The Best Director

Chapter 399 Actually, you don’t understand his heart

"Well, she's really just a girl."

On the streets of San Francisco on the set of "500 Days with Summer", the camera was pointed at the performance area. Listening to Wang Yang's words and holding the script, Natalie nodded calmly, but her heart was filled with ripples. Apparently Summer is a combination of Helen and Natalie. Why is he so in love with Helen? And he was just ambiguous or indifferent towards Natalie? Because I have a girlfriend? She glanced at Jessica who was sitting in the director's chair reading a magazine. Everyone was just a girl.

"But Tom doesn't think so. He thinks Summer is a perfect goddess." Wang Yang turned to look at Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Tom was wearing a plaid sweater vest, looking like a boy next door, and he was full of literature and art. Sunny scent. Wang Yang continued: "I think every boy has a goddess in his mind. When you are in love, treat her like a god, love the aspects of her that you like, and intentionally or unintentionally ignore the aspects of her that you don't like."

This is why beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and love is in the eye of the beholder. Wang Yang said: "You have several choices at this time. One is to find explanations for all her actions and do everything possible to protect her for others. There is a reason for everything, and she is still a goddess; two. The other is to convince yourself and take the initiative to change to suit her. Like everything about her; third, change her. All the choices have one thing in common, which is to adjust her into the most ideal state for you, a state that can make you intoxicated. But..."

Helen and he both love the third choice. Wang Yang paused and smiled: "She is just an ordinary girl. No one is a goddess."

Joseph Gordon-Levitt nodded in understanding. It was not that he had never been in love before, and it was not that he did not understand what a goddess was. This was Tom's big mentality in this relationship. He was in love with a goddess, so he cautiously approached her. Extremely intoxicated. In his eyes, Summer has no shortcomings. He and Summer are destined to be a perfect match, so he can't see that Summer actually doesn't care about "Knight Rider". In fact, she really likes "The Graduate" and doesn't listen to him at all. Music album, he often chooses to explain to Summer, maybe she just didn't pay attention, maybe just...

Not like that anyway. Because of this, he couldn't even see Summer being disappointed, changing her heart, or reminding him with a sudden kiss, "You have to do something, confess your love to me! Propose to me!", but Tom kept explaining. Believing in Summer, these are her coolness and personality; sometimes he also wanted to choose to change her and change their relationship, and he did not hesitate to quarrel and get angry at the goddess, but he did not take the last step, and in the end An important step because he was thinking "This is Summer".

"Tom's love for Summer is not only his love for Summer as a person, but also his own ideal pursuit of love status and love partners."

Wang Yang glanced at Natalie. She was a little confused. He smiled and said, "This is fate + the imagination provided by love at first sight. Tom identified Summer as that person, the most perfect partner in his life. In fact, he and Summer Mo was indeed a very good couple. What happened later was not that Summer didn't love him enough or that Summer wasn't good enough, but Summer was a real person.

They were a real couple and sadly, Tom didn't keep up. "

When the passionate love that can cover up all problems passes, you suddenly find that the other person has shortcomings and areas that make you dissatisfied, and you can't explain them, or worse, over and over again! Both parties often think not of accommodating, tolerating, and adapting, but of changing and controlling the other to achieve the state they want. This can lead to these types of fights between couples, often escalating into life-or-death battles in which no one is willing to admit defeat.

The love tug-of-war between Tom and Summer was a war with wrong rhythm. In the end, Summer lost and Tom lost.

After the only sweet period in which the two had the same rhythm, when Tom was still immersed in the atmosphere of passionate love and looking forward to the future; the more mature Summer had reached the next stage, and she was no longer satisfied with the sweetness or romance. When she has something and cares about it, she is afraid of losing it. What she wants is a sense of security and stability, a love relationship, a marriage, and a brave and down-to-earth man. But Tom felt that the relationship between the two was quite good. On the one hand, he was very nervous. Whenever Summer was hot and cold, he would easily go crazy. On the other hand, he was very comfortable, enjoying the sweet and exciting feeling of the ambiguous relationship. .

