The Best Director

Chapter 389 Is it a blessing in disguise?

"Run, Danny! Run—"

The empty streets of Los Angeles echoed with anxious and angry shouts. A family suddenly rushed out, one man and one dog. Wang Yang rushed to the Hummer with a large pile of food, Danny followed closely behind him, and there was a faint sound of fear in the city. Roaring sound: "Wow, ah wow -"

Beep, beep, beep...

"Wang Yang has been in coma for three days and still hasn't woken up. Fans from all over the world are holding prayer activities."

According to multiple media reports citing Wang Yang’s official spokesperson, the 25-year-old Chinese-American director has been in coma for three days since July 31 (Los Angeles local time) and still shows no signs of waking up. He is in a vegetative state. The terrifying possibilities are worrisome.

"Bless Miraculous Yang for a speedy awakening and speedy recovery!" People from all over the world gathered in person to hold various blessing activities for Wang Yang; there are also blessing posts everywhere on the Internet, including Wang Yang's blog, uTuBe channel, and personal website The traffic volume in other places increased significantly.

"God bless you." In Los Angeles, USA, movie fans gathered outside La Medical Center to pray; in San Francisco, people gathered in front of Wang Yang's hometown in Chinatown, and Wang's restaurant, which was open for business as usual, was crowded with customers; in San Francisco, people gathered in front of Wang Yang's hometown in Chinatown. New York, Chicago, Honolulu... In Beijing, China, people lit candles in small groups and prayed; in Hong Kong, Yang fans wore shirts with "Yang Zi, I love you for ten thousand years!" and sang and prayed. Many people went to Kowloon to pay homage to Wong Tai Sin for Wang Yang; "Please pray to Emperor Guan to bless Brother Yang!" In Taiwan, temples such as Xingtian Temple and Baoan Temple welcomed batches of Yang fans; in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu...

"Yang-kun, you must get well!" In Japan, which is under the impact of the magical craze, many Tokyo movie fans who have just gone crazy about the magical Yang burst into tears. In Osaka, Sendai, Fukushima... "Mr. Yang, please be safe and sound. Mida!" In Seol and Incheon, South Korea, fans deeply blamed themselves for not being able to send off the plane well. Although they received the blank stares from fans from all over the world on the Internet, they put their hands together and prayed for blessings. In Busan, Daegu, Gwangju... in Singapore, UK, Australia, Canada...

Earlier, the White House in Washington expressed concern and blessings. White House spokesman Scott McClellan said at a press conference on the 2nd: "This plane accident is sad. Fortunately, no one was killed. Mr. President expressed his condolences to all the injured. The reporter expressed concern and blessings. We know that Wang Yang is one of the injured, and he is still in a coma. Wang Yang has many great stories and has brought us many incredible miracles. He is a role model in both career and private life. He has surpassed He is an American and global icon to the film industry itself, and we sincerely wish him a speedy recovery."

I've only been in a coma for three days. Is the whole world so nervous? The problem is that among the six passengers currently being carried off the plane on stretchers, the other three who were in coma have already woken up, leaving only Miyazaki still sleeping.

This has actually been questioned irresponsibly by some people on the Internet.

Wang Yang looks so strong, but his true colors are revealed when he is injured.

In fact, Wang Yang was of course the most seriously injured. Brian Hastings, the emergency doctor at La Medical Center who was responsible for one of the rescue efforts in the accident, said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that due to professional ethics and regulatory restrictions, He did not disclose the details of Qi Qiyang, but he said: "Wang Yang was the closest to death among all the injured. He was the only one who suffered head trauma from the impact. As we all know, brain injuries have nothing to do with physical fitness. I just That’s a lot to say.”

Indeed, for example, in the arena of football, basketball and other powerful professional athletes, if they suffer a severe concussion, who can avoid fainting? As for brain contusion, it is really difficult to say. The few people who know the inside story know that the hospital has repeatedly re-examined and checked carefully. The two minor bleeding points in Wang Yang's brain showed no signs of spreading. Today, he was moved out of the hospital to the general ward, but no It is clear whether which nerve or brain tissue is damaged, but there is no recovery.

