The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 394: has hope

If it were mentioned by ordinary people, Edward Davis would simply refuse, but looking at Ronan's young face, he was thinking about the feasibility.

Relativity Entertainment has been cooperating with Warner Bros. Almost all of its crews are based in Warner Studios. Although the number of films produced by Shahai Entertainment in the past few years has not been counted, the top big productions have released one. None, but the success rate is scary.

Edward Davis knows very well that the promoters of Shahai Entertainment's movie projects are without exception this young man named Ronan Anderson.

The performance of the other party has attracted the attention of the top Warner Bros. It is said that someone on the board of directors has proposed to try to acquire Relativity Entertainment.

It's just that the deconstruction of the other party's equity is too simple, the most critical film library is almost zero, and the board of directors has not paid much attention to it for the time being.

But Ronan Anderson can't help but be taken seriously.

A producer with such a high success rate, specifically found Warner, and wanted to restart Batman.

Maybe it's really a good opportunity to save the Batman movie.

Since the box office explosion of "Spider-Man", Edward Davis has also done a lot of actions in comics, such as digging the corner of "X-Men", contacting Brian Singer several times, and wanting to make He went to direct "Superman Returns"; for example, he personally finalized the new Oscar actress Halle Berry as the heroine of "Catwoman" and so on.

For other producers, Batman may be a bad choice, but Ronan Anderson may really make a difference.

After all, Ronan Anderson's film performance in the past three years is truly brilliant.

The current market situation is actually very obvious. The era of the rise of superhero movies has arrived.

David Bird asked at this time: "Mr. Anderson, can you elaborate on your content planning for this new movie?"

Ronan timely gave up the position to Christopher Nolan: "The content planning is mainly done by Chris, let him say."

Christopher Nolan knows that the other party holds the copyright and must actively fight for it. He is not welcome, he said directly: "The story I conceived is based on "The Dark Knight Returns", but in fact it starts from the origin and mainly tells Bruce- In order to eradicate the evil forces of Gotham City, Wayne traveled around the world to find a way and became Batman. It will be the first film about the Dark Warrior to see the city from outside Gotham City. The audience I will see what the world thinks of Gotham City, and I will incorporate it into this city as great as London, New York and Paris."

David Bird asked again: "You just said that you want to use dark realism as the style of the film. How do you plan to shape Gotham?"

In the previous Batman movie, the background is very comical and exaggerated.

When it comes to filmmaking that he is best at, Christopher Nolan is full of confidence, and even more confident of doing his part: "An exaggerated version of modern New York, a metropolis that makes people unable to breathe. It feels boundless. I want the audience to feel that Gotham City is a familiar and dangerous place."

He thought for a while and emphasized, "My definition of Gotham City is an enhanced dark version of New York."

Edward Davis and David Bird listened very carefully. They wanted to revitalize the Batman movie, but they were relatively cautious.

It is not easy to save the Batman movie. The terrible experience that Joe Schumacher brought to "Batman and Robin" is still in the hearts of many viewers. These will inevitably affect their confidence in the series, and thus When the new Batman movie is released, choose to wait and see or even give up.

To cast the glory of a series of films, many people need to pay too much, but to ruin a successful series, only need to make a bad film is enough.

Christopher Nolan’s words continue: "In essence, the new Batman movie still belongs to the category of sci-fi movies. But it is obviously different from the traditional Batman. I want to give him a more realistic style, script , Character design, props, and action fights all match this style."

"In my film, Bruce Wayne is no longer a god, he is just a person." Christopher Nolan emphasized again, "He has desires, sorrows, feelings, and will also be lost. After losing, he needs to be renewed. Find yourself."

If he can't shoot the ideal dark realistic style, he would rather give up the Batman movie and go with Ronan to find other subjects.

After all, the world is so big that the West can't find a suitable theme and creativity, and you can go to the East to find it.

When Christopher Nolan's voice fell, Ronan added: "The Batman movie needs salvation, and Bruce Wayne himself needs salvation!"

David Bird nodded: "Batman really needs a new life."

Ronan smiled and said, "Superman, Batman and Spiderman are the three well-deserved giants of comic superheroes. Can't let Spiderman dominate?"