Summer's character has a restrained side. Although she will be attracted to someone she likes very quickly, she will soon start to look at him calmly. This does not mean that she doesn't like him. While Tom still felt that Summer had many good qualities; Summer had begun to examine his shortcomings and felt that "Tom was disappointing", especially when another excellent man appeared. Summer struggled very much, but she still gave Tom a lot. opportunity, but he didn't take it.

In fact, Tom is not a timid person. He dares to punch the flirts in the bar. It's not that he doesn't have the courage to express his feelings. He just regards Summer as a goddess.

If Tom has no courage, Summer also has no courage, but she is more courageous than Tom because she takes the initiative in all the changes in the relationship. However, women's reserve and attitude towards love prevent her from taking the initiative to confess. She thinks This step cannot be done by girls, otherwise what is the meaning of this relationship? That's not what she wants. When Tom can't give her anything, she leaves.

"I..." Wang Yang said a lot, looking at Natalie's face, he was suddenly speechless. When Helen called him to scold him, he didn't call him back because he took the initiative to interpret Helen's call as a strong curse, and he always thought that was the end of it. Helen did not fight for the second time, she would not fight for the second time, that was not what she wanted; later Jessica also waited for him for a while until her invitation to the Thanksgiving dinner, but she would not confess her love, she wanted to It's the boys who confess their love because "that's what dating is like."

In fact, these are all communication issues. If both parties sit down and explain their respective ideas frankly, and everything is simply solved, will this be the case? How many people can do it? Desire is very simple, love is very complicated.

"For the next set of shots, I need you to treat Summer as the muse, with a clear smile!" Wang Yang patted Joseph on the shoulder, and then told Natalie: "But you are already one step ahead. The rhythm has changed, and I feel a little dissatisfied with him, do you understand?" After saying this, he walked towards the camera, picked up the microphone on his waist and shouted to everyone: "Everyone is on your place, we will take three more shots, then get off work and have lunch, let's start! "

Muse? Summer did provide Tom with a burst of inspiration, and he became a star at the greeting card company. Natalie handed the script to her assistant and walked towards the camera. Was she once Yang's goddess? The era of "This Killer Isn't Too Cold"? Natalie suddenly understood that regardless of whether she had been in the past, she did not have a "goddess image". She took the initiative to confess and pursue her openly, and she lost too much to Helen from the beginning; Yang still had to go through another summer, and he wanted autumn. It's... a funny time for acquaintance by mistake.

"What are you going to eat this weekend?" Hearing a familiar "N" and seeing the camera crew starting not far away, Jessica smiled slightly and continued to look down at the food magazine in her hand.

Sometimes there is no way to make love simple. Never praise a woman as a goddess, and never believe everything a woman says. The problem is that if a woman is not like this, everything between lovers should be made clear. Every love will be Bloom and bear fruit?

One of the important factors why Tom loves Summer is that she is a goddess, cool, untouchable, keeping a certain distance, not necessarily safe, challenging, and envied by others... These all provide the basis for this love. The sweet and sour feeling of love, if Summer is more proactive and speaks clearly, does not conform to the image of the goddess, the sweet and sour feeling will diminish to the stage where "Summer is disappointing", while entering this stage positively and negatively will have Respectively, this affects the degree of patience and tolerance in dealing with these disappointments.

What is certain is that without these goddess feelings, Tom will not like her so much. This is a habit of men.

The same is naturally true for Wang Yang. There is a degree here. If it is too much, you will really feel nothing. The smarter and more mature a woman is, the better she knows how to control this degree and make men willingly take the bait. Of course, everyone has different degrees. different. It’s not just the charm exuded by the woman that plays a role. The heartbeat, passion, romance, etc. in the process of love between two people produce a sweet feeling. Suspicions, quarrels, etc. produce a sweet and sour feeling. The combination of positive and negative is love. They all provide The nourishment of love.

However, the sweetness and sourness of love must be within a safe range to be considered wonderful. Wang Yang feels that it is a very intriguing emotion. It clearly feels heartbreaking, but in the blink of an eye, it can make people have endless aftertaste. If the sweetness and sourness are too much, fatigue will occur, and the mesmerizing heartache will turn into a headache. He recalled that due to serious differences such as college choice, he and Helen had no wonderful feelings at all, but often Gripping, manic, and angry can already be called torture, but is it still love?

