The Best Director

Chapter 228 Show your sharpness!

Chapter 228 Complete the sharpness!

Along with the light rock music, in the hotel room on the big screen, the group members are performing make-up and disguise before the action. Similar continuous close-up shots, Natalie wears a golden fake, Alexis wears a black fake... ... There was silence in the auditoriums of the 3354 theaters in front of the screen, but it wasn't because there were no seats, or because they were dozing off from boredom, but because everyone was engrossed in excitement.

It's finally time to go to the casino to count cards! After learning so much, you will be able to see how they win big money in no time! Seeing Jeff Ma put on black-rimmed glasses in the picture, Claire in the seat shǔn excitedly took a sip of Coca-Cola through a straw. What she wanted to see most was this, making a lot of money by counting cards with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division! She can't do it anymore, but it's good to see how a genius can do it!

Adam next to him also felt his heart beating excitedly. Although he hated being annoyed by his girlfriend's fascination with Miraculous Yang all day long, he had to admit that Miraculous Yang's movies were always full of attraction! He felt as if he was playing "Diablo", he had practiced at a very high level and equipped himself with good equipment, and now he was going to play a powerful b!

"Genius, genius, genius..." Evelyn unconsciously recited it a few times softly, feeling very moved by the team's makeup; Kelly glanced at her and muttered, "It hasn't started yet."

Allen Lee, Jonas Lin, Sofia Zhou... and other Chinese and Asian audiences in the same screening hall were also full of interest; the few audiences who felt that the beginning stage was too long also cheered up , for almost all audiences in the 3354 theaters, this segment is what they are most looking forward to, and it is the reason that prompts them to enter the theater, gifted students play Las Vegas! Card counting!

Looking at the familiar past on the big screen, Ma Kaiwen's simple and honest face has a smile of nostalgia. The film has artistic processing and fiction, but it really makes him feel the martial arts. Abandoned by the Nine Heavens, the Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou, the Royal General, Kills the Divine God Seal Throne in the Night, Seeking Demons, and the Nine Heavens, the Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou The royal family's god-making general night kills the gods, seals the throne, seeks the devil, proud of the world, the ninth heaven, the strongest abandoned young man, Da Zhou. The passion of the royal family during that time is not the thrill of winning money, but the kind of youth who can "conquer the world" at a young age The sense of accomplishment, the entire casino, only they know what they are doing!

That's what he said to Wang Yang, and Wang Yang said, "Very good! I'll take a picture of it."

"If you want to win money, it is very important to find a suitable gaming table!" Daniel Wu, who was dressed like an ordinary white-collar worker on the screen, breathed out and walked into the casino. Suddenly flashing back to the community classroom, Natalie was writing on the blackboard with a chalk, and said quickly: "One, find a table with fewer people, the less people, you play in a box The more often..."

Her voice is not finished yet,

The ding ding of the slot machine gradually changed from vague to loud, and the introduction of the supplementary course ended in less than ten seconds, and the audience felt, "No wonder, these are the details of the team's operation now!"

The scene returned to the luxurious casino, Wu Yanzu strolled towards the blackjack table inside, his eyes looked around curiously, the camera slowed down, the screen of the slot machine was scrolling, the big roulette wheel was spinning... The gangsters yelled loudly, with joy and frustration, and their shout "e-n!" gradually became blurred and slow, and a female voice sounded at the right time: "Counting cards is not gambling!"

The camera and sound suddenly returned to normal speed. I saw that Natalie and the others in disguise had already sat down and proceeded. I saw Alexis, the game controller, twitching her tail finger and tugging at her ears. Hang, the signal to enter the game! Wu Yanzu went to her table and sat down, took out a wad of money, smiled at his wife and said, "Give me 10,000 yuan in chips."

At the moment when he got the chip, Alexis beside him suddenly whispered aggrievedly, as if venting, and seemed to be talking to **: "Ah, what should I do? I lost a lot of money! My mother knows You must scold me... that wordy, big-nosed, vulgar, boring woman!"

