The Best Director

Chapter 221 Congratulations!

Chapter 221 Congratulations!

"Natalie, congratulations! Wow! Seriously, I am relieved to see that you can graduate smoothly now, and finally you, a Nobel genius, have not been ruined."

The weather in New York in June is still cold, and at this time it is drizzling, making the glass windows of the hotel hazy. "The Devil Wears Prada" ended the day of filming. Wang Yang and Jessica drove to the izd center in New Jersey to watch the first game between the Spurs and the Nets in the nb finals. They were eliminated by the Spurs in the finals, and rumors of disharmony were flying everywhere.

And the "curse" of the Spurs winning the championship in odd years seems to continue, and they defeated the Nets tonight to win first. After returning from the game, Wang Yang just walked into the hotel room when he remembered the text message "I'm graduating!" that he received in the morning. Today is Natalie's graduation day. Of course, he already knew that Natalie's thesis passed the grades, and there was no problem in graduating from Harvard, so he congratulated her briefly in the morning.

Now it's the official congratulatory call. Wang Yang took off his gray coat and hung it on the hanger, and said to Natalie on the phone with a smile: "What is your life plan next? Do you want to stay in the field of psychology for further study and win a Nobel Prize in medicine? Or Change careers and try to be an actor in the film industry? See if you can win an Oscar for Best Actress or something?"

"Hmm life plan... I don't know." Natalie hiccupped. She also just came back from the graduation rave party, and she was lying on the netg in large letters, her rosy face was a little drunk, yes The mobile phone next to my ear said: "There are so many things I want to do! But a person only has one body, so I'm the actor I'm most interested in for the time being! Tǐng interesting, I also have some achievements and fame, don't waste money... ..."

Wang Yang took off his sneakers, put on slippers, got up and went to the bathroom, and said with a smile, "Your choice."

"Gahaha!" Natalie smiled and opened her eyes. His voice made the sleepiness gradually disappear, and she came and laughed a few times: "Okay! By the way, I am wearing a bachelor today." The hat looks really handsome! You should take a look, you will fall in love with me when you see it, I’m so handsome.” Wang Yang splashed water on his face, washed it, and said with a smile: “I was also very handsome back then. , that was one of the happiest moments in my life, finally not having to go to school!"

Natalie couldn't help chuckling, and said, "You mean you graduated from high school!" Then she heard Wang Yang say "wait a while", and the phone stopped. Natalie sat up and wiped Ling Yuanan's head, walked to the computer desk, and said, "Hi? e11? What are you doing?"

After eeeeing comfortably, after washing his hands, he pressed the call again. Wang Yang let out a high, and heard Natalie say: "Are you in the room? Do you have a computer? Talk online!" Wang Yang walked out of the bathroom while The answer said: "I don't have a camera, why do I need a video?" Natalie asked, "Why don't you buy a camera?"

while talking,

Wang Yang came to the desk and opened the notebook, logged on to the Internet and used the communication software, accepted the video chat request from his friend Natalie, and her appearance appeared on the screen. I saw her wearing a top with a cartoon dog pattern and denim kù, her flushed cheeks showed a little drunkenness, and her long long hair covered her head and shoulders, like a nightclub girl alcoholic rather than a Harvard graduate.

"How is it? Do you see it?" Natalie on the screen stretched out her hand to adjust the position of the camera lens, then approached the camera with an exaggerated smile, and the voice came from the laptop and the phone almost at the same time. Wang Yang laughed uncontrollably: "I saw it!" Because there was a built-in microphone, he turned off the call and put it down: "Did you hear it too?"

"Heard but can't see! I don't understand how stingy a billionaire must be to refuse to buy a camera?" Natalie raised her middle finger at the camera lens, and she suddenly said enthusiastically, "Yes! ", I saw her get up and walk away from the camera in the room, and soon she came back, holding a black bachelor's hat on her head, staring and laughing: "How is it? Cool!? "

"It's cool and handsome." Wang Yang looked at her disheveled hair and wearing a bachelor's cap crookedly, and couldn't help laughing: "Cool, very, very cool... This is decent! This image is very That sums up your college life well, lol...”

