The Best Director

Chapter 204 Firefly

Chapter 204 Fireflies

What was the biggest news that came out after this year's Oscar nominees luncheon? It wasn't that the host promised to stick to the live broadcast, and it wasn't the star's outlook on the awards; it was that at the press conference, Miracle Yang, who had always been mild towards the US-Iraq war, suddenly went crazy, criticizing and mocking the entire Bush administration, commenting that this is Illegal, wrong, terrible war.

Wang Yang's prediction that the war itself will be easy is not new. After all, those who have some military common sense and those who pay attention to the news know that the strengths of the Allied forces and Iraq are different. Modern warfare must also involve air strikes and electronic warfare. Some people think that the Saddam government has no power to fight back. George Bush even said that "the whole war will be measured in hours."

That's why so many people feel that it's "no big deal" to fight a real war. It takes ten days to end the war and withdraw the troops after completing the task in one or two years. Magic Yang said that one month is already hilarious. Because according to the government's propaganda, the Iraqi people are waiting for the allied army, the righteous army, to rescue them, eradicate Saddam Hussein, a murderous maniac, and help them establish a completely democratic and self-governing government.

After the Allied forces broke in, the Iraqi people would line the streets to welcome them, and everyone cheered in unison. How could there be any problems?

In fact, the interview data of the people on the street shows that most people are not aware of the main reason for the war put on the table by the Bush administration, that is, Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction. % of the people answered "to overthrow the Saddam regime", 15% of the people answered "to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons", 15% said "to protect the interests of the United States", and the remaining 15% said they did not know.

But Miracle Young seemed to have no hope for post-war reconstruction, asserting that Iraq would be in disarray, dragging the U.S. and the world's economy into a quagmire. It's not that there are no such remarks, but they belong to the minority, pessimistic, worst-case scenario... Anyway, the mainstream calls it "scaremongering", and besides, war is imminent, saying these words to disturb the morale of the army? This is not the sound that most people like to hear.

"As 'a college undergrad,' Fantastic Young has his own opinion, but it's too pessimistic and self-righteous. He's just a spoiled young man, and we don't need to be too harsh." Los Angeles Times " said so, and the "Washington Post" said in a sarcasm: "If Wang Yang wants to use this to increase his popularity, then he has made a mistake, and now is not the time for him to speak out."…

Many media newspapers have reported and commented on this. This time it is much stronger than the rumors of "Magic Young taught Bill Gates" a few days ago. The former has no evidence and only gossip tabloids pay attention; the latter has video Yes, the content is current events of global concern.

Magic Yang's speech value is different from that of ordinary Hollywood stars and entertainers. On major events of this nature, his influence is greater than that of a film king, because he is the youngest best director and is recognized as destined to become a movie star. One of the most important jigsaw puzzles of all time; and the youngest billionaire,

23 years old but worth over 100 million, the new main force of the American dream, the new idol of the younger generation.

It's like Steven Spielberg, their attitude and rhetoric are what the world cares about most in Hollywood. The media has asked Spielberg many times, but he always said lightly: "If Iraq really has weapons of mass destruction, then I have to support the Bush administration." Originally, Magic Young also said the same thing, and only added one more sentence: " Of course I don't want a war to happen."

Now he suddenly spoke violently, calling George Bush a mentally retarded. In addition to the routine opposition to bloodshed and casualties, and opposition to illegal sending of troops, although he is not "struggling against Saddam" like Sean Penn, there are still many people who say that they want to boycott Yang's movies, saying that he is arrogant and does not understand military politics. , I am not qualified to make irresponsible remarks, I am just an idiot...

Edwin said: "I announce that I will no longer watch his movies, Wang Yang, you go make movies." Luke said: "Put him in Iraq for a while, and he will approve of the war. We can't be so selfish", Brooke said: "It will not take two weeks to overthrow Saddam", Cynthia said: "I think the White House must know more than Las Vegas."...

However, the anti-war movie fans immediately supported Miracle Yang even more. There are almost no young idols who dare to say this and make such a reasonable statement. His angry appearance has fascinated many female fans. Spielberg's backing attitude, Fantastic Young didn't let me down in the end, very good" Claire said: "Fantastic Young, you should say this is a disgraceful war. America is embarrassing." Hannah said: "If his prophecy is correct, then the White House will be very embarrassed."  …

Everything is controversial, but in terms of the percentage of people who believe in the government Vs anti-war %:%, Fantastic Young's popularity is dropping significantly.

