The Best Director

Chapter 209 New Best Director Oscar!

The news center and the backstage interview room of the organizer of the Oscar Awards Ceremony are located in the Renaissance Hotel connected to the Kodak Theater. The two are closely connected through several passages. After each award is awarded, the winners will come to the hotel interview room , being interviewed by journalists from various countries. At this time, the ceremony was over, and all the winners were in the backstage interview room, as well as some nominees and award presenters.

In front of the printed channel and Oscar logo and the background board, the winners holding the trophy had bright and happy smiles on their faces, and the photographers were busy pressing the cameras in their hands; while most of the other reporters gathered around to take pictures The winners asked all kinds of questions in one go, digging for news.

"Mr. Richards, do you think it is appropriate for the Oscar ceremony to continue to be held at this moment?" Seven or eight reporters in formal suits surrounded Martin Richards, who had just won the best picture award. , someone asked almost a question that must be asked tonight. Wiping his wrinkled face with his left hand, Martin Richards said: "I don't think there is any direct connection between the two. I am personally against war, and any normal person would be against war; but at the same time I also support our soldiers in the military."

"Then how do you evaluate Michael Moore's performance tonight when he received the award?" Now that another white man asked, the interview pass hanging around his neck indicated that he was a reporter for the New York Times.

Martin-Richards suddenly said "Oh God", he pressed his forehead and said: "I think Michael Moore's movie is very good, and his speech is also very good. But what happened to him tonight?" What? He did it a little too hastily, and he talked too fast, he should have prepared. I think we all want peace, and everyone has their own way of pursuing peace."

There was some regret on his old face, he shook his head and said: "I don't agree with Michael Moore's way tonight, I like Adrien Brody, and Wang Yang, they did a good job."

The reporters in this circle suddenly chuckled. Miracle Young was a strong anti-war faction before. The nominee’s speech at the luncheon was no less serious than Michael Moore’s. False, shameful" is so harsh and extremely offensive; but tonight he expressed his position in a humorous way like that, which is more likeable and acceptable.

Seeing that Charlie Dess mentioned Wang Yang, the black female reporter of "Hollywood Report" asked: "We know that Wang Yang's second movie "Sing and Dance Blue Net" caused a song and dance craze in 1999, for example, it was 99 The annual sales champion of movie soundtrack CD, does this give "Chicago" confidence?"

"I've heard of "Singing and Dance Net", which did give us some confidence in the market, but it doesn't matter." Martin Richards raised the trophy in his hand, with a serious expression on his old face, and said: " "Chicago" would have been a very good stage play, thanks to Bob Fosse..."

At this time, in front of the background board with the statue of the golden man in the distance,

Nicole Kidman, Adrien Brody, and Wang Yang stood together for a group photo. Amidst the sound of clicking, the smiling faces of the three people took photos one after another. The photographers clamored and demanded: " Jan, you stand in the middle", "Is it okay to put your arms around Nicole's waist? Be intimate", "Please raise the trophy, thank you"...

The three of them had just taken enough group photos to leave the set board, when a large group of reporters coaxed up and surrounded them to ask questions, and there was another question they had to ask: "Why did you come?"

"I don't have the slightest qualms about the Oscar party." Adrien Brody said with a straight face, with his eyebrows upside down: "In a world full of sad news and conflicts, it is indeed a little bit to hold such a joyful celebration." Difficulties." He pulled his forehead, looked at the dozen or so reporters, and said: "However, as artists, people in the film industry and actors, we have made a lot of efforts in the past year to contribute to the film industry. made a contribution, and we have reason to celebrate that."

The reporters gestured to Nicole Kidman to answer: "Nicole, what do you think?", "Didn't you finish talking on the stage just now?"

"Well, if you don't understand these questions yourself, then your mind will be confused." Nicole Kidman nodded seriously, Wang Yang and Adrien Brody looked at her, "You start by asking yourself: 'Should I be here? Is this a little flippant? Is there something important here?' I tell myself, it's kind of flippant in nature," she says with a smile.

Nicole Kidman pursed her lips as she spoke, and naturally raised the trophy, saying: "But at the same time, art is also a very important part of our lives. I am proud of being an actor." Her demeanor became serious, and said: "We are also very aware of what is happening in other parts of the world, and we attach great importance to all of this."

"Yang, what about you?" The reporters immediately turned to ask Wang Yang, more than a dozen pairs of eyes with different pupils looked at him, and asked one after another: "You are strongly opposed to war, why did you come here?" ?”, “Looks like you enjoyed the evening, you were so funny on stage just now.”, “Haha, yes, is that the speech you prepared earlier?”……

Listening to their questions, Wang Yang held the golden man and spread out his hands, pretending to be stupid: "You know, uh, I heard that there are gold trophies here, so I'm here."

