The Best Director

Chapter 217 Tranquility

"Are you ready?" In a tidy hotel room, Wang Yang and Jessica stood in front of the sofa in the living room. This was her room. As for the suite that looked like it had been ransacked, they cleaned up some of it. Sensitive things are called hotel services. Ubb cow bb Jessica nodded seriously: "Let's get started." She asked to try out any changes in the performance after that unbearable experience.

Wang Yang looked into her eyes, didn't think about other things for the time being, and further explained the rehearsal scene. Andrea was "suddenly" told by her boyfriend that she wanted to break up, and she looked dazed and miserable on the street. Said: "You know Andrea is very overwhelmed. She loves her family and her boyfriend very much. She has always felt that there is no problem. She is too busy to participate in any anniversary activities. It is because of work and because of her future. She only needs to endure for a year , everyone will forgive her..."

He paused as he spoke, and suddenly became more aware of Andrea's mentality at that time. He continued: "In the end, she was dumped. She was angry, unable to understand, powerless, and painful... You can feel the power of the universe yourself." The holy king makes the holy king, kills the gods in the night, kills the throne of the gods, seeks the demons, proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young master, the royal family of Zhou, kills the gods in the night, seeks the throne of the gods, seeks the demons, proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young masters Sealed Throne Begging Demon, Aoshi Ninth Heaven's Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal Family's God-Creator Night Killing God God Seal Throne Begging Demon, Aoshi Ninth Heaven's Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal Family." Jessica hummed, closed her eyes and said: " I'm feeling the martial arts. The holy king of heaven and earth made the holy king. The king kills the gods at night and seeks the throne of the gods. Qiankun will kill the gods and seal the throne in the night, seek the devil, the world's strongest abandoned young man, the royal family of Zhou, the god-making general, kill the gods in the night, ask for the demon, the world's ninth level, the strongest abandoned young man, the Zhou royal family..." She thought about what happened last night The scene, my heart hurts, I really want to forget it...

"Jessica." Wang Yang's voice was soft and soft. Seeing her frowning, he said hypnotically: "You have to learn to enter the drama and feel the martial arts. Demons are proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man of the ninth heaven, the king of the Zhou royal family will kill the gods and seal the throne at night, and ask for the throne of the demons, proud of the world, and the strongest abandoned young man. The Zhou royal family made gods, killed the gods at night, killed the gods, sealed the throne, begged the devil, proud of the world, the ninth heaven, the strongest abandoned young man, and the Zhou royal family. Those emotional atmospheres just help you get into the play more easily, but you need to get into that role, understand? You have to be thorough Let go of yourself, don't have any vigilance, you are not facing this story and these stories as Jessica, you are facing the identity of the character."

"There is no drama here, no drama, nothing you don't want to do, I am the director, I will protect you! You don't need to be vigilant, just like the animal simulation class, liberate your nature! Put your Show your heart! You will not lose yourself, you will not lose everything. Just relax and feel the martial arts. The holy king made the holy king. The night kills the gods and seals the throne. God-killing God Seal Throne Begging the Devil, Proud of the World, Ninth Heaven's Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal Family Martial Qiankun General Night Killing God's Seal of God Throne, Begging Devil The world-defying Ninth Heaven, the strongest abandoned young man, the Great Zhou Royal Family, with those emotions,

Imagine those stories, forget about your joy, your smile and your life, and in front of you there is someone who looks exactly like you, but it's not you, she's distressed, it's Andrea, go hug her ! Hug her with confidence..."

Wang Yang paid attention to Jessica's pursed lips, as if he was struggling in his heart. This is a problem that he discovered last night, when he realized that acting was only at the bottom of her list, and that she was really after her. What is it, I understand that the recognition she wants is "the most beautiful bride in the world" instead of "the best female lead in the Oscars", and I also understand why it is so difficult for her to enter the drama.

It's not a question of talent, it's that she has a lot of resistance in her heart, as if she is afraid of entering the role, as if it is a shameful behavior.