But if there is not even a little bit of sweetness and sourness, is it still called a lover? These sweet and sour pleasures that come and go are love, which is a bit like a neutralizer of sweetness, otherwise the latter will gradually become tired and dull. When a man lacks interest in teasing and joking with a woman, and a woman lacks interest in causing the other person's emotional and physical ups and downs, their love is not far from over. Even if they continue to maintain the relationship, they will only rely on family affection and dependency.

The reason why Wang Yang loves and enjoys being with Jessica the most is that no matter what aspect, they are within a safe range and degree. They are born in a very ideal state. There is no distance or fight, and the two hearts are tight. The ground is close to each other, she is not a goddess, but a little woman. But how to maintain this ever-lasting love? He never felt that they lacked sweetness; the other side of his heart often quietly asked for sweetness and sourness, so he thought that he would indeed look for opportunities to be a jerk...of course within a safe range.

That's not intentional, it's the complex subconscious that will change his thoughts and rationality and promote the development of things. It's like in an occasional quarrel, he regrets and feels heartbroken when he says something, but he will still say the same thing the next time he quarrels. There is wonderful sweetness and sourness, and there is also wonderful sweetness. He coaxes her to love her, and she coaxes him to love him, forming an unparalleled feeling of love. Now the baby has brought another kind of sweetness and sourness, very interesting.

This kind of love was not something he had when he was pretending to be ambiguous with Rachel; it was also something he couldn't have when he was fighting with Natalie; nor could he enjoy it with Helen. Wang Yang now thought clearly, he didn't think he He would miss the love he had with Helen, and he could not let it go. He even went crazy back then, not only because he loved Helen deeply, not only because of the "win or lose" she said, but also because of his pursuit of an ideal state... …

In fact, it was a competition with himself, as if if he didn't persist, he would be despised and ridiculed by the other side of his heart: "Now I see your plan?" It wasn't that he couldn't let go of Helen, and it wasn't that Tom couldn't let go of Summer either. They were the most letting go. What remains is the architectural blueprint, which is the drawing drawn on her forearm. It is the "Goddess Summer" that has been adjusted unknowingly. It is the default that she likes "Knight Rider" and the default that she likes the band he supports... the most peaceful and beautiful scenery for me. Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Clothing Jacket m.

It seems that without her, my pursuit of love and ideals have been completely denied, and things are not developing as planned! ?

Tom thought it was right for him and Summer to be together, why not? This is obviously the destined arrangement! This is the skyscraper of life he is building! However, the skyscraper collapsed and he went crazy. Wang Yang thought this was why he had a terrible feeling that he was so discouraged that he wished the earth would explode. Nothing mattered anymore. He hated that things would develop like this.

However, during the period of recovery from a broken relationship, Tom will gradually re-recognize himself and his relationship with Summer: Summer is not a goddess, she is not that cool or good, he enjoys the ambiguity, but in fact he is not that in love with Summer. , What he loves is just the blueprint of love given by himself, and the feeling of watching it move towards reality step by step... So is there any nonsense about destiny? Summer told him that some were limited to encounters.

"CUT!! Call it a day -" As a shout came from the microphone speaker, the atmosphere on the set of "500 Days with Summer" suddenly became more relaxed.

Wang Yang told the crew from the beginning that the final film will allow the audience to have the feeling of falling in love and experiencing a broken love in 2 hours. The rhythm is between sweetness and sweetness and sourness. conversion between.

No matter "Titanic" or anything else, the audience often cannot feel the pain. Unless there is a very strong personal resonance, it is difficult to compare with the effect of watching "The Passion of the Christ" by believers. Of course, not many viewers go to the cinema for pain. Even if the touching heartache provided by romance movies reaches the point of crying, it is still an enjoyment type of emotion, an unforgettable sweetness and sourness, so Tom on the big screen In great pain, the audience in front of the big screen watched the scene of him going crazy, and perhaps felt amused.

Wang Yang thought back to the period when he went crazy, and felt only great pain in his heart. After receiving Helen's call, he picked up a chair and smashed it crazily. Pain, pain, pain! ***, where is the sweetness and sourness?

