The Best Director

Chapter 330 Doing something crazy for the trailer

Since the release of "ang!" "version of the card killing game, two sets of characters and actor versions of the pictures. With the promotion of the Flame Group's marketing department, whether they are funny or cool, these novel "posters" gradually cover more and more widely on the Internet: Coupled with the systematic release of some new information and new stills, the traffic on the official website of "Firefly" has been increasing steadily, and the forum message board where the main creators such as Wang Yang and Joss Whedon appear from time to time has become a favorite among fans of the movie. In a lively place, they are all concerned about one thing: when will the preview trailer be released!

"Firefly" has so many things to look forward to that it's almost too much to count. Obviously, the recent "trailer" is one of the mainstays of Firefly's publicity. Another "Imaxax" topic is also detonating, regarding its 65mm Imax film and video* *Parts are all about the large-format texture with shocking texture, the difficulty of shooting with msn-2 camera, the solution of Pokémon’s wisdom and bravery, which will be simultaneously launched in the millimeter Imax giant screen theater next year...

This is a superb film, an unprecedented film! ! Moviegoers who read these related reports all feel excited. Tickets for Imaxax theaters are very expensive, but they can’t wait to watch it right away!

"Imax" ax brings more than just visual enjoyment. Of course, compared with ordinary theaters, it has unparalleled visual impact. The difference in feeling is like watching the sky with your own eyes and watching the sky from a TV screen: this is actually The great thing about it is that the large format allows us to break out of the traditional framework of film composition and realize some extravagant ideas, and the effects of all lenses become better. After filming "Firefly", we were all spoiled by Imaxax and fell in love with it! Many of them don't admit this, lest they lose interest in 35mm. "

The various interviews Wang Yang has accepted have skyrocketed in recent times, and on the screen side, which has tended to be stable, he has accepted some exclusive interviews with media magazines such as "TV Series" and answered questions such as "Are you a nerd?" and "Michael Scofield". Will he go back to prison?" and other questions, to meet the news needs of fans of the two popular dramas and for self-promotion, even "Desperate Host" will be mentioned; on the movie screen, this text is provided by Leyou! Here, "Fireflies" is naturally the focus, and the promotion of "Crash" also requires him to say a few good words.

"Crash" has been scheduled to be released on a large scale in North America on December 17, and will participate in the Golden Globe Awards, Oscars and other awards. The commercial value of this film is not convincing. Despite its good relationship and reputation, Flame Films arranged for it to open in 1,855 theaters during the fiercely competitive Christmas period. For a completely independent film company, this is very remarkable.

"Mr. Hughes" directed by Christopher Nolan will be released a week earlier in December, also impacting the awards season; and "Saw" will be released on June 29th, joining "The Grudge" and other Movies are rushing to hit the Halloween schedule this year. It is worth mentioning that there is a piece of news that will cheer up the fans of the movie. The full trailer of "Firefly" will be screened in 3235 theaters after the advertisement of "Drama". Time release!

It’s clearly just to boost the box office of “Saw 2”.

In order to be the first to watch the trailer of "Firefly", many movie fans will definitely choose "Electric Shock Hún 2" when watching movies on Halloween. After all, "SA" itself is a classic horror movie. It is not ruled out that there are fans who go to the theater specifically for the trailer of "Fireflies", although it will soon be circulated through other channels.

In any case, "Saw 2", "Mr. Hughes 2", "Crash", and "Firefly" are all moving forward on their respective promotional tracks, heading towards the scheduled release date of the nearest month on the 29th, which is almost in sight. .

"One thing you must know, she is a very dangerous person, she holds some secrets that you should not know..."

The suspenseful and tense soundtrack sounded softly, and the trailer for the official completion of "Firefly" had just begun to play on the computer screen. The flame logo flashed, and Reeva in a white dress was seen curled up and sleeping in a big box. The low voice of blue gloves sounded. , the screen flashed successively to Mal and others looking at the box in surprise, Reeva's eyes piercingly as she was surrounded by predators, and just as she started to move, the camera changed to the expressionless blue gloves on the communication screen: "The secret that will make Tranquility die. "Marr's tone was light and interesting: "Are you talking about the predators?" All the soundtracks in the picture clicked. Director: Wang Yang...

"..."I just want to go against them.

”, “I am a leaf falling in the wind, look at how I fly! ", "If I die, please take me back to the Valley of Tranquility. "…………

In the vast blue sky on the computer screen, small spaceships suddenly rushed in from the atmosphere, firing indiscriminately at the large battleships of the Covenant and the Predator factions fighting ahead. The terrain on the ground was quite strange, but the vast Loess Plateau stood tall. There are straight pillar-shaped rocky peaks, and the open peaks are the platforms for the spacecraft to land. At this moment, the camera shows a warship that was hit by countless artillery pieces falling down and crashing into the peaks! This mammoth scene is exactly the scene in the first concept drawing released by "Fireflies" at the Hugo Awards, the Battle of New Shanxi.