In fact, every outstanding actor is willing to become someone else, their nature has long been liberated, and they can "split" into roles without reservation on the set. Freedom, some people can't extricate themselves for a long time. In any case, Jessica is not, she is resisting and vigilant, she always reminds herself that she is Jessica, so how can she act?

So he suddenly understood, it's no wonder that in the film and television library in his mind, others are accumulating acting experience and life experience, preparing to explode their acting skills, and she is getting worse and worse. As she gets older and experiences more, and the more titles she has on her shoulders, the less she can become someone else, there is only one Jessica, because she always misses something and cannot give up more.

This is a person's deep-rooted conceptual character, and it is impossible to change it all at once. He doesn't feel that he has the right to change it now, and he doesn't think it would be good if he changed it, because then he wouldn't be Jessica.

But facing him, she can do better without reluctance and more easily. Even if she is not an Oscar, she can still become an excellent actor. As long as he eliminates the vigilance and resistance in her heart, even if it is only a little lower, plus the emotion that makes it easy for her to enter the drama...

"I'm the director!" Listening to Jessica's heavy breathing, Wang Yang continued to say hypnotically: "I'm the director, I'm the director! You can give me your peace of mind, give me 100%, it's just me People, it’s just my voice, trust me and lean on me! I say in, you only have the emotions and stories on the script, and you are Andrea; I say u, you are Jessica.”

"Then I'll make dozens, and then we'll start to perform this section. 1, 2, 3... 8, 9,!"

Following his words, Jessica only felt that her heart became more and more calm and calm. He is a hún Danyang, so give yourself to him, it's just him...a passage appeared in front of her eyes, full of light There was a figure standing at the end of the passage, and as she counted, she ran quickly towards Jiang Ye, getting closer and closer, that figure turned out to be her appearance!'s Andrea!

Wang Yang watched her suddenly opened her eyes, and shouted at the same time: "In!"

This is a close-up shot, so the performance is focused on the upper body and face. After being dumped, Andrea's first reaction was standing on the street.

Jessica was stunned for a second, and gradually revealed a complicated expression of smiling and crying, her head tilted slightly, her eye sockets were already red, she blinked helplessly, and wiped her face with her hands. She wiped the wet corners of her eyes; her sad pretty face slowly tightened, and at the corners of her mouth, she swallowed her nose in sadness again, a flash of firmness flashed in her blank eyes, and suddenly turned and walked away in silence.

"U! Wow!" Wang Yang couldn't help admiring, stepped forward to put his arms around her shoulders and hugged her, looked at her smiling face, nodded and said with a smile: "The acting is great! It's incredible! Too bang!"

Before shooting this scene on the set, she just looked expressionless, and then rolled her eyes and pursed her mouth artificially. The feeling is completely incomparable. The emotions she experienced gave her the capital to enter the play, and letting go of part of her guard allowed her to break through the door.

Although compared to highly talented actors, it is not so amazing; but for her, it has reached a new level. She performed at a level corresponding to and at a higher level than when she was lively. Maybe she finally learned to enter the play, and finally knew how to interpret the emotions of the characters.

"That's not acting." Jessica was reminded of the sadness last night by this performance again. Tears welled up from the edge of her eyes. She smiled and said, "Are you satisfied?" Wang Yang stretched out his hand to wipe her silently With tears in his eyes, he lowered his head and kissed her eyes a few more times, the tears were salty, he hugged her tightly with both hands and said: "Honey, I'm so sorry, I...I don't have any excuses, I'm so sorry."

Jessica leaned on his shoulder, the two were quiet for a while, she suddenly raised her face, with a sweet and bright smile: "Am I acting really well?" Wang Yang nodded immediately, and said with a smile: "Really It’s very good! It’s your highest level.” Jessica tilted her head as if regaining vigor, and said excitedly: “I feel it too! Just now I seemed to be out of control, I don’t know what pushed me to perform , I didn't even think about being Andrea or Jessica..."

