The Best Director

Chapter 177 I want to make a movie with you

In addition to the well-known news that "The Hangover" will be released in this year's monthly issue. Wang Yang revealed the new progress of the TV series "Prison Break" as the main creator. The TV station will broadcast on Monday night in the fall of this year. The actor has been confirmed. Wentworth-Miller, a tall and handsome guy who doesn't know where to find it . Movie fans are not [excited] about this, and it's not like they haven't seen a handsome guy, what they're looking forward to is a whole set of wonderful TV series.

Then Miracle Yang has another producer project, a new CG animation film "Kung Fu Panda" by Blue Sky Studios. He only said "the main character is a panda who can play kung fu!" and did not reveal more. But pandas? Kung fu animation! ? Miracle Yang wants to supervise the production of kung fu movies? !

The outside world has always been rumored that this young director is a master of kung fu. When he was interviewed by a magazine, he also joked that he had a good figure because of practicing martial arts. As for the answer to the question "how is your strength?" It means "not very bad, if I fight with my bare hands, I can probably beat 0 ordinary people who have not learned any kung fu, martial arts, or fighting skills at a time: 1 person with ordinary martial arts training, but 6 is not enough.


"Kungfu is not a god. Like well-trained special forces and agents, you can hit an enemy with your bare hands at the same time, as do other martial arts. Kungfu is a fighting technique in fighting, allowing you to know how to use strength, how to block and attack; But I think the good thing about kung fu is that it not only makes you good at punching, but also nourishes your body. A lot of punches will make your body more and more disabled” and even use drugs, which will cause great harm to the body. At first you played hard, but when you get old you will pay the bill. This is not the case with kung fu, the more you practice the better your body. "

These words seem to be very professional, but I also always thought that many media fans expressed doubts, thinking that Miracle Yang was just bragging, beating an ordinary person, a martial artist? The reason why they didn't believe it was because he was beaten and injured his forehead in the previous fight with the paparazzi Cole. Are the paparazzi ordinary people or ordinary martial arts practitioners?

So they tend to be miraculous, that is, they know a little bit of kung fu, and they can't take a punch from Dashi Johnson. But despite this, there are still many fans of kung fu martial arts looking forward to him making kung fu movies. After all, a great director who has practiced kung fu since childhood makes kung fu movies. How about your director?

As a result, the Kung Fu movie fans were waiting for was actually a CG animation "Panda Fighting Kung Fu? What kind of style setting and content story will this be? Professional entertainment media has not acted yet." Some fans found Wang Yang to record through the Internet. The news content of the program "A Date with Luyu" confirmed that "Kung Fu Panda" is an ancient type setting of the 〖〗 country, "Everything in it will be the 〖〗 country."

But after all, only a small number of movie fans heard these voices, and more people just noticed "Kung Fu" and "Panda". This panda's true face will not be revealed until Blue Sky Studio officially promotes and launches "Kung Fu Panda". .

Apparently the media public is most concerned about his next directing project,

The "cool" mysterious work that has not announced its name and has no clues, only leaked from Natalie Portman.

""T--Team"..."Looking at the blog words on the screen," Evelyn muttered suspiciously while sitting at the computer desk, is it bsp;k, the MIT Blackjack team? She hasn't had time to think If you understand what it means, or read the introduction of what Miracle Yang said, you will be shocked by the starring lineup, "Sure enough, Natalie-Portman plays the heroine, but at the same time there is Rachel Junk Adams! She couldn't help saying: "Rachel, Rachel will also play!"

Rachel McAdams! How could she not know who Rachel was? This woman who almost scared her to death! And the naughty and cute Xia Pei in "High School Musical"!

How could fans in the media forget the popular Rachel in this generation of young actresses? She and Miraculous Yang were the earliest "best combination". At that time, they were one-year-old director and one-year-old heroine, and they were popular all over the United States. They talked and laughed happily and had a good understanding on talk shows such as "Oprah". At that time, there were even some gossip media. Said they were in love.

In the following "High School Musical", they teamed up again and succeeded", but because of the large number of starring roles, this matter was not highlighted: after "Juno", the pair of O-year-old Magic Young and 9-year-old Natalie, "Best Director The "Best Actress" combination has quickly become the new favorite of the public, and movie fans have been looking forward to their second cooperation.

Now it's finally here! It turned out to be the miraculous Yang Di Natalie and Rachel." The roles of the two of them are still hostile! Evelyn exclaimed excitedly in front of the screen; in different cities, Claire and others who got the news, countless people The fans are also excited "Yan x Rachel is 998, Jan + Natalie is 998, but today is 998! The three of them have grown up a lot. This time they get together, under the direction of Miracle Yang, what kind of fire will the two girls with outstanding acting skills collide with! ?

