The Best Director

Chapter 297 The Future of Digital Technology

"***.[bookmark:],,"? ? ", "Neither, it's not his mother's..." "," What do you mean?", "The meaning of ****."

In the motion capture stage room, sweating and resting coexisted. The action team members fought and designed the movements. Jessica, who was tied with a steel wire, was hung in the air at a height of two meters. Throw your fists and legs from time to time. Wang Yang sat on the director's chair at one side, watching her, teaching Chinese to Robert Downey and others who were resting next to her.

The world setting of Firefly is a fusion of Chinese and American cultures, and Chinese and English are naturally the official languages.

In the TV drama scripts and movie scripts written by Joss Whedon, a sentence of Chinese pops up from time to time in the character dialogue; but when Wang Yang re-edited and integrated the movie scripts, in order not to appear chaotic and inexplicable, he deleted and modified a lot of meaningless The Chinese dialogue, now either in a specific scene, the whole paragraph is in Chinese; or it is just a few simple phrases to create a future sci-fi atmosphere. The phrases should be as standard as possible, and except for Jessica, no one in the Serenity has a Chinese foundation, let alone speak fluently, so he will teach Donny and the others casually when he has nothing to do.

Since it is a fusion, there will not be only Chinese lines. On the other hand, Chinese characters will often appear on scene props, such as spaceships, safety slogans, street signs, machine series texts, clothes pictures... "" All these Chinese characters, Wang Yang's request They are very, very strict, and you must not make a mistake of a word! Not to mention mixing Japanese and Korean into a messy thing that "looks like", Chinese is Chinese.

There is an increase in vocabulary, but there is no fusion of words, just as English will not be mixed with French, German, etc.

Wang Yang believes in a saying: "Details determine success or failure." If you don't pay attention to such a simple thing as hiring a Chinese consultant for the props and set part of the crew, or Chinese staff who know Chinese directly, then why not do it well? How about it, how about it? Firefly has a huge budget, and can do its best in every aspect, and the same is true for other details.

For example, the national flag, national emblem, and logo of the Star Alliance; the flag, logo, predator, etc. of the Independence Faction, and even the song of the Star Alliance must be well designed, integrating the characteristics of Chinese and American cultures, as well as the trend of the entire earth world, that is The new face of humanity. Wang Yang doesn't want to pinch the current national flag together casually. It's not beautiful and doesn't fit the idea. These tools will be published on the official website to complete the information background and form a new sci-fi world.

Fireflies are not just fireflies. They want to become, differentiate, and appear in Star Wars, Star Wars Trek, etc. This is called ambition, and it is also the pursuit of goals.

"Oh, ***!" Robert Downey parroted his arms around his chest, still feeling uncomfortable. He pretended to be puzzled and said, "Why didn't you just do it?" Wang Yang spread his hands: "Because there is no,

only***. Heath Ledger and Joshua next to him immediately laughed, besides meaning tomato, there is also a derogatory slang term: beautiful woman.

Tang Ni, a middle-aged single man who was dumped and divorced, nodded, his old face was full of sadness: "My friend, hurt me, hurt me. Why don't you let a reformed person go?" Yang put his hand on his shoulder, and said in a casual tone, "Oh, really? Then I really hug..." Hahaha! " Downey looked at Heath Ledger and the two, and laughed self-deprecatingly: "I was a child when I had a mau. Wang Yang snorted immediately: "Robert, do you know why you lost it?" Because I treat her as a pawn, I treat her as a mouth n. Hey, want to play a game? "n is pumpkin, slang for dear, baby, and the two people are referring to Sarah-Jessica-Parker and Jessica-Alba.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became tense, Heath Ledgerton couldn't help but move his sitting position unnaturally. He couldn't figure out whether the relationship between the two people was really that good, or were they sarcastic and hurting each other? They joked all day long, and it seemed too much like this, and it was fun to do it in front of them, but it was going to be a fight again. It seems that the rumors about the atmosphere on the set of District 9 are true, but what about the fireflies..."

"Hahaha!" Downey and Wang Yang burst out laughing, not angry at all. If the intimate appearance of the two of them with their arms around their shoulders was photographed, they would definitely be able to write an article about them coming out hand in hand. gossip news. However, if someone else "this drug addict" Donnie might have already punched the night, at least he would be very angrily scolded: "My head is not normal." Now he just thinks it is fun.

Heath Ledger was speechless, and found himself a little nervous, but he was really fed up with the indifferent set! Maybe he not only hopes to have rewards and encouragement, but also desires to have communication and joy.

Seeing the intimacy between Wang Yang and Robert Downey, Heath was actually a little envious. How many good friends are there who can joke around casually without thinking too much about what to say? How many does Heath Ledger have?