"Hehe..." The reporters suddenly laughed lightly, and quickly took notes in their notebooks. Such an answer is called rash. Adrien Brody and Nicole Kidman all smiled, but none of them thought The new Best Director just finished with one sentence. This is probably just a joke that Miracle Yang didn't want to finish, but is it appropriate to laugh at such a serious issue?

"First of all, I agree with what Adrian and Nicole said." Wang Yang's tone became serious, and he seemed to ask: "Also, why is Oscar going to be held at this moment? Are we going to participate? Are you still joking?" He looked around the faces of the reporters and said: "Because movies are art and a soup for the soul, it brings thinking and insights; but movies are also entertainment, it brings laughter and beauty."

He raised his left hand and pointed to a distant direction, and continued: "Yes, there is a war going on on the earth right now, people are dying, families are being broken... But does this mean that you need to give up All the laughter and beauty? Or in the midst of the pain, trying to bring as much joy as possible to people? Even if it’s just a moment? Life is supposed to be like this, laughter, if you don’t love life, why fight this war?"

Many reporters immediately raised their eyebrows, and while taking notes, they also secretly sighed that this magical Yang's speaking skills are so high that it is difficult for people to refute. You are a main fighter, right? The purpose of the war is to eliminate the threat of weapons of mass destruction, to protect the safety and life of the people of the United States and other countries, and to overthrow the Saddam regime so that the Iraqi people can live a better life. Then the ultimate goal of the war It's a good life, why give up the present? As for the anti-war faction, isn’t the reason why they are anti-war is to pursue peace, not wanting people to suffer disasters and grief, and not wanting a beautiful life to be destroyed by war?

Wang Yang paused, took a long breath, and said earnestly: "The war has claimed the lives of many people. We cannot forget them and their relatives. We wish them to help them; Forget yourself."

Under the eyes of everyone, he raised his finger again: "I know that there are many people who are against the Oscars, but there are also many, many viewers who want to see this show, including countless overseas viewers, why did Steve Martin say that just now? To end the night? I agree with him. This is a traditional festival for filmmakers, and it is also our duty to the audience, which is part of the movie ticket. So, here I am, I want to win an award, and I want to bring laughter to everyone."

If it weren't for the things in their hands, the reporters and the newly promoted actor and actress would applaud. The best director's answer was really different, and he spoke very thoroughly and satisfactorily. They all nodded and praised: "Oh well said", "You I did it." Nicole Kidman smiled, this guy really has the ability to speak; Adrien Brody was also a little bit emotional, he had racked his brains to prepare for the possible award speech. For several days, this magical Yang seemed to have a period at any time.

"I forgot to say, that's the responsibility of the actors in front of the scene." Wang Yang's sudden joke made the unprepared crowd chuckle, and he shrugged again and said, "But I'm the director, so I have the responsibility to come here." Monitor their performance. Good job dude, d-ss" he said and thumped Adrien Brody on the shoulder, and the new actor and everyone burst out laughing.

It is too slow to take turns answering like this, and the types of questions are different. After the reporters asked the two mandatory questions, they interviewed the three most eye-catching award winners separately, and more than half of the people surrounded Wang Yang, because he won the prize. After the award, they went back to their seats without coming to the interview room. Now they naturally have to ask the 23-year-old best director. There are too many news to dig out

"I'm very happy, nothing exciting? Probably because my eyes tell me, this is the Golden Raspberry Awards, you know it's too unpretentious around.", "Yes, I'm the best director, but who isn't What about it?", "The first time I stood on the Oscar stage as an award recipient, I felt very safe. If you fainted, you would be fine, because there are more than 3,000 people staring at you."...

Wang Yang was surrounded by them asking non-stop, answering questions such as "how do you feel?", "how do you feel?", while the reporters laughed continuously. Come to laugh, almost every answer makes people laugh, and seeing his extraordinary humor and eloquence, after the reporters know that these questions and answers are published in the newspaper, there will be a large number of new classic quotations of Fan Yang.

"Yang, where are you going to put this trophy?" Another golden white female reporter from the "Los Angeles Times" asked a question. Put this golden figure in the middle of the two golden figures that my husband (Michael Douglas) got." She smiled again and said, "It's so precious, do you have a dedicated trophy collection room? ?"

