The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 1071: Perfect ending

  Relativity Building, Ronan’s office.

   Kevin Fitch said with a serious face: "The lawyers of Jack Kobe's descendants contacted us privately and expressed the possibility of reconciliation..."

   Ronan couldn't help laughing: "How much does it cost?"

   "Six million dollars in compensation." Kevin Fitch said directly: "There will also be comic adaptations of Marvel Entertainment and Jack Kobe-related movies in the future, each with a 2% North American box office share."

   This case looks a bit like a lawsuit between Tolkien's son and New Line Pictures about the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, but it is essentially different.

   "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, New Line Pictures concealed income, and Tolkien's descendants did not get the dividends stipulated in the contract.

   Ronan asked: "Is there a problem with the contract between Marvel Entertainment and Jack Kobe?"

   He remembers that after the Stan Lee incident occurred in the past few years, all the contracts left behind by Marvel comics involving copyright and revenue have been reviewed.

Kevin Fitch immediately replied: “After this incident, the company’s legal advisory team reviewed all the contracts signed between Marvel and Jack Kobe that year. There was no contract issue with our film adaptation. They just met. Money is open."

He said in detail: "These works of Jack Kobe back then were created for the company, so all copyright belongs to Marvel. According to the copyright law, if Marvel assigns a screenwriter or painter a job, let him create a Adding a comic story for a new character, or drawing a comic based on the description of the character, and paying for the screenwriter or artist to complete the task, the publishing company owns the copyright, not the screenwriter or artist."

   Ronan nodded slightly: "Since there is no copyright issue, don't give in."

   There are endless copyright lawsuits, let alone Ronan, and all Hollywood companies are having headaches.

   Kevin Fitch said: "The probability of them winning is extremely low."

   "Let the legal advisory team deal with it." Ronan made a decision: "Pay attention to guiding the direction of public opinion."

   Kevin Fitch said, "Okay."

   Ronan rubbed his forehead. Marvel superhero movies are selling well, which is bound to be accompanied by various troubles.

   There is also "Avatar" to be released next year. I remember that there were quite a few people who jumped out to sue James Cameron and the production company.

  This kind of thing cannot be completely avoided, because no one knows who will jump out after the movie is released.

   As for whether James Cameron borrowed other people's works on "Avatar", it doesn't really matter. As long as there is no real evidence, this is James Cameron's original work.

   Apart from anything else, is there any relationship between the previous "Hunger Games" and "Inception" and the island country works?

   This is really the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom.

   But in Hollywood, they have nothing to do with each other.

   As a film company, I don’t look shameless and don’t look at issues selectively. How can I get stuck in this circle?

   Ronan turned the topic to Marvel Entertainment's film projects, and asked: "Several film projects have not been affected by the screenwriter's strike?"

"Not much impact." Kevin Fitch said quickly: "Iron Man 2 and "Captain America" ​​have both finished filming. The post-production of the former is about to be completed, and the latter has also moved to the post-production stage. Will affect."

   He thought about it, and then said: "The Avengers has entered the filming stage. The script has been finalized a long time ago, and the script is relatively simple, and there is no difficulty in modifying it. During the filming process, Jos-Weeden will be competent.

   Ronan reminded: "You have to control the dynamics of the crew."

The theme of the film is very simple, that is, the earth has suffered an unprecedented devastating blow, S.H.I. Alliance" to fight side by side and work together to defend the earth.

   The story of the Avengers saving the earth can be said to be very clichéd, but it is a popular type.

"The Avengers" is completely different from traditional Hollywood sci-fi movies. This film does not even need the stories that sci-fi movies rely heavily on. The whole film has almost no story at all. It is a bunch of super freaks from independence to teamwork. Then a process of crazy spawning.

   In other words, this film is far more important than telling the story.

   Where is the script and setting of "The Avengers"? Is the story good? Does the character fullness have meaning? The answer is definitely no. Its most successful place is that for the first time many superheroes with different personalities and superpowers, and from different worlds, are harmoniously placed in one universe.

This kind of movie also has an advantage, that is, the audience is very familiar with the characters, because they have seen the previous movies, so there is no need to explain or interpret these characters in this movie, the film can be very direct Cut into the plot and tell the story.

   Whether it is the character of the character or the position of the superheroes, it has long been a well-known fact.

   The second phase of the Marvel Avengers project has also entered the formal preparation phase, and the second phase will be opened with "Iron Man 3" directed by Jon Feiru.

