The Best Director

Chapter 364 Oh my God!

In the "Firefly" theaters with 3,845 theaters sold out, the audience was fascinated to follow Serenity on the big screen on an interesting, mysterious, exciting and thrilling interstellar adventure. ,,.j,,,,o,s,h,u,bsp; "Whoosh" the roar of Serenity's flight and landing, it arrived in the town of Kangton, another small Earth-like planet on the edge of the new galaxy. In the suburbs, prepare to carry out a cash robbery.

Since Captain Mal must bring his superior thug Reeva, Simon is very worried and confused. What can the few of them steal? In the tail cabin of the spacecraft, everyone was preparing to leave, while talking about the world settings. The Covenant's power at the edge of the new galaxy was still very weak, and there were not enough manpower to station on every planet to maintain peace, so they hired servants. Private companies do these security tasks, and private companies only like cash, so the Star Alliance pays cash once a month, as Kangton is here today.

The private companies that were robbed could only break their teeth and swallow their blood, because reporting to the Star Alliance would make them appear weak and incompetent, and they would lose their employment contracts. Mal and others took advantage of this, Robbing the security company's salary.

"Riva, hide behind others. If there's a fight, jump down and run away!" Simon, who was giving instructions to his sister before leaving, glanced at Mal and whispered: "Remember, don't worry about them. It doesn't matter if they die." Mal asked him to rest assured and said cheerfully: "If Reeva dies, I will definitely be very sad, and maybe I will shed a tear." Watching a few people driving away in the suspended mule truck, Kelly comforted Simon. : "As soon as you spit (p——a!s), they are back. I don't mean that kind of spit..."

"Hahaha!" The interesting lines made the audience burst into chuckles, and as Mal, Janey, Zoe and Reeva left the spacecraft in a Flying Grass model mule truck and came to the grassland and flew, Once again, everyone witnessed the high photography and stretched composition of "Fireflies", the beautiful light and shadow colors, Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jackets, and the realism of the visual special effects, etc., all included in this delicate In the lens, Robert... Zemeckis couldn't help but sigh... What is a broad vision, what is refinement and uniqueness, this is it.

"Firefly" must be a subversion and innovation of western movies, and it also has some flavors of typical western movies. For example, the town of Condon is very different from the previous city of Bartow, and the western cowboy atmosphere here is more intense. , there are riding cowboys on the streets; the oriental elements are relatively weakened, but of course Chinese characters still appear.

"Let's start being bad guys!" Mal and the others arrived at the office of the small town security company. As soon as they jumped out of the truck, they quickly controlled the entire crowd and robbed easily and coolly. Successfully, Reeva did not need to take action, but she became very abnormal. At this time, two predator spaceships fell from the sky, and the ferocious-looking predators fell down the rope one after another. Although the residents of Kangton Town were panic-stricken and the adults were screaming and the children were crying, Mal and the others had no intention of saving anyone.

"The predators have no humanity. No one knows where they come from. If they encounter them, they will escape or kill themselves." Zoe explained to Reeva,

It is really uncontrollable. Their fighting ability is not at the same level as that of the ferocious predators. The predators are eroding the world on the edge of the galaxy. If they are caught by them, they will either die miserably or even be eaten; They used some unknown method to turn them into predators, because the roaming range of predators was getting wider and wider.

Mal asked the security guard who had just been robbed to lock and hide everyone in the basement, and they hurriedly drove away on mules, almost leaving Reva behind who was unwilling to leave. However, when they walked out of the security company, they happened to see The mule was blown up by the Predator ship, and they were forced to stay and fight.

"Wow! Oh ho!" Accompanied by the exciting and tense soundtrack, the bursting sound of fighting, and the banging of gunfire, the auditorium also exclaimed repeatedly. Watching the intense and exciting fighting scenes on the big screen, the audience's adrenaline Su is so furious that he can't take his eyes away. Action movie fans can't help but clench their fists and shake their bodies to witness Miyajia Yang's explosive martial arts style again! I saw Reeva's strong and beautiful figure, and also saw the fighting prowess of Mal, Janey, and Zoe who were not vulnerable to a single blow.

This battle is even more heart-wrenching and exciting. Different from the instant kills in the previous battles, not only has the scene been upgraded now, but the enemies are brave predators who are not afraid of death. They are scum that kills and sets fire! The fight also had a confrontation and threat. Seeing Janeb's leg injured, Mal's arm shot, and Reeva having a thrilling battle with nearly ten predators, many viewers held their breath unconsciously. "Zhilu" Andre from "The Reader"... Gronvall silently added to tomorrow's film review, "Firefly" undoubtedly has the most outstanding commercial ability.