Wordy = 15 points; big nose = 1/3, about 1/3 of the cards left; vulgar = 25, there are 25 cards left; uninteresting = 2, there are 2 cards... Fast camera cut, let Wu Yanzu see When he got up, his thoughts turned, and the narration and subtitles also made people understand the situation of the gaming table. He picked up a few chips and injected them into the game, and then he played cards one by one. Wu Yanzu quickly counted the points, 16, 15 , 14, 15...

What surprised the audience was that during the process of fast cards and opening new games, Jeff Ma had already lost several consecutive bets. Although he said before that "card counting requires absolute patience." But they were a little impatient, However, the soundtrack that I only listened to when my blood boiled was gently accompanied, and suddenly Wu Yanzu's inner narrator said something: "17 o'clock, 82 cards left, 17 cards, 2 cards... It's time!"

The gradually exciting music and the phrase "It's time" lifted the spirits of all the audience. Whether they understand clearly, half understand, or are at a loss, they can all expect that it's time for Jeff Ma's performance!

"Huh!" On the big screen, Wu Yanzu seemed very irritable, picked up a large stack of chips and pushed them out to place a heavy bet! The disapproving ** continued to play cards, the camera of the gaming table suddenly slowed down, a 9 of spades and another 9 of squares were placed on the card in front of the chip grid, and in the slow motion, Wu Yanzu's narration sounded again: " The ev value (expected number) of no cards is +12%, and the ev value of each 9 in the split card is +%, and the two hands are +%! Unless **'s revealed card is 7, and..."

"Split the cards!" The camera showed ** the 6 of Hearts card, and Wu Yanzu said with a smile. Alexis next to him touched the unbetted chips on the table with his fingers, but did not pick them up. The screen subtitles showed: "It is not appropriate to divide the cards!" The white man asked "Are you sure?" Wu Yanzu ignored Alexis's suggestion and nodded: "I'm sure!"

A jack of spades is played, 19 points; followed by a red heart, point! Wu Yanzu said "Oh", Alexis looked very envious, **turned over the hidden card is a square, he didn't ask for another card: "**16 points!"

"Da da da——" the soundtrack suddenly exploded, and the camera pointed at **'s hand to take out two stacks of chips and push them in front of Wu Yanzu, which was nearly half more than the initial 10,000 chips! With a smile on the corner of Wu Yanzu's mouth, he said, "Next game!"

Under the fast-forwarding camera, there are more and more chips on the gambling table, and he cheers from time to time: "Ye!", "Black Jack!"...

"The cards are cold!" While the audience was enjoying the pleasure of winning and making money, Alexis got up and left with her few chips. After a close-up of Wu Yanzu's face, the soundtrack gradually After a break, another Natalie's lecture flashed back: "Gag! Don't think about taking % profit, % we have already made a lot of money!" Under the fast camera, Wu Yanzu pushed a few bets and lost before playing Enough authentic: "Help me exchange these chips into cash!"

He stood up holding a roll of more than 30,000 yuan. Looking back, he saw that everyone in the group had changed their positions. In some quick cuts, there were different people on the screen. Natalie at the gambling table lost her mind. Shouting "Black Jack, Black Jack,... I want Black Jack!" Alexis stood by the gaming table and watched... Wu Yanzu smiled, and looked at the gaming table over Jay Baruchel go.

"Hahaha——" The next shot is the coffee table in the hotel room. Several thick rolls of money were thrown onto the coffee table. Amid the male laughter, another few rolls were thrown into the screen, "Welcome to us Genius, Jeff-Ma!"  …

"Phew!" Seeing the group members laughing and counting the results of the night, countless audience members let out a long breath like Claire. Card counting is really complicated! Hearing Natalie laughing and saying "10,000 yuan!", they all had a sense of satisfaction and excitement, although they all had a lot of clear concepts about card counting, including team operations and the technology of card counting itself ...

