The Best Director

Chapter 196 I really want to kick him into the river

Chapter 196 I really want to kick him down the river (recommendation ticket requested)

In the room covered with movie posters, the red poster "Forbidden to use by aliens" is very conspicuous. In front of the desk with many toy models, Wang Yang browses the pictures on the laptop screen on the desk, all of which are new ones from the brokerage company. A group of actresses recommended candidates.

After vetoing a girl who was too white, Wang Yang opened another "Elodie-Yuan" file, and the target was a girl with black eyes and single eyelids. Elodie was born in 1998 and was of French mixed race. , looks very strong and wild, and now he has filmed some TV commercials in France. He thought about it and shook his head to close it. She didn't pass her primary election, and her appearance and temperament did not meet his ideal candidate.

However, Wang Yang paid a little attention to her, and was going to recommend her to "Rage" directed by Justin Lin. This drag racing crime film is about to start. The starring lineup has been finalized, but he knows that there are some supporting actresses. A temperament like Elodie-Yuan is needed.

"Kirstin Kreuk." Wang Yang nodded. She is a sweet-looking girl with brown eyes. She was born on month o in 1998. Her father is Dutch and her mother is Indonesian Chinese. Now she is acting in the TV series "People Before". The heroine Lana-Blue. There are a few more pictures for this audition, she is wearing black fake black eyes, he looked at it for a while, it is still too white

But this girl has a very good temperament. When he watched Tom Welling's version of "The Prequel" in his mind, he had the impression that she learned karate since she was a child... Wang Yang raised his eyebrows and muttered : "I don't know if it's good to fight?" Maybe when there is an opportunity for cooperation in the future, we can play a game and see, he couldn't help smiling thinking about it.

"Yang, I've caught you." At this moment, a laugh suddenly sounded from behind. Wang Yang looked back with a smile, and saw Jessica who had slipped in quietly standing behind with an ambiguous expression. I smell you." He continued to open the profile of the next girl. Jessica bent over with her arms around his neck, looked at the laptop screen, and asked with a smile, "What are you looking at? They're all beautiful girls."

"You know it's because of the card counter." While speaking, another model was eliminated. Wang Yang frowned and said, "It's really distressing." Jessica said with a smile, "Then let me do the calculation directly?" Wang Yang clicked the mouse , and said with a smile: "Do you want to mess with Andrea? The adaptation rights of the novel are about to be bought. We said that we will shoot it soon. I hope Andrea can make a decision within a week, and she agreed."

e-Q, Li Meiqi, American-Vietnamese hybrid, exhibiting in Hong Kong...beautiful enough, but it seems that she is? Wang Yang went to the station and searched a bit suspiciously, and it turned out to be Wu Yanzu's ex-girlfriend, who knows if it will be embarrassing? If he asked Daniel Wu, the answer would definitely be "I don't mind", but he didn't want to mess up the relationship on the set, so why take the risk of affecting the actor's performance?

"Let's see if there is something more suitable." Seeing that he closed the document, Jessica asked curiously: "She looks good, why isn't she suitable?" Wang Yang shook his head and said, "Daniel's Ex-girlfriend,

Hmm...Mo Wei? "

I saw a black-faced woman on the screen, Karen Joy Morris, born in June 2009, her grandfather is white Welsh, her grandmother is Hong Kong, and her mother is half Chinese, half Persian and German. She went to Italy to finish high school at the age of o, and graduated from London University in England. She is proficient in English, French, Italian, as well as Cantonese and Mandarin.

Wang Yang was slightly taken aback. He knew who this guy was, because "God of Cookery" was one of his favorite Hong Kong movies, and Mo Wei played an impressive turkey in it. Her acting skills are unquestionable against a card counter, and her proficiency in several languages ​​surprised him even more. In the script of "T--Team", there are scenes where the team communicates in foreign languages ​​in a casino, pretending to be a foreigner to deceive a female detective, etc. , It is better to be proficient in nature than to learn on the spot.

Mo Wei's appearance and temperament are quite suitable, but she seems to be a bit older. Wang Yang carefully looked at the photos in her archives, especially the recent ones, which looked neither as old nor as immature as a year old, like a mature woman of about 5 years old. The audience can't tell the age of the actors in front of the screen, as long as they are young in the senses, after the makeup and stylist's "pretending to be tender" technique, they may be younger.

"College student" is the character's temperament requirement, but you have to try it before you know it.

Wang Yang picked up the mobile phone next to him, dialed a number and said, "Ask CAA to notify Karen Joy Morris to participate in the audition." Putting down the mobile phone, he glanced at Jessica sideways, and said with a smile, "Jessie , didn’t you say you want to be ugly? Let me show you what it is to be ugly.” Jessica said with great interest, “Why?”

