The Best Director

Chapter 299 Listen to the wind

Crack, crack, crack - as the 6-minute "Cinderella" ended on the big screen, there was a burst of sporadic applause in the screening hall, and everyone who had seen the dLp technology got up and left. Wang Yang talked with Max Langt. It seemed that he was outside the theater and was about to go to the exhibition hall of Sony Pictures Entertainment Department on the other side to see the tour of "Spider-Man 2". Talked to Mark Xinlangte, walked up to say hello: "Hi, Natalie!"

Tali was wearing a beige short-sleeved shirt, blue denim flared trousers, a cool short hair, light makeup on her face, long eyebrows and straight eyebrows, she looked heroic, she glanced at him expressionlessly, He walked away without stopping, like a stranger he didn't know.

"hat-the..." Wang Yang couldn't help muttering, several people passing by in the corridor around him glanced at him, they knew this guy, amazing Yang! Seeing that Natalie had disappeared over there, Wang Yang turned around and walked away. This guy didn't come to his wedding, and he hasn't called for a long time. The last time we met was the day of Oscar, and he was also cold-faced, maybe a good brother So much for the relationship.

They have known each other for more than five years, right? From a stranger to a good friend who talks about everything, I don’t know it’s bsp; At the beginning, there was an air-space scandal for some reason, and she almost fell when the door of the coffee shop in New York hit, and she was released on bail that night, " Juno, that kiss at Harvard, she came to visit " felt better than I thought it would, you're the guy!" It was so funny. Overwhelmed by some inexplicable thoughts, Wang Yang walked to the Sony Pictures Entertainment Department for a while, and suddenly a voice came from behind: "Hi."

He stopped and looked back, only to see Natalie standing in the back, with a faint smile on her face. She opened her eyes again and said: "Yang was startled, and then he came back to his senses: "Hey, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Natalie stroked her head unnaturally, she just remembered some of their past and then ran over with her feet for no reason, clearly saying that she would ignore him and look at him Face, she smiled and said: "Wow! You are handsome again." Wang Yang was a little speechless, and exhaled uncontrollably: "Did you just find out? I went to South Korea during my honeymoon." Natalie was puzzled After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized with a smile: "You are so bad that you deserved to be fired!" Wang Yang said anxiously: "Hey! I am Asian, this joke is harmless!" The two laughed softly. Walking, Natalie smiled and said, "I'm sure Koreans won't like it. But I finally know why you have a Jewish nose." Wang Yang said, "It's not that big, is it?" Natalie said, "Oh, I Look again, maybe you should go to Israel next time, the original product.”…

It was almost evening, and the sky of Las Vegas was covered with a charming sunset. The two walked outside the Paris Hotel, where the u was held, and looked at the imitation Eiffel Tower not far away. They talked about the current situation while walking, and the huge fountains around Sha Sha rings, they have never been afraid of being photographed by the Gou Ran team, anyway, if they want photos, there are a bunch of well-known "good friends" on the Internet, and the scandal has been rumored for a long time, but there is still no real evidence.

"Shooting Heart" was filmed,

Any new insights into love? "From life to movies, Wang Yang asked Natalie this question. She recently filmed and just completed "Stealing Heart", which is adapted from a stage play. It is a very complicated and entangled love story. Natalie heard that With the sound of "female", both of them felt tacitly that it was time to clarify some things in order to be better friends.

Looking up at the distance covered by the iron tower, Natalie kicked her foot silently, and then said casually: "What's your opinion? It's all about the screenwriter and director pretending to be deep and pulling some so-called connotations." Wang Yang couldn't help frowning No matter if they are pretending or not, you can't act in that movie well." Natalie smiled and shrugged: "This is what I think now, what I just thought! When I acted, I didn't think so. Think about it that way, otherwise I wouldn't be acting. This is an exploration, I respect "Stealing Heart" but I suddenly find it ridiculous." Wang Yang followed her words and asked: "Why?"

Several passers-by who passed by them looked back at their backs and seemed to vaguely recognize them as Miracle Yang and Natalie.

"Mike Nichols, this guy directed "The Graduate" and "Stealing Heart", he shaped both Benjamin and Dan, haha!" Natalie shook her head and laughed, Benjamin is the male lead of "The Graduate" The protagonist, a young man who has just stepped into the society and is confused and empty, finally reaps a touching and beautiful love; Dan is the male protagonist of "Stealing Heart", a man who is on two boats, overwhelmed by sex and finally messed up , she asked suddenly: "Have you watched "The Graduate"?"

Facing her contempt, Wang Yang burst out laughing, spread his hands and said, "I've never done "Rain Man"." Natalie then laughed: "Then you missed a good movie."

Both "The Graduate" and "Rain Man" starred Dustin Hoffman. At that time, the director of "The Graduate", Mike Nichols, won the Golden Globe Award at the youngest age. And Oscar, just like the amazing Young now.

"The harmful thing about Hollywood movies is that they often describe love and sex very beautifully and purely, making people full of expectations, confidence, and fantasies about them.

