The Best Director

Chapter 302 Tranquility Takes Off!

Chapter 302 Tranquility takes off! (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Yang, is it possible that I won't participate in media interviews?"

Heath Ledger shrugged with a smile, but was very nervous in his heart, promise, promise! He rubbed his nose and said, "All." Wang Yang couldn't help laughing, curious and puzzled: "Why?" It was really embarrassing and naive, he coughed, and his voice was very low: "Uh, cough... I don't like doing these things very much. I don't like and don't know how to communicate with the media. So it's best, cough ,No."

Not participating in media interviews? Including start-up, shooting, major post-production publicity, release, impact of awards, DVD sales... These links add up to one or two times, and the promotion of "Firefly" needs Heath Ledger. Wang Yang leaned back on the chair, suddenly spread his hands and smiled and said, "Heath, why are you so nervous? Is the media a monster? You don't usually do this. Please, buddy!" He said seriously: "We are friends, not just colleagues , unless you don't consider me a friend."

Heath Ledger's smile was a bit shy. Directors of the same age have never had such a good friend. He nodded and said, "I think so."

"Hehe." Looking at the slightly tired look of this great director, Heath Ledger understood very well. He understood the feeling of being overwhelmed by pressure, but he really wanted to ask, "Why did you tell me?" Wang Yang As if hearing it, he shrugged and said: "If I tell Jessica, she will definitely feel distressed and comfort me, and I will definitely be comforted. But I don't, I think a man should bear these things, share the unhappiness, and contribute 1% happy."

"It's the first time I've faced too many problems in this movie. I don't want to mess up." Wang Yang said, pursing his lips. He didn't want to mess up but he was not afraid. He had the courage to meet these challenges! He added: "Don't look at me as if I can handle it, in fact, I also hate dealing with the media all day long, endless award ceremonies, endless interviews, endless paparazzi...Damn it! I really want to know how That's how we get rid of them!"

"You know I'm Asian, too many people are waiting to see some of my scandals, sex, alcohol, drugs, fights; or which movie screwed up, Firefly, so they stomp on me! Haha, it's not me, They should be watching Charlie Sheen, Robert Downey Jr., those who deserve to be bullied!"

"Haha!" Wang Yang suddenly smiled again, looked at the silent Heath Ledger, and said, "I can't be too close to you, there are already too many rumors about me being gay and bisexual! They insult sex Orientation, God witnesses that I only like women, and now I only love one woman."

Speaking of this, Heath couldn't help but be more puzzled. He doesn't know much about the games of these Yankees, but he knows that it is not easy for Wang Yang, who is Asian, to be popular in the United States. Apart from his amazing achievements, he is a public image. , he asked: "Uh Young, you hate the media so much, why do you still get along so well with them? And those award shows... you're just,

so amazing. "

Heath Ledger was thoughtful, but still worried: "But when I attend those scenes... I feel uncomfortable." Wang Yang raised his brows helplessly, and said calmly: "Heath, you still There are some publicity interviews, I won't give you that many, but there are. Actually Heath, I know you, it's very contradictory, you don't want to say hypocritical polite words, you want to say 'bitch'; but You want to maintain your image, and everyone thinks 'Heath Ledger? There's nothing wrong with him' image, for fear of saying the wrong thing."

It's like a school Christmas ball. A well-dressed boy stands in a corner, with his hands in his trouser pockets. He seems casual, but he cares about the attention and eyes of the people around him. He hopes to be the hottest cheerleader in the school. But at the same time, this boy didn't want to attract too much attention, he was afraid of being ridiculed by those school team athletes and school celebrities, and he was afraid to sing and perform on stage to show off. He just wants to have a good chat with a hot girl in a world he can control. If there are too many people, he will be afraid and say bad things. This is actually because of lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, and shame.

The reason why many actors embark on the road of acting is actually due to lack of self-confidence. They are dissatisfied with themselves, have an unpleasant growth track, and want to become someone else... Maybe their parents separated when they were 11 years old, and divorced when they were 11 years old Heath Ledger is.

"April 24, it will be 6 years soon. It has been 6 years since I left USC." Wang Yang unscrewed the water bottle and took a sip. Everything was like yesterday, repairing the apartment, auditioning, filming... he The corner of his mouth curled up into a recalled smile: ""Ghost Story" was launched at about this time, 10,000 US dollars, I didn't dare to think too much, it's just ggg...the team was small at that time, me, Zachary, Rui Qiu, Jessica, and Joshua, maybe he can also be considered a set designer, haha! Now, with a team of hundreds of people and $200 million, what is there to be afraid of?"

Heath Ledger felt pain in his shoulder from being slapped, and his eyes were fixed. From the stage of a small community theater to a sci-fi movie with a production cost of 200 million yuan, Heath Ledger has come so far, isn't he amazing? ? He pushed the table with both hands, got up and walked: "What else is there to be afraid of?"

The big fat man Harry George carried a video camera on his shoulders, and the sound engineer who held the microphone boom. They followed suit and filmed Wang Yang introducing the "Firefly" set. This set introduction, together with the opening ceremony in the afternoon, will It will include behind-the-scenes footage on future dvds. In the camera, Wang Yang walked towards the three-walled prop office, and Drew Petrota and other prop team members were sitting at a round table, which was full of drawings and various molds, as well as several prop pistols.

In the long room, there are hangers full of clothes on both sides. Shanna-m1v-Hayes, the costume designer who collaborated for the second time after "The Ninth District", is cutting clothes on the table, and there are several people around Team members sort out the final outfits of the crew of the Serenity. Wang Yang walked to the table, greeted and smiled: "Hi Shanna! How is my dress? It must be the most handsome!" He then explained to the camera: "Yes, I will play a cameo role, this is my A major turning point in my acting career."

