The Best Director

Chapter 252 The best TV series? !

Chapter 252 The best TV series? !

"Paul, I'm not sure about doing a second season of Prison Break."

The sky was full of sunset, the sun was shining at dusk, and in the garden where the fallen leaves of the sycamore trees were blowing with the wind, a white Labrador was sniffing around on the lawn. Jessica was sitting on a rattan sun lounger, lost in thought Looking at a bridal magazine "de" on the table, the corners of her mouth curled up from time to time, with a pretty smile of anticipation, and she looked at Wang Yang who was walking and chatting on the phone.

Hearing his words, Paul Jones, who was far away in New York, was startled. Are you sure about the production? What a joke! It's been less than two days since the hot broadcast started! He hurriedly asked: "What do you mean?" He only heard Wang Yang's sleepy chuckle: "After Michael Scofield and the others escaped from prison, the story seemed meaningless." Paul Jones said distressedly: "Oh no , you can’t! You can’t think like that, absolutely not.”

Who is the most important person behind the scenes of a TV series? A good movie is the director, and a good TV series is the main screenwriter. Now this person is often the main creator and the highest person in charge (such as Joss Whedon), and sometimes he will personally act as the director of several episodes. The chief screenwriter led the entire screenwriting team to complete the script. In addition to Magic Yang, there are 6 screenwriters in "Prison Break", each of whom has different tasks and cooperates with each other.

Someone is responsible for designing the plot details of the story; someone is responsible for designing the characters, including character background and dialogue; In order to be more professional and avoid mistakes, the team will also invite experts in relevant fields to serve as consultants and script doctors. In the end, the complete script written according to the chief screenwriter's ideas and intentions will be revised and polished by the chief screenwriter.

At the beginning, the script of "Prison Break" was an almost complete prototype. He saw Miracle Yang seriously requesting and encouraging the screenwriters: "We can't have any water! Any idea of ​​'almost', we want to occupy the audience's attention." Brain! Follow me to change their thinking structure!" Then he pointed out that a 42-minute episode is divided into 6-minute units, and each unit is separated by crisis resolution and crisis (suspense), and there must be one for the audience to switch between commercials Once you log in to the channel, you will never forget the exciting details of switching back.

Facts have proved that this team did it, and then the shooting of this perfect script began. During the shooting, Mi Yang not only performed the duties of the top producer, but also took care of the set remotely. All the main screenwriters are like this. The TV series are different from the movies. If the director of the episode wants to change a line of the script or change a detail, he has to call Ye Wen to the main screenwriter, and the screenwriter can only make changes with the approval of the screenwriter.

So no matter how many days "Prison Break" was filming, Magic Yang's cell phone would ring about once a day for this, to solve the directors' questions and decide the intention of each scene and each shot.

This talented chief screenwriter is the most important one! His extraordinary and profound analysis and grasp of the script and story, as well as his strong communication and agitation ability, are the key to the success of "Prison Break".

Now suddenly say no! ? Take the initiative to apply for a cut in half? hell! If Fantastic Yang insists on quitting the second season of "Prison Break", he has not signed a long-term contract, so bsp; Man, how much quality is there in Season 2? What about when you advertise? What will the audience think? If there isn't even a second season of Prison Break, what's the point of lobbying for a new sitcom?

But if this is the case, the relationship between everyone has deteriorated, but is Miracle Yang missing the family? Cbs and other TV stations took the opportunity to poach him, and if Miracle Yang secretly attacked and clarified that "Magic Yang quit by himself" by using "different creative ideas" as the reason for quitting, it would turn into a féi soap opera.

Of course, there is still a very high probability, bear with it, continue the production of the second season of "Prison Break" but maintain a good relationship with Miracle Yang, and be scolded by the audience with him; lobby him to start a new drama, provided that the contract has at least Three season terms.

It's just that no matter what, the big surprise of the first two days will turn into a big trouble, and he, the production manager, is in big trouble. Thinking of this, Paul-Jones broke out in a cold sweat suddenly, his breathing became a little urgent, and the tone of his urgent request was almost pleading: "Jan, you can't do this, "Prison Break" needs you! You should be joking with me Bar?"

"Yes, it's just a joke! But I hope the second season is called "Prison Break: Escape." Wang Yang laughed and walked towards Danny stepping on withered yellow leaves. In fact, he did have this consideration a few days ago. After the theme of "Prison Break" comes out of prison, the focus will inevitably change, so why is it still called prison break? How to keep its charm? But I immediately thought, what's the point if you give up when you encounter difficulties? How did it come to this day? The first season is over.