This is exactly what makes movie fans excited, but when they saw the choice of the leading actor, they were surprised again, Daniel Wu! Who is Daniel wrong? A Chinese-American actor exhibiting in Hong Kong, Fei Sui, a native of San Francisco, graduated from the Department of Architecture of the University of Oregon, one of the top professional schools in the United States.

So this movie is a live-action kung fu movie! ? Then the movie fans saw np. Apart from Asians, most of the North American movie fans’ interest in Daniel Wu dropped to a freezing point in an instant. Let’s wait for him to come up with some skills that make them like it.

Why did Miracle Yang suddenly find a Chinese actor Yan Yan to play the leading role? which movie is this? what role?

"Jeff Ma, Las Vegas..." Evelyn read the information on the screen, and gradually understood what was going on. It turned out that this movie was adapted from the best-selling book "The Fall of Las Vegas" , and this book is adapted from real people and real events, Kay notes that Lewis is Jeff Ma. She continued to read silently: "O-year-old Jeff graduated from T immediately, joined the group in 1994... won nearly 10 million US dollars... Wow!" Cool! Cool!"

Anyone who has read "The Fall of Las Vegas" knows how cool this story is; those who have just heard about it are also very interested, so how will Magic Yang adapt it?

According to the available information, the movie is about Jeff Ma (Daniel Wu), Amanda Denny (Natalie Portman) and other T students forming a Black Jack team to win money by counting cards in Las Vegas: And Beverly Kyle (Rachel McAdams) is a talented private detective who was invited by the casino owners to investigate and detect this matter, and must catch that mysterious gang.

Most movie fans are currently feeling mixed feelings about "T--Team". All the legendary stories make people look forward to it, and Yang Di, Rachel Notari is even more impatient to see; but for the actor's choice But lack of interest, almost completely trying to ignore him.

Nadaba left a message saying: "I have no prejudice against Chinese, otherwise I wouldn't like Fantastic Young. The question is, can Daniel Wu be qualified for this role? Anyway, for the current cast, I only care about Natalie and Rachel. Fan Lanp said: "This story is very cool! But wouldn't it be better for Magic Yang to play Jeff Ma himself? Who knows Daniel Wu? I hope Magic Yang can find a way to let me into the cinema!"...

The happiest is the Chinese movie fans all over the world. The entertainment pages of many portal sites reported this news with headlines: "Magic Yang" the magical Jeff Wu! "Wu Yanzu's fans screamed wildly, and a comment was enthusiastically supported by many netizens: "It's not Wang Jing, it's Wang Yang!"

"Director Fantastic is Obsessed with Las Vegas.", "Los Angeles Times" It reported: "While obviously Wang Yang hurt the global audience with "District 9", he also hurt himself. He is now in love with the bustling casino city, and after a crazy pre-wedding party is not enough, he wants to shoot a gambling movie. "

But now the theme of the story revolves around Las Vegas. In the classification list of movies, the box office champion is the 2011 version of "Ocean's Eleven", directed by Oscar-winning director Steven Soderbergh, Brad Pitt, George I. Rooney, Julia Roberts and other superstars starred. The second place in the North American box office was the crime drama "Casino" directed by Martin Scorsese in 1995. The third place in North America was "Vegas Holiday" in 1997. 60000.

So in fact, this beach city is not considered a movie treasure, at least it is much harder to dig than Paris and other places.

Let’s take a look at the rankings of movies subdivided into "liar types". The highest is the western comedy "Gambler Ma Huali", which was a movie involving gambling themes in 1994. The first place is the streetball sports film "White People Can't Jump" with 7.65 million in North America in 1999 and 750,000 in the world; the third place is "The Bowfinger Project" with 6.68 million in North America in 1999 and 9.86 million in the world.

The average box office figure of each movie of Magic Yang is 700 million in North America and 440 million worldwide. Las Vegas, a liar, and gambling, one of the subjects is inherently difficult, and there is an Asian male protagonist." Although it is a real person, the difficulty is still directly multiplied several times.

Great directors seem to like to challenge difficulties, especially this kind of commercial films that are never easy to make. Wouldn't it be worthless if they made those commercial films? The other side of the test of the title of a great director is whether you can play this kind of commercial film. Steven Soderbergh's remake of "Ocean's Eleven" is fun; Steven Spielberg, who has no need to prove anything I'm also working on "How to Get Away with the Law" "Can this new director, Miracle Yang, be able to play well?

"How to Get Away with Law", which is scheduled to be released on October 10,000 this year, is also adapted from real people, directed by Spielberg, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, starring Tom Hanks and Christopher Walken. Liars and police officers play a game of cat and mouse. This also caused some good gossip media to put forward a sensational proposition: "Does Magic Young want to confront Spielberg in the air?"