"Very bang." Wang Yang smiled and patted her forehead again, not saying that it was emotion that pushed you. But it is emotion, just like Will Smith's interpretation of Chris Gardner's toilet in the subway station, and Robert Downey's interpretation of being abandoned, all need emotions and drama.

Next, the two experimented with several scenes and shots. Jessica's performance was very good. If it was on the set, she would have changed several locations to shoot. After the experiment was over, the two of them tacitly ignored it and left it to the studio!

Taking advantage of Sunday, the two of them went out for shopping, and Jessica frantically bought a lot of things, buying almost everything she saw, completely without the hereditary instinct of a woman to be careful and selective. Although they were laughing and laughing all day long, they seemed a bit deserted compared to before. There seemed to be a very low and thin wall separating them. They could see each other, and their hands could be held together, but they were still separated by the wall.

Wang Yang wanted to stay with Jessica all the time and never leave her, but at night, because he and Joss Whedon had already made an appointment to meet and talk about "Firefly" in a coffee shop, he also saw Jessica smiling haha Yes, Wang Yang went to the agreed place as promised.

Joss Whedon is middle-aged, and his 178m figure is already a bit blessed. His face is so round that there is no outline, his deep-set eyes, and his bald head, appearing quite naive. He was wearing a white coat and black pants today, and he was sitting at an elegant place in the coffee shop, stirring the coffee with a coffee spoon, looking at Wang Yang who was reading a thick script across the table.

Wang Yangrui took a sip from his coffee cup, and kept his eyes on the scripts written in English. Occasionally, there were some simple lines, such as ".", "I'm looking for death!", "I'm sorry.", "Do you understand?" , "Be honest with me.", etc., and some new slang, such as "i shiny)" instead of "1 (cool)"...

There are a lot of characters and content clues, depicting a picture of the life of "Cowboy Bebop" on the edge of the star, sports, dance parties, bars, gangsters... The lines are very interesting, and the characters are also charming.

However, these are the contents suitable for TV dramas. Movies can selectively show some details, but they cannot use the content of an episode like "Prom Party" as the theme. The same goes for other content clues. an important point.

"Well, it's very interesting!" Wang Yang put down the script in his hand. After browsing and carefully reading most of the content, he already had an impression that it is vast, beautiful, humorous and interesting. The technology is not as advanced as other interstellar movies, but it can be very interesting. The features are very cool... He looked at the smiling Joss Whedon, nodded and said: "The setting of this world is very interesting and bright, and the group of people on board are also impressive."

Joss Whedon took the coffee spoon, took a sip of the coffee, and said with a smile: "Thank you, the cowboys and women have given me a lot of inspiration." He then asked with great interest: "Is my writing correct?"

"No, but it's almost all foul language." Wang Yang smiled and patted the handwritten "Tranquility" on the cover of the script. Amidst Joss Whedon's laughter, he said, "I think it would be more fun to add some That’s right, for example, Captain Marr recited **’s ancient poem, the moonlight before netg... just kidding.” He shook his head and smiled, and continued to look at the few pages of the movie script outline written by Joss Whedon in the past few days.

The world setting of "Firefly" or "Serenity" is exactly the human society five hundred years later. The people on earth are not that great, they just discovered a "new solar system" with dozens of planets and hundreds of satellites. The process will take decades, and the story will only happen within the scope of this new solar system. There are no aliens, only humans and the same creatures as the earth.

At that time, there were only two superpowers left, China and Japan, which formed the federal government, the Interstellar Alliance, and controlled the planetary groups of the new solar system. The two cultures merged with each other, and the technology was very advanced; the new solar system The planets and satellites on the edge are developed by "Cowboy Bebop" to establish a new government, but they lack the facilities of high-tech civilization and are very barren.

Then the war broke out, and the "Independence Faction" formed by the governments naturally lost to the Star Alliance. Marr, who served as a sergeant of the Army in the "Battle of Tranquility Valley", bought a firefly spaceship and named it Tranquility. A hard-spoken and soft-hearted guy, although he is doing business in robbing houses, he is very righteous, but he likes to show himself as a ruthless rascal, and he often has humorous words. He is a rebellious and charming cowboy captain.

