The Best Director

Chapter 263 Chainsaw Cry

Chapter 263: Chainsaw Cry

Time quietly entered the end of the month, and "Dancing Out of My Life" failed to win the North American weekly box office champion on the 24th of the month. It ranked second, with a total box office of more than 58.52 million; Laughter 3 is on the list with 520,000. It continues the style of the series to spoof the American version of "Midnight Ring", "The Matrix 2", "Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter" series and other well-known hit movies.

Among the young people, Miraculous Yang, who is very popular both in himself and in movies, has not escaped the hands of spoofs. Last year's two "magic works", "District 9" and "The Hangover" have become screen materials, which really made the film míí The fans burst into laughter.

The new weekend is coming. On the last day of the month, the 31st of the month, the eve of Halloween, it is full of funny or exciting atmospheres, and there is only one new movie released on a large scale in the lively movie theaters, and that is the flame that landed in 62467 theaters. super horror film "Saw".

The announced production cost of this horror film is only 10,000 US dollars. It took only one and a half months from preparation to completion in September last year. The 26-year-old Malaysian-Chinese director James Wen’s screen work, as well as the equally unknown producer, Written and starring Ray Warner.

This is a typical low-budget B-grade movie. Film companies often just "try their luck" on them, and don't invest much in promotional expenses, so even if they lose money, they won't lose much. However, it is clear that Flame's confidence in "" is at the highest level. Not only did he announce the sequel plan before it was released, but he was not sloppy in publicity. The official website, the praise of Miracle Yang, the Sundance Film Festival, the Scream Film Festival...

Although I haven't spent much money for more than a year, "" has become very famous in the horror film group, and it can definitely be called their "long-awaited" work. The "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" put together, chainsaw v chainsaw. What is so special about this chainsaw? Did "Master of Horror" Fantastic Young lie? On this day, countless horror movie diehards walk into the theater to seek fright.

"The sun is shining on your ass, Adam. Maybe you want to know where this is? Let me tell you, this is where you are likely to be buried.", "Dr Gao, your job every day is to tell patients 'I'm sorry , I have tried my best', while watching them suffer indifferently, watching them die, and watching their families suffer. Today you will be the god of death. The goal of this game is to kill Adam before 6 o'clock !"..."I want to play a game.", "Life or death is in your hands!"...

The not-so-small auditorium was full of seats, and the filmmakers crowded the first scene. Looking at the blood and severed limbs on the screen, and listening to the distorted screams, the hall was completely silent, only the sound of some prolonged breathing. Almost everyone The audience could faintly hear the thumping heartbeat getting worse.

"Oh my god, it's so perverted..." Many girls in the couple audience frowned and hugged their boyfriend's arms uncomfortably,

Many men who pretended to be "I'm not afraid at all, it feels good" secretly shouted: "So I like horror movies! Look at how mn I am now! Fantastic Yang did not make a mistake in the introduction, but I also have some Disgusting..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" "Shadow Record" was so frightened that I almost fainted and twitched, but I felt like vomiting! A young male audience next to her accidentally noticed her abnormality, and immediately whispered with some fear: "Are you okay? Don't spit here, don't!"

Has this beauty never seen a horror movie? If you look at Peter Jackson's early "Corpse Playing", Japanese guinea pig series "Sewer Mermaid", then she is going to vomit to death?

Just as he was thinking about it, Evelyn couldn't bear it anymore, covered her mouth, got up and left the seat quickly, those screams didn't help even closing her eyes, she couldn't stand it any longer! Enduring strong vomiting all the way to the outside of the screening hall, she breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she is allergic to horror movies, so she shouldn't watch it!

"It's great here, James, wow! This shot is stunning."

The Shenandoah Theater is holding a screening of "Chain Saw", and the auditorium is full as usual. Wang Yang in the front row frowned, and praised Wen Ziren who was also dressed in a formal suit next to him. This is the first time he watched the new version of "Chain Saw", because he doesn't like to watch horror movies and he knows that """ doesn't need to worry about it. bī is true, and the performances of the actors are also better.

For a producer and director who are equally serious, higher production costs and more time can indeed bring better everything, and the intention of creation is fully expressed. Facing a beast fight where either you die or I die, what choice will human nature make?

Originally, this kind of low-budget horror film that has not proven itself generally does not spend money on screenings. The Flame Film, which has been designated as one of the company's flagship series, naturally has arrangements. With his fiancée Jessica to "" cheers. Jessica was not very afraid of the screams of those severed limbs, but frowned from time to time and said, "It's really scary."

She is more afraid of and interested in psychological horror films than bloody and disgusting plasma u twister horror films, and has always thought that she is suitable for acting.

"Oh my, maybe I shouldn't come, I can't bear it..." Although I have tried both psychological horror and bloody thriller, if I didn't enter the state of concentration and madness during production, Wang Yang would be afraid to watch both. , He even doubted whether he had blood sickness, of course he didn't in fact, he tried to beat many people until they bleed. He held Jessica's hand to calm himself down, approached Wen Ziren next to him and said, "James, Flame is going to make "" into a series of at least part."

"Part?" Wen Ziren was very surprised. He knew that Huo Huo was going to make "" into a series, but he didn't expect Miracle Yang to say "Part". Ray Warner, who was in the seat next to him, was also a little startled, and said: "Ministry? It sounds a little scary." Wang Yang smiled and nodded "Of course", "Yes! Every year, there is one It's showing here on Halloween."

