The Best Director

Chapter 249 Listen to the wow sound!

Chapter 249 Listen to the wow sound!

Night falls in North America. After a happy and leisure weekend, on Monday night of this new week, just like the previous golden autumn season, countless students who stayed at school for a day and office workers who worked for a day returned to their comfortable homes. Regardless of a bachelor or a family, TV is one of the best entertainments for everyone at home. A variety of exciting drama programs and tense football games can accompany them to spend a pleasant evening.

In the evenings across the United States (not late at night, specifically referring to Eastern, Pacific and other time zones: -23:, the ratings during this period are the highest in the whole day.) Screen area, Friday and Saturday are the worst schedules for drama programs, Among them, the number of viewers on Saturdays is the worst. Among the six major broadcasting and TV networks, programs that are watched by an average of 10,000 people can become the champions of the ratings, but they can only rank outside the top of the list this year.

Take the autumn file of 2-3 years as an example, the nine o'clock file (21:-22:), the total number of viewers of the six major channels on Saturday is only about 10,000, Friday is about 10,000; Tuesday is about 10,000, Sunday is about 10,000, and Wednesday is about 10,000 people.

The best schedule is Thursday, with more than 10,000 viewers, and nearly 100% of Americans are watching TV, not including other premium channels, sports channels, local channels, etc.

There are many popular dramas gathered on Thursday, including the ratings champion of season 02-03, cbs's "" (21:-22: ), with an average viewership of 26.12 million; :-third.

Then there is the cbs sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond" (21:-21:) on Monday, about 58, with an average of 18.39 million viewers.

And this season, today's Monday night, September 15th, at nine o'clock, there is the traditional trump card "Monday Night Football" for many years, which can steadily attract more than 10,000 football fans; the giant cbs that opened the season has "Everyone The eighth season of "Elemeng De" and the first season of the new drama "Two and a Half Heroes", no one dares to underestimate this two sets of sitcoms, the old one and the new one, 10,000 viewers is the most underestimated figure; x, upn, b To survive in the cracks, on average, about 10,000 people are divided into each unit.

Another giant is also starting the season tonight, launching a new drama "Prison Break".

The 8 o'clock slot of the last season was occupied by the reality show "Who Dare to Challenge". The contestants were arranged to accept three tests, the second of which was the most eye-catching, such disgusting creatures as spiders, earthworms and worms, failed to pass the test naturally The winner who is eliminated and passes the three tests will get a bonus of 50,000. Last season it scored an average of 60,000 people, ranking 25th, and this season it will continue to be broadcast as scheduled.

"Prison Break" took away the nine o'clock file of the fire drama "The Frontline of Crisis". It ranked 36th with 11.55 million viewers in the last season. Against cbs': Miami. This is just a bit of a smashing meaning, ": Miami" is also a popular drama,

The 12th of last season.

Tonight, "Prison Break" will broadcast two episodes in a row, and the fifth season of "The Frontline of Crisis" will debut on the 22nd of next week.

But I don't have the slightest idea of ​​"Prison Break" can reach 11.55 million viewers. High-level executives such as the production department and the production department will laugh when they say it, just 11.55 million? who said it? Do you look down on Miracle Yang? The key is that they have already watched the show, and there was a lot of wow, and the production manager Paul Jones kept repeating excitedly: "Creative xìng! Creative xìng! Creative xìng!"

Fantastic quality, vigorous publicity, magical reputation...

Adding these elements together, what Yixin wants is to give CBS a big punch! Let "Prison Break" take last season's Monday champion "Everyone Loves Raymond", the new drama "Two and a Half Men", and tonight's "Ambition and High Aspirations", but I heard Wang Yang say modestly and timidly, " Ten thousand people are fine", Paul Jones and others are really scared to death, what does this mean! ?

Thousands of people? Not even 11.55 million people! ?