After watching these gambling table episodes tonight, many, many viewers and film critics naturally thought of "The Hangover", "Rain Man"...and those previous gambling table movies, movies with blackjack card counting content , So this is card counting! Real card counting!

Laughing like "The Hangover", no teamwork and never changing tables like "Rain Man" etc... It's impossible to win money like that! "-21-em" has so far perfectly demonstrated card counting and how the team makes money. Evelyn wiped the fine sweat from her forehead due to the excitement, and said with emotion: "Genius, genius...! It's so cool!" Kelly also nodded and said: "Cool!"

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" Nancy pulled up her bucket hat excitedly. She praised the amazing group even more. Since Rachel McAdams appeared on the stage, they came to Las Vegas, and everything really changed. up! The bright colors of the picture, the quick cut and quick change of the camera... It feels like a different movie, or this is its true face, with a mix of MV styles.

What made her feel even more powerful was that the film did not simply deal with the team and the gambling table, and did not live up to the previous psychological expectations. If it is put together with the previous gambling films, this is really amazing! Gestures, code words, team skills, mathematical theory... There is no doubt that Jeff Ma plays a table with the most professional details, and the exquisite editing is pleasing to the eye.

Nancy also probably knows why she feels cool. The beautiful shot of the gaming table is one reason, and more importantly, it is real. Reality is cool, so fully restoring the real is the coolest!

Why do you burst out laughing while watching movies? After she went to University of Southern California to study systematically, she understood more deeply. One of the main reasons why human beings laugh at certain things is because of superiority. It cannot be said to be ridicule, but superiority makes people happy and feel Smarter than others. For example, "The Hangover", seeing those people doing stupid things, saying stupid things, and acting absurdly weird, the audience will feel superior and laugh, and have a good time.

Then why call it cool? It means that there is no sense of superiority. Seeing others have done some miraculous things that I can't do, so I am convinced, and I also desire to have those abilities and experiences, and I will say cool! Awesome, unbelievable...

Now the card counting is almost 100% shown on the big screen. Although many people must not understand it, and she is the same, but she already has this feeling: "How do those people's heads grow? They are so smart! "This kind of screen persuasion that is so strong that there is no doubt is because this is adapted from a real story, with absolutely clear and full professional details...

So that sense of reality and cool came to my heart. But Nancy thinks there should be more than this. This is not the most important plot of the table game, otherwise it would be too unsatisfactory, and Magic Young said "very enjoyable!"

"Yan, are Jeff and the others really so powerful?" Jessica's blinking eyes were full of disbelief, she had to remember a lot of code gestures, fast mental arithmetic, and different aspects such as numbers, cards, cards, etc. …Wang Yang smiled and nodded: "The technology is real. Their highest record is nearly 10,000 won in one night." Jessica couldn't help but wow: "I can't believe it!"

Natalie over there let out a few weird laughs. According to the story of the script, the best show is yet to come! Hearing this weird laughter, Rachel turned her head to look at Natalie, and immediately laughed too. Then it was their turn to be cool.

The mystery of card counting has been completely lifted, so what will be interesting next? This question exists in the minds of many film critics. Although Betsy Shaggy of the "Los Angeles Times" watched it very attentively and her expectations were not disappointed, the sense of film critics made her aware of this. Professional, but also need to attract people to continue watching the plot story! And the movie has more than 1 hour left.

The answer was given on the big screen, and the turnaround of the group and the casino became the theme. At the same time when the team got the Intel chip of Jeff Ma and went to Las Vegas to sweep the major casinos every weekend; under the upside-down structure, the role of the female detective Beverly increased, and she searched for clues , Exploration and inference, approaching the goal little by little.

Because the casino got the information that "they are likely to be students", they strictly guarded against suspicious young people, and the group that won a lot of money also attracted the attention of the conservative team.

