The Best Director

Chapter 395 Wise

"It's amazing."

In the morning, I received a proposal from Fire Movies out of the blue, and in the afternoon, Warner Bros. held a high-level emergency meeting. It was a very important matter! Except for Chairman and Barry Meyer who did not attend the event because he was not in the company, the relevant senior personnel were all present. They were almost all shocked by the news from President Alan F. Horn. Santa Claus magically Finally giving Warner a big gift? The tasteless and abandoned "I Am Legend" copyright will be sold to make a profit, and at the same time, the "Batman" series will be resurrected! ! ? Is there anything more beautiful than this in the world?

"Everyone, please tell me your opinions." Just as Horn finished speaking, production manager Jeff Robinov said seriously: "I object."

Looking at the entire conference room, he was the only one who didn't feel moved. The others tended to nod in agreement as soon as they heard the news. Let's quickly enter the stage of discussing details with Flame! Everyone looked at him, but Robinov persuaded him sincerely: "This is not a valuable business. In the whole plan, Warner only got a sum of money, and then gave away hundreds of millions of dollars and "Batman". Get it to Wang Yang and let him play! What did we get?"

"We got an opportunity." Horn's light voice revealed a sense of determination. He is generally responsible for the company's film affairs, while Barry Meyer is in charge of the television program production and distribution business.

Jeff Robinoff secretly held his breath in his heart. In fact, he had complained about Horn for a long time. "I Am Legend" will obviously start filming in 2002, just because this damn guy doesn't like it! This directly caused the project to be delayed again, and now he wants to sell "I Am Legend" again! Robinov couldn't help but get a little excited: "We also lost an opportunity! This time the script of "I Am Legend" has Goldsman joining us. We have been preparing for years and it will be produced soon. Why should we sell it?"

"Does that count as preparation?" Horn asked back. The rest of the people did not participate in the argument between the two, but they said it was a year of preparation, but they always stopped before the real action of spending money. Each time the script was very different. , from San Francisco to Los Angeles and now to New York, and times and markets are constantly changing, so what’s the point of preparing for last year? It’s better to just get rid of this baggage! Even without the "Batman" chips, this is a good deal.

Robinoff complained that Horn hated "I Am Legend", but Horn also complained that he was thinking about this boring project all day long: "Jeff, you should take a longer view and figure out which project is more important. Think optimistically about "I Am Legend" "Legend" received 400 million in global box office, and its value is not as great as "Batman"."

"But..." Horn's words made sense. Jeff Robinov was a little speechless. He suddenly thought of a misunderstanding and laughed: "Why should you believe Wang Yang? He may not have the ability to resurrect "Batman" ; But without him, we can still do well again, Wang Yang was only 9 years old in 1989."

"Batman" in 1989 is the first Batman movie, and it is also the most successful and highest-grossing one so far. With the wonderful story of Batman vs. the Joker,

The production fee of 10,000 yuan received 251 million US dollars in North America and 411 million US dollars globally. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The production costs of sequels are getting higher and higher, but the box office is becoming more and more difficult. In 1992, the production cost of "Batman Returns" was 266 million; in 1995, "Batman Forever" was 100 million: 336 million; 97 "Batman and Robin" 125 million: 238 million.

Now Miracle Yang says 600 million! ! ! And taking over the mess of "Batman Begins"! Thinking of Warner's current embarrassing situation, Horn suddenly became angry. Looking at the "culprit" Robinov, his tone became serious: "Yes! You said it two years ago that you did what you did for the company. What? Jeff? Why should you believe Wang? Haha, why don’t you go see the box office of “Batman” and then see the box office of “Firefly”?!”

The atmosphere in the huge conference room condensed for a moment, and everyone bowed their heads in silence. Jeff Robinov did not refute. It was he who single-handedly contributed to the cast and crew of "It's War", which indirectly contributed to its unprecedented dark style.

Someone must be responsible for the huge failure of "Batman Begins". Darren Aronofsky cannot escape the title of "artistic director" and "box office poison", and Robinov cannot escape the company's criticism of right and wrong. However, a big red cross of failure was added to the career resume.

damn it! Son of a bitch! Horn was so angry that his neck was red. "Batman" is Warner's most important superhero brand, but it has been screwed up again and again! Look at Sony's "Spider-Man" series and Fox's "X-Men" series, it's really annoying! If it weren't for the company's "Harry Potter" series, Warner would be a laughing stock! There were 6 movies released this summer. "House of Wax" lost money, "Summer of Jeans" just made back the production fee, "Batman" was a piece of shit, "Dress Up" failed, and "Must Love Dogs" failed! Only Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lives up to expectations.

