The Best Director

Chapter 362 The birth of a new culture


Almost all the 3,845 North American theater ticket halls had the same scene. Many young people waiting for the next screening of "Firefly" gathered here, chatting, reading magazines and playing on their mobile phones; there were also many prospective viewers who took their precious tickets and went elsewhere first. It took 3 hours to go shopping and then come back. It was really an ordeal! 3-5, I’ve been looking forward to it for two years! It turned out that it was 3 hours later than others. Those people were enjoying the movie. Alice was walking around, so depressed that she was about to cry: "I'll just stay here and wait! I'm so angry... Oh my God!"

"You don't understand, I really like Miraculous Yang! But I have missed his two science fiction movies, "District 9", and now..." She became more and more excited as she spoke, tears welling up in her eyes, She scolded the young man in front of her who was smart and kept his mouth shut: "During the pre-sale, I asked you to queue up to buy tickets! You said it's okay, it's okay, it's okay! Do you think we are here to watch "Batman"!! Oops! date!!!”

She suddenly glanced at a figure in the ticket queue, and couldn't help but screamed in surprise: "pp! Why are you there!" Alice's father who wanted to hide over there was very embarrassed. This was his daughter's first date, and he couldn't worry about it. ,so……

It is true that some people and die-hard fans underestimate Wang Yang's popularity and the public's expectations for "Firefly", two! Now they can only accept the punishment of waiting. ,,.j,,,,o,s,h,u,,o,mAt the same time, in all the "Firefly" screening halls, the audience was enjoying this fresh science fiction world, and with an exclamation, the big screen In the tail cabin of the Tranquility, Reeva jumped up without warning. The soundtrack suddenly became weird and tense. Mal, Janey, and Zoe also reacted quickly. Huo Di drew a gun from his waist, and Kelly screamed: "Ahh~~"

When Reeva jumped to the highest point and stopped in mid-air, the camera slowed down for half a second, and with a loud sound, her two long legs directly kicked Jenny's neck and chest. Jenny let out a muffled "Hmm!" Reeva, who fell to the ground with a cry, held the edge of the box with both hands, and her brown hair hung into the box. She was already kicking back with a twist, and her double leap knocked Zoe down again, and she said "Huh huh!" Screaming, she also stood on the other side of the box! Looking at Kelly expressionlessly.

"Wow!" The audience was a little frightened, especially the movie fans who went to Sika. Is this still the singing, dancing, youthful and cute sweet angel? Extremely ferocious, fast and difficult moves! The flexibility of her body is fully demonstrated, and her movements are smooth, natural and sexy. Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m is amazing.

"Don't move!" On the big screen, Mal, who was still safe and sound on the left, raised a cool, classical-style long revolver and pointed it at the mysterious girl behind him: "I don't care what kind of monster you are, don't move! "Under the close-up lens, Reeva's face in the focus area is still expressionless, with a hint of gloominess in the coldness. With a clang of the soundtrack, she moves instantly, bends down and rushes past Jiang Ye. Mal shoots with a "bang" sound, Missed! Instead, he almost hit Kelly and made the girl frown and scream: "Captain, it's me!!"

In the blink of an eye, Reeva was already in front of Mal. This was not a competition of the same level.

She knocked off Mal's weapon with a few movements of her hands and feet, and tried to dodge Mal a few times, but Mal missed completely. She suddenly went straight to the middle and pinched Mal's neck. Her dull face made people feel terrifying and ferocious. "Peng!!" A hard punch hit Mal's cheek. Under the slow motion of high photography, his whole head shook with concussion, as if he had been crushed.

"Hoo!" There were low exclamations in the screening hall again. As a fan of action movies, Sidney was a little dumbfounded. Reeva belongs to the Chinese kung fu genre, while Mal prefers free fighting. This group of warm-ups looks like The martial arts scenes have something in common with other aspects of "Firefly", that is, they are very different from other similar movies! It is not uncommon for science fiction films to use Chinese kung fu. The most famous one is of course the "Matrix" series, but this is the first time in interstellar science fiction.

But what’s charming about it is that the powerful moves and movements are so explosive that it makes people excited, but they are also elegant and beautiful. Under this style and temperament, the sequence arrangement of the shots is still so mature and natural, and it does not make people feel dizzying or crude at all. , on the contrary, it has some novel camera angles and techniques! This set of martial arts scenes is a top-notch visual enjoyment, just like the battle scenes in Serenity Valley and the train robbery with real and gorgeous special effects.

Awesome! All action movie fans couldn't help but praise that Qi Miyang is worthy of being a kung fu master who has been practicing martial arts since he was a child! Sometimes a group of shots already shows his level of skill, at least he can control the scene with several people freely.

