The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 578: Changing situation

Cultural barriers are real, even today with advanced information. For the audience in the East, when speaking of Jesus, many people may only have the impression of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper".

Da Vinci’s famous painting "The Last Supper" let the world know how **** calmly faced this inevitable death before his ordeal. **** was in the light holding a wine glass and pancakes and talking to his followers; Judas in the dark was panic. He knew that his next hug would plunge the wise sage in front of him into a whirlpool of death...

This film shows the torture and torture that **** suffered twelve hours before his crucifixion.

The film is an artistic reproduction of a plot in the "Bible", but in fact Mel Gibson made it into an action film. The punishment scene in the film is shocking. Jesus' face was beaten to blood and blood. After that, people can't forget.

Mel Gibson gave the film a Caravaggio-style Baroque style, highlighting a realistic photographic effect with strong color contrast.

This makes the film look more violent and darker.

Nearly half of the content was shot at night or in a closed room. The purpose of this is to better reflect the intense conflict between light and darkness.

The clothing colors of the characters are mainly brown, black and light brown. While matching the overall tone of the scene, this color can also better interpret the characters' heart and personality.

Any religious film is easy to cause controversy, let alone a film directed by Mel Gibson.

At that time, Martin Scorsese's "The Last Temptation of Christ" can be said to have committed public anger and finally lost its blood.

In order not to repeat the same mistakes, Ronan bought out the copyright of "The Passion of the Christ" after Embassy Pictures bought out the copyright, he deliberately found an authoritative person in the religious world to review the film, and made sure that it did not violate the doctrine and was faithful to the Bible before putting it into the theater. .

Even so, it triggered a wave of protests.

After watching the film, for people like Ronan, the impression left by the film is bloody.

Mel Gibson said in the propaganda: "I just want to be as cruel as possible and exceed the limits of people's patience. Only in this way can the audience truly realize how much **** sacrificed to redeem mankind and open the door of immortality to mankind."

"The Passion of the Christ" was officially released, which made the already extremely hot controversy even more popular.

Whether it is the **** cruelty shown on the screen of the film, or the ethnic and religious issues involved, it has triggered polarized disputes.

Bloody and cruel.

This is almost everyone's first reaction after reading "The Passion of the Christ". It is a direct experience from the senses, and the results can be obtained without rational analysis, so it is the most true.

After all, the film is more than 120 minutes long, of which about 100 minutes, **** was enduring the terrible punishment.

Critics of the film said it was **** and thought the director Mel Gibson was maliciously provoking the audience, just to make the audience unbearable.

However, the sensitivity of the film's subject matter and the violence in the screen failed to prevent fans from paying for tickets into the cinema.

The movie market is always so interesting, and the more controversial the movie, the more it attracts the audience.

Good movies do not have a market as much as controversial movies, and it has become a common phenomenon.

Thanks to the heat generated before the film was released, the number of theaters at the time of the opening increased to nearly 3,300. Many of the multi-screen theater chains sent letters to the Embassy Pictures, requesting three to four copies.

In other words, prepare three or four theaters to show "The Passion of the Christ".

The first weekend of this film was explosive, which has long been agreed in the industry.

All the controversy and enthusiasm are only real and effective when they are transformed into the box office. Otherwise, there is no use, and the controversy can only stay on the controversy.

After the first day of its release in North America, the good news spread to Ronan’s office. "The Passion of the Christ" earned US$25.88 million in a single day in North America, easily surpassing the romantic comedy starring Adam **** and Drew Barrymore. The film "50 First Loves", firmly stood at the top of the box office chart of the day.

And it also created a February opening record and a single-day box office record for the North American film market.

Because of the previous controversy and enthusiasm, the outside world had some predictions about the box office of "Passion", but they did not expect such a big explosion.

Although the film has caused great controversy, the number of supporters is not less than that of protesters. Major church organizations across the United States have publicly spoken about the film basically conforming to the records of the Bible.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows who is standing behind the crowd or the media who really protested the film.

They are indeed powerful, but in this place in North America, they can't be the only one.

Because those who oppose them are equally powerful.

The reasons behind the controversy in the film are quite complicated, and some things cannot be explained clearly by applying the Bible.

Besides, it is unclear whether Mel Gibson has other thoughts besides the film.