Jessica, who was talking with the makeup artist of the crew, naturally spotted him, and she waved with a charming smile: "Yang!" Wang Yang hissed at the camera, and walked to another passage: "Let them continue to match, I can Don't want to hear about the Celeste theory. Hey! Look who's that! Alan—"

Ellen Peggy had already been praised by Miracle, she was not surprised now, she accepted his praise frankly, she nodded and said: "Yes, I took her down."

Wang Yang and Downey touched shoulders with clenched fists, and then smiled at the camera: "The character I played is an old subordinate of Captain Marr, who participated in the Battle of Tranquility Valley together, and I respect this guy very much! But in reality, Uncle Downey wants to wrestle with me all day long, and he once defeated me miserably. Hey man, do you dare to fight in front of this camera?" Robert Downey Jr.'s eyes lit up, and he finally had a chance to take revenge! He hastily rolled up his sleeves: "Come on, come on!"

"Haha, I was just joking." Wang Yang smiled and pushed him hard, taking advantage of Downey's reeling, he continued to walk to the next set, and smiled at the camera: "I still win, why take risks? Bye, Uncle Donny."

"Michael Peet! Heath Ledger!" Came to the huge spaceship rear cargo compartment scene, where compared with a month ago, stairs and second-floor passages have been erected, and "ereny/tranquility" is printed on the wall of the mobile scene " Sign, Wang Yang walked towards the two people who were talking. Heath Ledger, who lost himself after the director yelled "n!" when he saw the camera crew recording the gags, felt a little uncomfortable and stroked his head subconsciously; Michael Pitt, who had no funny talent, was no better , with a deadpan look on his face.

Wang Yang stretched out his fist to touch the two, turned to face the camera, and said with a smile: "They are all hot guys in "Firefly". You can't count on Robert Downey Jr., let him go! Listen to the two What does the handsome guy have to say?" Heath Ledger scratched his cheek and said, "Well, yes, the set here is very well done, and it will start up right away, very good." Michael Pitt said with a smile, and said: " Ever since I received Yang's audition call, I've been looking forward to it, and I can't wait to start it."  …

Although Wang Yang is of Chinese descent, as always, the opening ceremony of the ninth film directed by the director did not have the same routine as that in Hong Kong, mainland China, worshiping gods, slaughtering roast pigs, uncovering red cloth, and attending the leaders; There will be no lack, and different religions silently pray differently. Jessica pursed her lips and said silently with her eyes closed: "Lord, I pray that the filming of "Firefly" will go smoothly! Everyone can do their best and act the best, and the box office will create a miracle, and Jan will win the best Oscar again." director!"

The external ceremonies include press conferences, catwalks and photo interviews; while the internal ceremonies including blessings are very simple, the crew members gather together, the main creators take turns to speak, and encourage and look forward to the shooting.

"In the next four months, five months, or even six months, seven months..." In the wide green screen studio, all the crew members of the "Firefly" studio gathered here, Robert Downey Jr., Starring Heath Ledger, Michael Pitt, Daniel Wu, Ellen Page, Jessica, Joss Whedon, Vale Pfister, Drew Petrota, Sean Wall Shi, Donnie Yen, Shanna-m1v-Hayes and other main creators sat in rows of long chairs in front, and the team members behind also looked at Wang Yang on the small stage in front.

Some "continuing staff" such as Harry George and Joshua are responsible for recording and taking photos of the set.

"For a long period of time, we will do our best for "Firefly." Looking at the familiar faces of everyone, Wang Yang can call out the names of any of them, the production team, the director team, the photography team, and the props team. , set crew, special effects team... He continued: "Many people here have been working with me for a long time, starting from "High School Musical" at the end of 1998. Over the years, you have watched me change from 18 years old to 24 years old , and got married. First of all, thank you, you didn't think 'yu-n-gd' just because I am yung, of course, those who think yu-n-gd have been kicked out by me."

"Hahaha!" Everyone burst into laughter immediately, and Walley Pfister recalled the past when Yung came to the studio to invite him to take the camera, and couldn't help clapping, and everyone immediately burst into thunderous applause. Looking at Jessica's smile, Wang Yang smiled again: "Thank you for the 'yu-neey (of course)-gd', we have gone through many years, by the way, I am not so authoritarian, you know .”

Hearing the uncontrollable chuckles around him, Heath Ledger really sighed. It's not a question of self-confidence, he really doesn't have such eloquence and speech ability; but he knows that he is not afraid of any Man, if the Oscars were anything to go by, the Blue Gloves would definitely be nominated.

"There are also many people who are working with me for the first time. You will soon know that Wang Yang is a trustworthy director. I will solve all conflicts, which is more effective than the police." Wang Yang paused, scanning the smiling Everyone finally said: "This story, this movie, it will carry my and your thoughts, enthusiasm, and hard work...Many people don't like it, and I have hurt you." Amidst everyone's laughter, he kept talking He laughed: "But I believe in it, it has an unparalleled charm! So, let's drive Serenity, take off, and fly to the end of the universe! There is nothing there! Don't laugh, thank you!"

Clap clap! Thunderous applause resounded through the green screen studio again, and everyone laughed and applauded vigorously. Jessica said in her heart: "Yan, I will try my best to perform well!" Ellen Page had a flash of thought: "Let the amazing Jan see , I'm really a genius!" Donnie laughed loudly, and once again encouraged his determination: "The heartthrob Captain Marl is here!" Michael Pete clapped his hands: "Yami will know, Jan asked me to play, I promise, How true it is."  …

"Also, you go out, Blue Gloves.... Come in, space is too cold."




: Please recommend tickets, please, the new month is about to start, wow, please do your best! Everyone rush! ! ~!

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