And his identity seems a bit unfathomable, it looks like he grew up on a ranch, but Joss Whedon's script didn't make it clear, it probably depends on the development of the plot.

The main crew member is "Zoe", she is a black woman with certain combat power and knowledge, she was Mal's subordinate during the war, and has been loyally following Mal, but the two have no romantic relationship. Shi is the driver of the Tranquility, a bit of a guts and a "geek". He likes to wear Hawaiian-style clothes and collect dinosaur models. broken spaceship.

Jane is not a beautiful girl, but a muscular u-man with low IQ and EQ. He joins the spaceship as a mercenary and is the "main shooter" at work. Stupid, Joss Whedon notes: "He's the kind of guy who keeps asking stupid questions."

Kyle is a spacecraft repairman, but she has not received formal training. She maintains the Serenity with her intuition and talent for mechanical equipment. The elder brother of the doctor, Simon, is a first-class trauma surgeon. He tried every means to avoid his feelings, because he felt that the most important thing was to take good care of his sister Ruiwa.

Because of the secret research of the Star Alliance, Rewa became insane, eccentric, expressionless, and taciturn all day long, but in terms of combat effectiveness, she was the strongest in the entire spaceship and almost invincible in the entire new solar system. Knows a variety of kung fu fighting, generally without firearms.

In addition, there are priests, escorts, etc. on the spaceship, as well as some various characters that Joss Whedon proposed but did not arrange into the story...

However, in the new solar system, apart from the Star Alliance and the independent faction, there is another force, that is the terrible predators, they are also human beings, they come from nowhere, and they like to float in space with a fleet structure. They don't have the slightest bit of humanity, they like to self-mutilate and make their faces bloody. The combat power of each predator is very terrifying, and they drive the spaceship to wander around the edge of the star, killing, cannibalizing, destroying... …

The Marauders are ordinary people and merchant spaceships, military spaceships... all feared existences, and wherever they go, there is death and destruction.

"Hmm..." Wang Yang looked at the outline of the movie script, and then opened the setting of the TV drama script. The tens of millions of predators were actually normal human beings. They participated in a "spirit purification project" of the Star Alliance. "people.

The Star Alliance wants to create a "beautiful world", a new world where there is no struggle, no ugliness, only joy and kindness, and then spread it to the entire new solar system. So the Star Alliance selected a planet, sent tens of millions of people there to Jiangye, and put a substance that could "eliminate human fighting spirit" into the air of that planet, but it failed, and the humans who participated in the experiment became Became an extremely ferocious Marauder, which also became a secret of the Covenant.

Rewa's feelings let her hear the screams and screams of the predator planet in the past. She is the person who may reveal the secret, so she was rescued by her brother Siméng from the research room and smuggled on the Serenity, the Star Alliance So the secret police "Blue Gloves" were sent to track and look for their brothers and sisters.

After Rewa sensed the coordinates of the signal again, the Serenity decided to sail to that planet, and also got the secret of the predator. Mal was naturally determined to make this secret known to the public, and sailed to the signal that could send the disc containing the secret. To a place that can be received by more than a dozen planets around. The Star Alliance will not sit idly by and play an obstructive role. After some struggle, Mal and the others finally sent out the signal, and the Serenity continued to set sail.

Seeing this, Wang Yang gradually frowned, thinking of something. He was silent for a long time before he took a sip of coffee, looked at Joss Whedon, and said, "Joss, I'm sure I'm interested in shooting it." Joss Whedon was very happy when he heard that, and Wang Yang said again: " How about this? You first come out with this movie, and then give it to me, I need to add my ideas."

"Okay, no problem!" Joss Whedon didn't hesitate at all. He gave "Firefly" to a boss + producer + director like Miracle Yang, and he was also the best director of Oscar. The screenwriter didn't have much say, and the script was rejected. It is common for the director to modify and then create again. When he handed over the script of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to Fox, the filming was a mess, and he could only feel sad.