However, there is another piece of bad news that makes Jessica, Wang’s father, Wang’s mother and others tremble. After examination, it was found that Wang Yang’s cerebral cortex consciousness activity is at a very low level, said doctor Laurie Galabut. "This is very rare." His injuries were obviously not serious. His cerebral cortex should not have been damaged. The recovery of good breathing and heartbeat also proved this. According to this condition, generally speaking, he would be comatose for only one day, and he would often wake up intermittently. There are cases of coma that last for several days, months or even longer before waking up. Those are in the range of shallow coma, but Wang Yang fell into a state similar to a deep coma.

Gelabut could only explain: "The brain is full of wonders, and there are too many unknowns in this field." You must know that there are also cases in which a vegetative person who has been sleeping for more than 20 years was accidentally detected to have quite normal consciousness activity in his cerebral cortex. It was further discovered that his mind had been awake for so many years and he could hear the conversations of everyone around him, but he had lost the ability to control his body.

Now Wang Yang is just the opposite. He has fallen into a deep coma and can almost be called a vegetative state. There are no strong and effective medical treatments in the world. Gelabut said to them seriously: "You should face this situation actively, stimulate his nerves more, call, talk, sing, massage and so on. This will form a benign stimulation to the cerebral cortex and help him wake up to consciousness. While these tasks can be done by nurses, brain tests tell us that humans are more sensitive to the voices of loved ones, which will be more effective for patients."

With Jessica and others choking and nodding, Gelabut said regretfully: "But you really have to be mentally prepared. This is likely to be a protracted battle. We cannot say that Yang is in a vegetative state now, but the whole world Many cases of awakening a vegetative person persist for months, years, ten years, or decades. Yang will wake up one day, maybe near or far, so you can't always be too sad, especially for pregnant women. For example, excessive sadness can lead to miscarriage and can easily cause permanent brain trauma to the fetus." He said to Jessica who was in tears: "Mrs. Wang, try to keep yourself in a peaceful and happy mood."

Although the outside world does not know the specific situation of Wang Yang, there are more and more speculations and rumors on the Internet. Some people even say that "Miao Yang's trip to Asia is a cursed trip." The whirlwind in the "Firefly" movie The captain died a heroic death. In reality, Wang Yang was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Including the airport pick-up accident in Tokyo, Japan, a total of 65 people were sent to the hospital, and another 25 aircraft casualties were "implicated."

But I have to say that there seems to be a bit of "a blessing in disguise" in this matter. Although Wang Yang and "Fireflies" have been a sensation around the world for a long time, the news that he was seriously injured and was in a coma still hit the news. The power of this storm suddenly became high again. Of course, it is still difficult to say whether it is a blessing or not.

Over the years, White House spokespersons have not mentioned Wang Yang many times in daily news. In the past, "Ghost Chronicles" mentioned "a strong hero" and also said such things as "the perfect interpretation of the American dream" and "inspirational". "Achievement"... Now there is no doubt that "Firefly" has become the new box office champion in North American film history. This science fiction epic can be said to be at its most glorious moment.

In the North American weekend of July 29th to 31st, which has just passed, "Firefly" has not been affected by the news of Wang Yang's serious injury, but it still received 7.85 million at the box office and ranked sixth (the average of 5 theaters per theater is 2 , $2, -736), the total box office in North America rose to 7.7 billion!

It surpassed the 788,188 box office of "Titanic", the previous champion in North American film history in 42 days, and currently leads all North American movies with 7,713,572 US dollars! After adjusting for inflation, its film history ranking has surpassed "Star Wars: Episode III: Return of the Jedi" to rank 14th! The 13th place above is the classic film "Ben-Hur" (1959), and the 12th place "Star Wars: Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back" (2009). The gap between the three is about 10,000 US dollars in current value.

On the weekend of July-31st in Japan, "Fireflies" swept 756 cinemas in 11 major cities in the country!