"Robert, I don't care if I have it or not, give me the damn thing, learn it well." Wang Yang punched Downey on the shoulder, which was regarded as a beating; Downey yelled "Oh!" , smiled and said, "Let's learn slowly, but I want to know if there is any other curse words?" Just then, Downey suddenly saw Susan Levine walking by over there, and he immediately stood up excitedly and walked to strike up a conversation: "Hi, Susan."

"***." Wang Yang shook his head with a smile. Many people in the film crew now know that Robert Downey is in love and is passionately pursuing the producer Sue Levin. When Downey inquired about the news privately, he said to him: " I want to get her done before Firefly is finished, and I want to marry her." As long as it doesn't affect the work, the crew will naturally not interfere with personal life, the prodigal Donnie knows how to measure; as a friend, Wang Yang also hopes that he can find a n .

Gradually announcing the background of the supplementary information on the official website has a publicity effect, and it has a stronger sense of intuition and substitution when watching movies. However, it is obvious that such a little thought is far from enough. Studying the background information of the film with relish can be very little. Abandoning the "Magic Yang" signboard, how to arouse their interest in watching movies, how to subtly spread and instill some set materials to the world? How to let them walk into the movie theater and buy a ticket for Firefly?

Everyone in Huomo Films knows that Firefly wants to make a great achievement and maximize the potential of "good movies". 1%... publicity, publicity, publicity.

This is a very fast era, faster and faster. With the Internet and mobile network, everyone will be flooded with a lot of new information every day. These ever-changing information fill their eyes and heads. It is optional, and it is also provided by the other party. You can choose to be on a movie information website, but the information on the website is provided by the website; blogs and other new online communities, friends and public information are also provided artificially.

What the fireflies have to do is to keep moving in front of them, actors joining, studio photos, concept drawings... constant shaking, more shaking than other films, shaking waiting for attention; let them shake themselves.

As the producer and boss, Wang Yang has had many discussions with the distribution department of Huoyan Films, and prepared many promotional plans, routine and novel, in addition to the Internet and the real world. They noticed that retro posters are popular, so Firefly's retro posters will be one of the important members of the poster posting lineup in the future; but more importantly, the "Wanted Reward" is similar to the shrimp and insects, this time it is everyone on the Serenity.

What Serenity does in Firefly is enough to be a Covenant css-level run-through target, not to mention character posters for Reva, Robert Downey Jr., Michael Pitt, Jessica Alba, and the rest of Serenity The posters will be made into arrest warrants one by one, and with some of their materials as background, they will land in cities around the world with the promotional method of "disgusting the real with the fake". The production budget of 200 million yuan has been blown up, and Huoyan Films doesn’t mind blowing it up again, with a publicity budget of 100 million yuan. For this reason, Wang Yang once again solemnly told the top management of Huoyan: “We want to play bigger! I believe we will have a huge reward!"

How old is it? The Ninth District has achieved such an unbelievably high box office with an R-rated classification. No matter how good the film itself is, it is absolutely inseparable from the power of viral marketing in the early stage and joint efforts with global film critics to praise and praise it as a "magic work" in the later stage. Firefly cannot be separated from viral marketing. As a link that has now become a routine method for Hollywood filmmakers, Firefly's first viral site will be launched soon.

But if you want to win big and create miracles, pure virus sites have become less and less reliable. As the founder of Botouyang, the whole Hollywood is staring at Miracle Yang and Flame movies. He has not done much promotion for three consecutive movies and has no meaning of changing "viral marketing". Maybe he will play some new tricks.

"Hey, one by one" Jessica jumped and flew in mid-air, her body immediately lost her balance, and she didn't have enough strength to control it. She couldn't help but swayed from side to side, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said to the surrounding people: " Keep going!" Train well! Train well! I can do it! She has been silently cheering up, High School Musical's acting skills are immature, and the Devil Wears Prada has made great progress under his stimulation; this time Firefly must not be a hindrance, and must not become a troublesome person on the set!

Here is the best director, the director who understands her thoughts the most, and the most comfortable atmosphere. If she becomes a bad part of the film's acting, or drags her feet, what kind of actor will she be? Just let it go.

But she won't give up! If she screwed up because of laziness and not working hard enough, then she herself will not forgive herself. Thinking about imitating performances in front of the mirror in a sneaky way, and his childhood promise, 17-year-old gift...Jessica I feel that the love that has been there since the beginning of the year is exploding, in order to prove myself, for Yang, for the fireflies, and for the baby born next year! Babies should be proud of their mothers too!