Of course, fortunately, he had the opportunity to put "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on the screen later, washing away the failure of the movie version; and now he gave the script to Fantastic Yang, what would happen? Joss Whedon then asked: "Young, now tell me what you think? How are you going to shoot?"

"This world is very cool, and the people on this ship are also very cool. What about other independent soldiers? The scientific and technological appearance of the **planetary group? More interesting elements after cultural integration?" Wang Yang said imagining that world After a few words, Joss Whedon nodded, this is the direction to expand and enlarge the world. Wang Yang paused, then shrugged and said, "A movie can never be finished, but we can turn it into a long-form series, the first one is very important."

Joss Whedon's eyes brightened immediately, this target is the new "Star Wars" and the new "Star Mí voyage"!

"Joss." Wang Yang smiled and sincerely invited: "If the first film starts, how about you being the co-producer? If there is a second film, I don't know if I will still film it... ...You know that I want to try more themes while I am young, and you will be the director of the second part."

"Of course." Joss Whedon couldn't help showing the excitement and joy in his heart, nodded and said with a smile: "To be honest, I'm looking forward to this." Both of them laughed a few times. This is what Joss Whedon is looking forward to. He wants to enter the movie circle, and it is not those low-budget B-grade movies, but he has no chance, although he has made good achievements on the screen and has a large number of die-hard fans.

But that is the screen, and the distance between it and the big screen is sometimes very far away. He has never been a producer or director of a movie. He still needs to learn, because in the design of the lens In fact, he was deeply influenced by the screen, resulting in a narrow conception of any picture. And if "Firefly" is made into a movie, it should be a very broad and western movie. As a co-producer, he can learn the camera technique of Miracle Yang; if there is a second film, he will still be the director...

"It's really shiny!" Joss Whedon said with a smile, his deep-set eyes narrowed, and he drank his coffee very happily. Fortunately, he didn't read the newspaper and make the phone call.

"I'm very confused now. I really need to think about what I want to shoot." Wang Yang answered the question just now. It will become a good movie... Anyway, I can be sure that its investment will be very large. And I want to add Chinese characters in it, don't you think it's inappropriate now?"

He spread his hands and said with a smile: "Under such a background setting, the Star Alliance was formed, with a similar population and the fusion of the two cultures. There are no ** people in the script." He shrugged again and said with a smile: " All ** people live in the ** planetary group? It's amazing! But come on, why am I here? I have to introduce you to my grandfather, he is a gold digger, a strong man with an adventurous and pioneering spirit in his blood .”

"Hehe!" Joss Whedon laughed a little self-deprecatingly, and said, "Yang, you know that I designed these character stories in this way out of market considerations. I really hope that there will be Chinese faces. Come and shoot If so, I believe you have a way to get the market to accept it.”

Wang Yang nodded, knowing that this is a fact. Joss Whedon has written such a setting, which has already shown his favor for Hua and Chinese, which is one of the reasons why he likes this script immediately after seeing it. Wang Yang thought about it seriously, and said: "There is no need to add characters for the time being, just change the skin color. Anyway, the culture and personality are all integrated, right? Change Jane to Chinese?"

"I have no objection to this point." Joss Whedon nodded indifferently. He knew that the magical Yang had his own measure and arrangement, and Jane's change was indeed an insignificant matter. However, he asked with a smile: "Yan, yes Am I wrong, do you want to act?"

"Don't be kidding, I should be a guest star, but the leading role..." Wang Yang shook his head and laughed, and then said: "I want to find an actor who can really kung fu, maybe you know my new movie "21em" The lead actor Daniel Wu, I think he is very suitable for Jane, funny, playing a genius and then playing a dumb muscular boy..."

Joss Whedon also had a good understanding of Wang Yang. When he heard Daniel Wu, he remembered who it was. He was a little suspicious: "But Daniel Wu is not strong enough."