In the editing room in front of the screen, Wang Yang is provided by Leyou! Margaret and everyone else watched this carefully crafted trailer quietly. Highlights of battleships falling, close combat, etc. flashed by. Thinking of the rough cut of the entire movie, they couldn't help but get excited. The video revealed The atmosphere and emotions are burning! The two-and-a-half-minute trailer ended quickly. As the soundtrack became more and more exciting and then calmed down, with a final bang, the new screen read: "Released worldwide on June 17, 2019!"

"Wow, this is great!" There was a burst of applause. Margaret, Lee Smith, and Joss Whedon applauded and laughed and praised each other. Just watching the trailer can make people like it. A blockbuster! Margaret praised: "This trailer is a classic for friends." Joss Whedon laughed and said: "So is the movie!" What else can be said? Thinking back to the initial worries, it was simply unnecessary." Miraculous Yang adapted and used his script so perfectly, and it was no longer his script. He learned a lot in this film production.

"Yes! Of course it will be." Wang Yang also praised himself and clapped his hands encouragingly. At least everything seems to be OK now, both business and art! He picked up the mouse and clicked play again, thinking about the viral marketing plan of the trailer, and a narrow smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Just wait for the day when the trailer of "Firefly" is everywhere! Everywhere! Watch it again , let’s start today’s editing work.”

"One thing you must know, she is a very dangerous person, she holds some secrets that you should not know..."

The flame sign flashed, and the childish and sweet young girl Jessica walked down the school corridor with a book on her back. While editing "Fireflies", Wang Yang couldn't wait to cut a "Young Dance" version of Firefly trailer to watch. Looking at the effect, following Heath Ledger's deep words, the screen flashed to Tom Welling and others in the classroom watching the arrival of new classmates, and Jessica's eyes were suspicious when she was surrounded by singing and dancing classmates in the cafeteria... The French fries and French fries sauce box hit Rachel's vagina like a battleship! "

The flame sign flashed. "The ghostly Natalie sat on a luxurious chair with a pipe in her mouth. Wang Yang then tried the "Juno" version of the Firefly trailer. Following Heath and Ledger's words, the screen flashed past the classmates in the corridor. They looked at each other with different expressions, but their eyes were focused on Natalie walking by with her big belly. Natalie, who was not yet pregnant, was dialing the phone on the bedroom netg with a serious expression...

However, it is easy to make several versions by yourself. How do you let netizens participate in making versions of "The Big Bang Theory" and "Titanic"? How can we maximize the viral marketing power of this trailer! ?

Changing the situation of Internet video sharing is a very important and decisive thing. Only by making it easy, convenient and fast to upload videos and compile videos, and browse videos quickly and smoothly, will netizens have greater enthusiasm." If it is written by "Firefly" ” trailer to promote this change, it definitely benefited a lot.

Human beings have a strong desire to share, especially in the Internet age. People are eager to know other people's things, and they are also eager to tell others their own things, just like the online log ggen. Wang Yang had this understanding and many ideas a long time ago. When the promotion of "High School Musical" was planned, a small video clip was uploaded, but it was limited by format technology, network speed, etc. The participation process became very cumbersome and complicated. The enthusiasm at that time seems so insignificant compared with the current publicity and dissemination of ggen, pictures and texts at the same time.

"Wang Yang has owned a mobile phone that can take photos and videos very early." But he believes that within a few years, everyone's mobile phone will have these functions: coupled with the popularity of DV machines, digital cameras that can take pictures, etc., shooting video clips It is no longer something that only professionals can understand. It will become just like words and pictures, a regular way of sharing on the Internet in the lives of people on earth. The sales concept of online theaters will also be realized.

From the birth of the first online photography in 1991, when the eBay browser could display images for the first time, to the official website of the "Show Yourself" event of "High School Musical" at that time, it has now become a neither salty nor bland "-ng (video blog) roar than m, The earliest prototype of a video sharing network; not long after, Adam-nTnas, Adrian Myers and others successively proposed the concept of video blogging and opened websites. This year, Steve Garfield launched a new video blogging website. Saying "this is the year of video blogging" won the support of Yahoo. Wang Yang knew that it was time for a mature -ng network to appear. This is the trend of the times. It will definitely appear, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, or maybe Flame.

Anyway, he is going to venture into the four worlds alone again. He has invested in the establishment of such a website, a gathering place where people can easily share videos. Not only is it needed for the viral marketing of "Firefly", it is also the reason for Flame to become a new independent media group. an important part of.