"My words were not malicious." At this time, Mal fell to the ground motionless and seemed to be dead. Janey and Zoe, who were almost breathless, were unable to get up for a while. Kelly, whose face was pale, put her hands in front of her and backed away: "I really don't mean any harm..." She pointed casually: "Look over there!"

Reeva didn't have any other reaction and continued to approach step by step. Kelly smiled almost tremblingly: "That's a compliment." Affected by the tense atmosphere, the audience couldn't laugh. Reeva pinched Kelly's neck, Mal and the others are still lying on the ground! The communicator Wash's question "What's wrong?" had no effect. Just as everyone was worried, Reeva suddenly closed her eyes, fell softly on Kelly and fainted. As the night passed, Kelly's eyes rolled around in confusion. , made a silly smile: "Haha! Haha!"

"It's okay." Many viewers breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't bear to see such a smart Kelly knocked down with one punch.

At the ty1k movie theater, Claire applauded silently with excitement, Reeva's violent debut was impressive! Previously, she was worried about whether Jessica Alba's screen transformation would work because she felt Natalie Portman's temperament could be fierce, such as in the stills and trailers of "V for Vendetta", but now Jessica showed another kind of beauty. She put down her sweetheart image and became very cold and gloomy, like a ghost girl floating on the lake, with a wet head and a lifeless face...

"She's prettier than me!" Natalie chewed potato chips and touched her head wearing a hood. Suddenly a very boring thought occurred to her: "Maybe it's because she's prettier than me! Hey! Probably not." In another screening room, Rachel smiled. After so many years, of course she had figured out why she "lost" in the first place. It wasn't just a matter of acquaintance or appearance. She was the girl who liked pistachio sweethearts the most. In the movie theater, Jessica turned around and glanced

Wang Yang, who was fascinated by the scene, saw that she looked much uglier on the big screen. No, pregnant women are the most beautiful!

Some women have active minds, but the audience and film critics have already been fascinated by the movie, even thinking about the symbolic meaning of the shots, lines and other details, but they know that it is definitely not nothing.

After recovering, Mal and others first handcuffed and tied up the mysterious girl, confirming that she was a living person. Naturally, they didn't know how she could be hiding in the box and how she could be so offensive. She didn't harm herself, so she shouldn't be a predator, unless she was a fleet leader, but as far as they knew, the legendary leader of predators couldn't wear a dress. Kelly, who had never gone to school but was the most knowledgeable on the ship, said, "If you want to wear it, it must be black." , it is even more impossible to say nothing quietly after waking up.

After a quarrel-like discussion, Mal decided to stay tied up like this for now, and the Serenity sailed to the delivery city of "Bato".

Some people have somewhat guessed the meaning of this screenwriter, especially movie fans and film critics in Florida. Why is it called Bartow? Baator is a city in Florida, which also coincides with the location of Serenity's activities at the edge of the desolate galaxy. For those who are more aware of its allusion, this small city east of Tampa Bay in central Florida was named after Francis S. Bartow, a Confederate general who died in the Civil War.

This makes things even more complicated. If the political insinuation of the story is that the Covenant is the United States of America and the independent faction is the Confederate States of America, there is absolutely no room for negotiation. The independent faction that lost the war must not be the right and just side unless Miracle Yang is crazy. What on earth was he trying to say? Critics are having a headache.

"Haha! Haha!" No matter what the audience in the north or the south was saying, the humorous lines made the screening room burst into chuckles. The story background and world setting became fuller and clearer with little revelations, and a new A science fiction world is gathering and forming.

It was sunset on the grassland, and Serenity flew towards the distant sky full of red clouds. The smoke rising straight over there could be vaguely seen. This lonely and beautiful picture made the audience shine. Natalie said "Wow" without blinking. Blink, that guy has always been a mysterious western cowboy + oriental poetic science fiction? But1u!

Unfortunately, it only lasted less than ten seconds. The big screen scene switched to a small town square. There were tall stone statues of heroes in the square, as well as wooden pillars hanging red lanterns. The land was filled with large Ripe pumpkins, local residents celebrated the harvest. A female reporter held a special microphone and smiled at the camera: "This is the Baishan City Harvest Festival! We can see a lot of pumpkins!"..." The picture gradually zoomed out and became virtual. The display screen was moved far enough to see the surrounding mirrors, and then switched to a bright bathroom.