If this is the case, compared with the director and starring lineup of "How to Get Away with Murder", "--Team's Chinese male lead" is facing a long-established giant. "Hollywood Entertainment" said: "Although the magic will be A bit of work, but this duel has no chance of winning. "

However, it is obvious that "The Hangover" is the first to "confront" and challenge the Las Vegas movie rankings, and it is just in this year's Fengsheng schedule. Now many fans in the media believe that "The Hangover" is the pathfinder of "--Team", and it is the first attack by Miracle Young on Las Vegas. The performance of "The Hangover" naturally directly affects the public's expectations and confidence in "Is Leading a Horse".

The L.A. Times short story concluded: "Magical Yang appears ambitious to take down Las Vegas on the big screen, but can he?" It's like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will be."


"I'm really, really looking forward to it, Rachel-McAdams! Hehe" You've got a great candidate! "Natalie's tone on the phone was full of 〖excitement〗. Under the moonlight night, Wang Yang stood up from the wooden chair on the lawn of ua garden, walked towards the house, and said with a smile: "Actually I was going to look for Keira Knightley. Wouldn't it be cooler and more interesting to set Amanda and Beverly as twin sisters? "

Natalie said "Huh?" and immediately understood what he meant." She laughed and said, "Of course! Add something else, rivals for life, oriental fatalism... Wow! why don't you do this "

"How did you do this sister? She is going to shoot "Pirates of the Caribbean" soon, and I can't invite you." Wang Yang walked into the back door of the house with a smile, and said, "Forget it this time, let's shoot this subject later. Let your fate come back." Natalie smirked and said: "Hahaha, good joke!" She asked again: "Is that Daniel Wu's acting skills okay? I don't watch many Hong Kong movies."

Wang Yang smiled earnestly and said, "Only if it really suits me, I will make a decision, every role is. Daniel is very good, trust me." Natalie smiled indifferently: "OKpk! Believe that you are always right Yes, I believe you."

The two chatted for a few more words and ended the call. Wang Yang came to the sofa in the living room and sat down. He looked around for Jessica, but he didn't see it. He leaned his head against the sand and thought about something, after a while" he picked up his mobile phone and called Justin Lin, and when he got through he smiled and said, "Hi, Justin, good evening. Are you free for dinner tomorrow? I want to talk to you about some movies, and I want to invest in your new movie. "

"Oh." Justin Lin didn't expect it at all, "Hot Mochi" hasn't been released yet, new movie? But he knew that what he had to do at this time was to agree quickly, and he smiled happily: "Okay! Yang, this is so surprising." Wang Yang smiled and said: "It's nothing." Let's talk about the specifics tomorrow. "

Lin Yibin responded happily, and suddenly remembered something" and said: "By the way, I met a Chinese director from Australia in the past few days. He is a very talented person. Hollywood is looking for investment. He wants to meet you, can I give him your number? "

"Yes! Has he ever been to the Fm company?" Wang Yang shrugged and smiled at the mobile phone: "You know that it is easy to pass through M." Lin Yibin replied: ... already looked for it, Peter Wei Mr. Erkes approved his investment of one million yuan, but the specific plan has not yet been negotiated." Wang Yang nodded and said: "Well, then I will take over the investment, Justin, and ask him to come with him tomorrow."

After talking for a few words, Wang Yang put down his phone, and suddenly frowned in doubt. What's the name of that Chinese director? Damn Justin! He stood up suddenly, swung his hands and feet to the left and right, shouted "hoah" and punched a few times in a row, then stepped forward with his right foot to the floor and shook his foot vigorously, the floor suddenly made a clear "boom"! He twisted his shoulders and muttered, "When can we fight again?"

"Heyyy, Jan!" After he punched casually for a while, the slippery Jessica walked into the living room with a sweet smile on her face. She held a deck of cards in her hand and said with a smile: "Look at me "Wang Yang stopped in a rage, looked at her flipping the cards upside down quickly, and asked with a questioning smile: "What's the matter?" Jessica's eyes were full of expectations: ""T--Team" has Is it suitable for my role? How about I play a card counter?"

"Hmm..." Wang Yang shook his head, he had already thought about this aspect, the two heroines are not suitable for her, and the card counter doesn't have much role to play, but the main reason is still not suitable.

Seeing that he was about to say the word "no", Jessica felt as uncomfortable as her heart was blocked. She frowned and said with a slight smile: "Please! Director, I can act very well, look!" She divided the playing cards into Half of one hand, and then shuffling the cards cross each other, but she couldn't control it all of a sudden, a large pile of playing cards was dumped and scattered on the floor, she widened her eyes and called out "Jesus" and bent over to pick it up quickly: "It's not this one, This is just a momentary miss! "

Seeing her naive appearance like a giant panda, Wang Yang couldn't help laughing, stepped forward to help her pick it up together, and said, "Jessie, I'm not saying you can't act well, card counters don't need much acting skills" but you know you are too It's pretty." It's not suitable for this kind of supporting role." He looked at her side face, and explained seriously: "It's like ua flowers need green leaves to set off. Of course, two card counter girls can't be ugly, but they can't steal the girl either." The focus of the protagonist's camera; and the appearance and temperament of the card counter are all required to be ordinary, you are too spicy."