Natalie on the screen also laughed out loud. She took off her bachelor's hat, threw it and caught it, and put it aside. She laughed and said, "A little bit, but it's not that crazy. But the university has indeed Gave me a lot, a lot of interesting experiences and experiences. My understanding of acting and life is different from that in high school, maybe this is the benefit of going to school!"

With a peaceful smile on her face, she slowly straightened her hair, as if recalling: "You know I was taught, 'Natalie, read a book!', 'Natalie, read a book!' From then on, there are many rules, family relationship, politeness and can be disobedient, but you must read the book, read the book consciously..."

"God! Help my daughter who is a doctor! She's drowning!" Wang Yang laughed nonchalantly, and Natalie suddenly rolled her eyes and said, "It seems that Chinese families are not like this." of."

This is a classic joke that has been widely circulated. How to identify which one is Jewish from the mother's cry for help? Other mothers would cry, "God, save my son! He's drowning!" The Jewish mother would cry, "God, save my son who is a doctor! He's drowning!"

Thinking of his family education and other Chinese classmates and friends, Wang Yang shook his head with a smile, and suddenly realized that he did not have a camera, and said with a smile: "My family is not, my parents are like gypsies, now they are in I'm so happy! But although the proportion of Chinese Americans has a high degree of education, the education of Chinese families is actually a little worse. Most of us are educated to read books because of 'getting ahead and becoming the upper class of society'. If there are other ways to achieve this goal , you don’t have to read.”

He sighed helplessly, and continued: "You are also aiming to become talented, but there is an additional "learn what you like, you will have fun, and you will have wisdom." No matter what social status you are in, a person with wisdom is a capable person. Obviously, this is the true pursuit of reading books.”

"Fun, smart, capable...something makes sense." Natalie laughed haha, she frowned again, and said: "Anyway, I grew up in such a family background, I always feel like I can't go to college No, I must go, and it is the best! Really, if I can’t go to Harvard University, I will feel that I am useless, why do you think this is?”

Wang Yang immediately laughed and said: "It's very simple, you need the approval of the Ivy League!" After laughing, he thought about what he said just now but suddenly had a new idea. Now that the movie is not finished and the post-production is starting to copy, Wu Yanzu needs to dub a few more words ...

"So that's the case! I really envy you that you don't need these approvals." Natalie proudly picked up the academic hat next to her, put it on her head again, and looked at her computer screen with a satisfied expression. Wang Yang gave her a beating expression, and said with a smile: "When it comes to the hard work of studying, we Chinese are definitely at the forefront, except me." It's when boys are studying."

"What does that mean?" Although Natalie's Chinese is fine in listening and speaking, she doesn't know much about ancient poetry. Wang Yang explained: "It means that you should read from 11:00 to 5:00 in the morning." Natalie frowned and shook her head, "That's not good. When do you go to bed? If you sleep during the day, why don't you read it during the day?" Wang Yang said : "If you don't sleep, you can watch it during the day." Natalie smiled disapprovingly: "Is it possible not to sleep?" Wang Yang said with a smile: "Why don't you ask Da Vinci?" Natalie shrugged: "So He died so early."

Wang Yang smiled and did not argue about this topic, nor did he mean it. He looked at Natalie on the screen and said, "This poem is actually a very artistic picture. Through the light from the window, people walking around with books The figure, and maybe a sleeping rooster next to the room, you will feel how hard that guy is! Just think of it as the week before the exam, let alone sleep problems."

"Oh!" Natalie nodded suddenly, she thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Raise the camera up, let's hang another moon in the sky!"

"I've been studying ancient Chinese poetry recently, and I found some poems that are very visual and artistic, really bang." Thinking of those poems, Wang Yang couldn't help sighing: "Oh my god! It's bang, so beautiful Already!"