Blue Gloves, played by Heath Ledger, was seen wearing a singlet vest and shorts. He was brushing his teeth in front of the mirror, and the virtual display screen was reflected by the glasses device he was wearing. A frontal close-up shot showed Blue Glove watching the news about the Harvest Festival with a bright smile. During the quick cut, he brushed his teeth, changed clothes, and made a delicious-looking sandwich. At this time, the virtual screen reported another story about looters. After breaking the news of casualties, Blue Glove looked very sad. He put on his gloves, put his glasses into his pocket, opened the hotel suite and walked out, saying softly to himself: "The day has begun."

n-dy-Bn. In a short scene and a line, Blue Gloves feels very friendly and "beautiful" to people, and the audience feels a little different. Heath Ledger's posture and tone are all exuding an aura, taking away the entire The aura of the camera's attention, if not -n-dy-Bn, also deepens the weirdness. This young man calmly appeared on stage and calmly made people's hearts stir. His acting skills were so good that George Lucas couldn't help but wonder, what would have happened if Heath Ledger had been chosen to play the adult Anakin?

For Anakin, the casting director Robin Grand received multiple audition tapes and paid attention to the candidates he had examined. Heath Ledger was on the long list, but Robin Grand Rand strongly recommended Hayden Christensen, who had a better temperament. George Lucas also felt that Heath Ledger was not handsome enough, and his lack of connection with Natalie Portman's lines ultimately eliminated him. Paul Walker, who was the most promising, and people like Colin Hanks and Eric Ocean took the advice and chose Hayden Christensen. How could they have thought that Star Wars fans are very dissatisfied, and now Heath —Ledger…

Can Heath-Ledger pose a sufficient threat? Nancy Ilino, a new graduate of the University of Southern California, thought about it. As we all know, Blue Glove is a villain, but not everyone can play a bad guy. He must make people fear, creep, hate, and even hate and love at the same time. , the premise is that he has a credible threat. Heath Ledger was a "school bully" who was not easy to mess with in "Look Over". In "The Kelly Party", he can also be scary with his ferocity. What does the Blue Glove look like? But Miraculous Yang chose him in one audition so neatly, so she thought she didn't have to worry.

"Ding ding ding..." With the leisurely soundtrack accompanied by wind chimes, Serenity arrived at the edge town of Bato. When Mal and his team parked the spaceship, they took Reeva to walk on the streets of Bato, belonging to the world of "Firefly" The unique style of Lian Yuan City is immediately revealed and charming!

This is Western + Eastern + Science Fiction! Pedestrians in cowboy attire, pedestrians in Asian attire, neon lights and red lanterns hanging on the stone paved road read "tea" and "wine", "Wangji Hotel" signs with Chinese characters, shops with English signs, and birdcages on the trees next to the shops On the road, there are vehicles flying and flying with the dragon and eagle star flag logo, and there are also cowboys driving backward motorcycles that puff out smoke... Kelly is holding an oil paper umbrella painted with peonies and ink paintings. She selects fruits from roadside stalls, and Urged by Captain Mal to complain, Reva's expression changed for the first time, and she looked curiously at the wind chime swaying in the wind at the door of the shop.

A large portion of the movie fans and audience have their eyes shining,——! Everything on the big screen is so flavorful and novel, the world of "Firefly"! They are destined to become the biggest fans because they are so charming! Another part of the movie fans are very interested, at least it is very rare and fresh, and this kind of atmosphere makes people feel good; another part of the audience has no special reaction to a beautifully designed and produced future city; and some part of the audience does not

I take it for granted that this style is not very good.

Fanatics, likes, indifferent and dislikes, however, the number of dislikes and dislikes among this group of audiences who worked hard to get tickets is really very small, and the 38.45 million theaters have people from all over North America, different age groups, and different occupations. , many, many groups of different ethnic groups.

"Original" or in other words, all versions of "Firefly" that disappeared in the past due to the butterfly effect cannot be compared with it. The level of the two art teams and the financial investment in production cannot be compared. Now the art director of "Firefly", The main creatives in the art design, scenery, props, costume design, and visual effects departments are all Olska-level. Under the director's command and explanation, they dissect, shape, and produce every detail of the scene, from original painting to movie. There were amazing explosions and amazing effects.

It also makes current film critics, fans and audiences sigh again: "It is truly a 200 million-cost production!" Counting the soundtrack, sound effects, photography and action guidance, this is really a top-notch behind-the-scenes team! It can be said that as long as the director and script are not affected by the bad film, they will have enough chips to participate in the competition of Olska. Presumably, following Olska's best director Pokémon to make a big production, who is not full of enthusiasm? Where's the energy? But if Magic Yang suddenly collapses, they will also draw water from the bamboo basket.