   Then there will be "Thor 2," "Captain America 2" and "Black Widow" independent films. The "Black Widow" independent film will further talk about the battle with Hydra, and finally lead to "Avengers 2."

   There is also a "Galactic Dance Team" that has little to do with "Avengers 2."

   As for the sequel movie of "Hulk", Marvel Entertainment and Kevin Fitch are also planning.

   Frankly speaking, as the number one hitman among the Avengers, the Hulk's abilities are too powerful. In addition, the movie does not use the world view of comics, the Hulk is not suitable for continuing to develop on earth.

   The new Hulk movie, plans to send Hulk into the universe.

   "Galactic Dance Team" is an important step in the Marvel series of movies to expand the world view to the universe.

   In addition, Marvel's drama series are also under development. Kevin Fitch is planning "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", and Joss Weiden will serve as the director of the first season after completing the "Avengers".

   These film and television projects are the guarantee of Relativity Entertainment's revenue.

   In December, Relativity Entertainment still has two movies to be released.

   As the awards season kicks off, as the only movie that Relativity Entertainment has really won awards this year, "Slumdog Millionaire" will be screened in Los Angeles and New York at the beginning of the month.

   David Fincher’s "Sunshine Girl" is obviously not a Hollywood dish. Embassy Pictures will declare an Oscar for the film, but will not spend resources on it.

   Therefore, "Slumdog Millionaire" has become the only Oscar live-action film contestant of Relativity Entertainment this year.

   This film participated in the Cannes Film Festival in May, perhaps because of the subject matter, or the film has a strong commercial flavor, and it didn't get any results in the Cannes Film Festival competition.

   But this does not affect the award season of Embassy Pictures for its operations in North America.

There is a very obvious phenomenon in the American film circle and even in the Western film circle. For non-Western films, especially films from countries and regions with large ideological differences, the more they reflect ignorance, backwardness, poverty, social chaos and class antagonism. , The more praise it can get in the Western film circle and various international film awards.

   There are even many foundations that provide funding and other assistance to directors who specialize in shooting this type of film.

   This phenomenon has not disappeared.

   Hollywood is no exception.

   "Slumdog Millionaire" has gained excellent media and professional reputation since the screening.

   "Time" even praised it: This is a movie that is admirable, a dazzling, bright, lively, slightly dark but romantic movie, which immediately makes people feel happy.

   "USA Today" is also a big blow: a 100-point movie is unforgettable, rare in a century.

   "Slumdog Millionaire" is really good, full of entertainment, has a typical Hollywood-style romantic legend, can bring the audience a happy and satisfying movie journey.

   But it’s still a bit far from the 100% movie.

   However, American media and critics like this kind of film.

Compared with traditional award-winning literary and artistic movies, "Slumdog Millionaire" is much more commercial and entertaining. In addition, the reality show "Millionaire" has a wide audience in the United Kingdom and the United States, and the film scores are not bad. In New York and Los Angeles, there are a total of ten movie theaters, and the average box office in the first weekend reached $30,000.

   In terms of word-of-mouth, the overall media rating of this film is as high as 82 freshness of rotten tomatoes is 97%.

   As for whether this year's Oscars can get a heavyweight award, in addition to operation, it depends on luck.

  DreamWorks has never had a heavyweight harvest for several consecutive years after three consecutive Oscars.

   After two consecutive weeks of screenings, the reputation of "Slumdog Millionaire" has not declined at all, but it has been well received, and various film critics association awards have also been won.

   The theory of relativity entertainment has a wealth of experience in impacting the Oscars. In the past ten years, apart from DreamWorks, it is the biggest winner of the Oscars, even the Weinstein brothers can’t compare.

   This film focuses on award-winning. Another film released this month by Relativity Entertainment is a purely commercial film and a sequel.

   On the third weekend of December, "Hurricane Rescue 3" opened in North America with 3985 theaters.

   This is the last movie of Relativity Entertainment in 2007. Liam Neeson, who saved the world and saved the air, starred in Agent Bryant for the last time.

   Because the first two films have laid a good foundation, Liam Neeson can barely shoot action scenes. "Hurricane Rescue 3" has achieved good results, with a box office of 55.61 million US dollars on the opening weekend.

   The box office in North America exceeded US$45 million in production costs in the first week.

   "Hurricane Rescue 3" sold at the box office in the first week, which also gave Relativity Entertainment a nearly perfect ending to its 2007 movie project.

   Liam Neeson ended his journey to save his daughter, and then he will start a new rescue in the air.



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