These poems written more than a thousand years ago and thousands of years ago have a lot of feelings in the artistic conception that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. A complete picture that is either beautiful or elegant or chilling...a variety of atmospheres. This feeling of "wandering between objects and spirits" and "integration of poetry and painting" is not available in many western classical poems such as Romanticism.

Only the modern symbolism and the imagism that departed from Japanese haiku and ancient Chinese poetry in the early 19th century have some ethereal and distant artistic conceptions, such as William Butler Yeats's "Innesfree Island", but relatively Compared with Tao Yuanming, Yeats's lyricism is a bit nagging, which affects the sense of picture.

However, the Anglo-American Imagism, represented by the representative Ezra Pound, has no nagging. After studying Japanese haiku and Chinese ancient poems translated from Japanese, Pound concluded that Imagism should have three principles: Describe things directly", which is the sense of picture; "absolutely no nonsense" and "has a musical sense of rhythm, which can be played instead of beat".

Ezra Pound believes that images are formed in an instant, relying entirely on intuition, without revealing any emotional concepts, and completely relying on the description of things on the screen to bring readers a sense of martial arts. Abandoned by the Nine Heavens, the Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou, the Royal General, Kills the Divine God Seal Throne in the Night, Seeking Demons, and the Nine Heavens, the Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou The royal family made gods, killed the gods at night, and sealed the throne, seeking the demons, proud of the world, the ninth heaven, the strongest, and the most abandoned. in--in-f-e-mer. e-n-f-ee-fe-in-e-rd. e1-n--e, b1-bug. (In a Paris metro station, these faces flashed like a mirage among the crowd; Count the petals on the wet black branch.)" It can be said to have done this.

Imagism is calm, reserved, concise and peculiar, but Wang Yang feels that this also restricts the expression of artistic conception, and this limitation is also the reason for the short life of Imagism. However, because Ezra Pound did not understand Chinese and Chinese culture, he used the Japanese translation and Fenollosa's manuscript to translate ancient Chinese poems second-hand, which also led to many mistakes and loss of artistic conception.

"yu-me-by-n-bmb-i1, ng-re, yu-1ed-bu-my-e, ng-i-b1ue-1um. (You come on bamboo stilts, ride together; you are in Walking around by my chair, playing with green plums together.)" This is "Lang rides a bamboo horse and circles around netg green plums." After the translation, Wang Yang feels that he is very lucky. He knows Chinese characters and has never learned Chinese culture. Touch and feel the martial arts, the holy king made the holy king, kill the gods and seal the throne at night, seek the magic, proud of the world, the strongest abandonment of the ninth heaven Jiang Ye kills the throne of the gods and gods, seeks the devil, proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young man, the great Zhou royal family, who made the gods What a blessing!

Because translation is translation, no matter whether there are mistakes or what genre, the artistic conception of those ancient Chinese poems can only be produced by knowing Chinese characters and reading Chinese characters. The teacher picked it. Only in this mountain, the clouds are deep and I don’t know where it is.", "Withered vines, old trees, dark crows, bridges and flowing water, people, ancient roads, west wind and thin horses, sunset, heartbroken people are at the end of the world.", "The lonely smoke in the desert, The long river sets in the sun."...

This kind of picture techniques such as parallel méng too strange and contrasting méng too strange, these elegant and ethereal and vast and rough poems are his favorite now, and it is also his passage to the world of "Firefly". These poems made him feel that he had found a way to combine western cowboys and oriental aesthetics, and gave him a lot of inspiration for the shots. He has already constructed an important must be very interesting.

Wang Yang had fallen in love with romantic and lyrical poetry for a period of time before, that is, the time when he wrote "Natalie who plays Matilda is like an elf who has fallen into the world...", and later felt that Hypocritical, once bored with all poetry, but has always had a half-knowledge of ancient Chinese poetry. But with the recent re-study of Chinese culture, he now finds and can be sure that, at least for him, the most fascinating poems in the world are these ancient Chinese poems with a strong sense of imagery and full of artistic conception.