"L1" Evelin, a die-hard fan of Miraculous Young, Liszt, who generally likes Miraculous Young, many boys and girls secretly shouted: "Cool!" Intimacy, many times whether a person likes or dislikes a thing or a new thing is often just a matter of thought. There are many elements that affect these thoughts, and it may even be a TV soap opera that I hated when I was a child that is forgotten in the sea of ​​memory. A quote from the actor.

Now it’s amazing! Evelin's eyes lit up, Claire's eyes lit up, Lister, Tom, Yamamochi... I have to say that "Firefly" enjoys an aura of "double effect". He is a magical figure who leads trends and affects the world, and they are Young people who are eager for the emergence of a new interstellar science fiction culture already have "Star Wars" and "Star Trek". They don't need a similar style. Now it is finally here!

"This is a new culture." Looking at the charming Bartow, George Lucas narrowed his eyes slightly. Maybe it will be a new trend, maybe not, but it must be a new culture, firefly culture.

However, the movie is not a sci-fi style painting. The five-star setting alone is far from enough to make it a classic. The movie has its own narrative rhythm. After Mal and his group went shopping for a short time, the story became tense again, with Mal and others arrived at the delivery warehouse, but Kelly and Wash did not follow. Unexpectedly, the former independent soldier who had known each other for many years and is now the leader of the Shark Gang refused to pay the money because "this is not the goods I want." , but they have to leave the goods in vain; of course Mal will not give in.

"Mal, do you still think this is war time, do you still think you are a captain? I respect you three points, but you are so shameless, you bastard! Without me, you would have been finished a long time ago, kill them all!"

Before the bald and tattooed boss of the Shark Gang finished his fierce and vicious words, the nervous audience was introduced to the boiling atmosphere by the fiery soundtrack. On the big screen, Mal, Janey, and Zoe had already reacted quickly to dodge with their guns drawn, and their hands were still tied. Reeva, who was tied up in a rope, also exploded. Amidst her shouts of "hoah ah ah" and the screams of the gang leader, Reeva directly used her legs and hands tied together to kill everyone. The gang members were beaten to a pulp.

"Wow!" Mal, Jenny, and Zoe were all stunned, as were the audience in front of the screen. Action movie fans were almost trembling with excitement. This mysterious girl was simply Bruce Lee! Even more exaggerated than "Kill Bill"! ! Punches, kicks, jumps, flips... it's just like the visual effects introduced in the magazine, simple and gorgeous, smooth and thrilling, full of power, speed, and a heavy sense of explosion! Kung Fu shines again in science fiction movies!

Roger Ebert of the "Chicago Sun-Times" couldn't help but raise his two thumbs, what a perfect action scene to sweep away the minions! This is! Beautiful action sequences, beautiful tough girls! He previously commented that "Kung Fu" was "like a gathering of Jackie Chan and Buster Keaton (the famous deadpan comedians, Quentin Tarantino and Binnie Rabbit...", now it's all magical Yang... At this time, Reeva finally expanded the rope with great force again. She squeezed the thick rope with both hands and got rid of it instantly. Roger Ebert and the surrounding audience all exclaimed: "Oh!"

"Ahhh--" Reeva, who had free hands and feet, immediately became more fierce. Under the fast-paced and exciting music, the minions had almost been cleared away in a few rounds. She jumped onto a row of glove boxes and stepped on them. Then she leaped down, leaned over and knocked down a minion in front of her with her fists like the wind. She shouted wildly: "Hoo ho--" At the same time, she turned around and twirled her legs. The long-legged posture was sexy, but the audience felt Soaring power, soaring adrenaline!

Pengpa! The hem of the dress floated up elegantly. Reeva pivoted her left foot and raised her right foot. Her slender calves fell with great force. Her feet in short boots hit the box of soil that was half a person high and pressed down hard. The muffled sound! Under the close-up shot, the wooden box collapsed from top to bottom and was torn into pieces. The black cargo loaded inside was scattered all over the floor. Reeva yelled "drink" again, her face was cold and her eyes were murderous. She just stood firm on her right leg. , he raised his left leg and kicked towards the startled minions hiding behind the box!

Chain legs! She kicked the minion hard in the chest and abdomen, forming a "ten" shape with the ground, almost lifting the minion up! The big man screamed "Ah" and flew down. Reeva's eyes moved slowly. There was no longer a gang enemy standing in the entire warehouse.

"Huh..." Mal blankly blew the muzzle of the pistol that did not fire at all. When they were speechless, Reeva said softly as if she was insane: "They want to kill us."

"Wow!" Audiences in 3845 theaters exclaimed and praised one after another. This fierce and domineering Reeva alone is worth watching "Fireflies", the most beautiful scenery this summer! so amazing!

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