"Wow, yes! That's it, wow!" -ty1k "In the movie theater, Wang Yang, who was deeply involved in watching the movie, was also very excited. While enjoying the visual impact of the D giant screen, he waved his hands gently in his arms. Watching this scene, Jessica's heart surged. The previous hard work was so worth it! It didn't matter that she was so tired that she fell ill and thought she was going to die. Look at it now! How proud! He is so proud of her! Jesse Ka curled her lips and turned to look at him. How was Captain Tornado? This was her first time watching "Fireflies", but it must be fascinating!

Also thinking of this was Natalie...Portman. She was so excited by the scene on the screen that she shook her fists and danced: "Why do you only cast me to play a sexy girl? Don't you know that I am very fierce and easy to fight?" She wanted to whirlwind again. How's the captain doing? Tonight was the fight scene she was most looking forward to.

"Boom!!" On the big screen, Serenity, which had been called for a long time, finally arrived, fired cannonballs in a sneak attack, and a Predator spacecraft was exploded in the air. Mal, who was injured on the ground, did not forget to curse, "I knew Kelly did it again." What kind of hands and feet are there!" At this time, the camera switched, Reeva snatched a huge ax from the predator, and killed her with gorgeous twists and turns. Her amazing body flexibility and sexual curves showed off several turns. , all the surrounding predators fell to the ground. Another spaceship that was not hit hard crashed to the ground, facing Mal who was standing on the street. He raised his pistol and shot dead the Predator pilot in the cab of the spacecraft.

Robbery becomes a hero! No more predators emerged from the crashed spaceship, and this fierce and tense fight scene came to an end. Mal and others survived, and under the explosion of the super weapon Reeva, they incredibly defeated the two ships of predators!

Oh hoo! ”, “Oh hoo! "The close-up shot swept across the sluggish and panting Maltese people. The streets of the dead town suddenly became lively. The people who had not had time to escape cheered and cheered. They were all smiling faces. The audience in front of the big screen was also smiling. 1, low-laughing cheers rang out in the screening halls everywhere. Suddenly, a predator who thought he was dead suddenly jumped up from the ground and pounced on Mal. The audience was startled, and Evelin screamed: "Ah Ah..." Mal on the screen reacted quickly, turned around and shot the looter to death completely, "Bang! "

The street was silent for a few seconds, and then the stunned people cheered again: "Oh hoo!", "Oh hoo!"

It seems that the screenwriter and editor Daotao did not want to make the audience happy for a while. Under the parallel montage editing, the big screen returned to the previous spaceship repair shop in Bato City. The originally bustling repair shop was quiet. Only a man in a black trench coat and blue gloves was tinkering with the computer. The audience knew that the boss who had been fussy with Mal before and the sweaty repair employees were all there. , has been cleaned up by the Blue Gloves who were following them.

It's not difficult to come here and detect the Ning Ling Jing... After a few shots, the blue-gloved multifunctional glasses revealed a virtual dynamic image of Captain Mal. Mal looked calm and unruly, glaring at the record. There was data flowing next to the recorded footage: "Malcolm Reynolds, a former independent soldier, served as a captain in the Battle of Silent Valley, and has a criminal record..." Blue Gloves said softly: "Captain Marr. "He showed a smile, and slowly hit the virtual three-dimensional Mal with his right hand: 'nttyu

"Awesome!" Fans and fans have praised their favorite Heath Ledger for the first time tonight. What does Magical Young 6 Ledger mean? A natural partner is born! One is 25 years old and the other is 26 years old. They are both so young. I think they will collaborate on more exciting works in the future.

However, fans of Michael Pitt's film reviews also want to designate today as a festival that needs to be celebrated. The second collaboration after "Juno" has lost the youthfulness of the past, and a handsome doctor with a decadent temperament is born! Simon was seen performing surgical treatment on Janey's injured calf. The character concept picture appeared on the screen. He was holding medical scissors and holding an unlit cigarette. According to his answer to Kelly, "This is I don’t know if there was any revenge for "My Xi Qing". Anyway, in the close-up shot, Janney was sweating profusely in pain, and Simon said "sunny". His cool and arrogant demeanor made the fans excited. ... Mal, who was standing in line, frowned and bought, while Kelly, who was helping others, continued her infatuation.