The Japanese opening weekend box office of "Lord of the Rings 3" (3 years ago) was 1.5482 billion yen (14.67 million US dollars, 729 theaters, an average of 133 per theater). In the end, it received 9.896 billion yen (93.81 million US dollars), and did not advance into Japanese film history. Top ten; "Harry Potter 2" averaged 19,437 US dollars per store, and finally ranked seventh with 17.3 billion yen; "Harry Potter 1" had grossed 300 million (US$152.9 million) by the time it was released, ranking third , the second place is "Titanic" with 26.2 billion (USD 1.3 billion), and the first is "Spirited Away" with 400 million (USD 229.6 million).

Now "Firefly" has achieved an opening box office result of 500 million yen (US$20,000, 756 stores with an average of 25,168 per theater) that is absolutely guaranteed to be a hit!

Not surprisingly, the enemies of Cowboy Bebop such as "War of the Worlds", "Star Wars Episode III", and "Pokemon" were all beaten to a pulp, and their average box office per theater was around US$2,000. Just as no one knows when Wang Yang will wake up, no one knows what kind of overall results "Firefly" will receive in Japan, or how high its global box office will soar, because the so-called "blessing in disguise" is It works. Wang Yang is like dialing the earth, which has set the call mode to vibrate + ringtone. Not to mention movie fans, some people who never pay attention to entertainment news these days have been attracted.

Will "Firefly" Be Amazing Young's Last Film? ? ! Fans only know that on the fourth day, he still didn't wake up...

At La Medical Center, people were working to wake up Wang Yang from morning to night. Sometimes it was Wang’s father, Wang’s mother, Mark Cathy, sometimes Joshua, sometimes acquaintances and friends from all walks of life who came to visit, and there was always Jesse. Ka, from the first day, she has been guarding and taking care of him.

The bright sunshine in the early morning of midsummer was very warm and pleasant. In the spacious and elegant suite ward, Jessica had already gotten up early in the morning. As always, she was doing pregnancy yoga to exercise to nurture the baby. After finishing, she was humming a lively song loudly. , while washing his face, she said with a smile: "Good morning, my dear! Today is the fifth day, it's time to get up! Hehehehe!" She patted his cheek, opened his eyelids to reveal the whites of his eyes, He smiled and said: "You have set a very bad example for the baby. What will happen if she stays in bed in the future?..."

The two "talked" for a while. Wang's mother and Cathy came with a nutritious breakfast. While Jessica was eating, the nurse also gave Wang Yang the first bottle of nutritional solution today and watched the nurse insert the needle quickly. Entering the indwelling needle on the back of Wang Yang's left hand, Jessica patted his thigh again and said with a smile: "Yang, please! Are these delicious? Get up quickly, I'll cook your favorite dishes for you! Promise Even more delicious than the ones at Mr. Zhou’s restaurant…”

After breakfast, Jessica walked around for a while, then returned to the bedside. She smiled at Mama Wang who was massaging his legs and feet. She picked up today's newspapers and started reading to him: "Dear, Which page do you want to read first? The entertainment section of the "Los Angeles Times" has you again, haha, big star! Big star! Oh, they said I cried until I collapsed, am I like that?" Compared to the tears on the first day, these days Today she is indeed becoming more and more cheerful and optimistic, smiling almost all day long. Mother Wang comforted her: "Jesse, I'm proud of you." Jessica nodded: "I'm fine, Yang just slept well." It's so familiar." She picked up another newspaper, unfolded it, and read with a smile: "Naughty boy, let's look at the sports section of the San Francisco Chronicle first. There are rumors about the Warriors trade! Oh my god, Michael Jordan is going to Three comebacks! Joining the Warriors! Yao Ming is going too, and more..."

After reading today's newspaper, Jessica took over from Wang's mother, singing to him, massaging him, and sometimes continuing to talk: "If you don't get up yet, my "World of Warcraft" character level is higher than yours. ! Haha, beat you up!" Then Jessica turned on the TV again, and while watching, she laughed and discussed with Wang's mother and him. When the fetal movement came after the infusion, she took his left hand and put it on her belly, feeling the force together. Move the universe to create a holy king, kill the god and seal the throne at night, ask for the demons to be proud of the world, the most powerful abandoned young man, the great Zhou royal family will kill the god to seal the throne at night, seek the demons to be proud of the world, the strongest and abandoned young man, the great Zhou royal family to move the world to kill at night The God Seal Throne asks for the most powerful abandoned young boy in the ninth level of the world, the god-creating general of the Great Zhou Royal Family, who kills the gods. The divine seal throne asks the most powerful abandoned young boy in the ninth level of the world for the activities of the great Zhou royal family’s baby. She looked at his face and said with a smile. : "Do you feel it? The baby is asking you to get up and kiss her..."