Christopher Nolan can bring new life to Batman movies, but the dark realism style will bring the entire DC superhero adaptation into a path that does not know whether it is good or bad.

Of course, the previous life Warner Bros. and DC Comics finally vetoed the dark realism that they had insisted on.

These two moved somewhat intentionally, but many practical problems and difficulties cannot be ignored.

Edward Davis said directly: "The ongoing "Catwoman," "Superman Returns", "Troy" and "Harry Potter" movies have already consumed Warner Bros.'s large amount of liquidity. We don’t have more. The funds are then invested in a giant system. "

Ronan is not afraid that Warner Bros. will have difficulties, only that Warner Bros. will not even talk about it.

"I have a suggestion." Ronan said timely: "Warner Bros. and DC Comics are authorized to be produced by Shahai Entertainment. Of course, the first producer is Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Shahai Entertainment participates in production investment and corresponding revenue. Sharing, but does not involve the final copyright ownership of the film."

There is no other way. Batman's copyright is in the hands of the other party, and the other party will not sell the copyright to other companies anyway.

Edward Davis asked: "What is the production budget?"

Ronan said directly: "About 150 million U.S. dollars. Shahai Entertainment can bear the investment of 100 million U.S. dollars of it, and at the same time only need to share the income of the first three years of the film.

This is also one of the mainstream production methods for Hollywood co-productions. The copyright is mostly owned by one party, and then the other investor enjoys the share within 2 to 3 years after the screening, or the copyright party directly pays a sum of money based on the box office performance after the screening. Investors buy off the offline share.

In the face of his peers in the industry, and not a small company, Edward Davis is also more particular. Some things must be said before: "The distribution and copyright of the film must belong to Warner Bros."

Ronan nodded: "I have no problem with this."

The operating rules in the industry know that many things are used to deal with foreign investors.

But Ronan also has a corresponding requirement: "I must be the first producer of the film."

"I'll write this down." Edward Davis said.

The project has not yet been determined, this can only be regarded as a future requirement.

Hollywood is a typical producer-centered system. Ronan's role as the first producer not only guarantees his own interests, but also allows Christopher Nolan to have enough room for display.

After all, Christopher Nolan can only be regarded as a small director.

If you really want to meet a producer who doesn't look down on the dark realism style, the chance of accidents in this project will increase exponentially.

This was the first formal meeting, and after talking about more specific matters, it gradually came to an end.

Because of "The Dark Knight Returns", David Bird was very interested in Christopher Nolan's ideas, and Ronan, the producer's success rate, brought a certain degree of confidence.

Even Edward Davis was moved.

"The restart of the Batman movie is a big event, and it cannot be decided by the two of us." Edward Davis said to Ronan and the two of them: "We will initiate a proposal to the board of directors and submit your information and project plan. To submit it to the review committee, you still need to wait patiently."

Ronan nodded slightly: "We keep in touch, and you can call me or Chris anytime if you have anything."

For the production of first-line projects of major Hollywood companies, the approval process is quite complicated, and the green light of the review committee must be obtained. For such large projects, one person cannot make a decision at all.

Ronan and Christopher Nolan must wait patiently for a while, and there will be many meetings with Warner Bros. and DC Comics.

It is not uncommon to even delay the first half or even a year.

As for the "Superman Returns" project being promoted by Warner Bros., it has actually been planned five or six years ago. The script has been greatly changed four or five Even the director has changed two, and it is still in In the pre-planning stage, the preparatory funds thrown in at the early stage alone amounted to thirty to four million US dollars.

The future production cost of this film is bound to be an astronomical figure.

After leaving the Warner Building, Christopher Nolan asked Ronan directly: "What is the chance?"

Ronan said: "The hope is still great, and it is impossible for Warner Bros. to give up Batman."

Christopher Nolan let out a sigh of relief and said: "In fact, even if there is no hope, we always have to try. If we don't try, how can we know success or failure?"

"Don't worry, Chris." Ronan said with a smile: "With me as an investor responsible for most of the production budget, the probability that Warner Bros. will eventually give the green light is more than 80%."

Both Legendary Pictures and Christopher Nolan can convince Warner Bros.

Legendary Pictures still has no shadow. It is replaced by Shahai Entertainment, which is more powerful and can invest more funds, and it seems that the possibility of success is greater.

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