The Best Director

Chapter 375 This Crazy Midsummer!

The comedy "The Fairy Wife" starring Nicole Kidman is a complete tragedy, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is 25%/%, the stubborn old man Roger of the "Chicago Sun Times"... Albert sarcastically said: " What are you looking for? There's not a single movie here, just a bunch of scene shots." Audiences love Du Chi, and official fan critic Bethany Murphy said: "It's terrible! I gave it half a star, I Already very generous." Columbia Wan made a bad film...  

"This movie is a cute and beautiful bumpkin." Roger Ebert commented on Lindsay Lohan's new movie "Crazy Golden Car", 42%...47% freshness, 51% likes, fans and critics Alessandro-Dimagnaio: "Compared to Speed, it deserves to be thrown in the trash. Fantastic Young can't clean up this pile of vomit from Mean Girls." Sports comedy becomes another tragedy , Disney, the bad movies made by Bo Weiwan...

Get 74%. 66%... The freshness of "Land of the Living Dead" seems to be better? 53% of the audience's likes announced the birth of a bad sci-fi movie about doomsday zombies that cost tens of thousands of dollars worldwide. "The father of modern zombie movies..." Horror master George-a-Romero continues to fall in the new century.

None of the three new films survived, and none of them had the power to attract the audience to the box office. What's more tragic is that there is now a "horror movie" "Firefly" on the top that keeps laughing like a demon king. , their box office results are naturally worse, this weekend's North American battlefield, continue to dominate the devil!

1.8 billion! "Firefly" was released in 65 North American theaters! After setting a series of new box office records such as the opening week of film history, its second weekend continued its scary and expected performance, with an average of $43 per theater and a box office trend of only -3.61%! The North American box office soared to 338.3 million on the day of release!

"Oh, my God!", "Dear God!", "hat-the-he11"...Only these overwhelming exclamations can make people express their current mood. Received over 100 million box office! Defeated the original champion "Shrek" with 72.17 million, the original runner-up "Spiderman" with 710,000, and the original third runner-up "Harry Potter and the Magic Stone" with 57.48 million. They all retreated one place, and the championship belongs to The new king "Firefly"!

This crazy achievement was moved to the opening week rankings to have a showdown with all the movies, and they all ranked sixth in film history, closely following the 200 million "Ninth District"! There is no doubt that "Firefly" is already the most commercially successful film in North America after the change of the film screening mode! none of them.

"Firefly" has broken a series of box office records, the three main records are the new champion of the golden opening day, which beat the 236.9 million of "Star Wars Episode 3" and "Spiderman 2" by an absolute advantage. 225.1 million: the fastest box office to 200 million to 500 million US dollars (8 days), the previous "Star Wars Episode 3" 11 days, "Spider 2" 12 days, "Shrek 2" 13 days: the fastest to 300 million US dollars (9 days), before "Star Wars Episode 3" 17 days, "Shrek 2" 18 days, "Spiderman 2" 19 days, they were unexpectedly advanced by more than a week by the opponent.

No one knows where Serenity will fly to!

On the imdb-list, "Firefly" is still bursting with unimaginable energy, with a score of 9.6 (315.628 users rated by users): 97% of the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes. % (194/), Sukhdev Sander of The Daily Telegraph said: "At first I thought it was a hype, but when I walked out of the theater I realized I had just watched a film that was going to sting the Oscars. The epic masterpiece." The audience likes 98% (5782. There are 6 rated users), and the fan critic Colin-m said: "It is not overrated. I almost forgot to breathe for a minute or two before I was teetering in my seat. recover..."

Some people are happy and some are worried, and they are very worried that Warner Bros. did not wait for the miracle of recovery. This weekend, "Batman: Beginning of War" continues to rank second, continuing Shakespeare's tragic acceptance of 13.79 million box office. The box office trend is -42.8%. It’s not a good sign, the total number in North America was 68.21 million within 12 days of its release; the third place “A Fairy Wife” was 12.31 million, which can be said to be even more messy; the fourth place “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” has stabilized at 20,000, with a drop of only 13.84%… …

"Wow! The super hero among the super heroes is Fantastic Yang!", "This guy is a lunatic!", "I just can't stop paying attention to him!", "It seems that I knew Wang Yang many years ago, and now I see him. Long live! I can't speak!"... A few days ago, Wang Yang was still a highly questioned "outdated director". The film critics with fierce eyes rushed to beat him to death at any time. Fans are looking forward to it In the middle of the day, he and "Firefly" are telling new fairy tales! People like this kind of story, such young characters, and they can't get tired of hearing it.

Magic Young has once again become the hottest topic in the United States. Even the San Antonio Spurs won 4:3 by the Detroit Pistons in the NBA finals that just ended on June 24. Tim Naken, the mvp, and the Spurs holding the trophy all Not as good as his charm, the whole America and North America are crazy about him!