"In fact, that's my bedroom." Wang Yang glanced at the female reporter's ID card. Seeing Sofia Baker, seeing that the reporters were all interested and waiting to laugh, he thought about it in the direction of fun. The answer, paused for two or three seconds, and said solemnly: "I have already thought about it, and I am going to rearrange all the trophies I have won before. I will put them on the ceiling, so that I can see them every day when I open my eyes. Arrived."

"Hahaha——" Despite the psychological preparation, the reporters burst out laughing. Sophia Baker, who asked the question, laughed so hard that her hands were trembling while taking notes. This burst of laughter also provoked people around and even far away looked over.

"Oh my God" Wang Yang suddenly shouted in surprise, knocked on his forehead with a golden man, looked at the crowd and said in surprise: "I forgot one thing, Newton discovered universal gravitation." It was laughing, Wang Yang frowned and scolded: "Damn, why did you find it?" Now the reporters couldn't help it, and laughed wildly: "Ahaha——"

Before they finished laughing, Wang Yang said sadly: "Newton killed our chance to fly." The laughter that had just weakened a little suddenly broke out again, which really made the whole interview room look sideways. The reporters laughed so hard that they couldn’t take notes at all. Wang Yang suddenly said, “I came up with a good idea. I slept on the ceiling, and the trophies were on the floor.”

"Oh my god haha..." Everyone found that they couldn't stop laughing at all, and they seemed to be losing their composure when they were looked at suspiciously by the celebrity guests and colleagues around them, but they couldn't stop at all. Wang Yang immediately spread his hands again and said: "I have to go to Tobey Maguire to ask, how can I beat Newton?" The laughter of the reporters suddenly became even crazier: "Hahahaha..."

Tobey Maguire plays Peter Parker in Spider-Man.

These bursts of laughter finally attracted many journalists who were interviewing Martin Richards, Chris Cooper and others. They all said "sorry to excuse me", and walked quickly towards the burst of laughter Go, they naturally guess what's going on, now the best director is "Juno", "The Hangover" that amazing Yang, not "District 9" They can't miss some special news

The celebrities and guests all looked curious, Miracle Yang is giving a talk show again? They envy, sigh with emotion, have admiration, and some people can't help being jealous. But not the superstar Nicole Kidman, she looked at the growing crowd of reporters and thought to herself, won’t fans like it if she can make those reporters shout out even answering questions? This is one of the reasons why Miracle Yang, as a director, is so popular

Jessica, who was talking to Jennifer Lopez, also came over. The reporters naturally gave way to her. She came to Wang Yang, looked at the crowd, and asked with a suspicious smile: " What's the matter?" Wang Yang held her hand, shook his head and said with a smile, "It's nothing, we're just talking about the science of Isaac Newton and Einstein Lee."

"Hahaha——" The reporters who had just stopped couldn't help laughing again. Sofia Baker felt her eyes were wet with laughter. He changed the "n" of n to "stan" , and Stan Lee is the comic author of Marvel heroes such as "Spiderman" and "X-Men".

And those reporters and Jessica who just came around didn't know the connection before and after, so they just chuckled suspiciously. After all, this sentence also has its single-sentence effect.

The laughter gradually weakened to a stop, but the reporters still had grinning faces from ear to ear. Wang Yang said with a smile, "Okay, is there any more questions?" There was a black and white female reporter from "Variety" magazine He smiled and asked: "Yang, when you were accepting the award just now, you said that you would make another sci-fi film, and then return to the Oscar stage again. It seems that we will soon see your second shocking sci-fi film. gone?"

"There is no doubt that I will make another sci-fi film, and I already have some thematic ideas." Wang Yang nodded. This question is not funny anymore. He thought about his recent thoughts and said to everyone: " But I don’t want to stay on the earth for the time being, I want to escape the gravity and travel the universe, you know I like the theme of spaceships better. Well I don’t know, let’s see if I can’t get enough work right now.”

Reporters from more than 20 different media newspapers took notes seriously. This is a very attractive question. The first director who won the Academy Award for a sci-fi film, the hope for the future of a sci-fi film, and the second sci-fi film. how is it Spaceship, space? Star Wars or Interstellar Adventure? But they know that once they enter the universe, the story structure of the movie will not be as coincidental as that of "The Ninth District". It is easy to shock the vision, but it is even more difficult to shock the heart.

"How confident are you that you can bring a sci-fi film to the Oscars again?" The black female reporter asked again, with a somewhat aggressive tone: "There are many directors, I mean sci-fi themes, will you be?" Everyone also looked at Wang Yang in unison.