The morning seemed to go by like a long night, and although he was tossed and tempted by Jessica in every possible way, Wang Yang still lay motionless and quiet, without any reaction at all. Every day after two o'clock in the afternoon, it is the time for guests to visit. Jessica thinks that everyone can't disturb him all day long, but she must not let people come, relatives and friends come to talk to him, maybe it will play a key role? She always joked to everyone, "I need to find out who owes him money? Then call the guy and tell him, 'I'm not paying you back,' and he'll get up right away and go, 'What!!?' "

"He's not a Jew." Hearing Jessica's joke, Natalie, who came to visit the doctor again, laughed. Jessica continued to yell in a rough voice: "But he will say, 'That's my baby's. Milk powder money!! Her mother is not Jordan!'" Natalie laughed, looked at her chest a few times, and said, "It's already enough for me." Jessica laughed, and Natalie stretched out her arms to hug her. He hugged her shoulders, looked at the dead pig-like Wang Yang on the hospital bed, took a breath, and suddenly asked: "Hey, Yang! Are you still filming "Heaven with Summer"? If not, I will go to other places. The crew is here! Wake up quickly!"

Now no one expects "The Day with Summer" to be filmed and released as scheduled. Flame Films has announced to the media that due to well-known reasons, it will most likely not be released at the end of the year. The specific situation will have to wait until Wang Yang wakes up. Say it again. Although movie fans are very disappointed, what can they do except sigh? This legendary love movie seems likely to live in legend forever.

"Yang, it's time to get up!" Rachel, who came to visit Wang Yang again, looked at Wang Yang's face that had lost its energy and energy, and sighed with red eyes. Jessica pursed her lips tightly, suddenly rolled her eyes at him, shrugged helplessly and smiled: "Rachel, what should I say about him? The doctors said they have never seen such a case, could it be that he Do you have to be sick to be different when you are sick? Haha!" Rachel couldn't help but smile bitterly: "This is his style." Jessica nodded and smiled: "Sometimes it can really piss you off."

In addition to his confidante and friends such as Michael Pitt and Robert Downey Jr., his right-hand men in film work such as Valle Pfister, Harry George, Nancy Lenore and other young people he deliberately cultivated, Mark Strong Senior executives of the Flame Group, close friends such as Lin Yibin, James Wan, Christopher Nolan... In addition to the film and entertainment industry, the list of people who came to visit the patient in the past few days also included uTuBe partner Chen Shijun and other IT industry Man of the hour; past film collaborators such as Chris Gardner and Jeff Ma, they are also members of Wang Yang's investment team and sometimes operate transactions according to his instructions; some friends from San Francisco also came Visits... Jessica always smiles very warmly: "Thank you for your concern. Yang often talks about you..." Occasionally she feels like she suddenly realizes "it turns out he has done so many things."

The afternoon soon passed and turned into night, and the ward became quiet again. After Jessica had a nutritious dinner brought by Cathy, she started a new round of calling for her husband, until the night was deep, and there was only one person left in the room. After leaving the couple alone, she knelt beside the hospital bed and prayed for a while to the God's icon on the bedside table. She got up and kissed his cheek and forehead a few times, and said softly: "Yang, good night, I have to wake up tomorrow!" Lie down on the single bed next to you.

"..." There was silence in the dimly lit ward. Tears flowed silently from Jessica's closed eyes. Her shoulders kept shaking. She didn't know how long it took before she fell asleep hazily and passed the night. Her beautiful eyebrows were kept tightly locked, and there were large patches of old and new tears on the pillow.

On the fifth day, Wang Yang still didn't wake up. The sixth day has arrived as scheduled. July 29th to August 4th has become a thing of the past. The weekly box office rankings in North America and around the world have been released. It is a blessing in disguise that "Firefly" has taken over the whole world regardless of the situation. Concern for Miraculous Yang.

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