"Mr. Wang, it's nice to meet you... Do you want to make a new one with me?" It was almost Halloween, and in the spacious study room at home, Wang Yang met with Chen Shijun, who was invited.

Chen Shijun was born in Taiwan in 1978 and moved to Illinois with his parents at the age of 19. When he was a few months shy of graduating from his senior year at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he went to Rixin Mountain Silicon Valley to join a third party founded by his alumnus Lovchin. The payment company paypa1 was successfully listed in 2016 and was acquired by eBay. He received ten thousand US dollars. However, a luxury house was almost spent. At present, he has already left paypa1 and just quit his job as an engineer at the-k.

Finding Chen Shijun seems to be a natural thing. No matter what people in Silicon Valley think, Wang Yang is also an important member of the IT industry after all. He has connections. "It is even more clear that what is needed most now is a highly skilled talent. In this regard, Chen Shijun, who had just resigned, was a master, so he happened to be approached. But why did Chen Shijun resign from the university social networking site the-k? According to previous phone calls, Chen Shijun just wanted to start a business with his old friend Chad Hurley. .

"Yes!" Wang Yang nodded, made an invitation gesture towards the coffee table in front of him, picked up a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Steve" we don't have to be so polite. "Chen Shijun, who was sitting next to him on the sofa, nodded when he heard this." He wears black-rimmed glasses and has an afro. His appearance is far from handsome, but he is very naive, kind and friendly. Wang Yang started from the beginning and said: "It can also be said that it is because the promotion plan of "Firefly" is small. For its trailer, I have to do something crazy. Hehe, you will definitely know in the future.

Looking at the smile of this magical peer, Chen Shijun didn't know what to say. The first -ng website unse1g was also for movie promotion." Thinking of this, he asked: "Can't uns11g do it? "

"Haha, my rags, technology and management are too backward." Wang Yang suddenly shook his head and laughed. If he didn't find four talents to work together, he really didn't have the technology to usher in a new situation for uns11g. Wang Yang took a sip of tea and said seriously: "Sometimes I get so mad at myself. Think about it. To upload a video, you need to download and install some special software. The tutorials are cumbersome and complicated; I don't know how to use other video websites." I don’t know how many reviewers they employ, and they even make you wait forever! The Iraq war is over, Britney has been married and divorced, married and divorced again, and Janet Jackson’s... houses have been stuffed back..."

Listening to his serious and funny words, Chen Shijun felt very frightened at the same time. It turned out that Miraculous Yang knew! He is fully aware of the fatal shortcomings of current video blogging networks such as unse1g, which include inconvenient uploading and long review times. He and Chad Hurley had several discussions about "it would have been interesting to build a new video blogging network. In their opinion, from a website technical point of view, it is not very difficult to solve these problems: and if they did it, create A convenient website, I don’t know how many film lovers will thank them, and I don’t know how many people will be encouraged to take pictures of interesting emergencies across the United States and then upload them.

"Maybe others are so busy that they forget to care about these things." At that time, Chen Shijun responded to Chad Hurley's question, "Why doesn't Wang Yang solve these problems?" But now Wang Yang's words indicate that "I know very well." Presumably, as a The founder of DV Movies and Video Blog Network, wouldn’t he know?

"I know, I know people are complaining a lot about unse1g". "Wang Yang could see a trace of surprise in Chen Shijun's eyes, and naturally guessed some of the thoughts of this IT elite. He didn't want to be regarded as 34 at the age of 24, so that others would think "Wang Yang is behind the times, I can do it by myself." Although you can find other technical talents to partner, you still have to convince that person. Wang Yang organized his speech and continued to smile: "So I plan to create a new website, without getting rid of everyone's contempt and complaints about unse1g, so that they can all like it. Convenient and fast... I don't know the name yet, but I know you are a technical master. "

Chen Shijun took a sip of tea while thinking about it, and suddenly felt that his previous contempt for Qi Miyang was ridiculous. This guy was so young to him! We are still in the golden age of IT entrepreneurship, and we just became a shareholder of Google. How can we fall behind? And this is not his first time starting a business. He knows best that making an Is website requires more than just technology. Funding, creativity, connections... and what's even more frightening is that there are many people who have the ability to solve unse1g's problems.

"Steve, frankly speaking, I am not in a hurry to solve the problem of unse1g" and I am not in a hurry to build a new website because the time has not come yet. "Wang Yang said, tapping his wrist without a watch, and said with a serious smile: "Now that the time has come, broadband technology has begun to become popular, providing high-speed uploading and browsing; UM technology has also begun to become popular, and everything has become more convenient. Convenience: Most importantly, video equipment and technology became popular on a massive scale, and soon everyone could be a director anytime, anywhere. So what are you waiting for? You know, it's time. "




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