"Wow, I don't know." Wang Yang raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, let go of Jessica's hand again, stretched out his food and directed everyone, and said with a smile: "I know what you think, just want me to say' No, I'm definitely going to win the Oscars, right? It's silly to make such a promise." The reporters suddenly chuckled, and he said with a serious face: "But I'm a fool, so no matter what, I will try my best Get ready to make sci-fi films into the Oscars again"

The reporters suddenly exclaimed, "Oh——" and Miracle Yang let go. After finding the news, Sofia Baker and others were quite excited to write down. Full of confidence, but isn't this a bit rash?

"That's a joke." Wang Yang wiped his forehead and said, and everyone smiled lightly, so they wouldn't take it as a joke. The black female reporter smiled and said, "Yang, you said it yourself." Wang Yang shrugged Smiling, making a bad movie is the key to failure and being ridiculed. He smiled and said: "Well, it's not anymore, I said it myself. In fact, we are doing our best for every movie. As for the final result , give it to the teacher"

"But everyone, don't worry, although I may not be able to win an Oscar, but..." He looked around the crowd and said very seriously, "I will definitely win the Jessica Award, thank you!" The surrounding reporters She was amused again, and Jessica next to her burst out laughing too, making a funny expression of "I can't do anything about him".

Wang Yang held up the Golden Man trophy in his hand, and said with a smile: "Best film, best director...everything." Amidst the laughter of the reporters, Jessica suddenly remembered what he had said before awarding awards, and spread her hands, regretfully He smiled and said, "You can't get the best female lead."

"Hahaha——" The reporters couldn't help bursting into laughter. Wang Yang and Jessica smiled at each other, while the surrounding celebrities and media reporters looked this way again. When the laughter was about to stop, Sofia Baker suddenly asked: "Jan, do you have any idea of ​​shooting a musical now? You know that "Chicago" just won the best picture, and many, many moviegoers have already I have been looking forward to your second musical for a long time."

Jessica looked at him like many reporters, Wang Yang frowned, and said suspiciously: "I don't understand, do you want me to make a sci-fi movie or a song and dance movie?" Everyone laughed again, Wang Yang thought for a while , said: "To be honest, I have always been interested in singing and dancing movies. The reason is very simple. I love singing and dancing, although I am not very good at singing. Let's see the opportunity. I have a lot of work now. "

"T-21-Team" needs editing and other post-production work. It will be released this summer;'s crazy

Wang Yang looked at the reporters and said seriously: "Don't expect me to say that the musical will win the best picture again, I'm not a fool."

"Ha ha" The reporters laughed lightly. In fact, it is enough to have the phrase "existence interest". These questions and answers are all shared. As for how to dig and how to report, they do different things. This is also a media war. , in terms of paying attention to the next film of the youngest Oscar-winning director, some people will focus on writing that Fantastic Young will make a sci-fi film, some will focus on writing a musical, and of course some will write about "The Devil Wears Prada" that he is sure to direct , and the "T-21-Team" that has just been completed is indispensable.

"Yan, what expectations do you have for T-21-Team?" asked another white male reporter wearing black-rimmed glasses, who was a reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times. He added: "Can you predict a box office number?"

"I hope the audience will like it and think it is a good movie." Wang Yang gave a standard answer, ignoring the box office forecast, as long as it is a good movie with proper promotion and release timing, It won't fare badly at the box office. He didn't want to answer any more questions, looked at the smiling Jessica next to him, and suddenly laughed and shouted: "Hey, Jessica"

He held her hand and introduced to the reporters: "This is my girlfriend who has been looking for her for a long time. I'm sorry we have to go home." Walked out of the heavy encirclement with ease.

However, the two did not really leave the Renaissance Hotel, and then Wang Yang took some group photos, and then said hello to the award winners, celebrity guests, and "District Ninth" including Robert Downey Waiting for someone before leaving the hotel and going home.

Of course, there would have been many celebration parties, such as the Oscar night hosted by Vanity Fair magazine at Morton’s restaurant, but Wang Yang did not plan to attend any of them at the beginning, so he, as the organizer’s “key invitee”, received Those gifts were all returned; and Jessica, who was also the key invitee, smiled and said, "If you don't go, I won't go, we are twins."

He didn't like to go to a party after a long day's work. What's there? More stars who were not invited to the Oscars, more reporters...

He will get compliments from some people, but he doesn't need to get these recognitions. Besides, he doesn't lack any film contracts at all. In the past, he just cared about his popularity in the circle. But now there's a war going on in one part of the planet, and even the main body of the Oscars is said to be out of place, so what about the extravagant celebratory parties? He just used this as a reason for not going, and it was also a reason why he was really reluctant to go. As for the face of "Vanity Fair" magazine?

"I do not care"

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