From the beginning, Horn made it clear that he must impress Magic Young to take over Gotham Town. He believed that the final failure was due to the poor invitation from the production department, and it was all done after just a few phone calls? Blinded by Robinov, he missed Magic Young! The company also has to make a fatal director choice. Christopher Nolan and Darren Aronofsky. Are people like them the material for making heroic blockbusters? It’s so depressing and incomprehensible, who the hell would watch it!

Even those magazines, newspapers and media knew the reason for the failure of "War Time", it was too dark! This style is not suitable for superhero blockbusters at all. Please leave the discussion of human nature to literary and artistic films. Look at how hearty "Spider-Man" is!

Horn thought that if Michael Bay had been chosen, it might have ended well, although his "Escape from Clone Island" caused co-financing Warner Bros. to lose a lot of money this summer. Michael Bay has signed a contract with Paramount to helm "Transformers" in May. It is impossible to direct "The Dark Knight". I wonder which director Wang Yang will invite to take charge of the set? The best candidate is undoubtedly Justin Lin! That guy's style is fun enough.

"I am responsible for the box office failure of "Batman"..." Jeff Robinov was very depressed and had already doubted his "Batman" viewing. However, for "I Am Legend", he shook his head and sighed: "I hope we won't regret it." In the entire deal, Miracle Young and Flame Films are the parties that are sure to make a profit. He did not serve as the producer of "Batman 2" for free; he also directed it if he could not meet the promised results. Two blockbusters? Does the company want to lose more money?

Horn is not a fool. The preliminary verbal plan does not mean the final signing of the contract. He said to everyone: "Stop arguing, let's think of a better cooperation plan and get the maximum benefits for the company!"

In fact, Horn already has a general direction. It is very simple. Reduce Wang Yang's salary and focus on box office dividends; and let Flame Films participate in the investment of "The Dark Knight" to maximize Wang Yang's enthusiasm and help the company avoid risks. . As for the rest, no one would deliberately mess up a film, especially a character like Wang Yang, and who in Hollywood is more capable of attracting money than him?

"Let the news out first and see how the fans react."

In the office of the chairman of Flame Film Company, Wang Yang leaned back on his chair, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. He was 99% confident that Warner executives would agree to the deal. For them, "I Am Legend" is the same as "Escape from Clone Island" "There is not much difference, but "Batman" is one of the signatures.

"Hi, Chris!" When the call was connected, Wang Yang said hello, gently rotated his office chair, and smiled at the phone: "Something happened today, and there is a 90% chance that I will become the star of "Bat". Producer of the Batman sequel, like Batman Vs Joker in 1989, and I felt like you were the best person to direct it, so what? By the way, I needed Jonathan to write the script, and Emma was also producing of course. "

Christopher Nolan didn't know what to say. He was not excited but surprised. Can there be a sequel to "Batman"? Just like Emma said, after the box office failure, the dark style of this new series will definitely be difficult to continue. If there is a sequel, it will most likely be a popcorn blockbuster. He actually likes Michael Bay's movies very much and can be called a fan, but Ask him to direct that style... Nolan asked: "Oh, are you sure?" Wang Yang immediately said: "Yes!" Nolan seemed to have encountered a big problem: "I'm not suitable for that style."

"What? Come on, man!" Wang Yang threw his head back and laughed, kicking the desk with his feet in an exaggerated manner, and asked: "Who told you about style? Ignore the style, Batman Vs Joker, do you have the feeling to direct? "Nolan over there thought silently for a while, and suddenly said: "Yes, I have." Wang Yang smiled happily: "That's good! I just want the Nolan family style "The Dark Knight", which is a movie. Name it, go with how you feel about it, and you'll do a great job and it'll be a good movie."

"If that's the case, I have no problem." The energy in Nolan's voice was completely different from the moment before. Wang Yang nodded and smiled: "Of course, but you don't have to think so much now, finish filming "The Magic" and wait for us Let’s talk it over with Warner, and be mentally prepared now.”

After ending the call with Nolan, Wang Yang then called Heath Ledger with great interest. How could "The Dark Knight" not have the Joker? How could the Joker not be Ledger? This guy is acting so crazy! If Jack Nicholson's clown is a bit "cute", Heath's clown is the purest high-IQ lunatic. Both clowns have their own charms and reflect their respective eras. imprint, and the directorial styles of Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan respectively.

The 1989 version of "Batman" was the first adaptation of this comic book. The style of comic-book adaptation movies of that era was magical, cartoony, and seemed to have a stage play color, just like the later "Granny in Disguise" in 1994; but now we pay attention to reality, and the special effects are more... Reality and character stories must be real, even if the superhero itself is not real.

On the other hand, Tim Burton is a childlike person, and there is always sunshine and beauty under his darkness. The Joker is a circus-style clown, a cartoon-style villain who says "I'll be back"; Nolan The family is different. Christopher Nolan is strict and traditional. If he wants to be dark, he will point directly at people's hearts. The villain's setting is without any sympathy, so there will definitely not be any. The Joker is a real horror king, real, complex, scary, and crazy. , perverted, hopeless, no cartoonish color.