"Natalie smiled, glanced at him, and said as she walked: "But at the same time, it often talks about love and sex in a very dark and gloomy way, making people afraid, frustrated and doubtful, and lose all confidence and hope. For that crap Oscar. But in this world, this is not the case at all. Who is so bored that he gets dumped and then becomes a stripper? This is not the norm. I just feel that for a theme, art will be higher than life, and it will deviate from life. How can love be so clear? "

"I have always felt that whether love is beautiful or dark depends on how you look at it and how you pursue it." Hearing her say that Hollywood movies are harmful, Wang Yang suddenly laughed, maybe it is true, a movie tells you this , another movie tells you that, he said: "If you don't believe it in the first place, it's hard to get it. There's nothing here, there's something there, the world is too big."

The two walked towards the Las Vegas restaurant in Paris. Natalie had a mockery on her face and said with a smile: "Do you know why I find it ridiculous? "Stealing Heart" has suspicion and mockery of love at first sight, What the hell is love at first sight? Can a person fall in love at first sight twice, three times? Four times? They appear almost at the same time, what do you do?"

Love at first sight... Wang Yang thought for a while, he fell in love with Jessica at first sight in the movie theater, then he nodded and said: "From my understanding, it will.

The appearance, temperament, and conversation of a boy or child, there is something that attracts you, makes you have a good impression, never forgets, and wants to get it. I think this is love at first sight. It will not happen only once, but there are strengths and weaknesses. "

"They appear at the same time, what do you do?" Natalie asked again, as if not letting him escape the question. Wang Yang smiled self-deprecatingly, he had appeared at the same time a long time ago, he raised his eyebrows and said: "I control myself! That's why I am so happy now, instead of being Dan. Losing control is a terrible thing, everything is chaotic, messed up The root cause of the smashing is all because the sex is out of control, no matter power, sex, money." Natalie laughed and said: "I hate to see you don't lose control"

She patted him on the shoulder, raised her head and exhaled, and continued walking, "Yang, do you know? What makes you smarter than Dan is not that you lost control, nor did you completely control it. It's that you released yourself in a different way." **, a safe way. You don’t play with sex, you play with the soul, you keep everyone in an ambiguous and safe relationship, give others hope to convince themselves, and then continue to be ambiguous with you, continue to be happy, and continue to wait. In the end you suddenly said , that's it, I'm getting married! Bye "You're an asshole, you know that!" ? "Her voice became louder and louder, and finally she punched him on the shoulder, taking a few breaths.

""Wang Yang looked at her reddish eye sockets, felt a little blocked, and said in a strange way: "Harvard."

"Do you want me to swear! U! Go eat shit!" Natalie cursed suddenly, which almost aroused the self-glory of everyone around, and the two stepped into the restaurant tacitly, Natalie Li gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice, "I really want to beat you up!"

In the elegant and leisurely restaurant, there were sporadic guests for dinner and conversation. The two found a quiet corner, ordered two cups of coffee, and looked at each other calmly.

"Yes, you're right. I knew this a long time ago. I'm a bastard." After thinking for a while, Wang Yang nodded. He said that he had nothing to hide, and he wanted to figure it out. thing. Under Natalie's gradual smile, Wang Yang recalled his emotional experience all the time, especially after coming to Luoyang, and said repeatedly: "Yes, I think I used to enjoy that kind of ambiguity, you know It was Jessica who hinted at me in the first place."

"I really don't know." Natalie smiled, and was a little annoyed to see him kiss the wedding ring on his left hand, only to hear him continue: "At that time, at that time, I was 18 years old, 19 years old Sui Sui, Sui Sui... I still don't quite know what I'm thinking, but I know now. I enjoy the feeling in Japanese that is above AUO, but not in love. It's more than ordinary friends but not a couple. I almost know She likes you, and you like her too, but don't say anything, keep looking forward to, looking forward to, sometimes colliding with each other, there will be a very exciting, interesting and warm feeling..."

"Girls hate this, and won't play with you anytime, anyway, I don't like it." Nata took a sip of coffee, a little bitter, and said very funnyly: "In the end, I was dragged into the water by you."

Wang Yang also raised his coffee cup and took a sip. This kind of mentality should not be unique to him. He thought more clearly, and said: "Actually, I am not so playful, maybe I am also waiting. At that time, I even Missing my high school girlfriend. Had another girl confessed to me at the time, it might have turned out differently."

"Wait!" Natalie raised her hand suddenly, raised her eyebrows, looked at him and smiled, "Let me guess, there was that girl too, right? Rachel? Another ambiguous victim!" Wang Yang shook his head and denied: "No, it's not...don't talk nonsense." Natalie shrugged and said, "That's Natalie-Portman." Wang Yang smiled and said, "You can also say it's you. The happiness of good friends, good brothers, and the happiness of the opposite sex are all because of the safety and ambiguity you said, which is very messy—"But I'm married now, so I won't continue, there is no ambiguity, only friendship, one man and one woman, bsp; Natalieto Chin down, staring at his black eyes, isn't e just ambiguous? Just friendship, maybe. She suddenly said: "Why is it Jessica? Why is she wearing a ring with your name on it, not me? Give me an answer." Wang Yang thought: "This is a very complicated thing, simple Said that Tali was obviously very dissatisfied and drank the coffee: "Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in destiny? Maybe you are! "

"Damn it!" She seemed to punch the coffee table hard, and mocked: "Stupid "Stealing Heart"! I like love at first sight, I like destiny, I firmly believe in them, you know, I'm a The person who can get married! But where is he!!" She took a deep breath, suppressed her excitement, looked at him and said, "I thought it was you, but it turned out! I can't believe it now, it's all a lie , I just went to do that stupid Stealing Heart, you know? What the hell is going on? God!"