"Ma'am, ma'am! Please stop... I already know, it's you!" In the casino with dim lights on the screen, the burly security supervisor led his hands to intercept the big player Natalie who was holding a bag of chips, She has long brown hair, heavy black eyeshadow and long eyelashes, and she speaks French suspiciously: "de-u r1e? que-e--me-en! (What are you talking about? What are you doing to stop me like this?) "

During the quick camera transitions, Wu Yanzu, Jay Baruchel, Alexis, Karen Mok and others in different positions were also full of doubts, either pretending to be foreigners confidently, or pretending to be honest with a little fear.

Seeing the subtitle translation and their cunning, the audience in the screening hall all smiled amusedly, and immediately laughed again.

Natalie, who was surrounded by the most security guards in the picture, looked very angry, pointing at the security guards like a ferocious wretch, and cursed in a mixture of English and French: "in-e-1-f\u0026net-de-er- v-en-ne!? ng! d! im1emen-r-bru1!... (Is this how your casino treats guests? Inexplicable, stupid, downright rude!)"

The expression of the security supervisor who was being scolded gradually became uncertain, and finally apologized: "I'm sorry, ma'am, we disturbed you! I wish you a good time in our casino." Natalie continued to be angry Cursed: "d! réin! d!" Many movie fans off the screen couldn't help muttering: "this girl is cool——!"

Several different male voices "Sorry for the interruption!" sounded at the same time, and suddenly the rock song "ding! dong dong dong dong" sounded. It was /d's ".n.." Kexis raised his footsteps, and a playful smile appeared on his face close-up1ù; amidst the soundtrack of "i, i, i, i", smiling faces flashed by, and Natalie, who had had enough scolding, turned around. After turning around, he twitched the corner of his mouth evilly.

"ee-me-de-u-f-e-une!..." Accompanied by the increasingly popular song, the group members calmly exchanged chips under slow-motion editing, and left with a calm smile in the corridors and outside the hotel. They met one by one and got into the open sports car. In the singing of ".n..-nd-i11-in-e-g", the normal camera angle was restored. The sports car was speeding by on the road. Jay Baruch Er drove the car, Wu Yanzu and others were changing their clothes and fakes... heading to the next casino!

It was so much fun! The audience in the 3354 theaters were a little emotional, and some even couldn't help but want to whistle a few times. These geniuses are too arrogant and handsome! Claire clenched her fists and raised her fists, saying "cool, cool!" She just wanted to see these people have fun in Las Vegas! Take Las Vegas!

Another segment that makes people excited and full of a sense of accomplishment, with the perfect combination of soundtrack and camera!

Nancy took a deep breath, and many film critics also took a breath. This feeling of conquering the casino made them want to be excited, but it was a bit difficult. They could only feel that Miracle Yang really dared to play and would really mobilize their emotions! The "-yu!" in which the performance group crazily swept up the casino during the summer vacation before was already addictive, and now playing with the casino security guards will come again, but there is another feeling of martial arts. Killing the God Seal Throne Seeking Demons and Proud World Nine Levels of Heaven's Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal General Night Killing God God Seal Throne Seeking Demons Proud World Nine Levels Heaven's Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal Family Martial Qiankun General Night Killing Gods Seal Throne Seeking Demons Overlord Nine Levels The most powerful abandoned young man of the heavens, the Great Zhou royal family, the god-making general, the night kills the gods, the gods seal the throne, seeks the devil, proud of the world, the ninth level, the strongest abandoned young man, the Zhou royal family.

But then the excitement of the audience gradually eased, because the plots and scenes all returned to Boston, showing the busy life of the group "no mistakes on both sides". They just won a lot of money in Las Vegas on the weekend. There is a calculus exam! On the big screen, the dusty Jeff Ma was writing quickly in the classroom, yawning from time to time, writing the test paper smoothly; the classmate Wang Yang played as a guest appeared again, pressing the ballpoint pen, staring at the test paper uncomfortable.

"-1!" Evelyn said with red hearts all over her face, her eyes fascinated: "Wouldn't it be more handsome to play Jeff-**?" Kelly next to her shrugged and said: "I have no objection, Magical Young understands Have you acted so much? Now this..." She thought for a while before saying, "I think this Daniel is acting very well."