"Look at this woman, she's very beautiful, right?" Wang Yang opened the website, searched for the word "God of Cookery, Mo Wei", pressed enTeR, and immediately found a few photos of a turkey lady with a toothy scar and a face, haha He smiled and said, "Looking at this, it's called being ugly." Jessica, who was hugging him, smiled in surprise, and said with great interest: "It's really surprising, this one looks like an old lady, but it was the cover girl just now. "

"Yes, her acting skills are great." Wang Yang smiled, and was about to continue to read the next one, when there was a shout from downstairs: "Yang——, Jessie" Wang Yang responded loudly: "Mom, what's the matter?" Jessica groaned, stood up straight and said, "By the way, I'm here to ask you to go down and eat dumplings." Wang Yang nodded and got up, walked out of the room with her, and shouted: " Eat New Year's Eve Dumplings”

After New Year’s Eve, the Lunar New Year is coming. In Chinatown, there are many festive activities such as gongs and drums, firecrackers, and lion dance floats. After spending the Spring Festival in San Francisco for a few days, just after the birthday, Wang Yang and his wife They returned to Los Angeles. Apparently those Chinese and mixed-race actors had also finished the Spring Festival. Wang Yang was going to spend a day to solve this problem, and the filming would start in Boston the day after tomorrow.

The crew will shoot the scene in Boston first, and then finish the part in Las Vegas. During the few days of the Spring Festival, the crew of "T--Team" has already gone to Bean City with equipment, costumes and props. Looking for features and some scenes, just wait for him to go to the night to make a decision. But now he needs to decide on the candidate for the Chinese girl card counter.

The temperament requirements for this role are actually very wide, as long as the camera sense is suitable, and then "cool" is enough. In the final analysis, it is greatly affected by personal preference.

"I want a very cold calm expression, no smile, just a killer cool guy."

In the bright audition room, Wang Yang looked at Mo Wei who was dressed in black in the lens of the camera. She had an indifferent look on her face when she heard the words, "The corners of her mouth are slightly curled up, as if teasing others." silly. Wang Yang hummed softly. After some previous investigations, her acting skills are indeed no problem at all. No matter she is pretending to be stupid or cool, exaggeration and reality are all in place.

Under the magic of the makeup artist, she who was not old at first became younger, and even felt a little fat in puberty.

Wang Yang turned off the camera, took the information in Joshua's hand next to him, looked at it, and smiled in broken Cantonese: "Karen, I heard you can speak many languages, right?" Mo Wei nodded with a smile "Yes." Wang Yang looked at her seriously, and grunted: "%#a%*!#%#*?" Mo Wei tilted his head in doubt, and asked, "I'm sorry?"

"Don't worry about it, it's just a quack quack joke." Wang Yang smiled and handed the file back to her, stretched out his palm, and said, "You are very welcome to join the crew, happy cooperation." He laughed and said: "And I forgot to mention just now, I like your turkey in "God of Cookery" very much."

Mo Wei immediately opened her mouth wide and burst out laughing in surprise. Although this is only a supporting role, everyone knows how rare this opportunity is. Not to mention the Hollywood show, she can cooperate with the best director of the Golden Globe Award. This will be the first step in her acting career. Mo Wei happily shook hands with him, and said with a big smile, "Thank you for being so happy and really fast. I only received the news a few days ago, and now... e-netqueTrp-eureux"

"I'm sorry?" Wang Yang frowned suspiciously, and Joshua behind him translated with certainty: "That means I love you." Mo Wei was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled, "No, it's just Jokes, Italian and French, all I'm-s-hppy"

After confirming the candidate of Mo Wei, the main characters of all the posters of "T--Team" were settled. The T team has a total of 6 people, and each of them is in a small group. It was also when they filmed the plot where they divided into two groups to raid different casinos. allocation. The two big players of the team are Wu Yanzu and Natalie Portman, and the two card counters are Karen Mok and Nick Cannon.

Nick Cannon was born on the 8th of o, he is a young black star of the new generation. Besides acting, he is also a rapper. Last year's Christmas schedule, "The Drum Line" that participated in the comedy war was played by him as the male lead. Nick's agent was extremely excited about winning this role. How much better is the supporting role of Miraculous Young compared to the male lead of a box office poison film?

When this candidate was selected, Wang Yang was also very happy. Nick Cannon can play a traditional black comedy effect, and can pretend to be fierce and play a rude villain. Candidates.

In addition, there are two "game controllers" in the team, which are another kind of card counters. They judge how much bets should be placed according to the points situation on the gaming table, and remind the big players to operate. The specific process is that the card counters come to a table and sit down. When the table is hot, they call the game controller to take over and leave to observe at the next table. , the table got cold and left, waiting for a new signal from the card counter.