Love at first sight, predestined, is there anything in this world? Wang Yang thought about this question and the question of the Butterfly Effect all the time, but he said: "You once told me that you don't believe in eternity, but you actually believe in destiny."

"I lied to you, and it's not a lie. I was 18, 19, and... I didn't know my mind at that time." Natalie couldn't stop laughing, maybe this is not clear, this answer The wrong answer, let him control it so well, let her have no chance. Natalie smiled and said: "But I know now, I have believed in everything, but I don't believe that there is no love."

"Love at first sight, fate, and love are all there." Wang Yang drank. The bitter taste of coffee made him clearer his thoughts and understanding of all this. He looked into her stubborn and lonely eyes and said with a smile: "But, Natalie, love and marriage are not love at first sight and fate, fate It is only destined to meet, falling in love, falling in love, and getting married are the pursuits of both parties, active pursuits."

Have you met? Natalie was thoughtful, Wang Yang continued to smile and said, "Jessica and I reunited in a movie theater, and we finally got together. What if I didn't go into that movie theater? If I didn't go into that movie theater. What about the movie hall? Shouldn’t you be sitting in that seat? There’s still time, ten minutes or even one minute may miss each other. Believe it? You can't escape it."

"Hmm..." Natalie's eyes flashed, and Wang Yang spread his hands and asked, "But what if Jessica didn't take the initiative to hint at me? Didn't I confess? I was confessed by another girl What if you fall in love with her? She will marry someone else, and I will marry someone else." He raised his left hand and flashed the ring, and said: "She hinted at it, and I confessed it. We are happily together Like a spaceship, I left her on this planet; she won't fly to the next planet, and neither will I, we're set."

"You're right, you're right." Natalie nodded in a murmur. The red clouds outside in the evening looked more and more lonely, but she felt a burst of sunshine shining in, which was very warm.

Wang Yang knocked on the wedding ring on his left hand, with a soothing smile on his face, he said: "Nata, it stopped the following fate and love at first sight, and fixed the two people, unless someone violated the oath.

But you won't stop, miss Jan, still have Benjamin, still have Dan, you know. Natalie drank it with a smile. Coffee: "I don't want Dan!" "Wang Yang shrugged and said: "Then Benjamin. Nata Bai laughed and said, "I don't want Benjamin either." ok, I wait for the next fateful encounter, and then I don't fly. "

"Why don't you make these into a movie? It's so interesting!" Natalie suddenly proposed with great interest, drank a few sips of coffee excitedly, and said with a smile: "Don't let "Stealing Heart" confuse everyone Very frustrating! Let the cinema shine some light!"

Make it into a movie? Remembering these lost feelings? Wang Yang also laughed immediately: "eLL, maybe I will. I haven't filmed a love story over the age of 10, but everything will wait after "Firefly." Natalie nodded and asked with great interest Said: "How is the preparation of "Firefly"? What is the theme of it? Is there no love?" Wang Yang replied: "It can be said that there is no, the main question is "... Generally speaking, what kind of world is it? beautiful world? , the best world? What do you think? .

What kind of world is a better world? Natalie twitched her eyebrows when she heard the words, and thought that "Firefly" is a science fiction film invested by Dao B. The good, evil, and freedom of human nature that I talked about before, vaguely felt a surge of enthusiasm. This problem has always been a problem that human beings have Controversy, religion, political system, law, morality, war... How can the world be the best?

Looking at his sunny and handsome face, she said wow in her heart, what a pity to miss this planet! She smiled and said, "That's really a big problem, it's too big! It's much cooler than those love between men and women, what do you think?"

"Me?" Wang Yang smiled, the Star Alliance, Blue Gloves is the best director, the Predators, the Independents, the Serenity, the common people, and other test bases "... thinking of the words carefully written by Joss Whedon The script, the shot script that exhausted emotion and brains, he smiled mysteriously: "Me? You'll know when the movie comes out next year. "

"Oh please, okay..." Natalie shook her head and smiled, knowing that he likes to keep a mystery and probably needs to keep it secret. Although she really wanted to get his answer, she didn't pursue it. She waited patiently after watching "Star Wars Episode 3" next summer. Watching "Firefly"! She suddenly let out a hey, and stretched out her left palm to him, no matter where her spaceship or this cosmic girl will end up, she knows that she will never forget this young planet.

Wang Yang asked suspiciously: "What?" Natalie widened her eyes angrily: lead your left hand, come here. "Wang Yang smiled: "pk! "Crack!!~!

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