"" was originally operated in this way by Lions Gate, and it has a large number of die-hard fans around the world. It’s just that I don’t know if it was Jon Filtimer’s idea, or Wen Ziren’s unwillingness. The director’s microphone for “Chain Saw 2, 3, 4” was given to Darren Lynn Bousman, Wen Ziren and Ray Warner only served as producer and screenwriter (Wen Ziren did not participate in the screenwriting of 2 and 4; Warner did not participate in the screenwriting of 4).

The fifth, sixth, and seventh films have all changed directors. Ray Warner has completely withdrawn from the screenwriting team, and only Wen Ziren has been a co-producer from time to time. Of course, a director or a producer will not be willing to be bound to one series, no amount of enthusiasm can make ten films, and even if they make more, it will be difficult to break through their own style, so they are often trilogy.

"James, do you want to continue directing? And Lei, do you want to continue writing and producing? Let's talk about a complete trilogy first." Wang Yang looked at the two and asked seriously, and Wen Ziren and Warner were quite excited. Looking at it, Wang Yang said with a smile: "It's just an intention now, let me ask you what you mean, you can't talk about specific things in the movie theater, right, so how about it?"

Wen Ziren immediately laughed and said, "Why not?" Werner also laughed and said, "Why not?" At this time, there was another pig-killing scream in the screening hall, and the audience couldn't help but let out a buzzing cry. , unexpectedly! However, a large part of the film critics frowned and looked dissatisfied. Here Wen Ziren continued: "I want to try psychological horror films, but "" is also very good, I can still make a few more of this killing game."

"!" Wang Yang suddenly laughed a few times, and then he could see different "2, 3". He raised his elbow and touched Wen Ziren's arm, and said with a smile: "Let's do something fun. These people are terrified!" Jessica, who had been watching him, shrugged slightly, scaring you first.

"Congratulations, you're alive. Most people don't appreciate being alive, but you won't, never again.", "Yes, I'm sick, and the disease is eating me up, But with my head clearer, I know what I'm doing! I hate people who don't value themselves, hate people who don't care about other people's pain, I hate it all!"  …

Amidst the surprise and praise of the audience, the big screen rolled up the cast and crew list, and then there was thunderous applause. The appearance of "Chain Saw" on the eve of this Halloween undoubtedly brought a big surprise to the horror movie fans, and Miracle Yang was right in introducing it! This is a very interesting and shocking bloody horror film in recent years! All kinds of abnormal killing methods and pictures are exciting.

It’s unclear how its weekend box office and weekly box office will be. Of course, no one thinks that it will lose money. It’s a familiar scene. It happened just two weeks ago: “Flame Movie has made a profit!” And it must be a big profit The special earning type, because after the release of "" the audience's word of mouth is very high, imdb scores as high as, and Rotten Tomatoes' audience like rate is as high as %.

"This is one of the most classic horror movies I have ever seen. The storyline is full of unbelievable thrills, ups and downs, surprises. It is really one of the best horror settings I have ever seen! My hands are full of nerves Khan, I can honestly say I love it."

The user err, who gave five stars, commented this way; he wrote: "It's an amazing horror movie! For me, when I first heard about this movie, I thought it was the kind of dull old-fashioned bloody horror movie It's a form, but it's not, breathing new life into a tired horror flick. It's a morbid, twisted horror flick, bang!" 1ender- of the same five stars said: "I have a feeling watching The Silence of the Lambs It's unbelievable!" mb1er exclaimed and wrote: "! This movie scares me like I'm in hell, it's a psychologically twisted crazy movie." …

Almost a large piece of evaluation is said to be "psychological distortion" and "morbid", but not many people know that this movie is devoted to the pain and confusion of Wen Ziren's childhood loss of his father and Ray Worner's inexplicable headache. They turned all grievances, dissatisfaction with people who don't cherish their bodies, and fear of "life and death" into the role of "old man". They are the gods of death, loving life but sick.

It's just that "" and "Dancing Out of My Life" moved many ordinary audiences, but failed to move many film critics. The freshness of its two Rotten Tomatoes reviews was only 55% and % (the original version was 48% and 31%), and it was labeled as rotten. This has set a new record for flame movies, and the second consecutive large-scale popular movie critics say it is a "rotten film". In the four years since its establishment, among the films that have been released on the screen, there are only two rotten films.

Therefore, many media and film critics are very disappointed with both "" and Huo Huo.

"There's a room full of artistic ambitions, but it's nothing, it's just a poor murder movie. I despise this movie, and the company that runs it." - once commented on "Ice Age" "can warm your heart" , "District 9" Richard Roper "puts Hollywood to shame", "eber\u0026m;reer"; Jay Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times; "It just goes to show that James Wyn is a lunatic; the fact that Flame has a movie for us on Halloween just goes to show how brutal the movie competition is." —Stephen - Houghton, The New York Times; "A movie that breaks its own trail, but ends up being riddled with flaws." - Leah McLaren, The Globe and Mail…  

Lisa Ross (Newark Star Chronicle), who gave Dancing Out of My Life rotten, gave Fresh this time, commenting: "I see a clever ending to this five-minute The inspiration has enough power to make up for the mediocrity of the first hour, and it redeems ""." Kara Meyer of the San Francisco Chronicle also gave fresh: "Some moments are very scary, most of the time creepy, it is a A clever horror film."  …

Good or bad, rotten or fresh? The answers to these questions exist in everyone's heart.

The poor reputation of mainstream film critics naturally disappointed Wen Ziren and Ray Whannell. No one wants to sell the film and praise it, but the fact is that the fact cannot be changed, and the % audience like rate is also gratifying, isn't it? This does not affect them to spend a happy Halloween and celebrate the existing achievements; nor does it affect Wang Yang and his friends happily enjoying a Halloween party. ! ~

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