drawer and selected one of them. album is put in.

Soon the hot rock music sounded in the bright study room, and amidst the shouts of "hey hey hey", Bon-Scott (bn-stt) sang with a hoarse chainsaw voice: "see-e-de- ut-f-the-sunset, n-yur-lur-tv-sreen (Watch me ride out the twilight, on your color TV screen)..."

Wang Yang hummed and swayed slightly, sat down on the chair, closed his eyes and swayed his feet, some pictures were vaguely inspired, and a group of cross montages appeared in front of him along with the singing.

Beverly Griffin ran nervously in the corridor of the hotel; while at the gaming table, Jeff Ma and Natalie each played a pair of blackjacks with faint smiles on their faces. The song goes: "t.n.t.-nd-ill-in-the-ght, t.n.t.-i--per-ld, t.n.t.-th-e-eplde... (I'll win the battle my electric load watch me explode— —)"

Beverly rushed to the casino, Jeff Ma and Natalie got up from their chairs, and the IT team walked with a bag of chips with a smile on their faces... "i-rty, en-nd-ighty-unlen... (I Nasty, nasty and powerful evil, I'm a douchebag, public enemy number one. Do you understand? So watch your daughter, watch your wife, watch your back door..."

When Beverly searched everywhere, sweating profusely from nervousness, the IT team had already stepped out of the hotel, sat in the open sports car and drove away amidst laughter, Natalie, who was sitting in the rear of the car, laughed and blew Whistling, grabbed a handful of chips and tossed them vigorously into the air. The picture is aimed at the round chips tumbling in the night sky. After a slow motion, the sports car drives past at high speed, and all the valuable chips land on the road with a crisp "ding ding".

t.n.t this song is really the most powerful song seems to be suitable for the soundtrack of "it-21-te"? While thinking, Wang Yang laughed and hummed "th-e-eplde" to the music, and drew the idea of ​​the shot with a pencil on the paper just now. It is a typical crossover montage that creates a tense atmosphere, but it is often very effective.

However, in this group of shots, the images of Beverly Griffin and Jeff Ma are still a little blurry, because the actors have not been confirmed. They are the male lead and the second heroine, and the candidates for the roles need to be focused and rigorously searched for. The IT team was initially determined to be 6 people, two big players and four card counters. Among the card counters was an Asian girl, a white man and woman, and a black boy.

Although 4 of the 6 people in the real blackjack team are Asian, it is obvious that the mainstream market needs to be taken care of on the big screen. Except for Jeff Ma who cannot be played by a white person, other insignificant roles must be played by a white person. The main consideration is to attract more audiences, because this is a commercial film, because the higher the box office, the greater the success of the new screen image of Chinese Americans.

"Natalie took the chip and threw it up..." Wang Yang laughed when he recorded this scene and suddenly thought of something. He didn't name her heroine for so long, and always replaced it with Natalie. Why not let the eldest sister call Natalie? He smiled and shook his head, which would affect the audience's sense of substitution. When the people on the screen called Natalie, it seemed to remind them: "You are watching a movie."

He stopped thinking about it, walked to the desk and picked up the mobile phone next to the computer screen. Anyway, Harvard University hadn't started yet, so he called her directly, and after a few beeps, he got through, and said with a smile: "Hi, Na Tali" Natalie over there gave a weak hey, and said, "Hello, Mister Fantastic, what's the matter? I warn you that I'm in a bad mood right now, come and comfort me."

"What's wrong?" Wang Yang frowned suspiciously, went to the record player and turned off Xuan Xiao's rock music. Natalie sighed leisurely, and said: "I just want to start another semester, and the whole university is almost over. This time flies so fast, I will lose in time."

Wang Yang suddenly understood a little bit. It turned out that it was the girl who lamented the passing of youth? He smiled a little strangely and said, "Why are you thinking about this all of a sudden?" Natalie said in a weak voice, as if she was about to die, "Do you need a reason?" Wang Yang said "n", how to comfort her? He walked to the gaming table and sat down, and said with a smile: "Man, you just need to remember that there will always be someone called young who is one year older than you. At least in the future, someone will call that guy 'You are so old and you are still young, why are you so old? You blush', but no one would say Natalie."

"Ha..." Natalie let out a cheery laugh, and said, "Interesting. Forget it, whatever, I really want to become a bugman and eat garbage in the ninth district." Wang Yang listened I was confused and was about to ask what are you talking about? She smiled again: "Young man, tell me, what do you want from me?"

"I'm confirming your character's name, so I'm calling to ask you, what do you want to be called?" Wang Yang said while stacking the chips on the gaming table with his left hand, one by one.

Natalie dragged her voice in thought for a few seconds, but said casually: "I don't know, it's called Jessica." Wang Yang said helplessly: "Dude, can you be serious?" Natalie laughed , said with great interest: "What do you mean? Jessica can't do it? 'God's grace'. What a good name, I don't even know why my parents gave me a French name when I was lucky. Natalie, born at Christmas, sucks... oh"

She seemed to think of something, and she didn't understand: "I seem to be born in June? I seem to be Jewish?"

"Ask your parents." Wang Yang smiled, and said in a serious tone: "I still have to answer my questions." Natalie over there was still casual: "Call me Juno." He yelled "ah", and she laughed and said, "Forget it, your name is better, Yung, if a girl is called this name, I think it has a lot of personality."

He still gritted his teeth and roared "ah", and she immediately said: "How about yl (egg yolk, lanolin)?" Wang Yang couldn't help but frowned with a smile, and said, "How do you know my nickname? But no, No, no ynees and no."

"Then I can't think of it, you can do it yourself." Natalie's voice sounded lost interest, and she then asked: "By the way, have you found a candidate for Jeff Ma?" The wobbly chips stacked up cautiously, and replied: "I haven't started looking yet, but soon." Natalie suddenly said hilariously, and said with great interest: "I have an idea, how about you play it? "

"Hahaha very interesting idea, you haven't seen me acting yet." Wang Yang couldn't help laughing, his hands trembled, and the whole chip column fell on the gaming table with a crash, he damned shook his head and laughed Said: "Although it's interesting, I don't think it's a good idea. My acting skills are too stinky, and I don't have any desire to act. Maybe I'll make a guest appearance as an IT student, you know, to satisfy my dream of a prestigious Boston school, but the lead role is fine." gone."

And as a director, he is used to the feeling of being in control of the overall situation. Every character and every place in the screen is under his nose; will not be able to adapt. This movie is not a toy, every movie is not a toy, nothing to lose

"I just heard about your acting skills, so I want to see your ng scenes, so that I can laugh at you." Natalie laughed out loud as soon as she finished speaking: "Hahahahahaha——" Listen Seeing her growing laughter, Wang Yang said with a snort: "boring"

The two laughed and chatted for a while, and then ended the call, but the heroine's name was still not confirmed; and the choice of Jeff Ma was still a question mark.


ps: Please recommend votes, thank you Wali. There is no recommendation list for the time being. You can only rely on everyone to put Wali on the classification list. In addition, I am also very grateful to the brothers who voted for Wali monthly tickets. up

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