This kind of extremely tense and extreme role is actually easier for an actor to play and easier to impress. Heath Ledger used this to unleash his talent; but he passed Ennis in "Brokeback Mountain" , fully proving that he can still perform with genius in a calm and restrained role; and Blue Gloves is a middle ground between the Joker and Ennis, and he can also perform miraculously with gentle madness.

"Hi, Heath! Something happened today..." After the call was connected, Wang Yang explained the reason to Heath Ledger and then extended the invitation. When Heath Ledger heard about the Joker in "Batman", he exclaimed with excitement. Not only did he know who the Joker was, he was also a fan of Jack Nicholson. This character is so attractive! He excitedly asked: "Who is the director?" Wang Yang introduced with a smile: "Christopher Nolan, believe me, you are definitely suitable."

Heath Ledger didn't have to think about it. He liked the style of Nolan's "Memento" and "Mr. Hughes" very much. Plus, it was Young's invitation. Do you need to consider it? He readily agreed: "Okay! No problem. When you can negotiate the contract, just contact my agent."

"Okay!" Wang Yang was not wordy, he just liked Ledger's straightforwardness! The clown will surely amaze the world! However, he suddenly thought of something and became a little worried. He frowned and warned in advance: "Heath, if you play a clown in the future, remember not to get too deep into the role!" Heath Ledger answered in confusion: "Oh? Why?" Wang Yang said in a serious tone that he was not joking: "The role of the clown is too dangerous, many times more dangerous than the Blue Glove. If you get addicted to it, you will cause great harm to yourself and your family."

The clown is a hundred times more dangerous than the blue glove precisely because he has no good intentions. He kills people and sets fires to satisfy his own madness. The inner resonances between him and a normal person all belong to the dark side of human nature. If a person is addicted to the dark side all day long , then he is a dark person. However, when the other side of himself constantly reminds "it's not like this" and "it's not true", and the dark side is mocking at the same time, people who are too deeply involved in the drama will be entangled in their hearts. Pain, conflict, irritability, melancholy, world-weariness.

If it was 1984 and Tim Burton was the director, there would be no problem; but now it is the 21st century and Christopher Nolan was directing, and there would be no problem with an actor with a strong heart. However, Ledger is fragile. People who are sensitive to emotions and like to indulge in roles will find it difficult to drive away the inner demons that have been brought back previously.

Through a piece of news surrounding "The Dark Knight" in the future film and television information database, Wang Yang knew that Heath Ledger was really obsessed. During the filming of the film in London, Ledger had no sleep at night. He told the media : "Last week, I only slept an average of two hours a night. I couldn't stop my thoughts. Although my body was exhausted, my brain was still running." He also said that he took two pills "hardly" I took sleeping pills, but when I woke up, I found that the hour hand had only turned once.

The news also said that in order to play the Joker well, Ledger began preparations four months before filming started. As usual, he wrote down everything in a diary that would help him understand the Joker's thoughts, and even prepared for the Joker. Make a list of things you might like.

If other people said this, it might be to promote the film, but Wang Yang knew that Heath Ledger could really reach that level! Isn't this a good thing? Being too into a clown? Wang Yang curled his lips. He could imagine how bad it would be. At least he was arguing with Michelle Williams, and at worst he didn't know what crazy things he would do. Of course, he should suppress his inner demons, so There must be pain in the heart, and it is no wonder that there is insomnia.

"Young, I will pay attention, but I can't guarantee it." Heath Ledger over there thought silently for a while, and then answered very seriously: "I like acting just because I like the feeling of being in the play, otherwise what's the point? What do you mean? So I think I will give my best when I play the clown."

Maybe this guy shouldn't be asked to play the clown? Listening to Heath's words, Wang Yang suddenly had a strange idea, why? What he doesn't understand the most is what is the reason that caused Heath Ledger to stop acting since "The Dark Knight"? He will not lack film appointments, and he will either take a break or take a break from acting, but he is a person who loves acting, either! Wang Yang thought about how he almost died a week ago, right?

"Uh... then if you can't get out, come find me." Wang Yang raised his eyebrows and didn't want to talk about it until then! Anyway, there is no point worrying now. He will keep an eye on the situation at all times to prevent tragedies from happening. Heath Ledger said hello, and Wang Yang started chatting with a smile: "How is Michelle doing lately? Is it difficult to deal with an 8-month pregnant woman?" Heath Ledger brightened up and laughed happily. He said: "It's good, she still has that bad temper..."

a busy day! From the time I arrived at the company early in the morning, I was busy until late in the afternoon! Wang Yang couldn't help but admire his wise decision. He firmly disagreed with Jessica and his mother that it was very, very right for Jessica and his mother to accompany him to work or visit classes. Otherwise, they would have kidnapped him home before noon! Meetings and phone calls, he took at least a hundred calls today! "My Day with Summer", "The Amazing Director", "I Am Legend", "The Dark Knight", "Hachiko Monogatari", "Marley and Me"... He actually paid attention to so many things.

