The Best Director

Chapter 401 Interest

I don’t know if it was the joyful mood that played a role. The more Wang Yang looked at it, the more he fell in love with Palo Alto, a geomantic treasure land. After a tour with his family, the two finally did not disappoint the real estate agent and decided to buy it for millions of dollars. I settled on a house surrounded by greenery that I had selected earlier. It covers a total area of ​​more than 5,000 square feet (about 464 square meters), with a swimming pool in the garden. The house is not huge, but it also has 5 bedrooms, a gym, a video room, bathrooms, etc., to his satisfaction. Say "feel like home".

The new house has been renovated. Wang Yang and Jessica have no intention of changing the appearance for the time being. They only need to add some furniture and appliances, lay some carpets on the floor, hang some decorations on the walls, and repair it. Garden and lawn, fill the swimming pool with water, and the construction of a warm and comfortable new home is basically completed. The next day, Sunday, the two were happily busy with the purchase and construction work with the help of family and friends.

"Ouch! Be careful with my fingers! I hit you!", "How about placing the sofa here? It's very artistic, right?", "Yang, is there anything else you want to buy in the living room?"...

"Hello, Mr. Wang, nice to meet you." In the deserted study room of his new home, Wang Yang talked with Mark Zuckerberg and his girlfriend Priscilla Chan who came to visit. This was a meeting brokered by Chen Shijun. , the reason is that Zuckerberg wants to buy the domain name "k." from Wang Yang, so as to remove THE from his company's college student social network "The-k".

The-k has gotten rid of the entanglement of the lawsuit and just received a venture capital investment of US$12.7 million from el-Partners in May this year. However, although it is developing at a high speed, it is still only available to college students across the United States. One of the founders, Andrew McCollum, is going back to Harvard to study, but Mark Zuckerberg seems determined to stay in Silicon Valley. Big it, and a more simple domain name is a very important step. Who knew that the k domain name was actually held in the hands of Miraculous Yang, and said "this is a surprise".

"Mark, Priscilla, nice to meet you." Wang Yang stretched out his left hand to shake hands with the two of them. Priscilla Chen could hardly contain his excitement when he saw his idol. He even expressed his admiration as a movie fan. Chen Shijun glanced at Zha with a silly smile. Keberg glanced. Everyone is the latest trendy young people, and they are all wearing summer casual clothes at home. As they sat down on the wooden chairs, Chen Shijun smiled and said: "Yang, welcome to live in Palo Alto." Wang Yang nodded and smiled. : "Everyone, welcome to my home."

Because Wang Yang was still busy decorating the living room and had little time to chat, Mark Zuckerberg directly stated his purpose: "Yang, we want to buy the k. domain name." Wang Yang had already known his intention on the phone before, and Wang Yang smiled He nodded: "I have been waiting for this moment. Last year Steve recommended your website to me, and then this year I became one of the users. I think it is very interesting and I think highly of you."

Although they had already had firm confidence, Zuckerberg and Priscilla were very happy to hear Yang's praise from their own mouths. His eyes and eyes represented a large number of young people. The two heard Wang Yang say again: "You know I don't lack hundreds of thousands of dollars, but I think K is a website with unlimited potential.

I'm very interested in joining it, but I don't know how to become a shareholder? I hope you know that I am sincere and can definitely help the website. "

"Yes, we know." Priscilla nodded, and Zuckerberg was preparing his words. He had thought about this before coming, and had also discussed with the company's senior executives whether it could bring funds, ideas, popularity, cooperation, It's not a bad thing for Miyazaki Yang of the domain name to join the company. The problem lies in the distribution of shares and power, and he always has a desire to defeat Miyazaki Yang deep in his heart. Although Yang is not entirely from Silicon Valley, on the other hand, he admires this older man very much. If a four-year-old guy turns into a partnership... Zuckerberg nodded and asked: "Regarding K, do you have any suggestions for it?"

"After buying shares, I won't be involved too much. It's more like investing. How can I have so much time?" Wang Yang expressed his attitude with a smile. He looked at Chen Shijun again and said: "But I really have a suggestion! Yes! It’s time to expand the user group to high schools, because I really want to add a high school student as a friend! Jeremy Lin.” He asked Chen Shijun excitedly: “I didn’t know that there was a high school Chinese star in the Bay Area, oh my Oh my god! What happened to that guy?"

There was a burst of laughter in the study room, and there were many more voices talking about basketball than the website. However, the meeting was not fruitless. The two parties initially set a verbal intention. Wang Yang would join the partnership with the domain name and funds, and obtain a certain percentage of the shares.