Although in the emergency sī power-on afterwards, Miracle Yang said again, "Don't worry, there is no problem with more than 10,000." But is 10,000 really amazing? "Crisis Frontline" has 11.55 million! ! Paul Jones and others were surprised and suspicious, wondering if this young man became humble as he got married, or did he discover some problems in "Prison Break"? But they thought hard, but still thought it was a nearly perfect new type of drama series.

But Miracle Yang has never been humble. Back then, he even dared to say and do things like "I have high expectations for "Music Music" to revive musicals. "I think the worst actor in Golden Raspberry will - Smith Can win an Oscar", "Juno is very likable.", "I win an Oscar", "It can make you laugh."... Not long ago, he said "Okay, I want to set a new record for the genre", and he didn't Be humble.

Why this time? Could it be that his fame is too great for them to see? This, this... won't make a fool of myself, will it?

Paul Jones and others shuddered at the thought of cbs, many TV film critics, late-night talk shows, etc.'s irony and insults. What's more fatal was the mistake at work. "Prison Break" is scheduled for a full season! And in terms of publicity and production, they trusted so much that Yang Yang almost said whatever they wanted... If "Prison Break" fails, there will only be 10,000 viewers?

He wonders that Yang can pat his ass and go back and concentrate on making movies, say "I don't think I'm suitable for the screen for a while" and draw a line; they need to bear the responsibility for mistakes. Now it seems like there are 10,000 viewers, very good! Don't think about the Wan, Wan of "magical Yang-style surprises", don't think about surprises, as long as it doesn't bring shock, it is a lucky thing.

Ten thousand, 11.55 million, ten thousand, ten thousand... These numbers kept flying back and forth in front of their eyes, making them feel restless.

21: Getting closer to the broadcast of "Prison Break", Paul Jones wandered nervously and worriedly in his living room, glanced at the channel on the TV screen from time to time, and then let out a long breath. Samantha Jones, who was sitting on the sofa, watched the contestants of "Who Dare to Challenge" try to eat earthworms in pain, frowned in disgust, and suddenly asked, "Dad, what are you doing walking around!"

Paul Jones glanced at his daughter in high school and sighed with a smile: "Dad is a little nervous when the channel starts tonight."

"Take it easy!" Samantha Jones laughed immediately, knowing that he was worried about the ratings of "Prison Break" and had been nagging these days, she smiled and said, "Dad, didn't you find out? I'm going tonight I’m at home so early because I want to watch Yang’s "Prison Break"." Although she is the daughter of the production manager, Paul, who has signed a non-disclosure contract, will not tell her anything about the plot to prevent leaks, let alone watch it in advance. Chance.

"Many of my classmates are looking forward to this show. Do you know how popular it is with young people?" Samantha shrugged. Paul Jones was still very uneasy. Wang Yang was too abnormal this time. He shook his head and said, "Yang's fame and status in your hearts can attract a large number of young audiences, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep you! Movies and TV have Big difference..."

Samantha got up and went to the kitchen to get snacks, and said, "You will have the answer after watching one episode."

"La la la." Claire hummed and turned on the TV, then threw the remote control into the sand, took an apple from the refrigerator, came back and sat down on the sand, watching the channel with interest while chewing. In addition to ordinary drama audiences, she plans to even do "Prison Break" as a TV movie review business. Now her blog clicks are getting more and more, and advertising fees are also increasing. She can get a new TV soon!

Canada, Toronto, which can also be watched, Rachel turned on the TV in a happy mood, and she felt that another autumn net day of the series Mí had arrived! Not a féi soap opera? most! However, she was also a little surprised when Wang Yang said "Wan". He is a very aggressive person, he will show his confidence on his face, and he will not pretend. Does it mean that people will really change when they are about to get married?

Thinking of his getting married in January next year, Rachel shook her head with a smile, how fast! Without thinking about it, she saw the contestant on the screen lying in the bathtub full of condensed lard and soaking, with a distressed expression on her face, she couldn't help frowning and shivering all over, it was so disgusting !