"Oh my god! What a fun wonder Jan!" Paul Jones was on a rollercoaster ride, between hell and heaven! It's heaven now. Maybe no one can fry an omelet without breaking the egg. The fifth season of "Law and Order: Special Victims", which aired yesterday Tuesday, only had 12.72 million viewers, a rating of 9/12. Last season dropped more than 10,000 viewers, and now it is counting on "Prison Break" to become the new trump card.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and felt some dissatisfaction in his stomach, and said with a smile: "Yang, you have joked a lot recently, I am a person who is not scared. I almost passed out just now, you know How much we value "Prison Break", it's so creepy!"

Wang Yang laughed, snapped his fingers at Danny, patted the big tuǐ and made a command gesture of "follow me", Danny glanced at it and continued to hunt for treasure without paying attention, he said to the phone: "Yes, I Know and thank you, rest assured Paul, I will try my best to make "Prison Break" season 2."

He has figured out what to do. Although the plot line and details of the first season of the two "Prison Break" are not the same; compared with the original version, the current version almost only retains the prisoner t-bag, because t-bag is the most convincing original version of "Prison Break" The powerful criminal role, Robert Knepper, who starred in two versions of t-bag, also performed very well. The roles of other prisoners have undergone new changes, which are more reasonable and convincing.

But the problem facing the second season is the same, the scene of the whole story is no longer a prison. The original version chose to play family cards, touching cards and water injection, trying to "reverse the case" for each prisoner. However, the lack of connection between the characters caused the plot to be scattered, and too much deliberate family affection wiped out the tension. While filming and broadcasting until the last third season, it ran back to a Panamanian prison.

One of the reasons why the first season has reduced the number of people involved in the escape is to prevent the plot of the second season from being distracted. Wang Yang understands that "tense suspense", "smart and cool" are the biggest charms of dramas like "Prison Break" , the largest core.

Just unite the characters, carefully design the escape itself, don't make the mistake of playing the family card and pouring water, and add more new talented characters to compete convincingly with Michael Schofield, whether it's like "Alexander" "Villain" policemen like "Ma Hong" still add new members outside the prison to the escape team...

Only by maintaining a breathless rhythm can the vitality of "Prison Break" be maintained. This is one of the creative ideas he wants to convey to the screenwriter team for the second season.

"Thank you for saying that, I'm relieved!" Paul Jones laughed in relief, and asked tentatively, "Then just said about creating a sitcom? Are you interested?"

"Paul, I need some time to think about it." Wang Yang didn't refuse immediately, otherwise it would seem too insincere, and he was really considering this invitation. After chatting for a few more words, the two ended the call. Wang Yang walked towards Jessica, but before he could take a few steps, the phone rang again. He muttered "Phone life!" and answered the call: "Hello, this is Jan."

Immediately, Rachel's anxious voice came out of the phone: "Jan, I can't help it! I have many, many questions about "Prison Break", but I just want you to answer me, toe!"

This question is too important to be suspenseful; if Michael Schofield's toes are cut off, he needs to be healed, and the gangsters may be punished; if they are not cut off, who will come out to stop them? What will happen? Different results will make the whole plot go differently! Rachel repeated quickly: "Toes! One chance! Toes!"

Uh! Wang Yang had a weird expression on his face. Has her addiction to drama gone? He laughed and said, "That's not okay, Rachel, I signed a non-disclosure agreement." Rachel's tone was very savage: "Please! I won't say it, it has been entangled in my brain for the past two days, it's so annoying! Hurry up and tell me I'm going to get a good night's sleep. e11, e11, e11! I'm addicted, I just can't stand this kind of drama, maybe that's part of the fun!"

"Haha!" After getting mad, Rachel laughed softly at herself, her voice softened, and she asked in a negotiating tone: "Just give me a hint, how about giving me a movie line?"

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will be." Wang Yang blurted out a line from a movie, and Rachel suddenly let out a rough "woo" sound like a trapped beast. Wang Yang said with a smile: "Let's keep the suspense, it's running out. I don't even know if I want to do a second season." Over there Rachel was shocked: "What, you want to die? I will kill you." Wang Yang shrugged and said: "It's just a joke, but the plot really cannot be revealed, and there can be no exceptions. If there is a first time, there will be a second time. Let your toes go! Do you understand?"

Let the toes go? Rachel suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, i-see, i-see! Thank you, see-u!" Hearing her laughter and the beeping sound of the mobile phone, Wang Yang frowned blankly, she misunderstood What? The toes are still there! Maybe "let the toe thing go" can be understood in another way.

Regardless of whether the second season of "Prison Break" will be done or not, it will be a matter of the future, and now the first season of "Prison Break" has received countless praises while the ratings are hot and the response is enthusiastic.

There are not many users who rate TV series on imdb. Generally, there are only tens of thousands of votes for popular TV series, but almost all of them are veteran dramas. "Prison Break", which aired two episodes, received a rating of 9.3 points (8,651 users), breaking into the top ten of imdb's American drama rankings in one fell swoop, and tied for No. 1 with several dramas such as "Freaks and Nerds" and "South Park seven. This result naturally has a certain amount of fans, but it also shows the popularity of "Prison Break".