"Mamma Mia (mmm-)" Looking at the video on the computer screen, Natalie couldn't help shouting, propped her cheeks and continued to look at the black man with a sarcastic face on the podium, and listened to him say, "What is the military spending billions of dollars?" , billion..." After silently watching the entire news video, Natalie muttered, "Why is there such a person? It's really hard to be a good brother with him."

She was stunned for a few seconds before she smiled and typed a comment "Support Fantastic Jan, I love him so much, my name is Natalie", but when she saw that comment displayed there, she felt a little awkward and regretted, But she couldn't change it, she slapped the keyboard with both hands: "Let's keep it, anyway, there are too many people named Natalie, no one knows it's me"

"Sure enough." Natalie then opened Wang Yang's blog to see if he had said anything about this matter. There was indeed an update. She clicked on it and glanced at it. It was very long and listed The outline is basically an upgraded version of the video, the text is rational and calm, and it is written in full detail why he is not optimistic about the post-war reconstruction, why he thinks he will fight for a month, etc...

"Iraq has never achieved real national integration. Saddam's core of power is the Sunnis and the Tikrits in his hometown, and his long-term high-handed control over the Shiites and Kurds is his crime. Under this kind of rule, different sects in Iraq have deep grievances, and the loyalty of the people belongs to sects and races, not "Iraq". When Saddam Hussein fell, advancing democratization too hastily will only make sectarian contradictions public.

It can be deduced that democratic elections will definitely lead to the rise of Shiites and Kurds, because there is such a popular base. The political stances and fundamental interests of the three factions are very different, and intense sectarian conflicts will cause a lot of conflicts and chaos, and give birth to the freaks of democracy such as 'sectarian politics'. Perhaps the splitting of Iraq into three countries in the end would be the appropriate solution. Then there is a new question, how to avoid ethnic cleansing? ..."

Natalie looked contemplative. These inferences are very reasonable. As a Jew born in Israel, she goes back to Israel for a period of time every year. She is well aware of the religious beliefs in the Middle East. It is not so easy to live in peace , Many people are madmen who have lost their minds.

"The number you dialed is on call." Hearing the voice from the phone, Natalie curled her lips boredly, put the phone down and continued browsing the page.

Under the night, Wang Yang was sitting on the rattan chair on the balcony on the second floor of his home, listening to Mark Slanter helplessly saying on the phone: "Yang, you are very unwise and immature. Even if your words are right, That will take too long to verify, but for now, many people will hate you."

"Well, I'm sorry..." Wang Yang smiled self-deprecatingly. Now that he thinks about it, he was really drunk. At that time, he was already half drunk, and he was very angry because of Jessica, but he thought it was more about him. I wanted to say it in my heart, and then I said it all out of drunken anger. I was very impulsive... According to Rachel's evaluation: "He will be nervous from time to time regardless of the consequences."

It was the same when beating people, scolding the principal, and the court... Wang Yang covered his forehead, and suddenly thought about it. He just scolded Joshua a lot, and he made a mistake right away. It was a mistake. ? He couldn't help thinking, it's like a master facing a powerful villain, is he happy to slash the villain to death with a knife, or just bear it and let it go?

It's really contradictory Wang Yang sighed softly, this character is something he has been born since he was a child, what should he do, besides Mark Srant's voice, he also faintly heard a girl's chuckle: " Go on and your temper, there are so many people who love you anyway." He shook his head and smiled, and said to the phone: "Yes, I am very willful. At that time, the more I talked, the more excited and angry I got. ..."

He looked up at the stars in the dark sky, frowned and said, "Mark, I'm really not the godfather... what do you think I should do?" Thinking about his 23 years of life, he asked a bit at a loss: "I I've been thinking about this for a long time, and about me, you know I admire Dennis Rodman, except for messing with women; but I should learn to be a godfather, don't you think?"