These three roles have a clear division of labor. According to their own characteristics and advantages in "logic, memory, mental arithmetic, emotional influence" and other aspects, the six people learn and master different special skills, such as calculating points, cutting cards, shuffling changes, tracking, etc. a card and so on. In the words of Jeff Ma, it is "card counting is like a precision machine, otherwise you can't win points."

The two controllers, a man and a woman, are played by Jay Baruchel and Alexis Bledel respectively.

On April 9, 1998, Jay Baruchel was born in Ottawa, Canada. He is of mixed Jewish and Scottish descent. He made his debut on the big screen as "Vic" in "Almost Famous" a year ago, and now he is still a Hollywood star. The role, but the acting is terrific. This is naturally due to his background as a child star, who began appearing on the screens of local TV stations when he was young.

What Wang Yang saw was his honest and friendly boyish demeanor, because not all six people in the T team took the "bright cool" route, then there would be no comparison and distinction, and the last one would not be cool. In fact, in order not to attract the attention of the casino, the general card counters are almost like a country bumpkin who is easy to deceive and ignorant. This is Jay Baruchel's true performance.

But such a foolish and honest man who "brought a broken cartoon money pot" was ignored by the casino and female detectives, but when he turned around and left, he revealed "you idiots" sneer, that's the cool shot, and Jay Baruchel pulls off that smile.

Alexis Bledel also did the same. She was born in a Catholic family in Houston on September 6, 1998. Her father is an Argentine with Danish mixed blood, and her mother is a Mexican with French and German ancestry. 5 This mixed race makes her have a delicate and sweet face and an elf-like temperament, just like a quiet and shy girl next door who has never seen the world.

The reason why she started acting was that she was too shy and introverted to make friends in elementary school, so her mother encouraged her daughter to participate in community stage plays to overcome her shyness. So she went all the way, community actor, fashion model, and in the first audition, she got Rory Gilmore, the heroine of the TV series "Gilmore Girls".

She is a rising star in the television industry, but she has not performed very well on the big screen. Last year, the 10,000-cost romance film "True Endless Love" starring her only received 940,000 box office, and then "T --Team".

Wang Yang likes her quiet temperament very much. Alexis is a perfect image of a good girl and an honest person. When she sits a little nervously at the gaming table, it gives people the feeling that "a good girl does bad things" is coming. , but she's actually a smart guy, a member of the cunning T-team.

Coupled with Rachel McAdams who plays the role of the female detective, this constitutes a starring lineup called "ambitious" by the media. Needless to say, there is a Chinese-American male protagonist who has yet to be selected, and none of the three are in the cast. For the young man who has truly proved himself on the big screen, L Online's report put a question mark: "If these cards are placed in Magic Yang's hand, will it be Blackjack or points?"

Star fans are looking forward to it, especially apart from Rachel and Natalie, the most popular Alexis, her fans are already looking forward to "Rory" becoming a top young actress in Hollywood; and All fans believe that if they entrust their favorite actors to Magic Yang, they will definitely be able to play to their heart's content

Boston is beautiful. Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao mall Taobao women's winter clothing jacket m quiet Charles River, with MIT, Harvard University, Boston University and other prestigious schools located on both banks, the riverside scenery is like a landscape painting, the long blue river, lush greenery Green trees, and a refreshing spring breeze.

"By the way, you may have to change your style and color. I am suddenly not satisfied with the current one." Wang Yang, who was walking by the river, stopped as he spoke, picked up the director's viewfinder hanging around his neck, and closed his eyes. Focusing his left eye on the camera, he looked at the scene on the other side of this area. The filming will start tomorrow. He wants to take a good look at these real scenes and find the best shot.

And Joshua, the production assistant who took care of everything, followed like a bodyguard, and Natalie and Alexis, both in casual clothes, the former was responsible for leading the way, and the latter came for a walk to enjoy the scenery together. Natalie, with her ponytail tied up, rolled her eyes upwards, trying to see the top of her head clearly, and asked, "Why do you always have trouble with my head? What are you going to do this time?"

Wang Yang pointed the framing camera at her face, adjusted the distance, and said with a smile: "I have several plans now, and I won't know until I try them all. I wonder if you are suitable for Matilda's type, anyway, you Know that I tend to be short, the feeling that hangs around the forehead and ears. Nataman (ntmn), this is not just about you, Rachel's will also change, I think..."

He continued to scan the vast river view, flashing Rachel's appearance in "Sherlock Holmes" in his mind, and said: "The hot roll and brown and black are good, and it will work after trying. Daniel? I can't think of it, the boy has a good shape." Less, why?" He put down the viewfinder, looked at Alexis with a long brown shawl a few steps away, and said with a smile: "Ali, you are fine now, keep it, but you need some bangs."