"Yes, so if he is interested, I need him to gain weight and become very big." Wang Yang took a sip of his coffee, imagined the muscular Wu Yanzu, and said seriously: "If he doesn't gain weight, Or if the body is not fit enough, then Janey is still white; design a new Chinese crew.”

"." Joss Whedon nodded naturally, and Wang Yang glanced at the two Chinese characters "Tranquility" on the script, and said again: "I think the picture of this movie should be very beautiful and artistic. A combination of oriental and classical." Joss Whedon was a little excited when he heard the beautiful picture, and said: "Oh, yes! I often imagine a large herd of horses running in the pasture, and then the spaceship flies in the sky."

Wang Yang nodded with a smile. This is a typical Western-style shot, just like "Dances with Wolves". He thought about it and said, "Joss, what I want is not just the Western, imagine the kind of f*** On both sides of the river, there are mountains far and far away, and the endless Liaokuan River, the setting sun hangs in the sky, making the whole picture light yellow and red, and Serenity flies over the river, which is called fishing boat singing late."

"Oh, I know!" Joss Whedon's eyes lit up immediately, and he rubbed his forehead. He had seen that kind of photography, and he couldn't help but praise: "Very beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Coat m."

"Or if you think about it again, it is an endless mountain range, those green peaks are towering one after another, and there is fog everywhere, and then the Serenity flies through the fog, this is called the sea of ​​fog Mountains." Wang Yang smiled and spread his hands again. This kind of artistic conception was used in "Avatar", using many beautiful pictures with oriental aesthetics. He thought about it: "I was just thinking about how to combine the two. It doesn’t take much, just one or two shots that come together naturally and perfectly.”

Joss Whedon was a little intoxicated in the artistic conception of the sea of ​​fog and mountains. Compared with the vast and barren western style, this is really a picture full of mystery and alien planets. He frowned and smiled: "I can't think of how to do it. I was told."

"Okay, I'm thinking hard." Wang Yang chuckled. This is one of his goals, and it is also a factor that directly affects the success or failure of the movie. If the combination is poor, it will become four different; if the combination is perfect, it will look good. Thinking about it, Wang Yang took a few pages of the movie script outline, and said with a smile: "I am waiting for your complete script, and I have an idea that I will definitely use. The secret test site of the Star Alliance is not only the Predator Planet... ..."

"What do you mean?" Joss Whedon was taken aback, looking very suspicious. Such a change would directly affect the entire world structure and story.

Wang Yang sipped the bitter coffee, mocked himself a little, and said: "There are many planets on the list of the mind purification project, trying different experimental methods, and the predator planet is just one of them, the most failed and out-of-control one; but Perhaps, there are successful ones, or there are flawed successful ones.”

The two then discussed and discussed some issues, and finalized some new settings and details of the world. Joss Whedon promised to hand over the integrated movie script to Wang Yang after "The Devil Wears Prada" was completed, and let him The modification and addition of the joint screenwriter, the special part. After finishing this pleasant interview, Wang Yang immediately rushed back to the hotel with the TV drama script and stayed by Jessica's side.

"Yang, I thought about it just now, and I found that I don't like you anymore." On the sofa, Jessica's face was calm, and her voice was cold: "Let's break up. I feel very sad when I see you now , tell me what's the point of that?"

"What...?" Wang Yang looked at her sleepily, and asked, "Aren't we all right? You know I didn't mean anything to you like that, and the result is fine now!" Jessica was full of anger and hatred Concerned, he cursed louder and louder: "It's not good at all, you play with me like a toy, you treat me like a guinea pig for an experiment, and you value movies more than me, I believe so You, but you hurt me!"

Wang Yang only felt his heart trembling with pain, and said angrily, "What's wrong with you? I don't think movies are more important than you, I just want to help you! I don't know what you really think, you never told me! I just I want to help you! I know it's hard, please, Jessica! Why won't you forgive me?" Jessica sneered a few times, without any good face, her eyes were red as if she was going to kill someone: "Get out of here Go! yu! I will never forgive you, yu!!"