The story on the big screen continues, the group has been fully aware of the change in the attitude of the casino, and also guessed that someone is chasing them, discussing countermeasures, and continued to cunningly confront Las Vegas, including in reality but not in reality, After the adaptation, in order to deceive others, the group called dozens of strippers to exchange chips and so on.

On the other hand, the female detective is also getting closer and closer, and finally staged a chase scene where only the back is seen. Almost caught, the proud group wanted to tease the person who pursued them: "Let's give him something fun!"

"Zi——" In the picture, there is a large empty sand field on the suburban roadside of Las Vegas. In a bright day, Rachel, wearing a detective-style coat, came here following the clues on the paper. Walking, suddenly three black balls popped up not far from the ground around her, surrounded her in a triangle shape, and swelled rapidly...

Rachel suddenly wanted to back away suspiciously, but before she could run away, the three black balls that swelled to a huge size exploded with a "burst", and the playing cards were flying all over the sky! Under the slow motion, it seemed to be raining, and the cards completely surrounded the female detective.

"Cool!" This word was uttered tirelessly by the audience again in more than 3,000 screening halls. Claire, who was laughing with her mouth open, couldn't remember how many times she said it tonight, fifty times, a hundred times? These guys are so much fun!

The sharpness is complete! Many film critics thought of this evaluation in unison. Walter Edigo of "San Francisco Chronicle" looked at this beautiful slow-motion picture on the screen, and felt that it was expected and pleasantly surprised. Whether it was the characters and plot in the movie, It's still the director-led team behind the movie, and the lines, shots, editing, and soundtrack... are all so sharp! I'm afraid he will also write a 1 in the film review.

Rachel on the big screen reached out and grabbed a card that was flying towards her. She turned it over and looked at it, the queen of spades. The sky full of playing cards fell to the ground, Rachel, who knew she was being tricked, smiled faintly, and was about to turn around to leave, but she suddenly frowned suspiciously, and looked at the spade q in her hand that hadn't been thrown away yet. , the camera followed her looking down and focused on a few doll cards on the ground, and then on one of the q of spades.

The patterns and styles of the two qs of spades are different! The audience knew that this was a bad situation, the group might be clever but be mistaken by cleverness! I saw Rachel's eyes looking around, scanning the QJs one after another on the ground. Basically, there are two types of cards, one is a lot of cards and the other is very few. The large number is the most common style in Las Vegas and western brands, and few of those…

As Rachel's eyes meet the q of spades in her hand, the camera gets bigger and bigger until it occupies the entire screen, and then gets bigger and bigger, and the environment of the female detective has become in front of the computer in the office, Looking at the identical Q of Spades displayed on the screen, she chuckled softly, "Ston."

Unbeknownst to the team, the female detective came to Boston and first targeted MIT, because its labels are good at math and pranks. On the way to the campus, white snowflakes fluttered and fell in the sky, and the dim street lights reflected a quiet winter night feeling. Rachel in a white coat and Natalie in a black coat passed by up and down.

"Oh." Seeing this scene, the audience was a little nervous, while those with delicate thoughts felt the martial arts. God-killing God Seal Throne Begging the Devil, Proud of the World, Ninth Heaven's Strongest Abandoned Young Master Zhou Royal Family Martial Qiankun General Night Killing God's Seal of God Throne, Begging Devil The world-defying ninth heaven, the strongest abandoned young man, the Da Zhou royal family has arrived, and they have never met each other before, and now they have met! Evelyn's heart skipped a beat. This feeling was very... The moment the two bodies missed in the picture, I don't know if the camera slowed down, or their footsteps slowed down, and the atmosphere felt a little frozen... The relationship between the two The eyes make people feel as if the cat has exploded, and it seems that they are old friends who have known each other for a long time.

so beautiful! Looking at these two close-ups, and then the side view, the snowflakes are still dancing and the two women are getting further and further away, Nancy can't help applauding secretly, not only this scene, but the whole movie is now coming to an end, there are many very special, Very beautiful and beautiful sub-camera... This is completely different from the hot rock casino atmosphere, but it makes people feel very comfortable and aftertaste, and she has a sense of being there.