However, during the process of watching the movie, the audience will be happy, sweet, sour, sad, etc. with Tom and Summer...but they will always enjoy it. One of the key points is because they know that they are watching a movie, a Hollywood romance/drama/ comedy. This will give them a sense of security that the ending of the story will be good, and maybe it will be the happiest happy ending comedy. Now these sweet and sour moments are just a tortuous process.

In fact, this is the default blueprint for the audience. The ending of the film should be tightly covered, allowing them to maintain the fun of anticipation. Even though they know it is unlikely, they still look forward to it; they may even show hope midway and arrange to break up and meet again. Tom and Summer talked happily and seemed to be getting back together, which then brought about a greater sweetness and sourness. Then what if Summer got engaged? Viewers who side with Tom will want him to pull off the marriage-robbing feat like Benjamin in The Graduate.

Wang Yang already understands why he likes to play evil tricks, play titillation, and seek sweet and sour feelings, because deep down he feels that he knows the ending will be good, he can control it, and automatically adjusts her thoughts to "support" and work Can you make progress in your career and get different happiness in your life? why not? This kind of thinking is dangerous. If things don't develop according to the plan... Fortunately, he still knows what a safe range is, but he doesn't think about looking for love in this way again.

Tom \u0026 Summer have not reached such a far stage. He and Summer are definitely not flirting with each other to this extent. It is not known how he and Autumn are doing.

When filming "High School Musical" in 1998-1999, Wang Yang didn't think so much. Although he had experienced the emotional pain with Helen, he would not remember Rachel's confused voice at that time: "Yang, what do you want? A person can Female best friends who confide in each other and talk about hobbies?" He knew that he had his own ideas and thought he could maintain a happy confidant relationship, but he was just apologizing... When he was filming "Juno" in 2000, he didn't think After so many years, Natalie said disdainfully: "I can imagine what love is; but I can't imagine two people being together forever. That's too scary and impossible, forever? I don't believe it."...

Is he a jerk? Maybe, maybe not, actually he is not a cool guy, he is just an ordinary boy.

"Haha! What?" On the big bed of the hotel suite, the two people's eyes met. After looking at each other without blinking for a long time, Jessica finally lost with a crisp smile. Wang Yang raised his eyebrows with a smile: "It's nothing, I just like you more and more." Jessica opened her mouth in pretense of surprise: "What happened before? Isn't it 100%?" She stretched out her left hand with a wedding ring on it and touched it to him His face swayed rapidly, Wang Yang closed his eyes: "Oh, I'm going to faint, I'm going to faint..."

"Don't faint! Make it clear.", "I mean no one knows where the limit is. It's like a black hole that keeps swallowing up another solar system.", "It's not fair! I just swallowed up a galaxy. .","Ha ha!"……

February thank you letter (with content)

Wow Li wrote this letter of thanks when he had a severe cold and cough. He did not check and pay attention to everything like Zheng Fang (basically every word of Wow Li will consider everyone’s feelings when reading it. Wu Dong Qian Kun Holy King Creates Holy King Jiang Ye Asking for the throne of the God of Death, the most powerful and abandoned boy in the ninth level of heaven. The most powerful and abandoned young prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Asking for the throne of the god of death and the throne of the god of death. The most powerful and abandoned young prince in the world. The most powerful person in heaven abandons the young master of the Great Zhou royal family, the god-creator who kills the god at night, the divine seal throne, and asks for demons to be proud of the world. The strongest in the ninth level abandons the young master of the great Zhou royal family. Of course, it is more of a conditioned reflex and does not require thinking.) The language may be a bit random. It doesn’t look very graphic either, so I hope it won’t be passed on to everyone! Cough cough (really cough)...this one has a visual feel.

In February, our monthly ticket score was 17th on the overall list and 6th on the category list. Thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you. I can’t say anything more sensational, but thank you very much. Everyone’s strong support makes me wow. It was a surprise at first, and then our confidence and ambition swelled. Although we were not able to maintain the top ten or top 15, there is no doubt that we proved something and proved that "Best Director" can be so awesome and so awesome. Wow, this book has such great achievements and everyone's support, I really have no regrets.