"You bastard, go to hell!" She rushed towards Jiang Ye and bit his face with her mouth wide open.

"Oh my God!" Wang Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the ceiling of the hotel room. His forehead and back were already soaked in cold sweat, and he gasped for breath: "Hurrah..." He Looking to the left side of the pillow, I saw Jessica who was sleeping soundly beside him, holding his left arm with her right hand, her brows seemed to be slightly furrowed, as if she was also having some nightmare.

Having had such a nightmare, Wang Yang had already lost all sleep, and looked at her face silently through the dim light, so cute, beautiful, and familiar... He smiled slightly, and she looked really beautiful when she smiled; The way she was crying... Wang Yang let out a long sigh and watched her think.

Is this right or wrong? Why is right, why is wrong? Not to mention whether he knew about her pursuit, his original intention was that he really wanted her to be happy, and wanted to help her complete her pursuit, even if he was treated angrily by her, it was just that he thought she would not be angry, but could he blame her? ? Wang Yang shook his head slightly, caressing her palm, because she loved him deeply, just like in a nightmare, she was hurt by the person she trusted the most, why didn't she get angry?

Is there any difference between his approach and the Star Alliance, and the current **? The Star Alliance also wants to create a better world, and wants to make all mankind happy, even if tens of millions of people will be sacrificed; the righteousness is to dismantle Saddam's government, make the Japanese safe, and let the Iraqi people live a good life. Even if you endure the temporary flames of war and húnluan; this is just an injection!

What if the injection is venom? Whether it is good or venom, the answer depends on the reaction of the person who was injected, and the person who was injected is standing next to him. Success or failure, things may get better or worse, what if Jessica is so sad that she can't act anymore? Looters appeared, and the reconstructed Iraq fell into a more hún1uan situation...

The question is what qualifications does he have to make decisions for her? With what qualifications does the Star Alliance make decisions for mankind? **With what qualifications do you decide for the Iraqis? Going to give this injection, let her, let human beings, let the Iraqis taste this kind of harm? Boyfriend's identity? The identity of the boss? The identity of the director? He chooses to be a boyfriend, but...

Did he hurt her because he loved her? To motivate her to reach a new level? Is this his own wish or her wish? Can he just impose his own ideas on others? Even if it's what you think is right, it can make people happy and happy.

What if you knew that you would really be happy? Why can't you bear the pain? To be tolerant and considerate to each other... No, the Star Alliance leads the new solar system under the banner of freedom, and conducts experiments with the pursuit of a better new world. Is it freedom to choose for others?

If there is a well, there is a group of poor frogs living in the well. The frogs on the well want to pull them up. They think it will be a wonderful new world, but they may fall down and die during the pulling process. Will the frog in the well choose to go up? Whether the frogs on the well can be pulled up by "giving you freedom and beauty", they may also be dragged down and fall to death, and the families of the frogs on both sides will cry bitterly.

What make decisions for others? Injection, labor pain? The result is good? ...

"Fireflies..." Wang Yang murmured, it's very interesting, and there is another question that he has been thinking about for a long time, the good and evil sides of human nature, now... If it is possible to remove all the evil side, should you? reserve? Is the "evil" side really useless in this society? Is it a brave new world to remove them all?

Without waiting for him to think about it, Jessica next to her suddenly twitched her eyebrows, with a painful look on her face, and whispered dreamily, "Yang, Yang...don't...I hate you...hún you……"

"I love you." Wang Yang murmured softly, leaning over and kissing Yeěn on her cheek. Jessica's eyelids moved a few times, and she suddenly woke up with a "huh" with a dazed look on her face; Wang Yang knew that she was having a nightmare, so he couldn't help hugging her with both hands: "Honey, it's just a dream. Jessica looked at him panting, the corners of her mouth couldn't help it suddenly, her eyes were full of sadness, and she said, "Yan, I'm having a nightmare. We quarreled so badly..."