Even though they knew that the group would eventually be caught and blacklisted in the casino, the audience saw the female detective along the way, and finally led the security team to capture the group in another operation. When this group of incomparable geniuses, their emotions were still depressed.

Cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness, sometimes the biggest enemy is themselves; sometimes flaws are formed inadvertently, when they stuff the practice cards brought from Shidun into the balloon.

"The game is over." Rachel walked up slowly from the path made aside by the security guards, looking at the opposite team with a smile on her lips, her eyes full of a sense of victory.

The members of the group looked different, and Alexis said angrily: "Are you a superhero? The casino is not God, it is not a matter of course to make money, we just use legal methods to make money from them!" She mocked: " You are helping the casino, you are helping an evil devil!"

"Excuse me?" Rachel tilted her ears blankly, and a smirk gradually appeared on her face that made most of the audience want to beat her up, the devil looked a little ferocious. Evelyn in front of the screen shivered, and her heart suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Rachel raised her head amusedly, and said with an increasingly fierce smile, "What does this have to do with me? Let those idiots who want to get rich overnight die, let them go! This is also legal."

"But I'm not interested in these. What I'm interested in is catching you guys."

"The game is over." Just when Wu Yanzu was about to say something, Natalie suddenly smiled smartly. She ignored the female detective, holding a big bag full of chips in her hand, looking at the vicious security director, and asked Said: "By the way, can these chips still be exchanged?"

Is that the end? Is the saga of -21-em coming to an end? The audience standing in the camp was a little bit unwilling, Claire and Adam both shook their heads and sighed, and gathered together to discuss: "It's a pity." But the members on the screen said that there might be another chance! The audience was immediately refreshed. It turned out that their mugshots were all disguised, but their real faces were never used!

At that time, the face recognition system was still limited to research. R (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and r1 company just established a fere database for testing. In the next few years, the face recognition algorithm gradually matured, and commercial applications appeared. Face recognition system. So the background of the story at that time was just monitors and saved headshots, relying on the alarm of the amount of cash lost at the gaming table, and then manual identification, and then expelled the card counters.

In reality, after Ma Kaiwen and others were caught for the first time, they continued to be active for several years until they became too familiar with each other in the late 1990s, so they announced their disbandment. In the story on the screen, the female detectives were clever but were misunderstood by their cleverness. They didn't check their true colors carefully, and the happy casino was also negligent; a negligence could make the team get caught, and it could also cause the casinos to have a complete hemorrhage.

With a bang, the car door was opened, and amidst the soundtrack that was getting louder, at night, on the driveway outside the Caesars Palace Hotel, Wu Yanzu was wearing a black suit, and Natalie, who was also wearing a black suit and sunglasses, came from A black car got off. In slow motion, Natalie slowly took off her sunglasses, bit the leg, and said with a wicked smile: "Let's do something fun!" Wu Yanzu smiled and said: "Inner-inner, ien-nner!"

The two walked towards the hotel gate, the following car stopped and opened the car door, Alexis and Jay Baruchel who also had no make-up got out of the car...the sound of exciting music , slow motion, and members getting out of the car or walking into the hotel, the audience was inevitably excited.

"Cool!" Claire bit her lips in excitement, netg is coming! It must be more enjoyable than any previous card counting, because the two big players are going to join forces! The breathing of the surrounding audience is also getting heavier, and the emotions accumulated throughout the night are about to explode!

It's slow motion again! Nancy couldn't help laughing immediately. The movie saw that slow motion and long motion are used a lot now, but this kind of lens is too bang! She knew she was playing cool and handsome, but she was willing to be fooled. Sure enough, slow motion is cool... There are only ten minutes left in the movie, and the next thing should be the highest and most important table game scene in the whole movie , "Very enjoyable!" as Miracle Yang said

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