How about all of America? The global "Firefly" craze continues! During the three days of the second weekend, Cowboy Bebop remained the box office champion in dozens of countries and regions. Absolutely received $179.2 million! The weekend drop was only 8.1%, exciting! "Star Wars: Prequel 3", which was also released simultaneously around the world, was 57.7%. There is no doubt that "Firefly" has shown the qualifications of overseas films far higher than those in North America, and the most commercially successful film in the world in recent years!

The sequels of the series have accumulated popularity; it is not the sequels of the series that have more room for imagination and explosive power. This interstellar sci-fi production is like a white sheet of white paper, on which audiences around the world write miracles to their heart's content.

In this miracle, I have to mention the work of the imax giant screen. Sometimes changes come so fast and so violently. Only one movie is needed, and the audience only needs to know that there is this thing. It's like standing in front of your eyes...", so explosive.

In the past, the 64 North American giant screens that were sold out in the three days of the night contributed 250,000 box office, and the 71 overseas ones also had an astonishing 12.56 million box office. The global 135 commercial giant screens are in full swing! They raked in over 10,000 US dollars at the box office on Golden Days! "Firefly" is already a milestone in the history of imax movies, and it is very likely to become the first movie in history with imax's global box office breaking 100 million.

Flame Films and imax have joined hands to complete the transformation of Hollywood blockbusters from passive OMR to active production, turning them into 35mm dmr+imax, 2d version, and converted imax-3d edge version (imax company has 5-3- New technology launched), tickets are selling like crazy!

"We are trying our best." Greg Foster, the head of imax, has been saying these words excitedly recently, trying his best to arrange more giant-screen screenings for "Firefly"! Seeing that it took a few days to surpass the global box office of "The Polar Express" and seeing the company's stock price rising every day, he certainly wished he could show this amazing movie 24x7! However, due to strategic cooperation, contract execution and other reasons, there are obviously no audiences, and the giant screen in the theater has to arrange shows for several films such as "Batman"; besides, the imax film reel of "Firefly" cannot withstand the consumption from morning to night .

According to Greg Foster, imax has successfully persuaded a small number of academic institutions such as museums and science and technology museums to cooperate, and will try its best to arrange some screenings of "Firefly"...

The work of imax is not limited to the box office itself, but also to create countless topics and attract the unanimous attention of the global media. The Chinese media called "Firefly" "epoch-making..." The domestic speculation was raging, it seems that if you don't watch this movie, you are not simply outdated, you are living in vain. It's a pity that there is only one commercial giant screen hall in the whole mainland. Although there are countless enthusiastic audiences who are willing to spend 1 yuan to watch a show, the city where they are located does not provide this opportunity! You can only go into ordinary theaters.

Even so, the performance of "Firefly" in Asia is really amazing and eye-catching. Audiences in China, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. are crazy about it. What a different Hollywood blockbuster! It has an Asian starring role and is not a bad guy, a traditional Chinese culture, oriental artistic conception and love ghosts... Not counting its praise in the region, this is already the best blockbuster except for some small ones shouting "Boycott Wang Yang ", "He has nothing to do with us..." Yang Hei, all the people are mobilized!

The recently released "Initial D" was unfortunately shot in the head. Just like the battle in North America, it became cannon fodder in the mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan!

For the same screen in Hong Kong, it only received HK$6.32 million (US$813,200) this weekend and ranked second. The champion belongs to "Firefly", which still received HK$24.55 million (US$3.16 million) the following week! The total box office of the day is as high as 66.21 million Hong Kong dollars (8.52 million U.S. dollars)! On the June 25-26 list, "Initial D" ranked third with NT$3.23 million (US$30,000) in 15 theaters in Taiwan, and "Firefly" won the championship with NT$10,000 (US$1.22 million). The total box office of the day reached NT$161.3 million (US$50,000)! "Provided by the prostitute monk at dawn, Baidu"

The mainland's box office statistics system is not so clear yet, but according to a reporter from the "Beijing Morning Post" learned about "Initial Words" from the party China Film Group. "I received 10,000 RMB in the past. Previously, "Firefly" exceeded 20 million on the opening day, broke 100 million in 7 days a week, and 150 million yuan (18.12 million U.S. dollars) every day. "Hero", "Titanic" at 3.595, become the new champion!

No matter where "Firefly" swept all records! The total box office of the three places on both sides of China's Taiwan Strait added up to 31.78 million US dollars! Accounting for the current total overseas box office of 448.3 million, this proportion may become more and more popular...

What "resist" has been a topic for too long, and now the program is to praise the amazing Yang! ! ! Compared with the situation in other countries, the situation is really similar. There are quite a few media critics, movie fans, and celebrity fans. They have sent all kinds of praises, and they are crazy about this movie.

In just one day, "Firefly" coolly received a global box office of 786.6 million US dollars. Does anyone in this world think that it cannot enter the heart of the global box office club? I am afraid that the old ladies who don't care about movies usually know: ""Firefly"? What kind of movie is that?" This is a natural phenomenon, a new miracle that is happening, and a phenomenon of the new era! A phenomenon that only movies can evoke!