It was the first time for Mark Slant to see him showing a vulnerable side, and his tone became serious. After thinking for a while, he said: "Jan, you are a smart person. I have seen one of the best, but sometimes you are very impulsive. What are you going to do? No one can answer you, this is your life." He smiled and said again: "You can't get the answer because you are too young, Yang, and you have never experienced many things. But Only after experiencing it will you understand your choice and know what to do."

"It makes sense." Wang Yang laughed a few times when he heard the words, recalling some past events in his heart, and said with a smile: "At that time, there were such classes in school. You know, in order to experience some feelings, we did a lot of silly things."

"Yan, when I was studying at USC, I was very proud, and I told myself 'I'm the one who does it.'" Mark Slant over there snorted full of self-mockery, and continued: "Later, I continued to Unemployed, someone introduced me to be an agent, but I said 'I'm not going to be a fucking agent, it's humiliating me' But why did I finally agree to do it? When you look at your newborn daughter."

He sighed and said, "It's indescribable when you watch her cry and smile... I just said to myself, 'Okay, be an agent.'" He laughed and said, "Yang, you didn't Married, no children, but when you become a parent, many questions will have answers. Take your time now but you must not touch the bottom line, even if it is true, you should know "The King's New Clothes", don't destroy yourself."

"Well, I'm not an irrational person." Wang Yang nodded, temporarily putting aside the question in his mind, life will tell him the answer, and he asked instead: "Mark, that's all for now, what else is there?" Is there any problem? By the way, I just wrote a detailed analysis article on my blog, and I didn’t make it clear at the press conference. I think I said it anyway, so let’s calm down and make it clear.”

"It's nothing to do with the blog, but you still need to speak less. If you want to speak, you should really calm down, so that others can treat you calmly." Mark Srant's voice was very serious. Wang Yang hummed, and Mark said again: "As for other aspects, there is no major problem with the company, and we will take care of it."

The general business of the company has little impact. First of all, many ordinary viewers who do not pay attention to entertainment are not familiar with Miracle Yang, let alone that he is the chairman of Flame Movie; It's not clear, and not everyone supports sending troops. Moreover, the people have not reached that point yet. This is not just a "taboo" religious racial abortion, homosexuality, and strong anti-war. Wang Yang is not saying that he supports Saddam Hussein.

A film company's anti-*government, talk about religion, support homosexuality and other themes will not attract any large-scale boycotts, usually it is the movie that suffers, which attracts severe criticism from conservatives, some State prohibitions on showings, etc.

In terms of business dealings and cooperation with other companies, there will be no impact, and the existing impact has already existed. This country is not Iraq. Business is business. Every company has people who support Republicans and Democrats. Everyone has their own political stance. Maybe they are secretly unhappy, but they still cooperate when they need to cooperate. Republicans don’t like Wang Yang, and democrats But I like him very much.

The movie entertainment industry and Hollywood have always been the big ticket positions of the Democratic Party. Wang Yang's remarks were criticized by the public, but he did not offend his peers and the industry. Instead, he was unanimously recognized by Hollywood.

"The most important thing is your personal movie box office." Mark Slant snorted, seeming to have a headache, and said: "Those movie mí who care about entertainment, many main fighters will hate you for a while, and their friends The circle will also be affected, and your popularity will definitely drop, what the hell." He coughed a few more times, and said, "You know."

Wang Yang frowned and thought about his hint, and after a humming, Mark said: "You know it's so distressing." Wang Yang knew what he meant, "If your speculation comes true in the future, those people will become If you become an anti-war, you will become your die-hard fan." Although this is an anti-tapping mobile phone, when it comes to these sensitive matters, Mark Srant dare not express his emotions casually.

"But it's not that serious anymore. They're just talking fiercely now. There are not many people who really know how to boycott and boycott to the end. You're not an actor." Mark Srant laughed a few times, and his tone became relaxed again , smiled and said: "And there is only one magical Yang, how can they resist?"

"Well, it's useless to worry about these, let's do a good job." Wang Yang responded, and then heard Mark's laughter from the phone: "Yang, actually thinking in another direction, there is still an advantage to your matter Yep, Best Director Oscar, those who haven't voted now know who to vote for."

Hollywood is anti-war, and Oscar is also anti-war, and likes to fight against those who are under siege by the mass media. As the war is imminent, "The Pianist" has become a big hit this year, and Roman Lansky won the best award. The director's chances also suddenly increased; but now Wang Yang suddenly stood up. Although he was ridiculed and scolded by the main fighters, he must have won the hearts of many colleagues and academy judges.