"Oh my god! It's disgusting." In the spacious and elegant living room, Jessica on the sofa hugged Wang Yang's arm tightly and gritted her teeth for the contestants. It's unimaginable that if she was thrown into such a tank of pigs Oil...

"If this program came out in 1998, I wouldn't have to starve at that time." Wang Yang smiled and said net. Although it was indeed disgusting, he didn't think it was so difficult to do it. He looked at her suspicious face , said with a smile: "These are too simple, one thing is certain is that I will not die, but I dare not play like this, so what is there to be afraid of? Take the 50,000 US dollars bravely!"

Jessica gave him a blank look, and said seriously: "Yes, you are a warrior, but I don't allow you to participate." Wang Yang hugged her, nodded and smiled: "Of order, empress! Actually, I'm just bragging, that I dare not run to challenge."

Looking at the wall clock on the wall over there, it's almost time for the pm9 broadcast of "Prison Break": it's the first battle on the screen! Jessica looked at his face tenderly, raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Yang, I think of the day "Ghost Story" was screened, we drove to the cinema." Wang Yang also remembered something, smiled and said: "Buy tickets The conductor at the movie theater told us not to make too much noise." Jessica smiled with wide eyes, "You still remember!"

"Of course, I remember every detail of that night clearly." Wang Yang smiled, watching "Who Dare to Challenge" on the TV screen at the end, he was not excited about his debut on the screen, but full of expectations , how high can this "Michael Schoffey" fly? He continued to laugh and said, "At that time, I was helpless and a little complacent. I was thinking, what was Jessica thinking?"

Recalling the scene at that time, Jessica smiled and said, "I'm embarrassed, I was thinking, what is Yang thinking?" Wang Yang leaned close to her ear, whispered a smirk, and kissed her ear A moment; upon hearing his words, Jessica gave him an ooh, punched him in the mouth, and said angrily, "Hún bastard!"

The two want to have a long hot ěn, although there are some disgusting pictures on the TV in front of them, there is still a family guest in the room, Joshua who came to provide instant feedback, after all, although he is Latino, he More or less represents the market of young men in the United States; at the same time, Wang Yang will also pass on some production knowledge and experience to him, and Joshua will continue to follow him as one of the production assistants of "Firefly".

"Come on, come on!" Joshua came from the kitchen to the living room with a tray containing three drinks, and Danny followed slowly. He handed drinks to Wang Yang and Jessica. People joked and drank it as soon as they took it. There was no time to say thank you. Joshua shook his head and said, "Hey! I just came to be a servant."

When the time is approaching nine o'clock, there are advertisements on the TV screens of thousands of households, and the broadcast of a new program has entered a countdown of tens of seconds, "Monday Night Football", bsp; "Hey, "Prison Break" Coming soon! Don't forget to watch."

At 8:59 pm Eastern time, a white high school boy in New York was talking on the phone. He pressed the remote control and asked, "That's the one made by Magic Young, right?" In Chicago, a young white girl sat down on the sand, full of interest I muttered to myself: "I'm so looking forward to it, will it be as exciting as in the propaganda." In San Francisco, a Chinese black girl excitedly turned on the TV: "Magic Yang, magical Yang!"

In Los Angeles, a white and golden girl tightly guarded the remote control in her hand and screamed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "Meng De"! Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't watch one or two episodes of a sitcom." The older white boy next to him shouted: "I support watching "Prison Break", it must be cool!" A rough voice sounded: "You guys , give me the remote control!!"...

"Ma-Ma-Ma..." The TV speaker suddenly heard the sound of tattooing. Paul Jones immediately took a deep breath and looked at the LCD TV screen. The tattoo artist was finishing the last part of the tattoo for Michael Scofield. He Came to the sofa and sat down, sweat dripping down my brow, Nielsen’s ratings monitoring has already started, but there will be no report until tomorrow, 10,000, 11.55 million, 10,000, 10,000…

"Don't worry, Dad!" Samantha Jones watched Michael Scofield rob the bank with great interest, and said while eating potato chips, "This Wentworth Miller is really still don't believe in magic Yang? You will definitely be pleasantly surprised." She said while watching, but soon she stopped talking and focused her eyes on the screen, gradually being completely attracted by the story inside.