Yahoo Entertainment gave it an A+ rating for its broadcast performance; the comprehensive score of the well-known rating network is 9.5 points (full score) from users, and it temporarily includes 12 TV movie critics' reviews, 12 positive, hún combined and negative o articles.

Matthew Gilbert of The Boston Globe rated it, commenting: "If it can keep its airs gripping, this will be an irresistible new prime-time monster."Chicago Tribune Maureen Ryan, a senior female reporter for The New York Times, also scored points. She wrote in a column: "Super novel, unique and thrilling! This is the kind of perfect drama that won't let you down in the slightest."

"Having to watch 'Prison Break' one episode a week, it's too early to judge. But if it's a two-hour special, it works by grabbing your attention from the very first scene, And then maintain the gripping suspense until the end.” – 95 Points, Robert Bianco, USA Today; “There are a lot of good, good things about Prison Break, but the best thing is, we’ve never Haven't seen an episode like it." - 95 Points, Heather-1esky, Salon.

"Forget about the absurdity of the plot, which is extremely easy to do; enjoy the suspense and tension, and you'll have lots and lots of fun." - Points, Dorothy Rabinowitz, The Wall Street Journal; " The only unfortunate thing is that Wang Yang's profound humor is not played here, and he lacks wonderful lines; but his intelligence is vivid." - 85 points, Aaron Burn-Hart, "Kansas City Star"  …

In the many user ratings and comments, the audience was more enthusiastic and direct, expressing their emotions strongly, which also shows that "Prison Break" has become the "Most Popular New TV Series Award" of the People's Choice Awards for 3 years. Great potential.

Looking at Jiang Ye, almost all the sub-users of the green circle, danm said: "From now on, it is the best show on TV!" S said: "I can't describe it in words, this is the best show ever Good TV show on!" Say: "This show is amazing! Thrilling and funny! My favorite character right now is t-bag!" Say: "There is no better show (episode) on TV! Everyone should watch!"

he11e said: "I love this show!! I love Fantastic Young!! Not only do you have a hunk [hunk, slang: strong, handsome and sexy man] (Wentworth Miller) to watch, but it's like A great book and it's a great show! I was shaking in my chair watching it!" Grahamf said: "Once you watch an episode, you're hooked. [ked, hooked, addicted, with mí's]"

EA said: "I didn't miss a second, this will definitely be my favorite show. ("24", sorry.) Yes, this is unbelievable. There are some false settings, but this should be like a Comic books for this class of heroes, not real reality, please don't complain about people's incredible ability to fly. You just accept it and enjoy it, these very entertaining and thrilling plots! Thank you Jan, but "Second Favorite show."

"Prison Break is the best TV show I've seen in years or so." - kt; "My only complaint is why do we have to wait so long for the next episode?" - rahh; "I think Prison Break is The most unmissable meal, it will make you mí. If you don't have a TV, you have to buy a TV." - mb; "Best TV show since the Ming car!" - j...

However, there are also some yellow circles with 4 and 5 points that lower the score. The nb who scored 4 points said: "If you have basic knowledge about prisons, you will know how terrible it is. Prisoners can't move freely like that! In reality World, that chick [netateg said: "I hate this show, I wish they ended season one, helping criminals escape prison? How could anyone like it? Wang Yang did something stupid. "The us with 5 points said: "Its suspense is surprising and uncontrollable. But when the show stopped, I couldn't let go of its mistakes, loved it, was hurt by it, and had a bad feeling of being played ng. "...

With two episodes broadcast, "Prison Break" seems to set off a new ratings storm. Countless viewers across the United States are crazy about this "unprecedented" drama series. Many TV forums are full of discussions about it, discussing the details of the plot , discussing Wang Yang, discussing Wentworth-Miller, Evangeline-Lily... Dramas such as "Everybody Loves Raymund" and "Two and a Half Men" that were broadcast on the same day were inevitably left out.

In Mainland China, the "Young Subtitle Group" was the first to release resources. On the afternoon of the 17th, Beijing time, it released the first two episodes of the Chinese-English bilingual version with perfect subtitles. Netizens and fans who couldn't wait for a long time downloaded and watched it one after another, and then they seemed to enter a new world. I don't know how many people were excited and scolded: "Damn, there is such a TV series!?"

"Task downloading, 1%, %...%..."

With the arrival of % download completion, the computer's speakers made a crisp "ding", and immediately, the speakers sounded "bang bang bang bang" gunshots and screams.





ps: Wow force continues to ask for recommendation tickets. In addition, the book friend "I used to be a bad guy" wants to attack the leader, and the condition is to reply to the post 100 times. Let's go to the book review area to praise him! ^o^

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