Although he had rested in the dream world for more than two months, his body did not seem to fully agree. After returning to his comfortable and sweet home, his nerves and mind relaxed. Wang Yang really felt a little tired and had a headache. There were all kinds of things in front of him. Movies are flying around...

The night is even more tranquil, with a bright moon hanging high in the night sky, and the cool breeze bringing a rare refreshing feeling in summer.

"My dear, don't force yourself, understand?" In the warm and elegant living room, Wang Yang closed his eyes and leaned back against the sofa. Jessica stood in front of him, gently massaging the sun on both sides of him with her hands. Wang Yang murmured and promised not to force himself. Smelling her faint fragrance, he suddenly opened his eyes and asked excitedly: "I remember it! I have been thinking about it for the past two days. What on earth can I not remember? Sweetheart, you What about the 'surprise' I mentioned earlier?"

surprise? Jessica was very funny. While massaging, she rolled her eyes: "I forgot." Wang Yang was immediately surprised and refused to give up and said hurriedly: "Please, don't forget! I just rely on it for support!" Only with the will to survive did I survive." Jessica laughed crisply, still playing with the temptation: "But who told you to sleep for so long, I only bothered to wake you up, the rest is really I forgot!" Wang Yang smiled and pulled her to sit on his lap with her back to him, kissing and caressing her: "Then I will create a surprise myself."

"Don't, don't... you have just woken up and have been tired for another day.", "Don't worry, life lies in exercise, and exercise is good for your health."...

The two were so entangled that they were breathless before the first round. Wang Yang took off Jessica's top and bra and was about to take action.

"Yang! I brought you some chicken soup." Wang's mother's voice suddenly came from the door. The two of them stared at each other in shock. Jessica hurriedly looked for a T-shirt to put on, but found that it had been worn by Wang Yang. Throw it far away from the sand! In order to protect the baby, she couldn't move. In the flash of lightning, Wang Yang cleverly took a pillow to block her! Fortunately, Mrs. Wang was alone. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was stunned for a moment, turned around and walked to the kitchen: "I didn't see anything... Yang, Jesse, I'll put the soup in the kitchen, you can wait for yourselves." drink."

Wang Yang and Jessica gritted their teeth and stared at each other in embarrassment. For a moment, they thought it was still the same as before, forgetting that Mother Wang also had the key! Wang Yang complained softly: "Why didn't mom make a call before she came..." Jessica's face turned redder, and she explained: "Mom told me in the afternoon that she brought soup and watched Look at you, I... forgot." Wang Yang was startled: "Oh, you forgot..."

"Then I'm leaving." Mother Wang's footsteps sounded again. She walked towards the door and suddenly reminded: "You all should pay attention! Don't be so fierce..."

"Mom, thank you, you can go!" Wang Yang turned around and shouted. He really felt that the Holy King of Martial Universe, the Holy King, created the Holy King, will kill the God at night, the Seal of the God, and the Throne of the Demon God, the most powerful abandoned young man in the Ninth Layer, and the Royal Family of the Great Zhou Dynasty will kill him at night. Asking for the demon and the throne of the divine seal, the most powerful and abandoned boy in the ninth level of heaven, the great Zhou royal family, the martial general of Qiankun, killing the god and the throne of the divine seal at night, asking for the devil and proud of the world. Jiuchongtian's strongest abandoned boy, the Zhou royal family, is in the same situation as in "Everybody Loves Raymond". It seems that his home in San Francisco has to be further away, and he can't live in the same neighborhood as his parents... There was a bang as the door closed. As soon as Mother Wang left, they both took a long breath. Looking at her, Wang Yang smiled helplessly: "It looks more like you have experienced a concussion."

Jessica glared at him angrily and cursed: "It's all your fault! How can I remember things when I touch my hands and feet all day long?" Wang Yang suddenly let out a cry and pressed his forehead in pain. Kadunshi hurriedly touched him: "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Wang Yang, who was pretending to be in pain, couldn't help laughing. Jessica took a deep breath in anger: "Do you want to piss me off to death? ?" Although there was a rippling beauty in front of him, Wang Yang suddenly felt a headache coming on him and couldn't help but cry out in pain: "Ah——"

"Come back!!" Jessica stared at him and waved her fist. Wang Yang looked pitiful: "It's true this time..." Jessica stroked hurriedly again: "Are you okay?" …



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