As for the specific contract details, they still need to be negotiated and finalized slowly. However, Wang Yang is more interested in negotiating the price with the owner of the electrical appliance store with Jessica. So far, he is not a Silicon Valley person but a Silicon Valley person. Not only has he moved to Palo Alto, but he is also personally It also owns two cutting-edge websites, GGER and UTUBE, as well as valuable Google shares and K shares, which look promising. Of course, unless they are sold at a discount, they are not only floating money, but he also has to burn money to fill his account and pay for the continuation of the game. The faster UTUBE develops, the more it will burn.

The news that Wang Yang and Jessica purchased a new home was quickly exposed by the gossip media. Almost even the detailed information of the house was announced. The two people’s home-buying style has always been simple. Compared with those houses with tens of thousands or tens of thousands of square feet, Although the manor is a large mansion, Wang Yang's new home can be described as small and exquisite.

After the weekend, Wang Yang continued to lead the crew of "500 Days with Summer" in filming every day, while Jessica arranged the house, living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and garage with Wang's mother, Cathy, and her assistant who flew over. , garden... Every day, the new home looks more and more like his old home. Flying Hero Danny is very satisfied with its lawn, rolling on his belly while basking in the sun.

Since "500 Days with Summer" filmed the exterior scenes first and then the interior scenes, the crew did not have the ability to block off streets, parks and other places. In addition, this movie was so highly anticipated that the budget was only 15 million, but it had A level of attention that even a big production with a budget of 150 million would not envy!

In the past few days, the media has exposed batch after batch of stills from the set, making movie fans who are not afraid of spoilers excited and confused, why Joseph Gordon-Levitt and a large group of passers-by are acting in Dancing joyfully in the streets? Is this a shot of a song and dance scene? Flash mob operation? What is Magic Yang playing? Another set of pictures of Gordon-Levitt in pajamas and slippers looking at passers-by on the street is much easier to understand. It is obviously a scene of madness after a broken love; there is also the new cast member Chloë Grace Moretz passing by on a bicycle. …

"Please understand and support our confidentiality work. A better movie-watching experience requires a mysterious sense of unknown." The media's crazy exposure has caused strong dissatisfaction among the crew of "500 Days of Summer". Work photos and plot photos are two different things. , which also received support from a large number of movie fans: "If you can't even wait for Miyazaki's low-cost movie, how can you face other movies?" Another majority of people counterattacked: "It's just because of Miyazaki that they are anxious!" Although the crew tried their best to keep the film secret and greeted the media, there were still many paparazzi chasing after it. Fortunately, it was not a suspense movie.

This morning the crew filmed a scene in the park where Tom and Summer were sitting on the lawn shouting S(**) to each other, which caused bursts of laughter on the set.

"Have you and Helen done this too?" The crew, which had finished work until lunch time, relaxed. Wang Yang and Natalie walked to the crew car while laughing and chatting. He said hello to several subordinates walking by before answering her. Question: "You **** like to inquire about gossip, but no! I am a very reserved Chinese." Natalie spread her hands helplessly: "Oh, right! I just remembered that you are not an alien." Wang Yang said fiercely He pushed her short-haired head hard, and then laughed: "It doesn't feel as good as when I was bald." Naturally, the two of them are not afraid of rumors of on-set scandals, or they have been rumored a few years ago, and now it is rumored that the director hit someone with one hand. Fresh.

"I plan to shave my head with a mohawk after filming this movie." Natalie said about her styling plan, and then asked wordlessly: "Really?" Wang Yang rolled his eyes: "Helen won't do this. You know, Natalie would probably do something she thinks is boring." Natalie nodded and said, "I think she's interested."

Wang Yang suddenly remembered something, and turned around and walked back, shouting: "Hey! Harry, Harry, we are going to take some behind-the-scenes shots on the set today!" Natalie glanced back at him and continued walking without stopping. , whispering to himself: "I'm starving! I want to eat a big pot of green vegetables!"

Since the media kept exposing photos from the set, Wang Yang simply uploaded a video log of the filming work to his UTUBE channel. Movie fans were really in for a treat. In the video, Wang Yang walked around the set while introducing the filming progress and some interesting things. This ordinary video has soared in clicks and has been reposted by fans around the world. This shows that it is not yet talking about "Firefly" storm cooling" or "magic cyclone cooling".

The week of 12-18 has passed and a new weekend has arrived.



PS: Wow Li continues to be ill and is waiting for recovery. It coincides with the first anniversary of the release. I hope the speed will slow down today.

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