"Oh really, I didn't expect this benefit." Wang Yang suddenly shook his head and laughed, and said in surprise: "That's really good, Mark, you should have reminded me earlier, then I could have said it earlier. You don't know how long I've endured."

The two talked for a while, and then ended the conversation. Wang Yang looked at the night sky and enjoyed the tranquility for a while. Just as he got up and came to the guardrail, his mobile phone rang again. He answered the channel: "?" In Tali's voice, she smiled lightly and said, "Hey, Miracle Yang, I taught George Bush a lesson this time." Wang Yang shrugged and said with a smile, "Yes, I have become a fool recently."

"Ha" Natalie's tone was very disdainful, and she said: "Those who think you are a fool are a group of self-righteous fools. Many of them think that Iraq is in Africa." She sighed deeply: "I saw you just now. My blog, I agree with you 100%, the situation in the Middle East is not so simple..."

"Forget it, I don't want to talk about this anymore, I said everything on my blog." Wang Yang interrupted her dullly, not wanting to discuss Iraqi affairs any more. Natalie was not unhappy, and asked with great interest: "What are you talking about? What's on your mind? A lot of people scolded you, young man, do you have any psychological trauma? You need a psychiatrist the treatment?"

Wang Yang smiled, leaned back against the solid guardrail, and said, "I'm thinking about some problems. In this world, can you beat people everywhere with the banner of freedom? The question is, is this true? Can other people really be free? What if they are? Are they unwilling? Is the world better or worse in the end? And what kind of impact does war have on those who participate in and experience it? "

He looked at the dark sky in the distance, thinking about those Allied soldiers, Iraqi soldiers, and street civilians he saw on TV and computers recently, and said: "You know, whether it is the Allied forces or Iraq, many people are loyal to themselves. Faith and loyalty to orders, they all feel that they are on the side of justice. They will really believe what the government says, embark on a journey for this, and work for it, but the government is actually full of lies. There are also innocent civilians whose homes have been destroyed and displaced ...everyone's life will be changed."

"Let me think about it." Natalie was thinking about these questions, and she was in a mess for a while, and then smiled lightly: "At least I know now that you still have a lot to understand about this war, Mr. Question."

"Well, maybe there are many more." Wang Yang stared at a shining star in the sky, frowned, and said with a smile: "Do you think there are aliens who think that the earth is like Iraq? The animals on the earth have been bullied and oppressed by humans, so we have to come over to take over the planet, overthrow the regime of the people on earth, and help the animals build a free and democratic earth."

Natalie was stunned for a moment, and then she felt very interesting. Then who will be in power? Animals have deep grievances against humans... She smiled and said, "Wow, you think so much. Could it be the shrimp and bug people who come back in three years? This theme gives me a horrible feeling, but really Give birth, you should worry about yourself, you are a meat eater; I don't eat, animals like me."

"Think about it one by one, I have too many problems now, and I won't tell you about the others." Wang Yang smiled and walked into the room, saying: "Go to rest early, I want to sleep, and the shooting will officially resume tomorrow Another day was delayed, and there are only a few days left. Well, bye.” As soon as he pressed the end call button, new calls came one after another. Wang Yang saw that it was Mark Alba, and answered the channel: “Hi, Mark? "

He stopped and listened for a while, then smiled and said, "Really, I think so. No, I don't think you have thought about it." He walked into the big bedroom, looking for Jessica, and followed The mobile phone discussed: "Iraqi people really welcome the Allied forces so much? And do allied soldiers have anti-war sentiments? Once the war situation is frustrated, I think many people will not want to move..."

When the night sky became darker and the clock reached the stage of sleep and rest, on the spacious netg in the bedroom, Wang Yang looked at Jessica, who was wearing a show on the pillow, and said, "By the way, your father called just now , scolded me." Jessica looked suspicious, and asked, "Why?" Wang Yang stroked her shoulder, and said, "He said that if the war really started, half a month would be enough. After a month, he was finally convinced by me."