Ronan once told the Embassy Pictures to only do publicity and distribution, not to participate in the dispute itself, and let the media and public opinion quarrel freely.

The number of media supporting and praising "The Passion of the Christ" is no less than the number of media criticizing it.

"Dallas News" published an article: "Despite the controversy of the film, the film is deeply and delicately shot, and it has great impact on audiences with or without religious beliefs."

The Washington Post praised: "The Passion of the Christ is an ambition that focuses on art, and it is the best film work in the world since 2004."

The famous film critic Roger Albert also praised the film: "There is no other film more heroic than the characters in "The Passion". At any time, the story of the crucifixion will be It's the most adventurous movie: God incarnates humans, and humans kill God."

A certain heavyweight church figure even directly accepted the media interview and praised Mel Gibson and The Passion: "The Passion is very historical. Christ did not condemn them for being betrayed by the Jews, because We believe that the sins of all mankind are the root cause of Christ’s suffering, and we are all responsible. "The Passion of the Jesus" is a story about love."

This is a diversified society, and no one can deny the influence of certain groups. However, it is impossible to manipulate the whole society when the same huge forces are on the opposite side.

Even the person in power in the White House, after watching the film, briefly told the media his opinion: "The Passion of the Christ is the greatest heroic story, the greatest adventure story, and the greatest. Love story."

In the entire North American social environment, Mel Gibson will not be made difficult, and there are even more people who support him than opponents.

But in Hollywood, the situation is somewhat different.

However, "The Passion of the Christ" is a big box office. Even if some groups quietly blacklist Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson will not lack investors and collaborators.

Besides, whether it is Mel Gibson or The Passion of the Christ, they are far from touching certain bottom lines.

As for the Jewish forces in Hollywood to block Mel Gibson, that's a joke.

In the context of the box office sales of "The Passion of the Christ", Mel Gibson represents huge interests.

At the same time as the first day of the box office in North America, Walt Disney and Mel Gibson jointly issued a public statement. The two parties formally reached a cooperation agreement. Disney will become the producer of Mel Gibson's new project "Apocalypse" directed and produced. The expected investment amount is as high as 40-50 million US dollars.

The Big Six in Hollywood are heavily influenced by Jewish forces, but "The Passion of the Christ" is a big hit, and the collaboration between Disney and Mel Gibson is nothing at all.

Ronan is absolutely sure that he has taken the right step in buying the copyright of The Passion. Even Mel Gibson himself has nothing to do with it for the time being, let alone embassy film as the publisher.

After working hard in Hollywood for so many years, Ronan is very certain that certain particularly sensitive films will be affected far less by the distributor than the producer.

For example, once and now "Blair the Witch", the real unlucky ones are the producers.

There is also Lionsgate Films, which once released "Fahrenheit 911". The director Michael Moore later encountered various difficulties. Lionsgate not only took advantage of the super-sale of the documentary to develop rapidly, and was later known as the seventh in Hollywood. Big movie company.

Disney's collaboration with Mel Gibson on "Apocalypse" did not attract any protest, just like many ordinary film project investment cooperation in Hollywood circles.

Later, there was related news. NBC TV announced that it would cooperate with Mel Gibson in a documentary called "The Big Question", but Mel Gibson is not the director, but the male lead.

Thanks to the "Passion of the Christ", the popular Mel Gibson has made the limelight in Hollywood for a while, and can be regarded as the hottest star and director since 2004.

It is said that after seeing the popularity of "The Passion of the Christ", the Oscar director group has begun to urgently revise the host’s lines and the collusion of the guests, and strive to add some related content.

Oscar does not have any pressure to do things like heat.

"The New Yorker" praised Mel Gibson: an actor and a director are not uncommon in Hollywood, but there are only a handful of people who have achieved success, and they are the most stable on the road of "directing" and "acting". It's Mel Gibson!

Thanks to the polarized reports of controversy and public opinion, "The Passion of the Christ" became more and more popular. On Saturday, the box office rose by a bit, and it cut $34.2 million in a single day, breaking the single-day box office record of the North American film market in February.

The hot box office brings huge influence.

It is no exaggeration to say that how many people hate Mel Gibson nowadays, more people support Mel Gibson.

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