In terms of recommendation votes, we have also exceeded 400,000! Thank you very much for your support. I hope I can continue to hit the list in the new week. Thank you. It turns out that in January, WowLi told everyone that the book would be promoted for the second time in February, but later received a notice that it would be postponed to April. WowLi hopes that it will explode again next month. Of course, WowLi will try its best to improve the plot and updates. , this also requires everyone’s continued support and love, so continue to ask for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

Next is the time to thank: Thank you to the number one fan in February: Lu Fanlei (fan value: 106300); the top vote winner: You Xianer (vote value: 303), and the number one commentator: Jiasi Top Cover (comment value: 5121 )

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who generously tipped (ranked by tipping time): Жloved Mowu Ж alone, smiled again, helplessly wandering, adjusting arrows, sharp? Pure man, laly1991, Yueshang Sèlang, ngk, wen65, depressed Death, Chen Popo, The Taste of Milkshake, Master Feihong, Wei and Tang Dynasties, Yanlongsha, wlx19980422, Lonely Tornado, Dark Night 7700, Kitten's Eyes, Cool Wind Attack, Black Knife II, Baili Qingyan , embellish the sky. , cotton bag, aml, Leng Jun, tv13, black crab, Qiuzi, jingle of wind chimes under the crotch, ZL, k, sleeping dog, oras, Nosa, Youtu, porcelain glassware, I am a novel mí, ard, bright night star, cn2541, You Xian'er, Fang Xiaoxiao, Chen Fan, Tiantian Liuyun, Yishi Lele, Lu Fanlei,, the formation of the dead, the glory of the holy war, 1314 is cordial and kind, loves to read books Xiaotian, Nilong, Random, Wenzhou Baozi, nslm, Super Sample, u505012, Meteor* Grass, Worry and Worry, Jue Shang, Mo Se Huang Lin, SH, The Devil in the World NG, There Are No Thieves in My House, Sèx℡┳ Nuannuan , the love of moonlight elves.

Wow Liyu: Thank you everyone! ! Especially there are too many people! There are old friends and new friends. Wow, I don’t have time to comment more. In special comments, I would like to thank the following benevolent people who have rewarded more than 10,000: Lu Fanlei (100,000. Thank you very much for the support and encouragement of the new leader Brother Lu. Brother Lu’s timely contribution. The alliance is like the sunshine in the past, which warms the heart (because many people said Wow Lishui at that time). On a side note, you can go to the book review area to read the post from a year ago, "Choose a Heroine. This is a few chapters long. Condensed I’ll make it into a chapter in one go.” Then you understand what it means to have different opinions and why Wally always said that you can only write according to your own rhythm. You can even understand the theme intention of "Midnight in Paris". Now is not water, now is the golden age. Thank you!), wandering helplessly (50,000, thank you very much Brother Wu Nai for your continued support and encouragement. In addition, the task of asking for diamonds and joining the alliance has not been completed yet. Wow, I urge everyone to pin the post in the book review area to support, thank you!!" Smiled again ( 21000, Brother Smile has been supporting me for a long time and has not failed me for several months. I am very grateful), ngk (21888, Brother SW usually keeps a low profile and is not common in the book review area, but he encouraged Wow Li a lot in February. Thank you!), Qiu Zi (10000, Brother Qiu is also a relatively low-key person, but I remember everyone, thank you very much.)

I would also like to thank all the brothers, sisters and friends who have voted for evaluations, recommendations and subscriptions, as well as those who sincerely support and hope that Wow Li will be better in the book review area, thank you! ! ! In addition, I want to tell those who are deliberately causing trouble and have bad intentions to die far away (Where are you monsters, Lao Na accepted you!!!) Wow Li is neither a 2B youth nor a literary youth, just a young man with a cold, so don’t waste your time, Wow Li It’s just an old friend. This is really meaningless. It will definitely not lead to the possibility that this book will not be updated or have other changes. It will not cause us readers to stop reading it, and it will not prevent us from setting new highs again and again! ! (Domineering and revealing) Everyone writes their own books, and everyone reads their own books. If you don’t like it, don’t force it. Why bother with those little tricks, right? @.

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