Jessica blinked her eyes, pressed close to his body, and said softly: "Yang, I know you are so excited because of me, thank you. But I won't allow you to do this again." Wang Yang tilted his head Kissed her on the forehead and said with a smile: "You are too narcissistic, I want to say it myself, it has nothing to do with you." Jessica nodded with a smile, then frowned: "I really hate war, it's so annoying , let's stop talking, shall we?"

"Okay, let's talk about something happy." Wang Yang didn't want to think about the war any more. He had thought enough in the past two days, and said with a smile, "How is your acting practice these days? There is one thing I haven't done yet. Let me tell you, I invited Meryl Streep to play Miranda, she is very interested." Jessica widened her eyes, crawled on top of him, and said in surprise, "Really? Oh my God If I play against her, I will be so nervous, how can this work..."

"You must do Jessie, I will be very strict with you." Wang Yang looked serious, looked into her black eyes, and said solemnly: "Since you have become the heroine, you must do your best to act the movie. Well, no matter what difficulties we have, we will find a way to solve them, you know?" After scolding Joshua, his requirements for Jessica have been raised to a higher level. very good.

Jessica suddenly felt a little pressure and was full of expectations. She must also hear the sound of "d". She nodded heavily: "Know"

"Then don't press me down." Wang Yang slapped her buttocks, and said with a smile, "I'm not in the mood now, go to sleep." Jessica rolled her eyes with a smile, turned to sleep beside her, and closed her eyes. Eyes said: "Good night." Wang Yang said: "Good night."

The dimly lit bedroom was completely quiet, and the two of them gradually fell asleep. After an unknown period of time, strange and bizarre dreams began to appear.

There are various spaceships everywhere in the sky, below are high-rise buildings with various shapes, the engine room of a small spaceship is open, Wang Yang is stepping on the doorway with a big cigar in his mouth, holding a heavy-duty cigar in his hand. The machine gun, with a rattling sound, a fire dragon burst out from the muzzle, and the bullets poured out crazily. While shooting at other spaceships, he shouted: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh—"

With a sudden whoosh, a big bullet hit his shoulder, and he bit his cigar so hard that he almost broke it, and continued to shoot with his gun without moving: "Ahh—" At this time, a man in a denim suit next to him The tall girl shouted anxiously: "Captain, you are injured!" Wang Yang didn't even look at her, threw the gun that was full of bullets in his hand, lifted the other gun next to him, and shouted: "Don't fuck me!" Come to bother me bsp; boom boom boom boom, a spaceship was hit and exploded suddenly, and the front became a mist. Wang Yang clenched his fists and roared excitedly, but before he could celebrate, a missile flew in the mist Flying over, he bit the cigar, then hurriedly hugged the girl next to him, boom...

"Hoo hoo..." Wang Yang opened his eyes suddenly, he glanced left and right, Jessica next to him was sleeping soundly, her pretty face was serene and serene, what dream was she dreaming? Wang Yang couldn't help chuckling, Captain? really interesting. Thinking back to the feeling of the dream just now, he carefully took away her hand, propped himself up and moved to the pen and paper on the top cabinet to write.

For a director, dreams are an important source of feeling and ideas, so his netg head cabinet has long had recording tools. Many elements may not be used immediately or will not be used, but as his teacher said, the director only has to develop this habit, and constantly record and feel the seal of Wudong Qiankun, the holy king, the holy king, the night killing god. The throne seeks the devil, proud of the world, the strongest abandonment of the ninth heaven, the king of the Zhou royal family will kill the gods and gods at night The young Zhou royal family's god-making general night kills the gods and seals the throne, seeks the devil, proud of the world, the ninth heaven is the strongest, and the young and big Zhou royal family will accumulate and grow unconsciously as time goes by.

After simply recording, Wang Yang put the notebook and paper back, and was about to lie down again, but accidentally caught a glimpse of a small spot of light floating over the balcony,? He couldn't help but walked down the netg in surprise, and came to the balcony barefoot, and was immediately blown by a cool night breeze. Seeing clearly what that spot of light was, he smiled and muttered, "Fireflies... Are there fireflies this season?"

I saw the glowing firefly flying freely in the dark.


ps: Good news that the number of subscriptions for a single chapter of this book is up to tens of thousands. Wow, thank you for your support and let us reach a new high. congratulations, wow thank you

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