"No wonder Kafka said that Chinese books are a sea, and you can easily become silent in the sea." Wang Yang gave full play to the director's "talking" side, and said a lot to Natalie on the laptop screen Natalie still had some problems with poetry at first, but later she simply put on her bachelor's hat and listened to him finish speaking in one breath, the drunkenness on her face became less and less.

However, Wang Yang still felt that it was not enjoyable enough. After finishing the poem, he mentioned Kafka, and continued to say with great interest: "You know that Kafka said that Lao Tzu is like a stained glass ball, sliding and rolling from one corner to another, but Its core is still locked, it is too profound to understand. Recently, I am thinking about the relationship between human nature and nature..." Natalie fell forward on the table, and she whimpered: "I just Just graduated, let me stay away from books and thinking for a while? Dude, not now, and I can’t see you..."

"I can see it. I'm just saying...that's the benefit of reading, you can get the fun." Wang Yang shook his head and smiled, stopped and didn't say any more. Natalie gave the camera a thumbs up, smiled and said: "Ha, this is wisdom. I was dizzy at first, but now I feel like I am taking an exam! Well, it seems that I have to study the artistic conception of those poems, maybe Deep down, I am also a Chinese!"

She said this because Franz Kafka, who was Jewish, said, "Deep down, I am a Chinese."

"I don't know." Wang Yang made a grimace and went to Jiang Ye, and said with a smile, "I'm not a psychiatrist! I disappointed my mother." Natalie suddenly laughed wretchedly, and asked: " You are young, I know you were very fashionable at the MV Movie Awards a few days ago, you said a lot of things, what féi ass..." She chuckled, pursed her mouth and said: "What kind of artistic conception is that?"

"Of course it's the conception of the butt." Wang Yang couldn't help laughing, why has he had a bad feeling of being "surrounded by the butt" in the past few days, he said with a smile: "Don't look at the butt, it will make you laugh netbsp; Natalie He patted the academic cap on the table, looked at the camera and smiled, "Wow! Do you mean your ass talk show? I love it! But I haven't watched it yet, I didn't watch TV at the party today, and it's not on the Internet... You just tell me? No, no, that doesn't have the atmosphere of the scene...! I'd better wait a little longer! Don't spoil it. Wang Yang responded, "I don't have that plan." "

"Remember! It's my birthday in a few days, isn't it?" Natalie said with a smile on her face, "I'm going back to New York. On my birthday, I'm going to have a birthday party at home to celebrate my 22nd birthday." !Ah, I'm 22 years old..." Her face suddenly became serious, and she said, "So you know it!"

Looking at the face on the screen, Wang Yang nodded naturally, and said, "That's a good plan! I happen to be in New York, can I participate?" Natalie nodded in satisfaction, waved her hands as a sign, and said : "Okay, bring your hot female friend! If she doesn't want to come, you have to come too, you know? I've already told everyone 'Amazing Yang will come!', don't embarrass me."

"Okay, no problem." Wang Yang agreed, why didn't Jessica want to go? She didn't say any more, since Long Island was just across the way. Natalie on the screen smiled and said, "You're going to put on a talk show at the party to cheer everyone up, so get ready!" Wang Yang immediately made an angry expression, and said with an angry smile, "Please! You really think I'm Talk show star! I won't say yes."

"Then you... Come to a kung fu show!" Natalie made another plan, pretending to be cute and young, and said, "yy, it's my birthday!" Wang Yang smirked a few times, and said: "Nnn, you just want to play me! What kind of kung fu performance, kicking a wooden board? Then you have to prepare the wooden board for the performance."

"I've heard of an acrobatic, can you crush boulders with your mouth?"




: The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, Wow Li wishes everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Eat more mooncakes!

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