Paul Jones has already read the script and watched 24 episodes of the entire series. However, watching it on the screen with the TV logo at home, he still can't help feeling that it is exquisitely produced, suspenseful and tense, without any moisture, and rings There are several exciting changes in one episode, and "Time", which is known for its tension, is far inferior to it.

He really doesn't know how to describe this show other than "creative", unparalleled? Fantastic Yang said out of breath?

Thinking of these, his uneasy heart suddenly settled down, there is absolutely no problem.

"Damn commercial! Please, hurry up!" Looking at the Coca-Cola commercial on the TV screen, at least millions of young people cursed, what are you doing! Can't there be no ads? !

"Mom, don't fight me! I want to keep watching, I want to keep watching!" The golden girl hugged the remote control tightly, and the white boy also shouted anxiously: "Don't worry about "Two and a Half Men". Comedy is all about laughing! I want to know Michael’s plan!” A soft and majestic voice sounded: “Stop arguing, let’s continue watching this episode first.” The girl and boy suddenly cheered, and the rough voice: "My football game..."

With the passing of the first half of the episode, the story seems to have been paved. Dr. Sarah played by Evangeline Lily has caught the eyes of countless men, such a hot and sexy doctor! But what is really fascinating is the suspense shown in the plot, and the second half of the episode gradually became tense. With the touching soundtrack, everyone's emotions gradually increased. "Ah" suddenly sounded in the living room, and Claire cursed helplessly, "Oh my god, that damn commercial! I want to fast forward, I want to fast forward!"

After the short and long commercial ended, the last section of the first episode began. When the audience saw that the exaggerated tattoo on Michael Schofield turned out to be the blueprint of the prison, Claire's eyes widened with a wow, and Samantha -Jones wowed excitedly, and the family competing for the remote control all wowed: "This is fun!" Numerous teenage audiences, youth audiences, and adult audiences also wowed: "This is so cool!" , "I want this tattoo too!"...

"Wow!" Rachel laughed for a moment, lifted her chin, and said happily to herself: "It's really not a féi soap opera, it's amazing."

The plot is full of details and very compact. It seems that there is no intention to start a side story at all. It is smooth, natural and tense. If there are no damn commercials, she thinks she will really be out of breath! She, Rachel, has never watched so many TV series, including tense and exciting dramas, and light-hearted and funny sitcoms, but she has never seen such an exciting, non-procrastinating but exciting and suspenseful series.

How could this drama only have 10,000 viewers? At least ten thousand people!

She doesn't know how to make it, but she still understands how to appreciate it. If the amazing level of the first episode can be maintained in the future, this is definitely the kind of TV series that the audience can't live without after watching half an episode.

"Fortunately, there will be two consecutive episodes tonight." Taking advantage of the commercial time, like many viewers in front of the TV, Rachel got up and walked to the bathroom. After walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped: "What about next week? It should be What about tonight? The third episode?" She frowned: "Do you want to ask Yang about the plot? No, no, no!" She continued to walk: "No, this violates the rules of the plot."

The cbs headquarters building in New York, the program department office, department manager Caleb Dill and others looked at each other, and they looked at the channel on the big TV screen in front of them, and they were all a little silent. Caleb Dill said in a deep voice: "Maybe this time It's a little troublesome."

"I knew it, I knew it! We should try our best to snatch Wang Yang from the beginning. He wants Monday to be Monday, and Thursday to be Thursday. Isn't he an excellent TV producer!?! Now bsp; The production manager Patrik Green, who had intended to compete with "Prison Break" but then quit, was roaring angrily and unwillingly at home: "F*ck amazing Yang! ! ***! Thousands of people watching? ***! "

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