Film companies were all frightened! And merchants can notice that there are only 58 overseas markets for "Firefly"! For this kind of "phenomenal", "idol", and "epoch-making" movies, there are still many profitable markets! Fight for the head!

Originally, Flame Films didn't plan to enter these small markets, and they lacked marketing channels and publicity resources. However, since there are a bunch of companies fighting to the death for these overseas licenses, Flame will not refuse. The marketing department has been a bit busy these days. Su, negotiating with big companies such as Warner Bros. and Century Fox, and handing over the copyrights of many overseas markets except Japan to them for operation, can be regarded as sharing the interests of the big fish in this storm, some leftovers.

It is estimated that in a week or two, the release scale of "Firefly" will break through 10 countries and regions. In any case, this movie will be the target audience.

The American edition of "Time" Dan magazine is kindly inviting Wang Yang to be on the cover of the magazine for the third time. He was 19 when he was on the cover for the first time, and he was 22 when he was on the second cover. Now three years later, he will do it again! Now he is the youngest Oscar-winning director, married his childhood sweetheart and reunited girlfriend, and is about to welcome his first child at the end of the year, and then directed such an exaggerated storm! "... "Time" felt that there were too many topics that could not be missed. Fortunately, Wang Yang, a busy man, agreed to the invitation.

Although this magazine has a very large influence, whether Wang Yang wants this icing on the cake or not depends on his mood. Of course, he can't find any reason to refuse. However, Wang Yang has been really busy recently. He has the promotion of "Firefly" and the preparation of the new movie at work. At this time, he is accepting the interview program of ka1 radio station (mainly serving the San Francisco Bay Area). The reason why he is so "degraded" , it is inseparable from his liking to listen to this radio station before.

"Will you make a sequel to "Firefly"?" The program has come to the live connection part of interacting with the audience. In the bright radio broadcasting room, Wang Yang pondered for a moment when he heard the male listener's question, and spoke to the microphone on the table. Said: "I am still full of interest in the world and characters of "Firefly", but for the time being, all the things I want to express are in "Firefly", that is, I only have the enthusiasm for setting, and I can't find anything to say , it’s not a good directing situation, you know, maybe I should go back to USC.”

Many listeners who listened to the program through various channels couldn't help but smile. Wang Yang didn't mean to go back to USC to study, but to find a teacher, just like Lucas asked Erdog Kershner to shoot the most classic "Star Wars" series. "Empire Strikes Back", the hostess Loren Merz next to "Dawn Sinister Provided, Baidu" burst into laughter: "Jan, we all hope that you will continue to be here..."

"It's too early to say these things now." Wang Yang smiled. Although he had an idea, he didn't want to dampen the audience's enthusiasm for "Firefly". He said with a smile, "I will definitely have a new job anyway." Ci said wittily, "Thank you! The next listener."

Next, a girl called into this extremely hot phone call, and a youthful and melodious female voice rang out excitedly from their earphones: "Magic Yang!!! Oh my God!! You and I Talking, oh my god!!!" Wang Yang smiled and said: "Yes, hello." The girl became more excited, her voice trembling with tears: "Oh my God!! I have been making this call from the very beginning, you Awesome!! I love you so much!! I love you!! "Firefly" is so good!! It's incredible!! Oh my gosh..."

Wang Yang thanked him again and again, and Lauren-Merz helped the audience with a smile and said, "Firefly has almost reached 800 million box office, Yang, how do you feel?" The female audience also happily asked: "Yes! Yes! Ah! I've seen three of them! I love Captain Whirlwind so much..."

"In fact, we are very confident that it will be very popular, but the current situation, to be honest, I feel too surprised." Wang Yang told his feelings. The response to the box office made him so happy that he was about to melt down, and he didn't know where "Firefly" would go. Now it's unexpected, who knows? Wang Yang said: "We just do all the work well, do everything according to the best, and then wait for the harvest. Now it seems that the results are brilliant! I am really grateful for all of this."

Loren-Merz said again: "Thank you! The next listener."  …

This result is getting more and more brilliant, and this midsummer is getting more and more crazy! All over the world, in order to see the shock of "Firefly" in the IMAX giant screen hall, there are many movie fans who ran tens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers, took planes and trains to the target city to watch the movie: "Go to see Wang Yang Ah!", "Go to see "Firefly"!" But Japanese audiences are going crazy, why can't they see this movie until August? ! "War of the Worlds" can be watched simultaneously on June 29, but they want "Firefly"! !

The global release date on June 29 is getting closer, but fewer and fewer people care about "War of the Worlds".



ps: Everyone is too fierce! When the wow power of the double handle is the highest, it reaches the 9th place in the overall list, so it doesn't matter if it goes down! ? Competitors are asking for tickets very fiercely, and we can't lose. We are about to break through 1,000 monthly tickets. Come on! In addition, thanks to Lu Fanlei for becoming the new leader, it is too fierce, thank you for your support! ! Thank you for your monthly pass! !

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