"It's okay, that's not true..." Wang Yang hugged her tightly, and Jessica also put her arms around him. The two looked at each other with the same blank and scared eyes, and they were a little speechless. What's wrong? !

There was silence in the bedroom for a long time, and the eyes of the two of them looking at each other were full of tenderness and love, but the wall was invisibly blocked there, which made them very irritable and scared, and neither of them wanted to have that wall. Being, they imagine being as happy as they were before, happier than they were before...

"Jessica." Wang Yang called softly, took a deep breath and exhaled again, and said frankly: "I am a child, I don't know so much, I misunderstood your thoughts, Jie Xika, sometimes I am self-willed, and if I know it is good, I will do it desperately... I am so stupid, but I don't know..." He said blankly, "I hurt you , I'm an idiot, but I really love you..."

"Yang, you're not." Jessica pressed his mouth, her eyes were both confused and determined, and she said frankly: "Yang, I know you've always taken care of me, I know...but I Very willful, I will put pressure on you all day long, say those things, what are you afraid of other girls... I rarely tell you what I really want... I am also a child, this is the first time I talk Love, I just read those in magazines, I don’t understand... I don’t know what love should be like..."

Wang Yang looked at her and said: "You have done a good job, you have always been the best female friend, I will not cherish it, it is I who ruined our relationship."

"Yang, no, I know you're in pain too, I know you're enduring this too." Jessica shook her head hastily, let out a laugh, looked into those black eyes, and said, "You're just me thinking too much." Okay, but I'm really not that good, I'll be angry..." She pursed her lips and said very seriously: "Don't pay attention to my angry words, please? That's what I said uncontrollably, I really So disappointed and sad..."

"Don't bother with me either! You are a very good woman, a considerate woman. I don't care about those angry words at all, I just think there is still a gap between us." Wang Yang smiled slightly, Caressing her sad face, said: "I know you are disappointed, I was wrong, I didn't really understand your wishes and your thoughts, I chose to 'help' you for you. The result destroyed your heart. Acting is more important and more caring. Jessica, I'm scared..."

He blinked his slightly hot eyes, and said, "I'm very afraid of losing you, losing the relationship we had before..."

"Yang, me too..." Jessica's eyes were foggy, and she squeezed into his arms vigorously, and said, "I'm acting better now, I've realized it, I'm not angry anymore But... you don't want to do this again, okay? Don't do this in anything." She looked up into his eyes slightly, fell silent for a moment, and said softly: "Yang, I don't want to just put myself on the set. It's all for you, you know?"

"I want to give you 100% of myself at all times, in life and in dreams." Jessica continued with tenderness on her face, "I want to trust you with all my heart, rely on you, and love you... ...Stop making fun of our relationship, because that's all I care about." She paused, her eyes filled with gentle determination, and said, "Wang Yang, will you promise me?"

"Yes" Wang Yang looked into her eyes, nodded and said, "I promise you, I will cherish our relationship, because that's what I care about." Jessica smiled slowly and pursed her lips. He nodded and said, "Yeah!" Wang Yang smirked and said, "Thank you." Jessica smiled sweetly, feeling that her heart was gradually regaining those peace and happiness, she suddenly became interested, and smiled. Said: "Yang, how about we chat all night?"

Wang Yang caressed her cheeks and said with a smile: "Okay, I can't sleep now, we did enough yesterday, so what are we talking about?" Jessica smiled, rolled her eyes, and said with a smile: " Well, let's start chatting from when we were together, and continue talking until now! Do you remember the first time we met?" Wang Yang thought hard, and with some vague impressions, he said: "I remember you walked in , and shyly, those people are all laughing..."


"And then you just kicked Jiang Ye, lol! He freaked out, so cool!"

"I don't remember much about this, let me tell you something, do you remember? I had a science class that day..."

The sky over New York City gradually changed from pitch black to slightly brighter, but there were still bursts of soft laughter and laughter in the bedroom.

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