"It's that sentence again!" Jessica took a deep breath, her face was expressionless, her eyes were fixed on the pile of cards, such as a, a, etc., and she said in a blunt tone: "I don't understand, Rachel doesn't know what to say." Isn’t Nata or Portman beautiful or hot? Why can they! I can’t? I don’t think I’m so bright!”

Anyone who is not an idiot knows that she has a temper. Wang Yang hugged her quickly, kissed her on the cheek, and coaxed her softly: "It's not as beautiful as you." I think if there is such a list of the most beautiful, those magazines will have it, right? You are all first. "

Jessica didn't want to get these compliments, she broke free from his embrace with her left hand, and said forcefully: "Thank you! Is it all my fault?" She obviously knew about this movie first, in this living room, she thought There will be roles...but he miraculously doesn't care at all "Natalie, Rachel, the best combination, followed by Anne-Hathaway, Scarlett? Anyway, there is no her!

Wang Yang wiped his forehead with the hand that was thrown away, "Although I know she is very angry now, but I want to say something in my heart." Then he explained: "It's not anyone's fault, but sometimes it's true that she is too beautiful. It will affect the senses, this kind of brightness is not pleasing to the eye, it is the kind of beauty that makes the heart beat faster and distracts the mind. So you can see that Julia Roberts made herself ugly, so she won the Oscar."

This is also the case in the future "The Devil", in which Charlize Theron simply disfigured herself. He continued: "That's why I suggest you to develop hard movements, because when you move, others will ignore your face."

"Then I'll make myself ugly too." Jessica's eyes lit up, it was a good idea! She smiled and said, "It's just makeup. I'm the best at it. How ugly do you have to be to act as a card player?"

Wang Yang looked her up and down seriously, thinking about this possibility, but after thinking about it, he didn't think how ugly she could be, unless she shaved her eyebrows like Charlize Theron...but in the movie, she also needs to make up Dressed in different styles, including ordinary student dresses, and grand evening dresses... The problem is that everyone knows that she is Jessica, and if she exists as an ugly girl, it would be better without makeup. At least the audience won't be thinking all night: "What are she and Wang Yang thinking about?"

He shook his head and smiled, "There's no need, how good-looking you are! And you can play the leading role, from Flame Films, from other film companies..."

"I want to make a movie with you!" Jessica interrupted him, her eyes were red, she threw the cards she was holding onto the ground, stood up and walked towards the sand. It takes months to shoot a movie, and months to promote it. Why can't we spend these times together? The characters in this movie are all young people, why is there no her......

"Hey hey, what's the matter?" Wang Yang quickly stepped forward and hugged her, which was the first time she did this. He suddenly felt the martial arts. The holy king of heaven and earth created the holy king. The king will kill the gods at night and seek the throne of the gods. Qiankun will kill the gods and seal the throne in the night, beg the devil, be proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man of the Zhou royal family Appearing in his movie, I want to be the heroine more, but the news about "T--Team" on the Internet in the past two days is all about Wang Yang, Rachel, Natalie... He has a decision in his heart, seriously Said: "Jessica, I promise you, we will shoot the next movie together."

Jessica leaned against his chest, listening to his eager words, and faintly heard her own voice: "What are you doing? Why are you so willful, why do you let him say such things?" She lifted She looked into his eyes and said, "No! Jan, don't make such promises, what you just said doesn't count, I don't like it.


"I like it! I also want to make a movie with you, and I don't need to be ugly." Wang Yang smiled, holding her hands around her to prevent her from breaking free, and kept... muma. "muma" kissed her on the cheek. Jessica didn't speak in silence, but after being kissed by him for a while, she still couldn't help chuckling. Just now, the bad mood gradually disappeared. She wiped her face with a smile The saliva on his face blocked his mouth and said: "Okay, okay! I'm not angry, I'm just a little unhappy, but I'm fine now. "

"muma. muma" Wang Yang continued to touch her face mechanically. Jessica thumped his chest, and said with a smile: "Ah, have you kissed enough, my face is hurt by you!" Wang Yang smiled immediately: "What is your face? It belongs to me. Jessica pushed him away, and said with a smile, "When did it belong to you?" Wang Yang kissed her lips, and said, "That Thanksgiving four years ago! muma one"

Danny, who was sleeping beside the sand, opened his eyes and glanced at them, exhaled a long breath, and continued to sleep

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