"Haha.", "Haha!" Another tender scene appeared on the big screen. In order to celebrate this time, the residents of Kangton Town held a bonfire party in the town square, which was particularly huge in the dark night sky. The bright and bright moon brought an oriental artistic conception. There were children rejoicing in the square, young lovers dancing hand in hand, and an old man playing the guitar. The residents laughed and sang folk songs in praise of heroes that were spread on the edge of the stars. It was pleasant to the ears. Under the leisurely singing, the old mayor announced in public, also telling Marr and others that Condon Town would erect stone sculptures in the square for seven of them, all of them are Condon's heroes!

Seeing the two injured heroes Mal and Janey being pushed out by the residents and having no choice but to dance awkwardly together, the audience in front of the screen couldn't help but smile, smile, or laugh! What a joy! This feeling of power is so good! However, Evelin suddenly raised her brows, remembering the "a little bit of sadness" mentioned by Miraculous Yang, and the murderous maniac Blue Gloves. Could it be that he would kill everyone in Kangton Town? She suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't help shouting: 'n'. Friends and strangers around the seats all looked at her.

"Probably there won't be any more of these tender feelings..." Nancy Lenore glanced at her watch in her busy schedule. The screening of "Fireflies" was already halfway through, and Blue Gloves found Ninglu Quiet and Predator Ferocious. After the scene, Reeva, who was still illuminated by the warm bonfire, became even more weird, and the movie should have entered an intense crisis period.

Obviously "Firefly" can definitely be called a clear-cut and excellent commercial science fiction film. The rhythm is not ambiguous at all. The overall atmosphere gradually becomes tense. Reeva's symptoms of madness become more intense. Some on-screen Words that outsiders cannot understand. The day after the bonfire party, the Silence received the contact signal from Blue Gloves, and Mal woke up and started a conversation with it.

Blue Glove's purpose is simple, asking them to hand over the Reeva brother and sister. , Simon the pretty boy is an S-class criminal? Mal didn't believe that Blue Glove was an ordinary spy, and he guessed something, it must be for the mysterious Reeva! The Star Alliance values ​​her so much, who is she? Do you have some secrets?

"Captain Mal, there is one thing you must know." Listening to Mal's series of questions and confident guesses, the expressionless blue-gloved man on the communication screen smiled, like an old friend for many years. He said: "She is a A very dangerous person... She holds some secrets that you shouldn't know." His deep voice formed a wave of tension and pressure. He paused as he spoke, then returned to his expressionless face: "It will make Ning The secret of Lu Jing’s death.”

In the captain's cabin, Mal, who was standing, also smiled. He looked quite interested and showed off his unruly temperament. His light tone had a hint of seriousness: "Are you talking about the Looters?" Blue Gloves replied: "I'm saying you shouldn't know." The conversation between police and gangsters became more and more serious, and Mal asked again: "How do I know that after handing over Reeva... you won't just kill us? Don't treat me like a child. This is the way you do things." The camera cut to the blue glove over there. He clenched his fists, but said calmly: "If you cooperate, I won't."

"Oh." Mal nodded a few times, as if he was making a choice and thinking, and he suddenly said with disdain: "I forgot to tell you, I hate threats the most. Come and go wherever you want!" The communication screen At the end before the screen turned to black, Blue Gloves looked at Mal deeply.

The acting skills of Robert Downey Jr. and Heath...Ledger collide! The audience's eyes were brightened, and the film critics' eyes were also brightened. The ordinary dialogue was performed by the two in a fascinating way. This has something to do with their explosive temperament! Today, Peter Howell of "Dollon Star" was full of praise for Heath... Ledger. This guy has a very wonderful element that can produce a strong chemical reaction with this one and with that one. Producing the same strong chemical reaction is talent and acting; these can also be found in Robert Downey Jr. tonight.

"Be honest!" On the big screen, Mal said a harsh Chinese sentence to Simon. Although he did not agree to Blue Glove's request, he ordered him to control Reeva with his hands again, and then tied Simon to a chair and tortured him. What was going on? What does Reva know? Under the fierce eyes of Mal, the anxious eyes of Kelly, Zoe and Wash, Simon even said "I don't know"... It turns out that because of his extraordinary talent, his sister was selected by the Star Alliance for education and training at a very young age, every year. We will contact you during major holidays. However, in the past two years, everyone suddenly lost contact. Under Mal's questioning, everyone determined that Reeva's disappearance was almost the same as the time when the Predator appeared! There must be some connection here. Simon continued to explain that he met a high-ranking Star Alliance official some time ago and accidentally learned that Reeva was conducting an unknown experiment because he was indeed a high-ranking divine surgeon on the official side. He had a chance to touch Reeva, controlled her with secret words, and escaped in a thrilling way.