"Hey,——" Jessica kicked again, her waist strength forced her to stabilize her balance, she couldn't help smiling, it was done! Wedding rings and babies endow this body with infinite power! "Go on!" she yelled.

"Is she crazy?" Joshua on the sidelines frowned and muttered when he saw his sister's state of confusion quickly. He didn't want her to be lazy, but she could hold on to her hard work without a break. ? He looked at Wang Yang and reminded: "Yang, let your wife pay attention to your body? Too hard work is not good!" Heath-Ledger also admires Jessica's hard work very much. Except for training and rehearsals, he hardly sees her. Standing with Hu Yang, be the person with the heaviest and hardest work in this training camp.

"Yes, I passed her." Wang Yang nodded and smiled helplessly. Compared with High School Musical, he kept clinging to him, handing water and the microphone, and even snatched the job of the field assistant; the devil wearing Prada kept watching him, as long as he looked over to the night, he would always welcome her After getting married, she devoted herself to work on the set this time, and said, "I want my baby to be proud!"

It is normal and healthy diligence to be relaxed and proper, but the current workload should not be too heavy. I’m about to go back to Luo Chen’s place for a few days, to attend nt, to visit the set of The Big Bang Theory, Wang Yang looked at Joshua, and said: “Be careful not to make her work too hard, in a few days It’s the weekend, Joshua, go out with her, call Michael and Jamie, and watch the Canucks game.” He turned to Heath Ledger and asked, “Heath going?”

"No thanks, I've made an appointment with someone else." Heath-Ledger smiled a little shyly, Michelle is coming to Vancouver this weekend..." Joshua chuckled and said, "Understood, there is no need for VANPU or PSMP about. "Heath laughed: "Or ****. "Wang Yang shrugged: "Or his sister's. "

Las Vegas, the casino city, is hosting the annual nett, the largest gathering in the world's film industry that year. As the only international conference on film business, it attracts the film production industry. Behind-the-scenes bigwigs in various aspects, such as theater owners, production company owners, producers, directors, etc., theater equipment manufacturers, photography technology suppliers, etc., will showcase the latest technological products and discuss the future of the film industry together.

As for the "nt... Film Awards" selected by theater bosses every year, including annual producer, annual director, annual screenwriter, most promising male and female actor, and annual best actor and actress award, it does not seem to be the case. So important is just a foil for technology.

This year is definitely Lord of the Rings 3 sweeping thousands of troops again, there is no suspense. This year's grand annual meeting of the animation film industry is already Texas Instruments. It is the third year in a row that Jill Company undertakes the show. It adopts the latest d1 projection technology to screen the magical Cinderella produced by Miramax Company and starring Anne-Hathaway; In, the latest products adopting d1 technology are displayed.

D1 technology refers to the digital light source processing technology specially developed for the film industry, and its color processing is specially designed to truly reproduce the visual experience of films; The core of op technology is three digital micromirror device optical semiconductor chips. The dmd switch has an array composed of 1.31 million micro mirrors connected to each other. It works through optical switches to achieve high-definition true-color images .

"Digital cinema is coming!" This is the slogan shouted by Texas Instruments. At present, with the support of Bar1e and a1-na1 and other film and digital cinema projection professional technology manufacturers, d1mp Shenzhen equipment has been installed in cinemas around the world, becoming Digital cinema can show fully digital films.

This is an epoch-making event, which means that the digital age is coming. The high cost of film copying, transportation management and other links for film release may soon be gone: the film distributor only needs to provide a digital disc to the theater, or even directly transmit it through the network, and the handover ceremony can be completed; There is no need for theaters to maintain the reels of film, and the cost savings for both parties will be astronomical.

The win-win benefits will remove all obstacles, and the happy digital projection technology will naturally promote the development of digital photography technology. Think about it, why not directly provide one-stop service? For digital shooting, the cost of filming, editing, color grading, etc., and the cost of converting digital formats are all saved.

And if digital photography technology has achieved high growth, it will mean a lot.

"Yang! How are you doing? Haha, long time no see!"

In the spacious and bright interview room, several closed cameras aimed at the three chairs at different angles. The photographers and interviewers were all preparing for the upcoming dialogue between the three great directors, the future of digital technology. Seeing Wang Yang in a black thin windbreaker and jeans walking into the interview room, Robert Zemeckis with a smile on his face came very enthusiastically. The last time I saw him was the wedding almost two months ago.

As the first jmax-3d feature film in film history, the Polar Express, which is scheduled to be released on the "Old Moon" this year, also uses the most advanced motion capture technology. .

"Okay, Robert!" Seeing Zemeckis, Wang Yang greeted him in a good mood. !

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