"Oh, I just feel more confident showing my forehead." Alexis blinked her blue eyes, covered her forehead, and said with a smile, "But it's okay." Looking at her, Joshua was slightly She trembled, but Natalie asked with a strange expression, "Why don't you become a stylist?"

"Wait, I find this place is very good." Wang Yang didn't answer her, but suddenly shouted, excitedly said: "I want to lie down here, the background is the Charles River, not bad, who can take some pictures for me?" Master, of course he can't just finish the first season. He needs to spend more seasons in more places to stabilize this thing. In fact, it's quite fun.

Natalie crossed her arms and turned her head away, determined to stand by and watch; Joshua was stunned, but Alexis raised her hand and smiled when no one responded, "Shall I help you?" Wang Yang hung up the same The digital camera and viewfinder around her neck were taken off, handed over to her, and then she lay down on the board on the bank, with her body above her belly hanging in the river, and said with a smile: "Ali, help me take pictures at a head-up angle, Thank you."

"Okay" Alexis walked to his side, squatted down and pressed the camera, and there was a clicking sound; Joshua took a deep breath; Natalie rubbed her shoes on the road. With a rustling sound, he suddenly ran two steps, kicking in the air, and shouted, "I really want to kick him into the river!" Alexis laughed loudly, showing her white teeth. Joshua covered his lips and chin.

Wang Yang, who was lying on his stomach, said in a muffled voice: "Don't, don't do that, I can't swim." Natalie smirked and said, "Really? Why did I see a group on the Internet called Miracle Yang is swimming on the beach, showing off her eight-pack abs or something?" Wang Yang asked suspiciously, "Isn't it sixteen?" Natalie spread her hands and said with a smile, "How about thirty-two? What is that? animal?"

"Harvard animals. Ali, are you ready?" Wang Yang turned his head and asked, and Alexis, who took several pictures around him, nodded and smiled: "It should be all right, I took a lot of photos." Hearing this, Wang Yang put his hands on the board, stood up and patted the dust off his body.

"I thought of an absolutely interesting scene." Natalie said with bright eyes and exaggerated director-directed hand movements: "When Jeff Ma and the others walked by this river, there was a group of students here Playing on the street, you can be a guest in your position just now.”

Wang Yang took back the digital camera, looked at the results just now, and said with a smile: "It's worth considering, but what's more worth considering is that I'm going to design a shot where the heroine Amanda is lying on the street, how about it?" Natalie chose Frowning and shrugging, he said, "Just lie on the gambling table?"

While laughing and talking, several people continued to walk forward facing the breeze. After walking for a while, Joshua, who had been taciturn all this time, suddenly winked at Wang Yang and made a sound of "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh")." The girl watched, Joshua scratched his head with a dry smile and said, "Something."

Natalie and Alexis tactfully quickened their pace temporarily, leaving them behind. Wang Yang smiled and said, "What's the matter?" Joshua took a few deep breaths, looked at Ali in front of him, and said in surprise, "Yang, I'm in love with her, she's so cute, it's really, oh... this is definitely , a completely different feeling, what were my previous love affairs?"

"I don't know." Joshua gritted his teeth, and in a blink of an eye, he was anxious like dancing again, and stomped his head and said: "What should I do? What should I do? Ever since I saw her on the day of the audition, I have always remembered it; these days I now As soon as I saw her, I was really, oh my should I put it?" Wang Yang said: "My heart is pounding." Joshua widened his eyes and agreed: "Yes, yes, I am lost, I am lost. lost"

"Jesus I can't sleep, I gotta be her boyfriend, it's my life"

Joshua clenched his hands into fists, raised his head and roared. Wang Yang pumped his fist to give him encouragement, and shouted in a low voice: "Then be sincere and stalk... But you are not talking about Natalie, right? She is a master of love, so it is not easy to chase." Joshua Immediately shrank back in fright, and hissed: "I'm talking about Ali, I'm talking about the audition day"

"Haha" Wang Yang patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and smiled as he walked: "Yue Shu, the blind can see that you are almost drooling now. Dude, calm down, she is there" Yue Shuya looked at him resentfully, and begged in a pleading tone: "Yang, my best brother, you must teach me to be honest this time. I have never chased after a Catholic girl. You can't just ignore it."

"You let a Chinese teach you how to chase girls, what do you mean?"



ps: A new week is here, wow, I am trying my best to recommend tickets and ask for monthly tickets. Thank you everyone, especially the recommendation tickets. Let us continue to stay on the top of the category recommendation list. It has been the third week in a row. Can you continue to vote for it? ?

Let the days without recommendation lists still be brilliant, many people are powerful, thank you very much ^o^

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