Following a close-up of Mal who was thinking, a flashback shot suddenly appeared on the big screen. The scene was far away from the hand cutting the steak to the luxurious banquet room. The long banquet table was full of people. The identities of the dignitaries were obvious at a glance. The middle-aged senior official who was cutting steak was sitting in the host's seat. He happily said that I have met a lot of young men recently... The camera glanced at the beautiful Taobao women's clothing store on the left. Cat Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m Jin Shaolin and others' smiling faces, the blue gloves on the right side of the dining table gracefully wiped their mouths with a napkin, took out a pair of blue gloves from his pocket and put them on, praising: "Dinner Very rich.”

The high-ranking official was still smiling one second, and the next second it exploded into blue light. Everyone was stunned. He stretched out his fists with blue gloves and smiled gracefully: "Thank you." The camera immediately returned to Ninglu Jinghao. , it was unclear whether it was a flashback, a parallel, or just Mal's imagination. However, the audience who took a deep breath knew that Blue Glove was not only an evil demon who massacred civilians, but also a high-ranking Star Alliance official. They were all killed without hesitation. Needless to say, all the dignitaries on the table were all killed! Evelyn muttered "Oh my God!", Natalie Portman also muttered "Oh my God!" What kind of person is he!

clever! Film critics are very satisfied with the editing of "Fireflies" so far. It is relaxed, smooth and natural, with contrast and response, well-proportioned and balanced, and is as beautiful as the composition of the film. In this case, it is difficult for critics to criticize it. It is really mature and smart. The combination of flashback shots requires high montage skills. This set of flashbacks shows the other side of Blue Gloves, making the character more complex, giving the audience more psychological pressure, and highlighting Reeva's The importance and confidentiality deepened the audience's sense of urgency to know the truth.

As soon as the big screen returned to the Silence, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Reeva, who was being cuffed, went crazy again, knocking down Janey who was guarding her. After getting the key to unlock the ship, she disappeared in the spacecraft. Mal and others launched a search and later found her in the cab. Reeva, who was operating the star map screen, said: '1Miranda. "Is it Miranda again? Many female viewers were a little confused and smiled, but the Miranda in Reva's mouth was not the fashion devil, but a planet, and she felt the call to go there. As soon as you get to Miranda, everything will be answered.

Miranda Star? Marr and others had not heard much about this planet, but when they looked into it carefully, they found official information that it was a "black rock" planet that had failed to be renovated and was not suitable for human habitation. Marr didn't believe it: "Half of the written history is to cover up the true truth." But he was unwilling to go to find out, because although the raiders did not have a base camp, they were a fleet of fleets and spacecrafts wandering around. , but if you want to set foot on Miranda Star, you must pass through an interstellar zone where they often wander and float on standby.


In fact, Mal was just a tough talker. He wanted to know the secrets of the Star Alliance more than anyone else, so when Reeva threatened him with force, he smoothly agreed to this unknown adventure; even The mercenary Janney didn't have any objections. He said: "When Mal dies, I will be the captain." However, they did not die foolishly in vain. Kelly took some parts from the crashed Predator spacecraft, The Tranquility was repaired and refitted, giving this Firefly spacecraft the aura of the Reaver.

"Whoosh, whoosh, one by one" was the roaring sound of the Ning Ling Jing taking off. Under the welcome of the strangers, it left Condon and headed for Miranda.

The big screen has returned to the vast and dark universe. The atmosphere of the film has gradually turned from tense to serious. The chuckles have not been heard in the "Firefly" screening halls across North America for a long time. The audience is fascinated and tense, breathing hard. The amplitude suddenly dropped significantly. Some inner monologue scenes began to appear. Reeva, who was sitting on the deck with her knees bent, was holding a paper flower and twirling it around with blank eyes and a beautiful side face. Mal looked intently at a dynamic photo frame, the weeds in the valley swaying under the blue sky...

Paper flowers? Ninglu Jinggu? Film critics suddenly realized that "Quiet Valley" was just a prop that represented some kind of prop. What on earth did Qi Qiyang want to say? What does "Firefly" want to say? You’ll find out next!

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